Life Outside Our Own [RP]


The sun rose on an early morning in the Spring time. Sunlight reflected off the dew on the fresh grass, making it glisten as if it were water. Light shone through the window and landed on Matt's face, waking him almost instantly. He blinked in confusion as he was just having a very odd dream. He looked around and saw both of his cats at the foot of his bed. That was normal. What wasn't normal, however, was his wife, Kayla, was not next to him. He blinked a bit more in confusion, then remembered that she was staying the weekend at her sister's house. He stretched a moment and got out of bed. Matt walked through his apartment, into the kitchen, grabbed a breakfast bar that tasted like an old apple, and leaned against the counter as he ate. He then lit an incense that was on top of the refrigerator, something he rarely got to do, since his wife was an asthmatic. He then did something he never did when his wife was home: he lit a Swisher Sweet cigar and smoked it happily. Both of his cats, Ebony and Bella, were purring at his feet and meowing, telling him they were hungry. After feeding them, Matt walked into the living room, sat on the couch, put on some trance music, and rubbed his eyes. It was still fairly early, yet he couldn't sleep. Something that was happening a lot lately. But today was a big day. He grabbed his phone and sent a mass text to all of his friends, telling them all to either text or call him when they awoke. Matt wanted to get started as early as possible, as they all might be at the spot overnight. Matt grinned a bit, thinking of the adventure ahead. He pulled his computer onto his lap and opened it, looked up the coordinates of the ruins they were going to, and studied it carefully for the thousandth time.

"Here we go..." Matt said to himself quietly. All he waited for now was for people to start texting or calling him.
Steven rolled over in his bed,which consumed at least one full quarter of his room. He glanced at the alarm clock,which rested atop a chest of drawers at the side of his bed,with the clock level with the bed surface. 11:45. He yawned,and rolled out of bed,and went to the bathroom. He showered,and when he got out at noon,he dressed himself. He logged onto his computer,and checked his email and YouTube subscriptions,then he went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some food.

He heard the phone beep at him with a new message. He hit the play button,wondering when the person called;he had a phone on his computer desk,which was at the foot of his bed.

"You have...One...New message. Hey,Steve,it's Matt. Gimme a holler back as soon as you get this."

Steven was pleasantly surprised. He was going to play Supreme Commander all day,but this held more promise,he believed. Steven made a sandwich,then dialed Matt's number.
Matt was sitting on his couch when his phone vibrated and rang. He was at a mix of playing Fallout: New Vegas and talking to his friends on his favorite website, RPContinent. Setting his controller down and picking up his phone, he saw that it was Steve, which made Matt a bit happy. Matt clicked the green key on the phone and put it up to his ear.

"Yo. 'Bout time you woke up." Matt said nonchalantly, still typing at the computer with one hand.
Half on, half off a cheap air mattress that was set up in a room that was part living room part home office Kori was fast asleep. With paint specks covering most of her, and her clothes, and a little foot print trail coming from the room she called hers, she was a rather amusing sight. She had spent the night, or well into it, painting the room a warm copper tinted brown and had fell fast asleep the second she layed down on the fake bed. And would have stayed that way had it not been for the persistent sound of a Jack Skellington like shriek.

Wrapping an arm around her head, she grumbled, stayed still till another shriek let out, before reaching out, hitting the coffee table with her hand, searching for the source of the noise. Pulling a phone down to eye level, Kori was tempted to chuck it, before seeing the number and name flashing up under missed caller. Sliding it open, she typed a simple one word text saying nothing more than, What? and closed her eyes again, wanting to get more sleep.
The barbie pink cell phone, plugged into it's charger on the nightstand next to the lamp, chimed with the tinkerbell ringtone Jeannie custom made with an overpaid app. She flopped over onto her stomach grabbing the phone and bringing it close to her face before opening her eyes. Barely lifting an eyelid to see if the notification was worthy of the effort she opens the text message. Seeing the message from Matt she dropped the phone on the bed and closed her eyes for a moment cherishing her amazingly comfortable pillow and trying to figure out how many hours she had slept. "Shouldn't have stayed up so late watching tv and eating ice cream" she thought to herself. After a few relaxing moments she gets up and texts back: "I'm up you sleep nazi lol" and made her way to the bathroom.

She looks into the mirror and wipes her eyes before brushing her teeth and hair. "There, all clean" she says to her reflection. She smiles to herself and walked across the hall to the kitchen to get something to eat. Breakfast was never her favorite meal mostly because it was associated with her least favorite part of the day. She microwaves some bacon and scrambles some eggs eating it indian style in front of her computer as she checked her daily list of online sites. After deleting all the junk e-mails, and updating her facebook status to let all her friends know how unpleasant mornings were, she dropped her dirty dishes off in the sink with a crash, reminding her of the chores she still had yet to do, on her way to her oversized closet. She flipped the light switch on and took a deep breath smiling to herself at the luck she had finding such a big closet in such a small apartment. She threw on her favorite baggy cargo pants that slung low on her hips and her clingy white tank top that let a little stomach show. She completed her ensemble with her dog tag chain she got from her mom years ago and some old tennis shoes and leaned against the bed to check her phone again.
Having woken up at 5 am to help his mother get to Amsterdam with the Thalys, burdened by a hell of alot of luggage, Matt's textmessage got to him while he was on his way back to Amsterdam with the normal train ( The airport of Amsterdam is actually in Schiphol, nearby the city. ). Luckily for Karl the weather was great and the coffeeshops and smartshops were mostly run by friendly people who're always happy to serve someone with their costly but usually great weed, hasj and other hallucinogenic items.

He almost forgot to reply to Matt's message as he was enthralled by the coffeeshop's music, funky interior and pretty ladies behind the counter. After remembering he hadn't replied yet he took out his cellphone and texted him back.

" In Holland now, back in a couple of hours, what's up? "

He stared at his cellphone after texting, this time enthralled by that, because of its shinyness. He put the cellphone away before picking up the 'partyjoint' as most coffeeshops call a large pre-rolled joint sold by them, and toked cheerfully on it. Karl spent about 20 minutes on the joint, taking his time with it 'cause he was one of those tokers that didn't mind their joint to burn out. The longer it was there, the better. That was his way of toke-thinking anyway.

After finishing the joint and finishing the cola, ordered because of the warm weather and the inevitable dry mouth following the joint, he stood up and casually said bye to the, at least equally stoned, ladies behind the counter before taking off into the large city towards the station. His eyes were glazed, his vision foggy and his manner of moving slow and relaxed.

After a while of walking around and checking his printed page/map of the surrounding area of the station he got there, searched for the right traintrack and seated himself. He put on his babybro's mp4 which had alot of crappy music but luckily for Karl, he had remembered to put some music on it of his own. Chilled out to the max, he waited for the train.

After a while of waiting the train arrived, which was a line to Antwerp and from there he took the direct line/train to Leuven, his homecity.

After what seemed to be ages on the move he finally arrived in Leuven, bought some sort of small, toasted, pita bread with mozarella in it and walked home, which was 10 minutes into a street near the station. Arriving home he greeted his old man, went upstairs and stashed his 70 euros worth of weed and hasj in a green, tin box that was shaped like a christmas-sock and placed it into one of his desk's drawers.

After that he lazed about on his bed before sobering up and going downstairs and on his pc.
All through the morning, Matt got several texts from his group of friends. Some were still sleeping, he knew, but enough had replied in that he could at least tell them a time to meet up. While still talking to Steve, he flipped open his phone and sent a mass text to everyone who texted him back so far.

3pm. We meet at the old ruins we went to a few years back. The old stack of rock, remember? That was all he texted.

Just then, the forgotten cigar that was in his mouth burned to the filter, burning his lips and making him curse loudly and throw the butt as far across the room as he could. Matt touched his lips gingerly. It hurt like hell, but it'd be fine otherwise.
At Matt's shout,Steven held the phone away from his ear,but the damage was already done. "That was painful. And I thought I was loud! What happened?"
As Emma picked up her phone again she recieved another message. It was Matt again, "3pm. We meet at the old ruins we went to a few years back. The old stack of rock, remember?" Emma thought to herself trying to remember back to where they had gone. It must have been a couple hour drive from her place and a bit of hiking to get up there but she remembered. She checked the time and decidedly had only enough time to pack a backpack before starting the journey.

She went to the closet pulling down her old faded green backpack with random patches she had collected years ago from the upper shelf. With a thud and a cloud of dust it hit the floor. She hit it and wiped it down a bit to clean it off revealing the Disturbed patch she got from a wild concert she went to in her late teens. A smile crossed her face when she spotted her old cheerleading patch and it quickly faded. She lost her best friend that year to a car accident but getting her team to nationals helped her get through it. She shook her head and began gathering some clothes, she wasn't sure how long they were gonna be gone but knowing Matt this could go WAY longer than planned. After collecting a few changes of clothes she went to the kitchen and grabbed her thermos from the top shelf of her cup cabinet, filled it with some ice water, and put it in the fridge. Emma despised water, she had been hospitalized 3 times before for severe dehydration, but the day was hot and the hike was long so she chalked it up to necessity. She opened the pantry and grabbed a bag of marshmellows, chocolate squares, and a bottle of jack daniels for smores "Who needs graham crackers when you have jack!" she thought as she made her way back to the closet. She grabbed her flashlight, pocket knife, and a couple extra packs of cigarettes from the carton and threw them in the bag along with the goodies from the pantry and zipped it up tossing it on the carpet outside of the kitchen. She took one more look around the house to make sure she remembered everything. Remembering her necessary water she opened the refrigerator and slid the cold thermos into the mesh holder on the side of her backpack. Satisfied she had remembered everything Emma grabbed her phone and put it in her purse, a small brown bag with plenty of pockets, and snapped the top closed. She swirled her keyring around her middle finger and walked out of the kitchen-attached garage door hopping in her reliable Jetta, which she named "blue" due to it's midnight color, and threw her bag in the back seat. After backing out into the driveway she closed the garage door with a handy button she kept on her visor, slid on her oversized sunglasses with the pink tint, rolled the windows down to enjoy the fresh air, and cranked up the satellite radio. She was ready to go!
Matt was tending to his injured lip when Steven spoke up.

"Sorry, man. Just burnt the **** outta my lip. Anyway, I'll tell you what I told everyone else. 3pm, the old stack of rocks we went to a few years back. Remember it?" He asked as he poked his injured lip. The pain was already fading, so he was fine.

No one had texted him back yet, which didn't surprise him. They were to meet at 3, so if anyone didn't show up, it was their fault.
As the phone shrieked once more, Kori flicked it open then back shut in her hand, never having put it back up the coffee table. Propping herself up and squinting at a clock, she frowned. Was that a 1, or an 11. Shaking her head, she looked down at the phone, defiantly a one. Leaning back down, she flicked open the plug keeping the air in and deflated the mattress. After putting it back in the box and sliding it behind an old couch, she fully looked at the message.

3pm. We meet at the old ruins we went to a few years back. The old stack of rock, remember?

Cocking an eyebrow, she shrugged, shooting back the message with another one liner, which was, if one knew her well enough, mostly all she gave unless told otherwise. Why? Shutting the phone, she stuck it in her back pocket and marched to the bathroom, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on her way there. Once there, Kori glanced up into the mirror above the sink and groaned. "Talk about living dead...."
Sean slept like he normal does every night alarm clock by his ear, coke on the table on the other side of bed to wake him up, its usually water but his parents were gone to toronto for the week, his sister finally moved out, and his brother honestly just didn't care. it wasn't the alarm that woke him up though it was an intences vibration near his un mentionables. He sprung out of bed alert. He look around his room nothing specail other then the almost naked Peter griffin on his calender, man it freaked him out. Why did he even put it up. He looked at the phone surprised someone actually texted him. Nobody really talks to him much, he usually is left out of things and sits on his laptop, or xbox and plays or watches videos. The text was from Matt which is surprising because he has talked to him in awhile atleast 2 months ago. The text said "3pm. We meet at the old ruins we went to a few years back. The old stack of rock, remember?" Sean typed in "Hm yeah I remember em, whats the occation again?" He clicked the send button, then when to the kitchen and made a panini, bacon, cheese, and black honey smoked ham. he sat by his laptop and watched some videos and waited for a reply.
The sun shining in her face, the air from outside drifting through the window. Peyton opens her eyes. Stretching she had been asleep for far too long. Although the sleep was much needed. She reached for her phone. Having over 10 missed text, and 5 missed calls she sighed. "Oh my, what's going on" she wondered. Not wanting to deal with it all just yet she got up. Walking into her bathroom washing her face, brushing her teeth and hair. Walking back into her room she lays back on her bed. Unlocking her phone she starts going through the missed calls, then the text. The only text she pays attention to is the

3pm. We meet at the old ruins we went to a few years back. The old stack of rock, remember?

message. Replying to the message she wonders who will show up. Noticing that it's 2pm Peyton jumps up, and throws a pair of jeans and a tang top on grabs her shoes and throws them on as well Grabbing her keys and heading out the door thinking of whats going to happen...
Jimmy was already out side climbing the hill near his grandparents old house, when he got a text from Matt, Jimmy met Matt through a friend of his saying that Mtt is a great out doors man, being the same way with Jimmy he thought this Matt guy might be fun to be friends with. the text said 3pm. We meet at the old ruins we went to a few years back. The old stack of rock, remember? Of course Jimmy would remember a place like that the air there was some of the mos pure he has ever smelt felt, and breathed in. He was really excited to go there so he quickly climded down the mountain and scrambled of to cetch a ride into town with his grandpa. Jimmy texted Matt saying "Im just a little ways away be there soon."

Matt suddenly got a few texts from people, which he grinned at. They came at different intervals, two while Matt was getting ready and the last when he was on his way to the place. This made him happy, as his friends were actually going to something he came up with. And they hadn't even heard about the best part, which Matt had kept a secret the entire time. He pulled his old Jeep into the entrance to the woods to get back to the old rock and waited on everyone to start showing up patiently.
being a beautiful outside, Peyton rode with the windows now, stereo loud as she could stand it. Her hair blowing in the wind, shades on..her attitude for the day was awesome. She couldn't be in a better mood! She couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen at the ruins the anticipation was really starting to bug her.

Pulling into the entrance, she saw that Matt was the first to show. Pulling up next to him, she smiled. Rolling her windows up and getting out of her car. She walked around the car and leaned against the passenger door facing Matt. "What are we up too today buddy?" She smiled pulling her sunglasses to the top of her head, and crossing her arms across her chest. Glancing up she started seeing more cars pulling in wondering who would show up next!
Emma enjoyed the breeze from the beautiful day, her long red hair thrown up in a ponytail to keep it from getting too tangled with the windows down. Her little miata pulled into the parking lot close to where the site was. She didn't want to drive much further due to the gravely road, she didn't want to chip the paint on her new baby. Hopping out of the car she opened the back door and grabbed her backpack and tucked her keys into the front pocket of her kacki's after hearing the *Beep* letting her know it was securely locked.

She hiked a bit further up the hill to the dust and rock covered parking lot it seemed everyone else had parked in and smiled waving towards matt who seemed to be in conversation with another girl she couldn't quite make out yet. "Hey hey! I made it" Emma pulled out her chapstick from her pants pocket already feeling the sun on her fair skin.
Matt was soon joined by Peyton, who was the first to show up. She asked him a question and he pondered for a moment, then decided to give a fair answer.

"You'll see when we get there, dear Peyton." He chuckled the words and made a zipping motion over his lips.

Just then, Emma appeared in his rear-view mirror. She was waving, so Matt returned the wave. He stepped out of his Jeep and stretched a bit. They weren't going to be hiking through a lot of tall grass, so he had just worn baggy jean shorts and a black tank top. He enjoyed the shorts, because it showed off his only tattoo that he currently had, which was on his left calf. He stretched his back and his bum knee, which was slowly getting worse. The doctors told him that all the cartilage was gone and they would have to go in and put in more "fake cartilage". Fun fun. Anyway, Matt got back to the matter at hand. He waited patiently for the others to show up, if they were to show up. Until then, he talked with the two girls.

"So, glad you two could show up." He said with a smile.
"What are we doing here Matt?" Emma asked as she walked up between the cars. "Hi, I'm Emma" She said as she extended her hand to the girl waiting with Matt.
Grinning as soon as he heard the question, Matt turned his head to Peyton and then back to Emma.

"You'll see when we get there, dear Emma." Matt repeated, with the same zipping motion as he had made with Peyton.
When she received no response to the text, Kori had no choice but to go. The odd need to satisfy curiosity and all. Pulling her think dark multicoloured hair back into a messy bun, she sighed. Moving back into her room, which was now fully dry and just needed to be put back together, she pulled out something she rarely wore. A short summer dress. Naturally, she pulled out a pair of light bleach and paint stained jeans as well.

Finishing it with a black vest and a light green book-bag, she flicked the lights off, scribbled a note to where she would be, grabbed a house key and took off on her bike. She loved her bike, honestly. It took her everywhere, after all, one can't do much with just a driving permit when your alone. Plus, it's neon green rims where pretty sweet too.

Speeding down the roads, heading towards the spot that would take them to the rock, she had to laugh. Seeing a few cars already there, she slowed down, using her feet rather than the breaks to do so. Sliding to a stop, she swung off and hooked the thing to a tree, not bothering to say a word to those already there. It wasn't a snub, just her.
jimmy hopped in his grandpas car and he drove off leaving a trail of dust behind them. Jimmy was sure to have his staff with him, he goes nowhere with out it. When his parents turned into the path the stone was on, he told me to 'get out and walk the rest off the way you lazy bum!' he shoved jimmy out of the car making him sprawl on the ground, and his grandpa drove off. Jimmy got up and dusted himself off. He started to jog.
She looked at Matt glaring at him with her beautiful blue eyes as He had told Emma the same thing he told her. "Gr" She pouted. She didn't like the anticipation it was really starting to bug her even more than before. She was the type of chick that matched the saying "Curiosity Killed the cat".

"What's up Chick" she called out to Emma! Wondering who else would be showing up.

Noticing something to the side of her, she saw Kori. She chuckled as she glanced Kori over. Digging the outfit and bright green rims on her bike..
Matt chuckled lightly at Peyton, seeing her reaction. He then saw her look over his shoulder, so he turned and saw Kori with her bike. He waved her over and nodded a bit in approval. Just then, he heard footsteps approaching at a fairly rapid pace, so he turned in the direction of the noise. His eyes weren't so good, but his ears made up for it. He saw Jimmy jog up to them and waved at him.

"What's good, guys?" Matt asked to Kori and Jimmy both.
Arriving at the appointed meetingplace he greeted everyone who was there by shaking all the guys's hands and kissing all the women on the cheek.

" How's everyone and what's the plan anyway? " He directed the last part at Matt cause he didn't share alot of information on why he wanted everyone to come over here but a mate doesn't need a reason to hang out with other mates so Karl didn't think much of it but he was getting curious nonetheless.

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