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Realistic or Modern Life Off Of Broadway

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
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Christian Smithers

"And that concludes this year's Tony Awards. Thank you ladies and gentleman." The host spoke while concluding the show, along with the roaring of an audience applause. The Tony Awards is one of the biggest award shows for Broadway's actors and actresses. It was their night to be recognized for their accomplishments. Even the ones that didn't receive an award was recognized. It was spectacular and was really something to look forward every summer. As the camera zoomed over the audience, one close up they did see was Christian. People were really surprised to see him at the award show since they knew about his personal life.

Christian was recognized at the award show and they wished him the best and hoped he returned to the stage once again. He was following close behind his security as they pushed him through the sea of people. They were in a rush and had to get to the after party immediately. He finally made it to his limo, where he slipped inside and closed the door. But they couldn't really go anywhere because of everyone else's limo blocking the way. His driver kind of cursed under his breath as Christian raised a slight brow. "Hey. Just follow everybody else's limo." The driver nodded in the rearview mirror then once he had the right-a-way, he zoomed into the street and basically owned the road. Christian fell over in his seat then cursed at his driver for the way he was driving.

Once they arrived at the after party, he saw that there was a red carpet placed there, which meant interviews and gossip columnists. He hated it, to be honest and couldn't really stand how they twisted their words around with a little bit of editing. With a sigh, Christian opened his limo door and saw some people he recognized. He waved at them as they waved back then stuck his hands inside of his pants pocket and started his trek down the red carpet. He smiled while posing for the cameras then was approached by one of the reporters. "Oh, my. Hello there, Christian. How have you been?" She asked then stuck the microphone in his face. "I've been good. My mother is better, I am recently single so I am hoping for the best this year." He chuckled as she gasped. "You and Jenny Lewis are over? That is a shocker." Christian nodded his head then shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, it is what it is." With those words spoken, he walked off, waving at random people.

Christian walked into the building that was extremely bright with the coloration of gold. It was blinding to say the least. He was ushered over to his table, where he sat down and a waiter poured him a glass of champagne. "Thanks." Christian said then eyed the other name cards at his table to see if he really knew who he was sitting with. He knew a couple of them and that was about it. "This seems like the D list table." He muttered under his breath while leaning back with his champagne in hand, taking a huge sip then snapping at the waiter. "More, please." The waiter poured him some more then walked off again. Once more started to arrive at his table, he got up and said hello towards them. If they were female, he would hug them gently and kissed them upon the cheek but if they were male, he would do nothing but smile at them and shake their hand.

It was a fantastic night for an after party. Once everyone was seated in their seats, the host came out and welcomed them to the after party. "Man, I forgot that they have a host for everything." He spoke towards the people at his table. After the host was done welcoming them, a soft music began to play as the waiters brought out their food for the evening. Other waiters brought out fresh new wine glasses and a bottle of wine, that was stuff into a pan of ice that placed on each side of the table. The waiters removed the lids and revealed their dinner. Of course, Christian had a salad only. He picked up his fork and examined it then stuck it on a piece of lettuce and began eating, along with everyone else.

He waited for the slew of questions to come his way and he was ready for anything at this point.
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Riley Thorn

The show had been long, but enjoyable. She hadn't been to an award ceremony in years because as far as the Somebodies were concerned, she was just starting off. Even if she had been around Broadway for years. With her roles as Cosette in Les Miserable coming to an end, it left the idea of what was coming next for her.

Everyone wanted to know. Since the knew of her starting off as young Cosette colliding with her now playing the older Cosette was now becoming old news, she expected that the media would be very eager to find out what was planned.

The only thing was, she didn't have anything planned. She had yet to audition for anything and wasn't sure if she really wanted to. Still, that not what she could tell the media. They would explode into a rush of 'One Show Wonder' or worse. Not that she's exactly been in just one good show, she's been in several very good Off Broadway shows.

Her car was waiting outside, the familiar face of Jots ushering her into the back of the limo so that neither of them were trampled by screaming fans and Paparazzi. Jots had been her driver since she had started Les Miserables last year. He was a good guy, excellent driver, and friend of the family. He and her father had been in the army together before Riley had been born. It was old news, but still the thought of someone trusted driving her let her settle into the back of the car a bit easier.

The drive to the show was quick, she had just enough time to collect her thoughts before they stopped at the curb and Jots hopped out. She knew from the countless times they had done this that it took him about thirty seconds to round the car, just enough time for her to get into a prime position so that when she got out she didn't look ghastly. In her early months of fame, the paparazzi had snapped a few horrid photos of her getting out of car. She knew better then to let her guard down now, it saved her from the harsh comment the media had for her if she looked anything other then perfect.

When the door opened, the flash of lights blinded her momentarily before she adjusted and exited the car. The mob of reporters was a lot more then usual, but that was to be expected from such a big event. They all called to various people, some to her and some to other stars further up the walkway. There was a routine to this, one she had to learn by watching. Usually it was pictures at the car, pictures with other stars, a small interview with whomever looked least menacing, and the pictures as you headed inside. It was simple enough, and with her co-stars ushering her over Riley found that she was probably going to get inside sooner then she thought.

"Riley!" it was like a chorus, all at once reporters began calling her name out as she stepped toward them. She gave a quick glance around, figuring that the man with the glasses looked the least inclined to ask something offensive. When she stopped in front of them, there was a wave of questions all at once before the reporter spoke.

"Riley, will you comment on the rumors about Kayson Brookward and yourself?" He asked, pushing the microphone toward her expectantly before pulling it back quickly. "Are they true?" Riley gave the cameras a smile.

"Kayson is nice," She said. "But he and I are just friends. I'm afraid there's nothing more then that going on." She could tell there was some disappointment in the crowds. Luckily the reporter kept it at that and moved on.

"And what of your next career move?" He asked, "Les Miserables is ending in December. Do you plan to audition for another show or are you going to try for the big screen?" Riley wasn't sure what to say. She had never thought of movies, for her it was always Broadway. Still, it was an interesting thought.

"Right now I'm going to concentrate on what I'm doing." She stated, "December is still pretty far away." The reported nodded, looking like he wanted to ask another question. It was too late though, her co-stars were calling for her to join them for some last minute pictures. When she was done, it was off to find her seat. They weren't the best, and she was separated from her friends but it wasn't a horrible arrangement. She was just glad to be there.

"Good evening everyone," She greeted as she approached her table. Lucky for her, she knew a few of them.


Kayson Brookward

Award ceremonies were by far the least favorite thing Kayson went to. Even with the host of people there, dressed to the nines for a night of glitter and glam, it was still something Kayson would have liked to avoid. He couldn't though, not with people inching to see his face for whatever next big tabloid they could put him on. They could always count on him to start something, if not anyone else. So he went, sat through the show that was who knows how long, and finally had made it to the part that he would actually enjoy. The after party. Drinking, mingling with fine looking people, and being able to strip of his annoying jacket.

It was what Kayson lived for. Or at least that's what the media said. To him it was just part of the parade, dressing in the monkey suit and mingling with people. The fun wouldn't start until a bit later, after the party when the real clubbing would begin. He'd pick up a few lively famous people at the after part and take them out on the town. The paparazzi would have their fill of merriment and gossip. When the cameras had left, he'd pick whichever was the best person and bring them back to his place. Badda-bing, badda-bang.

Until then he'd have to follow the crowds. The crowds which were flocking toward the cars waiting for them outside. His was a sleet white limo, leather interior with lights and a full bar. Nice quality, but nothing overly special. It was just meant for function, and it was big enough to fit about ten people in back. Just enough for his collection of partiers he'd grab after the party. The driver was a guy named Parks, older but not to the point where he probably shouldn't be driving.

"Make sure the limo is ready after the gathering, Parks." He called through the little window. "If I'm not drunk enough by the time this is over I will defiantly need a drink." He saw his driver give a nod of his head and heard the pert answer. It was nice to have people working for him, but this was something Kayson was used to.

Pretty soon the car pulled up to the curb and his door was opened. At once the cameras were flashing, the mutter of people trying to figure out what brand his suit was along with people trying their best to get his attention. His eyes first caught hold of Christian Smithers, he hadn't been on the scene for some time. Perhaps he was going to try his luck at stepping on the stage again. Even if his private life was more up and down then a roller-coaster. Not that Kayson cared, it was good to see old faces coming back. Kayson had admired him before making it big.

"Kayson! Kayson, over here!" Kayson smiled and headed toward the reporter. She looked pressed for time, like she was more eager to talk to him then the Queen of England. "Kayson, what do you think of the rumors circulating about Riley Thorn and you?" Kayson's eyebrows shot upward.

"I didn't know there
were rumors." He said, "What do the rumors say?"

"That Ms. Thorn and yourself are involved with each other romantically." The reporter hardly had time to finish before Kayson began laughing. Sure, he and Riley were friends but it was hardly anything romantic. They had probably been seen going to lunch or something, but that was purely business. She was looking into shows and he was looking into new agents. Either way, neither of them had any feelings for the other.

"Trust me, nothing is going on." He said, flashing the cameras a charming smile. "I'm still single ladies." He then headed inside, interested in seeing Riley's take on the rumors. No doubt they'd be seated by each other after such daring rumors. he was right, of course. Though she wasn't the one he was intrigued to see but the person seated next to her. Instead he found himself sitting across from Christian Smithers.

"I can't help but think the host of the after party is a bit... pointless." He mused when the food arrived. "So, who's up to drinking more then they should tonight? Just me?"
Sebastian drew a large sigh of relief as the award ceremony ended. As much as he thoroughly enjoyed mingling with fellow actors and actresses and getting a chance to get all dolled up in a designer suit, award shows weren't his thing. He would rather be at home snuggled up on his couch, watching the ceremony from his television. One thing was spending time at an auditorium filled with amazing people, the other was dealing with the media that saturated the place. As much as Sebastian yearned to get back to his flat, there was still the after party. Nothing but drinking and dancing. Still he would be with friends and that was always pleasant.

That's exactly how Sebastian planned to spend the night: hang out with friends, drink, dance, then go home alone like he usually did. Just thinking about his plan reminded him that he hasn't been in a serious relationship in quite awhile. It didn't really bother him, not as much as the media would whenever they would publish a story on either his lack of a relationship or speculate on who exactly he was with whenever he went to lunch with a friend.

Doing his best to push through the crowds of reporters and fellow actors, he finally arrived to his limbo that his agent had ordered for him. Once inside, Sebastian simply ordered his driver go ahead and follow the others to the after party. He rested back, trying to relax as they arrived shortly afterward.

"A red carpet, seriously." He muttered to himself. Deciding to get a headstart on the drinking part of the evening, he reached into his jacket for his flask taking a sip before proceeding out.

Oh the reporters irked him; the flashing of cameras, the buzzing of their voices, and of course their questions. "Sebastian are you seeing anyone new?" "What does it feel like that production you were a part of to be nominated for best revival?" He would simply flash them a smile, answer with a simple yes, no, or short sentence then walk forward until he felt the security of the building.

His gazed forward, seeing the the host of the after party begin his announcements. Quickly Sebastian made his way over to his assigned seat. He gently bit his lip in dissatisfaction as he found his table. Christian, Riley, and Kayson already at their seats. It wasn't that bad, he at least knew them but he was no where near any of his close friends, Jasper being no where in sight.

"Well, hello everyone," he greeted with a small smile as he took his seat across from Riley. He looked toward Kayson "I'm with you there. These kind of events always carry the good drinks." he replied.

Anno Højberg

Anno loved the awards because it gave her a cause to drink and let lose. Anno was kissing her award on the way out. She had gotten the "best comeback" award, which was just what she needed to boost her confidence. Her time in New York City had been rough, she didn't know anybody, but Kayson and Jasper, the two of them had really helped, even though they probably didn't know, Anno wouldn't even have considered the role of Christine Daaé if Kayson hadn't said she would be great. She really loved the two of them. But the award was all hers, nobody could take credit for it. She had gotten a few awards before this one, but they didn't mean as much.

Anno made her way to her limo, when she suddenly discovered her agent had forgotten.

"That's it he is so fired!" she thought to herself as she stood there, embarrassed by all the paparazzi taking pictures of her, when suddenly a small man came running at her. Her agent, Wally was running at her with some sort of key in his hands. When he came closer she grew even more annoyed when she realized it was the keys to her motorcycle, she was wearing a tight mermaid dress in a fierce, fiery red. It had the classical Jessica Rabbit cut and it was absolutly gorgeous on her small frame. But, it wasn't a dress to ride a motorcycle in.

"Here we go!" he panted as he gave her the keys.

"What the hell do you mean, here we go?" she asked him trying to keep herself smiling, so the paparazzi wouldn't pick up on anything.

"You said you wanted to do something diffrent in means of transportation?" he asked.

"Wallace, let me ask you something! Did you order this dress with Wilhelmina?" she asked already knowing the answer, Wilhelmina, her stylist, Wallace and herself were all present when the dress was purchased.

"Well yes but.." he tried but Anno cut him off.

"Well then why did you bring my bike -din lille idiot- (you little idiot)?" she asked him and he looked at her pleadingly.

"You wanted something diffrent..." he tried, Anno just sighed and asked if he had a scissor. He pulled a small one up, and she used it to cut up her dress, as evenly as possible, making it a bit sexier than she liked. Then she pulled out her hair as her bike arrived and she sat on it putting her award and her shoes in the back.

"Give me something to drink!" she ordered Wallace who immediately pulled out his pocket bottle and gave it to her. She took a giant sip, emptying the bottle and threw it at Wallace as she put on her helmet and started the motorcycle, once again attracting the paparazzi's attention. She left in a storm of blitz.

"Well i guess you can call that diffrent."

Anno arrived at the dance and pulled up took of her helmet, sucking in her belly as the paparazzi took shots of the alternative entrance. She posed a bit and then got of as elegantly as possible. She had stopped a bit before to put on her golden sandals a few blocks back, but she couldn't drive that well in them. Wallace followed in a car and as he stood behind her she just threw the keys at him and turned to the storm of questions from the journalists.

"Anno, Anno, will you comment on your entrance!" the first asked and she was dissapointed that it did not have anything to do with her award or career.

"I just thought it would be fun!" she said and entered the building. She was supposed to sit in the front of the room, with the "winners" but she quickly snatched her name plate and switched it so she could sit at the same table as Kayson, and she plopped down on the seat exhausted, drinking some champagne, she hated that stuff.

"What is up with New York and all this fancy-ness, Martini, Cosmopolitan, Russian, Sex on the beach, wait the last one sounds nice. But seriously..." she pulled a waiter down by the tie, so roughly she almost made him lose his tray. But when he saw who she was, and her exposed brown leg, he smiled politly and asked what he could do for her.

"Give me some beer, but not american beer, real beer!" she said and he looked confused, not knowing the diffrence. Normally Anno would argue with him about the lack of alcohol in American beer, but she just needed to relax. She send him of with a hand gesture.

"Kayson and...you, you know nothing of alcohol yet... Let the master teach you. Drink danish beer, it will free you" she said jokingly at the men, knowing they could probably hold their liquor a lot better than she could!
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Jasper Prigeon

Flashing lights. Camera clicks.

Halt. Fake a smile, strike a pose.

Cue incessant questions. Answer one, maybe two.

Continue walking.

It was interesting how much real life could feel like another role. Act I, starring Jasper Prigeon as A Better Version of the Actual Jasper Prigeon on set of the Tony Awards Ceremony. Act II, The After Party, soon to follow. The man chuckled at the thought, still smiling as his driver ushered him inside the limo. As soon as the door closed, Jasper let out a sigh of relief. He didn't mind paparazzi all that much because he expected it- this was Broadway, and it was their job. However, there was a limit. There were times when he could literally feel a headache brewing as a result of the constant shouting, or times when he could barely get to his car because people were either blinding him or otherwise obstructing the path. Those moments were a test of patience for most celebrities, and Jasper was no exception. Tonight, at least he was in a good mood and prepared to enjoy the after party for awhile. Although he would much rather have a small gathering with a few friends, large parties were nice once in awhile, too.

"You know, I could have driven myself. You really didn't have to go through all the hassle. Plus, I don't really need such big cars- I don't normally transport friends," Jasper told the driver from the backseat. "Sir, it is customary to use a limousine, you know. And it's not like you can't afford it…" Jasper waved a hand, dismissing the subject. To be honest, Jasper really didn't think of himself as rich. Although he clearly didn't live in poverty, he did like to live reasonably by not spending an insane amount of money on big ticket items like houses or cars when he was just one person.

Jasper's personal cell started ringing when the limo pulled into line at the party venue behind other stars and their drivers. The man didn't intend to answer, but then he looked down at the caller ID.

"Ello Mum!" he answered brightly.

"Jasper, you're not British. What are you doing?" was the response.

"Mom, it's called acting. You could have at least played along," Jasper sighed dramatically. "Anyways, how are you doing? How's work?"

"Work is fine, I've been-wait, never mind me- I called to congratulate you! I saw your musical got nominated for an award, that's wonderful!"

"Oh yes, thank you. All of the nominated performances were spectacular, and I'm just happy
Spamalot got a bit of recognition."

"Sir, we're here. There's a long line behind us, so if you would-" the driver called over his shoulder. Jasper nodded.

"Okay, Mom, I have to go. Thanks for calling, I'll talk to you again soon. Love you," he finished as the driver opened the door. Of course, that put the reporters into a frenzy, as they were certain the man must have some secret lover he was keeping to himself. Jasper ignored the roaring questions and demands for commentary as he walked, his navy blue suit creating a striking sort of contrast with the red carpet. He didn't really care if there were going to be rumors, but then he heard one voice through the crowd.

"Mr. Pigeon, Mr. Pigeon! Are you seeing someone? Was that your lover on the phone?"

Jasper's muscles stiffened as he silently cursed his father for the name. It was
Prigeon, for goodness sake. Pigeons were birds, possibly the worst kind of birds, for that matter- awful, disgusting creatures that absolutely cluttered New York with their existence. Plus, all of the usual reporters tended to call him by first name. "Please, just Jasper is fine." Jasper flashed a benevolent smile at the obvious newbie, not causing a scene over the pet peeve. "And indeed, that was the love of my life- my darling mother, Diane Prigeon. Remember that, gentlemen- if you're not married, then your mother should always be your number one lady," he said with a wink, earning laughs from several of the reporters. The hype died down a little after his response, and he managed to avoid stopping much more, especially when more famous actors and actresses than himself arrived.

Jasper found his seat, quite predictably, at a table with the
Spamalot cast. He got along with his fellow cast members, but his closer friends were elsewhere. Since it seemed everyone was still milling around at first, he stopped by a table not far from his own. "Easy there, tiger, you'll give the poor man a heart attack," he chuckled as he noticed Anno flirting with a waiter. "Everyone already has a drink in hand, I see. Looks like it'll be a long night then, hm?" he addressed everyone at the table. He laughed mildly, much more at ease among peers, although he didn't know all of them so well. Of course, he knew Anno, Sebastian, and Kayson. Riley, he might have met a few times. He was honestly a little surprised that Christian Smithers was here tonight, although the man had more than enough talent to be at such an event. Personally, Jasper had always had a high level of respect for Christian and even more so when he took a break from acting to tend to his personal life. Something like that took real confidence and maturity- it wasn't the type of thing most people did, and if they did then they normally didn't manage to make their way back to the spotlight. Jasper smiled warmly at the surrounding group. "Well, I'd just like to say you all look absolutely fabulous tonight, and congratulations to each and every one of you. It looks like I should probably return to my seat for dinner, but I'll catch up with you later."

Atlas Cho

Atlas almost kissed the ground when the awards ceremony had ended, it took more energy than she thought to continuously plaster a smile on her face. Last year, she had gotten the award for 'the Best Performance as Leading Female Actress in a Musical' for her role as Kim in Miss Saigon, but this year, she was just here to attend the awards with the rest of her Romeo and Juliet cast members. It was unusual for such a young actress to have received such a prestigious award, even she herself was convinced that the judges were either intoxicated or possibly drug-induced when she was given the award. And with her role as the first ever Asian-American to be cast Juliet, there was a lot of buzz surrounding her, and a lot of rumors as well. Just last week, she heard someone comment that she was secretly a stripper who wormed her way into the industry by some very unconventional means, and just the other day, a website announced that she was engaged to her Romeo co-star, Elliot Winston. She cringed internally when she recalled them, things people would say to fuel those gossip-hungry piranhas.

If she wanted to, she could have just gone home. But the after party was the best part, and if there was a party, she'll definitely be there. Not long after she exited the venue for the awards ceremony, she saw her limo pull up, and she got in, waving to the cameras outside as she did. As soon as she shut the door, she pulled her shoes off and sighed, taking a swig from a bottle of champagne that she usually kept in the car. Her regular driver, Jerry, glanced at her from the mirror and gave her an amused look, " Miss Atlas I don't think you're supposed to drink from the bottle." He had driven her to many events, and she knew him and his family quite well. In fact, she had attended his daughter's 16th birthday a while back and the look on her friend's faces were totally worth it. She screwed the lid back on and waved her hand, " Oh, don it Jerry. I need this right now. By the way, this champagne screw cap is the best gift I ever got. Oh, and do you think Marley would murder me if I let my hair down?" Marley was her hair stylist, and had spent hours sweeping her hair up into an elegant french chignon. " I believe so, Miss Atlas. Best keep it up, besides you look lovely tonight." She laughed at his compliment and pat his shoulder, " Aw, thanks Jer, maybe I'll keep it up after all."

About half an hour later, Jerry informed her that they were approaching the venue. She slid her shoes back on and smoothed down the skirt of her black lace mermaid dress, and checked her reflection in the rear-view mirror one last time. At least her makeup was still intact. As the car slowed to a stop, she said goodbye to Jerry and pushed the door open, and was immediately greeted by flashing lights and incessant questions from the paparazzi. Resisting the urge to just tell them to shove off, she beamed at them and got out slowly, making sure that her dress doesn't catch onto the door.

She ignored most of the questions as she made her way down the red carpet, stopping to answer only a few. Most the questions were either about her role as Juliet, or if there were any upcoming productions that she will be starring in.

" Miss Cho, are you really engaged to Elliot Winston? If so, why are you not with him tonight?"

She stopped and gave that particular reporter a pointed look, but smiled at him anyway. " No, I'm not, see? No ring." She brought her hands up and pointed at her finger. She had to admit, not her strongest retort, but she was so desperate to get her point across she'd drag Elliot out to sign a confirmation letter to the media just to announce that they weren't engaged, or romantically involved for that matter.

She found her table rather quickly, and was surprised to see that she, Elliot and a few of their cast members were seated with some of the Spamalot casts. While she was still pondering about where the rest of her cast members were, she noticed Jasper Pridgeon heading towards the table, and immediately noted that he was probably one of the very few Spamalot casts that she knew. She had first known him when they were both extras in Mamma Mia! , and she had met him a few times after that in various other events, they were on friendly terms, but they weren't close. " Nice to see you Jasper, glad to see you're well," she grinned at him, and held her hand out for a shake. " Well, the night's still young, isn't it, Mr Pridgeon? Too young to resort to bird jokes yet. So, I'll be attempting to locate the rest of my fellow cast members, and maybe greet a few old and new faces. Catch you later." She waved and headed off to the other tables. She grabbed a glass of wine on the way and took a tiny sip, letting the taste roll around her tongue for a bit before swallowing it. She was surprised, though not unpleasantly, when she saw Christian Smithers. She had a good impression of that man, though she had to say this was probably the first time she saw him outside of a studio. She noticed that Riley, Kayson, Anno and Sebastian were seated at the same table as he was, and decided to go over and say hi. " Good evening," she smiled at them, raising her glass. " Men, you look dashing. Ladies, meet me out back in five so we can fight it out and see which one of us is the best dressed tonight, " she joked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She wasn't very close with them either, but she was comfortable enough around them to joke around.
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Alyssa Cartwright

Alyssa watched her director of Once win “best direction of a musical”. Even though she isn't currently in the production of Once she was invited to join them at the award show. She didn't really think it was necessary because she wasn't currently in the show, but Alyssa figured it couldn't hurt to get her face back out there. She has been looking for a new show to perk her interest and maybe use the after party as a networking opportunity.

After the show, Alyssa walked out to her limo and was greeted by her driver. She climbed into her limo and her driver closed the door going around to the other side and get into the driver’s seat. Her driver followed the long line of limos to the after party. Alyssa and her driver carried casual conversation throughout the car ride.

Once she arrived at the after party, her door was open and there were flashes. She kept a presentable appearance, but luckily for her many of the paparazzi were busy interviewing everyone so she was able to sneak in without being interviewed. She was saved a seat at a table with the current Once cast. She had been on the show for 3 years so she has become incredibly close with the cast and crew.

She made her way through the party talking to various people. She was given a glass of champagne, but Alyssa isn't one for alcohol. She carried the glass around, but never brought it to her lips. She saw a group of familiar faces around a table and decided to go over and say hello to everyone. She gave a polite smile, a slight wave, and a friendly “hello” to everyone. No sooner did she arrive Jasper, at least she thinks that’s his name, she’s horrible with names, left the group to find his seat.

Alyssa laughed hearing Atlas’s comment about battling it out for “best dressed” and said "Well you don't have to worry about much competition from me". Alyssa was never one to go with super fancy dresses or hairstyles. This dress was backless and that was way more skin then she was used to showing. She smiled and noticed waiter’s bringing the food out. “It’s been good talking with you guys, but I should find my seat.” She exited the group and went to sit at her table. She sat next to her old co-star reminiscing together while they ate.

Alyssa made a mental note to be sure to interact with the others that she had spoken to earlier. It had been some time since she last spoke with many of them, and it would probably be nice to catch up with them further.


((Sorry about the delay in my post. I've been busy with the holidays and everything))
Christian Smithers

Christian stared up at Riley, who was sitting at his table then lowered his head down a little. It wasn't until he brought his head back up and eyed Kayson then raised a brow at them both. "So, you two an item now, I hear?" Christian picked up his wine glass and leaned back in his seat, taking a small sip from it then waiting for them to reply. He honestly didn't care what neither one of them said since he knew the rumors wasn't true. He just wanted to start some unnecessary drama since he has been off the scene for a while. It was until then he saw Jenny coming his way. "Oh, look, if it isn't the wannabes." She referred to everyone at the table. Her eyes then peered over towards Christian. "Oh, Christian, did you tell everyone the real reason you took a break? It was because he was too depressed since his book didn't go on the market, at all."

His eyes were locked with hers as she had a smirk that danced along the lining of her lips. She heard her new cast members call her name as she waved towards them then looked at the table again. "Ciao." She laughed then walked away, her heels clicking against the marble floor. "Ah, the bitch strikes again. She mad because I dumped her and left her with nothing. I took everything I brought her back." Christian scoffed then raised the wine glass to his lips once more. "On second thought, Kayson, I will be joining you in your drinking session as well." He held up his glass towards him then chugged the rest of his drink.

Christian looked at Sebastian as he agreed with him and Kayson. He laughed as Anno basically manhandled, well, womanhandled a waiter over something different to drink. "Anno, I don't think they have that at these type of functions." He scoffed at the female, who was seemingly a newbie. He rolled his eyes at her then notice a nice looking man coming their way. It was Jasper, someone he use to be very close to. He was probably surprised to see him there but then again, everybody probably was. When he walked over there, he raised a hand up to wave at him then thanked him for his words. "You look great, as well." He smiled then looked at everyone at the table. "You all do look fabulous." Christian stated then waved at Jasper as he departed.

His eyes looked up at Atlas as she walked over, another surprised look towards him, of course. He was getting tired of everyone being so surprised to see him. Has he been off the scene for that long? Well, six years is an incredibly long time. Christian thanked Atlas for her words then laughed at her little joke towards the women. He couldn't understand why someone would hate her and why she was single. With the shrug of his shoulders, he placed the thoughts at the back of his mind for now. His eyes looked at Alyssa, someone he rarely knew and wasn't really well acquainted with.

Christian's eyes twitched as he heard someone tapping their glass, his eyes saw Jenny standing up with a huge smile. "Guys, Manny just proposed!" Her voice shrieked as she held up her hand, an almost blinding ring on her wedding finger. At this point, Christian felt that all eyes were on him and didn't want that much attention that fast. Everyone gasped and applauded, he did the same, going with the flow. They sat down as he saw Jenny's in your face look and rolled his eyes. Christian scooted back his chair and stormed his way through the table then made his way up to the stage, whispering something in the pianist man ear then stepping up to the mic.

"I know I have been away from the scene for awhile but I am here to reclaim my rightful spot on the stage." He nodded towards the pianist, who then started to play a soft melody of New York State of Mind, which was by Billy Joel and popularized by Barbra Streisand. The words flowed through his lips like water and the emotion he brought to the song, literally brought tears to some people's eyes. "...Mind." He held out that last note with ease then bowed as the audience applauded him. "Thank you." He spoke softly into the microphone then walked off the stage and outside, leaning against the wall, trying to catch his breath since he hasn't sung anything in quite some time.

Riley Thorn

The night was in full swing, it was easy enough to tell by the growing chatter from the various people in the room. Already, Riley felt a sense of being completely overwhelmed. She liked parties, but with a quiet voice it was next to impossible for her to get anyone's attention. Not that anyone would think to listen for such a soft-spoken sentence here or there. Most of them had a strong presence, and she did also when it was needed. However, in a room full of dazzling people it seemed that a strong presence wasn't going to work. So, instead of putting on her stage voice, Riley sat back in her chair and gladly accepted the drink someone passed her. She was perfectly content with listening to everyone enjoying themselves, instead of inserting herself into conversations she might not have been welcome in.

This changed quite quickly when Kayson appeared at the table. She hadn't noticed his nameplate, but it seemed they were going be tablemates for the remainder of the evening. Which would be helpful, but potentially disastrous if the media filming the event decided to spotlight the table. They were seated quite far away from the host and winner tables, so she didn't think there would be a problem.

She was, and would probably continue to be, horribly wrong about that. Not seconds after Kayson had seated himself did she find the sneering face of Jenny Lewis above her. The women was talented in all respects, sadly she lacked any type of courtesy. As she spun a tale of insults aimed as Christian and his tablemates, including herself, Riley found herself disliking Ms. Lewis more by the second. It took every ounce of her to remain silent, knowing that angering the actress would do nothing but earn Riley an unofficial enemy.

It was a blessing when she finally left, a late arriving Sebastian Daniels breaking thin tension when he piped in after both Kayson and Christian commented about drinking heavily. She might just join into that oath if the night continued as dramatically as it already had. For the moment, however, she figured it would be best to remain sober enough to refrain from saying anything inappropriate.

Others made their rounds after that, and it seemed their table would gain a rouge winner who didn't plan on sitting where she was assigned. Riley didn't mind it, only the eyes that seemed to travel with Ann-Sophie Højberg. For such a group, it seemed they would no doubt be the talk of the night; a rebellious winner, a falsely rumored couple, a has-been actor trying to make a comeback, and a reluctant after-party attender. It was all to much, enough for Riley to need a quick breathe of air.

"Excuse me," She muttered with some half-hearted excuse to leave the table. Once she was up, she realized there was no way she could go out the front without reporters swarming. She'd need a sneakier way to attain the fresh air she needed. Her best bet was the roof, so she made a beeline for the stairs. Luckily there weren't many before she stepped out on the nicely fashioned
rooftop patio.

It was beautiful and quiet, just what she needed. She could hear the party happening in the hall below, it seemed uncharacteristically loud. Someone must have given a speech, a winner perhaps. She was much happier where she was, even if she was curious. It took her several minutes to mentally prepare herself before she decided it was time to head back. This thought was interrupted by the door of the terrace opening. A breathless Christian appeared through it, not noticing her as he leaned against the wall. She debated leaving him be, but thought better of it.

"Are you alright?" she asked, not moving from where she was by the rail.

((I'm going to tag everyone that Riley/Kayson talk to in my posts from now on. ))

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"What's this about Dnaish beer?" Sebastian asked Anno, "I've heard its suppose to be one of the best kinds." At that moment the waiters came by with their meals setting them down in front of them.

Sebastian was quietly eating his meal-which he was deeply regretted in choosing the fish over the chicken- "This happens every year," he muttered to himself. "Anyone want to trade courses," he said jokingly as reached over to his glass of wine. Jasper and Alyssa had just left their table greeting them before Atlas showed up. He merely nodded at her, he didn't know her that well, but he did admire her spunk.

He was in the middle of drinking his glass of wine when a piercing scream filled the room causing him to jump and spill the scarlet liquid on himself. "Dam it!" Sebastian exclaimed as he glanced over to the source, Jenny Lewis. How he despised that odious women. "Really a proposal here? What an attention seeker." He said out loud looking toward the others.

By this point Christian had already stormed up and had gone up on stage belting it out. "He still has it." He commented to himself as Christian finished his song before stalking off.

Sebastian gave a light wave as Riley excused herself and left the room, leaving only himself, Kayson, Anno, and Atlas. "And then there were four," he mused as he continued to drink his wine.

"So any of you get that annoying reporter from Buzzline out on the carpet?" He asked trying to make a conversation.
Altlas Cho

" Hey, never underestimate the powers of a simple black dress. And paired with an amazing figure like that, you should be making the guys drop like flies," she giggled at Alyssa's statement. Once Alyssa left and the food started to arrive, she was about to turn and leave too when a piercing shriek rang through the room. " Christ," she muttered and scoffed at Sebastian's statement, " Tell me about it. At least go somewhere more private, like the rooftop, talk about seriously taking away the romantic factor." At this point, Christian had already made his way to the stage and had started singing. His voice resonated throughout the room, strong yet soft, like the sound of rumbling thunder. It was beautiful, to say the least, and when he finished, she clapped her hands along with everybody else and nodded at Sebastian's comment, " You'd think six-years worth of time off stage would at least take a bite off his skills." But when she caught sight of his wine-covered suit, her eyes lit up, " You mean then there were three. I should go... congratulate Miss Lewis now, if you don't mind. See you guys around."

Weaving through the crowd, she made her way towards Jenny Lewis's table where most of her cast members were gathering around her like she was the Sun and they were the tiny planets that orbited around her. She had always found the woman too loud and obnoxious for her liking, and given her recent encounters and the rumors about Christian Smithers she was spreading, Atlas now had a justifiable reason to dislike her. " Miss Lewis, congratulations on your lovely engagement to, um, Manny!" she beamed, not that she had a clue who Manny was. But judging by the focus around the table, she guessed that he was the guy in the white suit. Jenny Lewis turned her attention from a group of squealing females to face Atlas, a look of scorn flashed across her features, " Oh, thanks. Hey, I think I've seen you somewhere before. But I don't know, honestly, all Asians look the same to me." Around her, her friends tittered like it was the funniest thing in the world. Now, the adult thing to do would have been to laugh along and excuse herself from the conversation, but Atlas wasn't exactly feeling gracious. " Haha, that's so true. You know what? Let's celebrate this special occasion with a glass of wine." She grabbed a glass of wine from a nearby tray and handed it to Miss Lewis, only to dump it down her gown at the last minute. " Oh dear, I'm so sorry!" Atlas gasped as Jenny Lewis started screeching her head off, and those who had witnessed what happened quickly started handing napkins to her, trying to wipe off the red liquid that was already starting to soak into the pale colored fabric. " I'm so clumsy I swear to god, I'll ask a waiter to bring more napkins right away, okay?"she said, even though she had no intention of doing so. She slipped away among the chaos before anyone could take a close look at her and tell Jenny Lewis who she was. Taking a look around, she was relieved to see that there weren't any reporters around. So far, only Jenny had taken a good look at her face, not that she'd be able to identify her of course.

" After all, all Asians look the same," Atlas muttered under her breath mockingly, and smiled to herself, placing the now-empty glasses on a waiter's tray.

When she returned to her table, Elliot was already there, along with the rest of the people that occupied the table. " Atlas, I was wondering where you were, " Elliot grinned at her and planted a firm kiss on her cheek right next to her lips. Extremely affectionate would be the right way to describe him, he'd kiss every female he comes across, sprouting rumors left and right. It didn't help that he had recently chosen her as his main target, hence the talk about engagement. She cringed at him and shoved him lightly, " Stop that, are you actually trying to give the paparazzi material to write about? " He merely shrugged and said, " According to the paparazzi, I'm already engaged to you, Janet Moretz, Lilly Sterling and Valerie Simpson, on four separate occasions. Though some claim that I'm engaged to all four of you at the same time. It doesn't bother me anymore. " " Well, I find it extremely annoying that they keep asking me about it, so can you please try to keep- Hey, where are you going?" she asked when he started getting up, he grinned at her and nodded to the direction of the table next to them, " I see Brendon, and he owes me money. Save the talk for later okay darling?" She gave him a disgruntled look and turned her attention back to the people at the table.

" So, Jasper, what have you been up to lately? I haven't really had a proper conversation with you since we were extras in Mamma Mia!," she looked towards him, quirking a brow.
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"Well you see Danish beer is like heaven, if heaven was made of beer!" she replied, laughing at Sebastian just as the food started to arrive. She eyed her perfectly delicious chicken, she started to eat some as a scream was heard through the room. Anno dropped her chicken onto her dress.

"Shit, ej for helvede altså (Oh for heavens sake), this always happens." Anno tried to clean the dress, and as a little girl she thought the best way to clean it was to suck the stain out of the fabric.

Anno felt so carefree at the moment, because she didn't care about her reputation, it was already ruined when the rumors about her sleeping with everything on two legs came out. After that scandal, and the one with Les Mis, she gave up on her good girl rep, and let it go.

"And then there were four," Sebastian commented and Ann-Sophie suddenly realized that Riley had left. Oh well, she hadn't said that much anyways, Anno thought to herself as she put down her dress and smirked at the now bigger, very wrinckled stain on it.

" You mean then there were three. I should go... congratulate Miss Lewis now, if you don't mind. See you guys around." Atlas said and left, now that girl was cool. And really extravigant, a strong woman.

"Guys i made it even worse. Well that life, eh?" she said mostly to herself as she once again started eating her chicken. But as she tried putting it into her mouth another shriek came, Ann-Sophie deemed it to be from the same as before, and she dropped her chicken again, luckily this time on the floor.

"You know what, I wasn't even hungry anyway." she said and threw her cutlery onto her plate in protest, silently cursing the non-eatable chicken. As she took a giant sip of her beer that the waiter had brought her. The familiar taste of Carlsberg running along her tongue and down her esophagus, she drank the whole thing in one go, not caring that this would absolutly make her drunk in no time. She looked around, feeling rather bored, as only Kayson and Sebastian were left at her table.

"Well seems like i am the only V left in this pool of P, so..." she stood up and turned to leave, but turned so they could see her open back, as she winked at them.

"...Which one of you lucky men are going to sweep me away to the dancefloor!" She asked the remaining party at the table. "Come on don't be shy! I can dance with both of you!"
((Accidental post! Ignore this!))

((That awkward moment when you're so far behind you haven't even done your starting post yet xD

I will be skipping the Tony awards as everyone has already moved on... So sorry it's kinda short :P ))

Dante ran his fingers through his choppy black hair as he hurried towards the limo, gritting his teeth together and sighing in irritation. Of course, these emotions were carefully masked from the press and any other spectators, an art perfected over the countless times of going before the flashing cameras and reporters wearing cheap smiles and thrusting microphones in your face. He opened the door and swung himself in, shutting it quickly, thankful as always for the tinted glass. The driver immediately pulled away and started driving to where the party was, knowing full well that Dante certainly did not want to linger.

He pressed his forehead against the back of the leather seat in front of him, repeatedly hitting it against the cool, smooth surface. His fingers crushed the shoulders of the chair as he let out a long exasperated growl. But he quickly sat upright once more, breathing out slowly, regaining his composure.

The driver, Andrew, said nothing, knowing Dante well. They didn't often speak that much, Andrew being a man of few words, but a mutual friendship had grown between them.

"Sorry about that." Dante apologised calmly, folding his legs.

Andrew grinned at him, making eye contact through the rearview mirror, and Dante returned the smile.

"Wendy again?" he asked, with a knowing tone to his voice.

"Wendy indeed..." he muttered, shifting himself uncomfortably. He wanted to be rid of the cloying scent of her perfume, the lingering feel of her hands grabbing his arm, the image of her face in his mind, feeling almost unclean from it.

Wendy was Dante's ex-girlfriend. It had been a rather strained and complicated relationship. The romance had died long before they actually broke up, which had only been a week or so ago. But today she had found him again, and begged for them to get back together. Begged. It repulsed him how low she would sink. It gave him no pleasure to see a woman he had once loved at that state, but now, all she got from him was a gold star in making his life a misery. He no longer felt anything towards her, apart from irritation and slight pity.

Their meeting had ended up just one step away from arguing before he could finally extract himself from her grip. Naturally, the press had a great view if this entire situation, and he had this in his mind the entire time. Couldn't she have at least waited to talk to him in private?

He was pretty sure that the rumours about him seeing another woman, already in a relationship, with whom he did Evita with and barely knew were already circling again in full force. But that was certainly not the case for him. He was single and perfectly content with that, at least for the time being, seeing after that messy break with Wendy.

The journey was, much to his disappointment, rather short. He would have liked a little longer in the privacy of the car, but duty called. He reminded himself of his soft bed waiting for him in the apartment he stayed in, and promised himself that he would do nothing but sleep when he got back from this.

He sighed, and opened the door, fixing a charming smile to his face. Cue blinding camera flashes. He registered dimly questions about why he was so unseemingly late to the party, and also a few about his recent breakup, which he politely ignored. He declined a glass of champagne from the waiter at the entrance, trying to slick his ruffled hair back down. As he made his way inside, he turned and glanced back at the group of reporters, and immediately wished he hadn't. They were following after him, calling his name and just drawing too much attention, obviously not satisfied with his lack of answers.

He quickened his pace until he was almost running, weaving between people, sending out hurried greetings to the people he knew until he found an inconspicuous table with a few familiar faces, just as Atlas left. He recognised Kayson and Sebastian, and also Anno, although he wasn't entirely sure where he had met her before. He dived into a chair, his momentum causing it to skid a little across the floor before coming to a swift halt.

"Kayson, Sebastian, Anno.." he acknowledged them quickly. "Sorry for my late interruption.."

But Dante was feeling reckless. At the offer of a dance, he decided to take it. He took a glass of wine from a passing waiter, drained half of it, and stood once more, quickly checking if they were still after him. They appeared to have lost him, much to his relief.

"If I may take that dance?" he smiled, straightening his suit, recovering himself. He needed something to do, to take his mind off everything, especially Wendy. Also, they would never find him on the dance floor. Even if they did, he doubted even the press would interrupt the dancing. At least, he hoped so.
Jasper Prigeon

People and faces, familiar and unfamiliar, passed by the table throughout the evening. Jasper had small conversations with some, and avoided it with others. It was pretty much a regular day on Broadway, though there were significantly more people around than usual. After dinner was served, the wandering had lessened, and Jasper resorted to conversing with his fellow cast members. If there was one word to describe them all, it would be "funny." Of course, to be in a production of Monty Python's Spamalot, you had to have a sense of humor- an occasionally peculiar sense of humor, at that. Most of the table was filled with laughter and swapping jokes, which made for a fairly pleasant night.

Jasper had been eating salad when he heard the birdlike screeching. He nearly choked on a cherry tomato and shot a glare in the direction of the awful noise. Who in their right mind…Well, then again, this was what happened when you got a whole crowd of dramatics under the safe roof, right? It wouldn't be an important night on the Broadway scene without someone causing some sort of drama. Jasper sighed but pretended to pay attention as Jenny Lewis said something about being exposed. Well it was her own damn fault, he thought, rolling his eyes. A woman like that was always kissing up to the press and spilling her drama out for the world just so she could make tabloid covers. "No, she said proposed. Manny proposed to her," someone corrected him. Oh, well that made a little more sense, but did every woman scream when they got engaged? Jasper shuddered. If so, he vowed never to marry.

Jasper had never liked Jenny Lewis much anyways, not since the time they spent together in Wicked. Jenny discovered that Jasper and Elizabeth Brockman (the lead for Elphaba) were dating, and when the lead for Fiyero got injured, she leaked their relationship and said that the injury was a plot so they could perform together. Jasper and Elizabeth broke up shortly after that, for it was clear that their careers would suffer greatly if everyone thought the rumor was true, and neither one of them could force themselves to put their moderate relationship above their growth as performers. Although the relationship would have eventually ended one way or another, Jasper still held Jenny a little responsible.

Not caring anymore about the "happy couple," Jasper turned his attention back to dinner. He wasn't all that hungry, to be honest, but he didn't want to be rude either. He ate some chicken, which was better than he expected, and finished the salad before he heard someone singing. He knew that voice. Jasper turned around and saw that it was Christian Smithers. The man truly had a gift, and no amount of extended leave could deny that. Jasper smiled as the song ended, clapping loudly with the rest of the audience. Between the powerful solo and the wine on her dress, there was no way Jenny Lewis could receive any better wedding presents. He shook his head. Christian and Atlas were both something else. Then again, everyone here was unique in some way or another.

Jasper raised a brow as he watched the exchange between Atlas and Elliot. "Well I take it you two are not engaged then," he said after the man had left and Atlas addressed him. "And me? Ah, well you know me…I've been fraternizing with foreign anarchists and plotting all sorts of evil things against the masses in my secret lair," he said lightly. Jasper took a sip of some champagne before remembering how quickly he got tired of it. He smiled as he set the glass down. "Though, I suppose I shouldn't say those sort of things with the press around. Well, I finally broke into the industry, I suppose you could say. I've landed a couple leads since Mama Mia! and a few extra roles as well. And I must congratulate you on your Juliet," he said raising a glass of red wine he took from a nearby serving tray. "I had the pleasure of attending one of the performances, and I must say, it was sublime. I imagine things have been even better for you since then?"
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Kayson Brookward

There were only a few people that Kayson could actually consider a close friend of his. It was a small list compared to the miles long one that consisted of friends, acquaintances, and the rest. He didn't mind being surrounded by the many, but when it came to partying he much preferred to be with his close buddies. One of which appeared in a flurry of cloth, demanding a beer like a master alcoholic. The whole display brought a smile to Kayson's face, though he doubted that Anno saw anything amusing about her actions. Instead she looked rather content in herself, which included not being bothered about the new alteration to the dress she had on. Kayson was very close to teasing her about it, but thought better of it and instead gave her a smile.

"Nice entrance," He said with a laugh, "You might win another award...
Least likely to give a f**k." He liked it, perfect for the actress. He considered offering up the title for the next Tony. No doubt Anno would be nominated. Strangely enough it reminded him more of a high school yearbook title though.

There was a quick flurry of arrivals at their table after that, some finding seats and others just visiting. Jasper was one, another person he was somewhat interested in seeing. He was the one person that Kayson hadn't placed on one of his lists yet. Mostly because he was either best friends with Jasper, or they didn't even acknowledge each other.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but this is only the warm up round." He said to the table in whole, "I'm planning on giving the paparazzi a whole lot to talk about when I hit the clubs aft-" His comment was rudely interrupted by squealing. The only thing impressive about it, was the projection. Had he not known he was in a room of people Kayson would have thought someone had just released a very excited cat. Or perhaps a pig.

The noise had actually come from Jenny Lewis though, not an animal. Seems she had gotten engaged, much to his surprise. He didn't think that any women able to make such noise would be entertaining in bed. However, Kayson wasn't sure what 'Manny' liked. Perhaps animal sounds excited him; bestiality was a thing, after all.

He wasn't the only one startled by Ms. Lewis' sound. Most of the room jumped, turning heads toward it. Anno dropped her chicken. It was hopeless, the dress was strained. He was looking around for something to help her clean it when Christian started to speak. Kayson hadn't even noticed that he had gotten up. He had been to distracted by Anno's chicken. Which she was now licking...

"I imagine the person who designed that dress won't be to happy." He commented, amused. Just as he was about to pass her napkin another squeal echoed across the room. Kayson clicked his tongue, looking up so see what could have possibly happened already. Atlas had also gotten up without Kayson's knowledge and seemed to have dumped something down Ms. Lewis' gown.

"And I had thought tonight would be boring," He mused as Anno abandoned her chicken. "Seems I was wrong."

Christian Smithers

Christian jumped slightly at the sound of a voice but it was somewhat soft and delicate so why would he jump. Nerves he guessed. His eyes peered over towards a slender, blonde headed female and immediately, a lightbulb went off in his head. It was Riley, someone he has seen around and talked with a few times but never engaged in conversation with her, at least, he doesn't think. His ears twitched at her question as he stood up and pressed his back against the wall before stepping away from the wall and slowly making his trek towards her. "Yes, I am fine." He said through short breaths then exhaled while continuing to speak. "You just missed my one in a lifetime performance." He joked while sticking his hands into his pockets, looking out at the city below.

"Wow. That looks so amazing." He muttered while taking out his iPhone 6 Plus and took a selfie with him holding up his thumb. "Sorry, I know that was lame but oh, well." Another somewhat joke he told. Christian was falling into depression again but he couldn't Riley see him like that. "How could she embarrass me like that? Saying that I left showbiz because my book didn't sell." He was basically rambling at this moment. "Bullshit!" He cursed loudly then sat down into one of the nearby chairs on the roof. "Now, she is getting engaged to Manny, who is basically a sellout." Christian eyes diverted towards Riley as he chuckled lowly. "I bet you think I am crazy now, huh?" He shook his head while raising himself up from his seat and walking over towards the roof's railing, sticking his hands back into his pants pockets.

"Oh!" He snapped his fingers then turned around sharply towards her. "You also missed the announcement of Jenny getting married." He shook his head then lowered it while turning back around to view the lights of the city below. "I need to definitely get back on stage now." Christian muttered again then turned back to Riley, running his hand over his head with another low chuckle. "Sorry, Riley. I promise you that I am not crazy. I probably would've jumped over the railing by now if I was." He amused while making his trek back over towards the chair he was previously sitting in, only to sit back down in it.

"Come and join me for some meaningful conversation." Christian lifted his hand up and waved it towards the available chair beside his.

Atlas Cho

Atlas cut into her fish and brought a piece to her lips, scraping it off the fork with her teeth. Maybe it hadn't been the best idea to wear her red lipstick tonight. She had worn it many times in the past to other dinners and parties, enough to know how not get it everywhere and have it still be intact by the end of the night, but it still made eating uneasy as hell. She chuckled as she listened to Jasper, he had a pretty interesting sense of humor, and he was probably one of the few people whose company she really enjoyed. She looked up in surprise when he mentioned attending one of her performances. She put down her cutlery and gave him a smile. " It most definitely has. I'm surprised you managed to take time out of your tight schedule to attend one of our shows. But thanks, I appreciate the compliment. From what I've heard, you seem pretty busy yourself, excluding whatever goes on in your secret lair, though I have to say I'm disappointed I wasn't invited to partake in your diabolical schemes, they sure sound like a lot of fun.And to your earlier question, no, we're not. I do have death threats from countless fans though, if you're interested. I've made it a routine to recycle them weekly. You'd think he was some sort of pop star heartthrob from the things they say," she mused and smirked, picking up her fork again to take a stab at a piece of asparagus on her plate. "But maybe I'll go tell the press that we're actually already married and we have ten adopted kids, see how they like that, " she muttered, imagining the chaos that would bring.

It didn't take long for her to abandon her food, she wasn't exactly hungry anyway. She made small conversation with the rest of the people around the table, glad to see some old faces and meet some new. They mostly talked about their careers and their plans for the future, which made her wonder about her own. She hadn't thought about her plans after Romeo and Juliet, seeing that there was still almost a year left before the production closed, but one year could be a really short time depending on what you're doing. " I should start planning soon too, hm?" she replied with a laugh when someone asked her if she had any plans to audition for other productions in the near future. She made a mental note to attend one of their Monty Python's Spamalot performances sometime soon. Their cast members were a fun bunch, and she could only imagine how they'd bring the characters to life on stage. They were definitely much friendlier than her Romeo and Juliet cast members, who were content with keeping to themselves most of the time.

Just then, she heard Anno's voice from the other table, and she watched in amusement as Anno invited both Sebastian and Kayson to dance with her. Anno was definitely one of her closest friends, if not her only friend, and she loved her spunky attitude. She reminded Atlas of herself, and she had no doubt Anno felt the same too. " Hey," she grinned and turned to Jasper again, " If you're not hungry, how about a dance?"
Sebastian was quite put out that one of his favorite jackets was probably forever ruined all thanks to Ms. Lewis' banshee like screech. Slipping up his jacket, he silently placed it on his chair, cursing Jenny in his mind. His ears perked as Atlas announced her departure from the table.

Only three of them remained: Anno, Kayson, and himself. He didn't know them that all as much as he liked. Though Anno quirkiness made very fun to be around.

"Danish beer is heaven? Are you sure they aren't paying you to promote it?" Sebastian joked lightly, pouring himself some more wine. "Well I guess I'll have to try it one day." He added simply as he looked down at his meal and decided to eat it before it got cold.

Another scream soon echoed the room, causing Sebastian to sigh with annoyance. That Jenny sure craved attention. He glanced toward the source only to see Atlas leaving the scene with a smirk, Jenny wailing on about her now stained dress. "Atlas sure has guts," he muttered to himself with a light smile as he continued to eat.

Anno apparently had other With, "Which one of you lucky men are going to sweep me away to the dancefloor!" Sebastian heard her say.When neither replied she added, "Come on don't be shy! I can dance with both of you!" Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle at that, he could imagine it: the three of mashed together dancing. "No thanks, I'm not in the mood to dance, but I'm sure Kayson would be happy to take you out into the dance floor." Sebastian suggested with a smirk.
"Wuss!" Anno said as a voice appeared from behind her, a dark voice she had heard before.

"If I may take that dance" Dante said from behind her. Anno turned to him. HE IS SO HOT, she thought to herself as she tried to cover the stain she had made in her dress before. With Kayson on Sebastian it wasn't really a problem, but Dante was a whole other league in her mind. She tried pulling herself together as she noticed her mouth was open in awe. She closed it quick and put on her smirking face again.

"You...no" she said raising one eyebrow, but then she wondered if she had been to harsh. "No, I am kidding i would absolutely love to, I mean these two are obviously boring!" she said and grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the dance floor.

She turned to Kayson and Sebastian and stuck her tongue out at them and crossed her eyes in a silly fashion. She then laughed and made a kissing face at them before turning back to Dante.

"Hey I don't think i saw you at the awards, well actually I didn't really pay that much attention, I was so nervous going on stage, thought I was going to pull a Jennifer Lawrence on it!" she was rambling on not going anywhere and she hit herself in the head for seeming so nervous around him. But that hair and those eyes were so distracting.

They were passing the tabel where Atlas was, her might-as-well-be twin and she put her hand on her shoulder not letting Dante see her she gave Altas a satisfied look pointing at Dante and gave her the thumbs up, proud of herself. When she saw Atlas she reminded herself that she needed to take a deep breath to keep the ADHD at a minimun, she wouldn't want to get on Dante's bad side.

"I heard you are doing Evita. I did that as well at a point, so if you ever need somebody to go over some lines with you, i live three blocks from here." she said as she noticed a guy starring at her open dress, in a very uncomfortable fashion. He was licking his lip, giving her looks that made her feel really uncomfortable. He then got up and walked to her.

"Hey congrats on the award, babe!" he said obviously drunk, he came close and tried hugging her but she took a step back.

"Do I know you?" Anno asked as she leaned a bit closer to Dante. The comment and the body language she gave the man made him mad.

"I worked with you on Cabaret, you don't even remember me!" he seemed really hurt. Anno was about to apologize when he grabbed her arm.

"Well you can make it up to me by dancing with the best dancer in the house!" She looked at Dante and tried breaking the grip the man had on her.
(@Anno Bane )

Dante noticed the stain on her dress with vague amusement; must have been a tragic encounter with a chicken. However, he didn't notice her trying to cover it up or her mouth flopping open, too distracted by the looming thought of the press, tiredness, Wendy, the rent he needed to pay, and how pretty she was Wait what? Stop it, Dante.

He was jerked back to reality when she grabbed his hand and started pulling him over to where he assumed the dance floor was, almost tripping over his own feet at the sudden movement before hastily regaining his balance, falling in step beside her.

His mind fluttered from thought to thought as his eyes wandered over the crowds, the background buzz of the laughter and talking only faintly registering in his ears.

He shook his head slightly, trying to clear his mind as he realised that she was speaking to him.

"No," he laughed lightly. "I was at the awards, just.. Fashionably late, if you could call it that. And thank you for that kind offer, but the show is coming to its end now, so I don't think that I have any more need for that. At least, one would hope not."

It took him a moment to notice this guy who he had absolutely no clue as to who he was coming over. He only needed to look at him once to assess the situation. Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. And a horribly overinflated ego.

He watched, now with the most deadpan expression on the planet, as he made an attempt at a rather awkward hug, and got incredibly annoyed at rejection. Dante was tired of this man the moment he opened his mouth.

He coughed loudly. Hello? No response.

"I'm sorry," he said in a pleasant yet vaguely bored tone when he got no recognition of his existence, as he took the man's hand and swiftly tore his fingers off her arm. "But Anno has already been asked for a dance."

As he turned and began pulling her away from him, he shot the man a brief warning glance over his shoulder. Try me.
Jasper Prigeon

Jasper had always been a rather expressive person, and he never minded letting his cheerfulness show. He smiled throughout the conversation with Atlas, chuckling when she referenced his joke and nodding in response. “Well, I guess I’ll have to recruit your help sometime. Though I never considered it, I suppose you do seem like quite the plotter, what with that wine stunt you pulled earlier,” Jasper smirked slightly and shrugged. “She had it comin’.” The man winked as he referenced Chicago, one of his favorite musicals to-date. He had only been a background dancer in a couple numbers of that show, but he loved every minute of it.

Jasper knew that Elliot was popular among the ladies, but he was honestly surprised that Atlas had received death threats from his fans. “I must say that sounds…a bit disturbing,” he admitted. “Sometimes, it’s like fans forget we’re still human beings.” Jasper sighed and frowned a little, legitimately concerned now. He had his fair share of crazy fan stories, like everyone, but never any death threats. Then again, he was no Elliot Winston. Not to say he wasn’t attractive, but Jasper figured he wasn’t the type to be plastered in girls’ lockers. Jasper furrowed his brow at the thought- that was also quite strange (and a bit unpleasant) to think about.

He noticed that Atlas had turned to converse with other people at their table and took the opportunity to wipe small traces of wine from his mouth after he set the glass down, deciding he was probably done drinking for the night. He rarely drank a lot, for he was always afraid of getting drunk and then doing stupid things he would regret the following day. Plus, there was always an image to maintain, one that could get soiled all too easily.

Jasper spaced out for a few moments before hearing a familiar voice break through the din. His eyes locked onto Anno, and he chuckled to himself. She was always entertaining, he had learned. She did what she wanted, no matter what anyone else thought, and he admired that courage. Jasper had a feeling Sebastian would pass on the dance; he knew his friend well enough by now to know he wasn’t one for calling attention to himself at these large socials.

Jasper turned his head when he heard Atlas speaking to him again. He smiled and got up from his seat. “Sure! Sounds good to me, sitting here gets boring after awhile,” he said. He rarely turned down a dance, simply because he could never grow tired of dancing. Jasper gave a friendly grin and took Atlas’s hand to lead her to the dance floor. He didn’t spend a lot of time with the woman on a regular basis- like she had said, they were both busy people- but he was definitely grateful for her company tonight. “You know, we should do this talking thing more often!” he yelled over the music and various surrounding conversations.

Riley Thorn

Christian looked startled when she spoke, in fact she was sure he jumped but didn't say anything about it. For reasons unknown, it felt like Riley was trespassing on Christian's moment. She wished she had left him be, but knew if he had discovered her without her saying anything it would have been more awkward for him. This way at least he didn't do anything he'd regret her seeing in the future. She didn't want him resenting her, especially when they had barely been in the same room before let alone have a full conversation.

He was one of those people that Riley didn't think she'd actually get to talk to. Like Santa or the Easter Bunny, he was an urban legend of the showbiz to her. Which was meant in the utmost respect. It had been surprising to see him at her table but now he had popped up on the roof with her as well. It was either a sign that she should get herself involved with the mysterious veteran or fate setting her up for disaster. Either way, Riley was a rather excited to have him actually show some shred of recollection when he saw her. At least the few times they had been around each other had brought her name to his mind.

When he pushed off of the wall and made his way to where she was, Riley fidgeted slightly. She had been tucked against the rail, between a pillar and the glass. The glow of lights illuminated the otherwise dark area enough that she noticed at once the look on his face. It was only confirmed when he spoke, the dwelling comments of Jenny reflected in his face when he said them. It was clear he was upset, who wouldn't be, but to Riley he seemed all the more determined.

"You know. I hate endings because even if they are happy, it always hurts." She offered as he sat, gesturing for her to sit next to him. She didn't hesitate, reaching for the phone in her purse. Riley then plopped down next to him, sliding open the camera and ensuring it was faced toward them. As the camera snapped the photo, she leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Christian's cheek.

"It's just that something is ending for you. Hurt and happiness go hand in hand, sometimes this makes you think you're going crazy. You're not though, you aren't crazy." She stated, "Me, on the other hand, I might be a bit crazy." Riley offered Christian a smile. She could hear the party downstairs, but ignored it. Riley had discovered events like this always had drama. Most times people needed reassurance to feel better. She know that's what she needed when she was upset. Something else to think about. She felt this was what Christian needed, a friend to offer him distractions from a horrible thing finally ending.

"Here, I'll send this to you. What's your number?" She tapped the little icon to send it, looking expectantly at Christian as she waited for him to either accept or reject her offer.

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