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Realistic or Modern Life in the City (Reboot!)


-Don't cause problems.-

-Fade to black when things get hot
;) -

-Respect everyone in the rp-

-Please do not join this rp if you're not on often, I want it to last a long time.-

-Make your posts long!! Unless you're suffering from writer's block. It happens
:) -

-Interact with everyone. Don't leave anyone out.-

-Make sure based on the sexuality you choose that there's another character that you can have romance with! I don't want anyone left out because of that
:) -



Girl #1; The rich snob. The rich snob isn't how she sounds. Surprisingly, she's very down to earth and isn't as snobbish as people expect someone like her to be. Yes, she has expensive taste and yes, she has a lot of money. But the stereotype isn't always as it seems. Every once in a while her rich girl attitude will show, but her friends have accepted it. (Taken by @anaideia)

Girl #2; The parent. She has to make sure all of her friends are in check, and makes sure everyone is okay. She's a crazy neat freak, and loves to cook. Girl #2 is very careless, and often makes sure all of her friends aren't getting into too much trouble. She does like to have fun every now and then though. (Taken by @floridakilos)

Girl #3; The crazy hippie. Girl #3 is quite... Interesting. She's always going on about being a vegetarian and saving the earth. She's not into drugs, but she's up for the occasional smoke every now and then. As strange and crazy as she is, she's loved by her friends and wouldn't hurt a fly. She's very passive. (Taken by @QueenOfDisaster)


Boy #1; The hottie. The hottie is almost always waking around with a girl by his side. Whether it's a friend or some chick he met on the street, he's always got one. Boy #1 always had a way with girls. In fact he's become so reckless that he has forgotten who he's dated. He unfortunately sometimes accidentally dates the same girl twice, not even realizing it. He wants to settle down, but the idea of having one girl for the rest of his life and no change scares the shit out of him.

Boy #2; The socially awkward sweetheart. Boy #2 is quite clumsy and awkward, but is a total love once you get to know him. He's kind, gentle, and very smart. He's not very good with the ladies, and it takes him a few tries to get one, but after a few dates, you really get to see what he's like.

Boy #3; The uptight boss-man. This boy always wants his way and will do anything to get it. He's smart, but not as smart as he makes himself seem. He's very funny and quite attractive, but he's also stubborn and will make an argument with anyone about anything.


These aren't the only characters that have to join! If you would like to make a character that lives in the same apartment building but is in a different part, by all means, go ahead! Just make sure everyone interacts with everyone. After all, the group needs someone else to date besides someone else in the friend group!

Thank you!! <3

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