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Life's Reset (SakuraTheBrave)

Jon held her hand tightly as they walked to the car that awaited them, a limo that his parents had rented, and opened the door for her.

"Madam." He said, then got in behind her and kissed her.

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She bowed respectively and giggled, putting on her seatbelt, watching as he got in. "Ya know, this all still seems like a dream, a dream you don't ever want to wake up from." Airith began, looking straight ahead as if she was concentrating. "When I was a small girl I didn't have dreams like to become a doctor, I only did because my parents wanted me too. My only actual dream was to someday get married and start a family." She admitted, glancing over, a tear rolling down her face. "Thank you, for helping me start my dream.."
Jon wiped a tear from her face.

"You're welcome." He smiled. The ride home was enjoyable, though he was still tired. When they entered they're new house, Jon was stunned. After standing still for a moment, he walked towards the living room and sat on the couch, leaning his head back.

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Airith's mouth gaped open when they walked in, she had no clue it would be fully furnished, and with everything unpacked. She owed her parents a giant thank you when they got back from their honeymoon. After looking around the house, and fanning over the master suite, she headed into the living room and sat on the table, facing Jon. "This is so incredible. I have to be dreaming, I swear."
"I can pinch you if you want." Jon said, taking off his tie and shirt and closing his eyes, breathing in slowly at the peace, then sat up and started tickling Airith.

"Do you still think you're dreaming?"

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"P-pinch?" She asked curiously before realizing his true motives, leading her to burst into a fit of laughter, falling forward onto him, trying to recover from the sudden outburst. "J-Jon!"
Jon slammed his locker door and went outside. He had the period off. He leaned on the building, continuing to write for his novel, which wouldn't be started for another four years, but he needed something too do, to distract him from what was going on.

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Airith sighed softly as she walked alongside Adam, barely even making small talk. He asked her if she was feeling alright, she flashed a smile, reassuring him and snapped out of her mood, shoving Jon to the back of her mind as they met up with her friends and walked down towards the usual classroom they went for study hall. On their way, she would glance out the window and noticed Jon. She was about to go out and speak to him, but was rushed into the classroom by her best friend, the girls giggling as Adam stood by, watching.
Jon began pacing and snapping hid fingers, something he did when he was trying to figure out what to do. He had to find a way to talk to Airith. She had a boyfriend, who knows what else could have changed. He decoded he'd try to catch her when she was alone, bump into her, than strike up a conversation from there. He walked inside the school and leaned on his locker.

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She managed to convince her friends that she needed to goc to the bathroom, alone. Once the door was shut she sprinted down the hallway, her eyes glued on the windows, trying to keep an eye out for him. Suddenly she felt the side of her body hit someone, and hard. She went crashing to the ground, bumping her heading against it with a loud thud. Airith gripped onto her head and tried to sit up, flinching. "I-I'm so sorry!" She apologized, keeping her eyes closed.
Jon knelt down immediately. He felt horrible, but if it helped save their future, than it was for the greater good. He helped her up.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been paying attention. Is your head okay?"

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She stood up slowly, a hand on the back of her head as she let out an occasional groan of displeasure. "No, no. It my fault, I-" Airith opened her eyes and looked at him, sighing in relief. "Oh Jon! I was just running out to look for you!" She perked up, causing herself to flinch once more. "I saw you outside by yourself.."
(Don't know if you're still interested in doing this, but I'd be up for resuming, I just got kind of busy during Christmas.)

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ColonelScout312 said:
(Don't know if you're still interested in doing this, but I'd be up for resuming, I just got kind of busy during Christmas.)
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(Ah yes! Sorry, I got busy also. Feel free to reply whenever!)

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