Lilou Storm Novello


flames within

Lilou Storm Novello

"There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for"


Nicknames: Li or Lou

 Age: Twenty-two

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Occupation: Surf teacher & works at the surfshop from time to time

Height: 5'6"

Body type: thin hourglass

Hair type: Wavy caramel colored hair

Eye color: green-blueish




(I'm sorry, it's messy)

Even though Lilou is a pretty much laid-back person she absolutely works hard for anything that's important to her. She was raised in a hard working family (consisting of five people in total), who always learned her to fight for your dreams instead of waiting for them to come to you. In her family it was also important that everyone looked after each other. Especially for the younger ones, in her case her two younger siblings. In school she was just an avarage person. Even though she stood up for the dorky / nerdy kids she got accepted in general by most people. Lilou doesn't like to stand out anyway even though she does without noticing. Lilou has her own style of clothing and interests and does her complete own thing outside school. In school she must admit that she does care what others think of her, which leads to her being a bit more quiet and not always doing what she'd like to do. In her eyes it was quite normal to stand up for others but some people called her out for that.

But the one thing she likes to stand out with is surfing. It's the way for her to get her mind off all the thoughts in her head, plus she believes she's pretty good at it. The same goes for music. But if her head gets too full Lilou tends to get a bit more grumpy / sensitive and this goes along with a massive headache. Talking about it isn't her strongest quality but once in a while she completely opens up. After that she usually 'returns back to herself'. 

Likes: Surfing - Art - Soul / R&B / Hip-hop music - Cooking - Festivals / Going out - Videography

Dislikes: Rude customers - Judgemental people - Cheese - Unfairness - Nagging - Doing nothing


A bit naive


Insecure (comes in moments)









Getting kidnapped

Not being able to do anything (like being trapped in a room with water coming through little holes)

Not being able to surf anymore


Always wearing earrings

Bites on the inside of her cheeks when she's thinking

Zones out when she's uncomfortable (in groups)

Level of Confidence: Avarage, around a six and a half out of ten

What did they bring?



Phone + earphones

Videocamera (can also make pictures) + Gopro

Bag of food to share


Bunch of magazines

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