Poetry Life doesn't care about you, Or me.


That one person who needs no help unless its cooki
The lines are maDe in the sand.
Arranged or disorganized, They haunt forever.
They bring relief, And yEt cause doubt.
Only when more is added to the liSt is the world "Perfect"
Doesn't mean We hate this world, Only that the world hates Us.
UnfaiR is life in this way...

The ones who "Care" are the first to leave.
The ones wE hate are there forever.
The ones who mourn give up fIrst.
The Knowledge of another loss are our own personal deMons.
Distance createS us, and another innocent is added to the list.
Unfair iS lifE in this way...

But only few give theIr time,
Only few give their love.
Even less dO understand,
They way we feel is not a phase.
It does Not come and go.
It stays to haunt, forevermore.
Unfair is life in this way.

Healing, healed, or CoUld be brand new.
Life is There to rip open old wounds.
It's like a wild animal, fighTing for it's life,
Not carIng about others' paiN.
Life is like this, yet it doesn't know it's fine.
It claws and bites away.
Unfair is life in this way.

Not enough people will understand this,
And those who do will be too late.
And only few will actually see this for what it is,
A Goodbye...

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Not enough understand, really.
You think I overreact, lets see.
The world is shit
The children cry
The people all seem to ask why
No one wants to hear the truth
And everyone seems to blame the youth
No one believes me that I
I can see
So please
believe me
Turn the tide
lower the sail
I hope really hope that I don't fail
The world is going off the rail
So follow the trail
and keep the world from burning.​
Some people don't know what i'm going through.
Even if i explain it, They don't know what to do,
or how to respond
They aren't very fond
of the way i present myself.

They think they know whats best for me,
and yet they try to change me to what they see.
Little do they know,
maybe little do i show,
that i'm one step away from slipping off the edge.

I blame myself for the way they feel.
Although there is no correlation, it's real.
But it's not me,
Why can't i see?
I've failed them​
No one believes that i can do it.
Those who "like" me just do it to not look bad.
i have no real friends,
Boyfriends or girlfriends,
I have no real life.
Everything i own is not mine.
Every idea is not mine.
Why am i even here?
I have no real reason to live.
Everything that i enjoy is fantasy.
My head is always in the clouds.
And those who say "Once you hit bottom, there is only one way"
I ask you,
"Where is he bottom? Shouldn't I have hit it by now?"
I haven't
Don't tell my to look up
or lift my eyes.
Don't tell me that it will get better,
You know that's a pack of lies.
I guess i'll just roll over.
Guess i'll die.​
Enough with the shitty poems dancing around the problem.
A broken mirror
A bleeding fist
A silver blade pressed against her wrist.
Tears falling down unkissed
She's not the kind you'll come to miss.

The nights you break down
And try to make the hurting drown
And no one else is around
And you realize You are alone.
And no one even cares.
I know how little i mean to people
Nothing will change when i leave
You'll carry on like I never meant a thing​
Please don't get tired of me.
It happens every time.
People lose interest in me.
Suddenly, hey don't bother hitting me up.
The conversations get shorter.
They forget about me until i become a distant memory.
I wonder if it's my fault sometimes.
I wonder If i said something I shouldn't of.
Then i'll smile and take out my "trusty old friend"
Because i feel like i bother people just by being alive.
No one?
No one noticed?
No one noticed That I Killed myself?
I thought that would happen,
But i still can't believe it.​
Is this serious?

Assuming it is:
I get it. I really do. I've found myself writing shit like this, poems, stories. Hurting people because of an inability to understand and hurting them more if they do get it.
But don't give in. Don't let the world defeat you. I know what it's like to resent yourself, others, the entire freaking world. I get it, okay? And it hurts, the feeling that nobody can honestly say they know who you really are, or care. But it's not your fault. You shouldn't suffer because humanity is shitty and doesn't care.
Good luck bro. Hold your head high. Keep moving forward.
-A friend
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you know what.
It's not going to get better. It's never going to get better. If you hit rock bottom, you can still go down. It's going to get worse. One day, you'll follow through with these poems.

unless you want to get better.
And it's hard. It's hard not to just say goodbye to it all. That's easy. What's hard is facing up to the fact that you don't deserve it. You're not weak, if you want to kill yourself. You're not worthless.
I know this because I thought I was. I really, truly did. I know what it's like opening up after months, years of tormenting yourself and just being shot down again. It's not ever going to be less painful.
None of this is easy.
But then again, nothing in life ever is.
But I promise you, it's the one thing that is actually worth all the struggle.
life's a bitch if I may say so, everything you do will try to bring you down, I've been there, I know what it feels like. The only thing you can do is get up after and try to make your world a better place. Killing yourself wouldn't mean anything, it would only cause pain to other people. Even if you think nobody cares about you, trust me someones does. If you really can't think of someone, just care about yourself. Anyway, life is a mystery we will never solve the only thing you have to do is try and make the most of it.
life's a bitch if I may say so, everything you do will try to bring you down, I've been there, I know what it feels like. The only thing you can do is get up after and try to make your world a better place. Killing yourself wouldn't mean anything, it would only cause pain to other people. Even if you think nobody cares about you, trust me someones does. If you really can't think of someone, just care about yourself. Anyway, life is a mystery we will never solve the only thing you have to do is try and make the most of it.
true. i don't wanna say too much, but the person that caused me to be depressed is the reason i'm not depressed now. life's a bitch, but she throws some interesting saves.
life's a bitch and depression hits hard.
It's the final round and we're going for the knockout.
If we can't win, then we'll quit.
Because life's not worth living anymore.
Stuck in the everlasting hold
The tight grip around my throat, it's cold
For when all my cares have flown
I discover the hand is my own.
Religion has failed me.
People have failed me.
My own parents have failed me.
Why should I hold on again?
Everything that I protected turned out to be a delusion in the end
Stabbing me with the love I'll never have again
I'm ending everything I know, screaming out in pain might as well rip out my throat
Much too fast, no time to sing or cry this is my goodbye
Each and everyday, hiding from the sunshine.
Wandering in the shade, Not too old, not too Young.
Every night again, Dancing with the moonlight.
Somewhere far away, I can hear your call.
This may come as a shock to you,
but it was bold of you to assume I could be saved.
You ask me why I'm depressed today?
It's not that.
I'm just worse at hiding it today.
This may come as a shock to you,
but I haven't always been this way.
You ask me why I'm happy today?
It's because the world gave me a second chance,
And I took it.
Life is shit and just waiting around the corner with an anvil to crush me with.
So why do I keep walking? I don't know. I know Life is waiting for me. Maybe i'm just hoping instead of an anvil, It's a balloon.
No something to drag me down, but to lift me up. But it's not. It's always the anvil. Maybe I should just stop walking...

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