Story Life after the flash


Feet First into hell
(if it's possible, please give these posts a like if you are actually reading, makes me want to continue this)
Before you read, there will be scenes not suitable for all readers. Expect anything you'd see in a war game/war flick.

For the sake of character likes and mentions, some music and other things that were around in 2002-2011 will be mentioned, apologies in advanced. Now onto the lingo
A silent professional is a youth soldier who has gone under more and tougher trainings than others. They are only picked from kids who are orphans. Anything with 'Old world' attached to it means anything before the bombs fell
Mission:Explore a large area within a 100-200 mile radius of the bunker. Map roads, paths etc. Find signs of human life. Learn the new culture if there is human life.

Secondary mission: Find out who won.

Name: Richard 'Richy/Rich/L.T.' Gore


D.O.B: 12/12/2017

Personality: Richard has a mix of personalities, in his words, "I have a switch in my head i can flip and be totally different.". What he means is that he can go from being the least serious person around to a stern marine drill instructor. He is laid back but there are times that call for a serious attitude.

Specialization: Rifleman

Squad: First recon, code named "Pilgrims"

Squad role : Squad lead.

Rank: First Lieutenant

Loadout: MARPAT digital woodland combat fatigues, Medium body armor with focused protection on the back, M1911 handgun-6 clips-, XM8-4 mags-, 2 smoke grenades, 3 frags, basic medical equipment, handheld radio, helmet-optional-, weeks worth of rations, Avon M50 CBRN Gas Mask, 4 extra filters-since the mask is two side-, A watch that vibrates when lethal amounts of radiation are detected, and beeps when lethal toxins are nearby, and 400$ in silver and gold. small sleeping bag

Bio: Richard was born when he was in the bunker, he's never seen the sky, but his parents tell him of what the world was before the bombs fell. His father was a war hero. He was part of 'Wrath of Freedom'. Sent home after having lost half his right leg to a landmine. His mother was a simple school teacher. When he was old enough-10- he was taken into a program to be trained with other kids to be the new wave of soldiers. As the past population-anyone over 10- that was in the bunker first day, would be too old to lead or fight properly. He was trained to be a leader, like a few other kids. They learned how to use guns, fight hand to hand. And perform basic medical stuff for most of their life. There were normal days where they'd be free to roam and be, kids. Richard was top of his class, and was perfect for being apart of the pilgrims team
Name: Samantha 'Sammy/Sam/Corpsman/Serious Sam/Staff Sarge' Anderson


DOB: 5/11/2018

Personality: Sam is a very serious person and never really immature let alone joking. She takes her role vert seriously, she was quite surprised to be second in command in Richards squad, but it's not really a surprise for anyone else. You need a cool head and be liked by you squadmates. Not on and off hated depending on if you're having a good day or if the weather is good enough to be happy and cheerful.


Specialization: Medical knowledge, Medium-long range combat

Rank: Staff Sergeant

Squad role: Medic

Loadout: MARPAT digital woodland combat fatigues, Light body armor, M4 carbine-4 mags-, Glock 18 -7 mags-, 4 smokes, 2 frags, Advanced medical equipment-more medical items with other additions-, weeks worth of rations. Handheld radio, and a Avon M50 CBRN Gas Mask, 4 extra filters-since the mask is two side-. A watch that vibrates when lethal amounts of radiation are detected, and beeps when lethal toxins are nearby, small sleeping bag

Bio: Sammy was also born in the bunker, her mother and father were actually poor before being accepted into the program to be a remnant of america. Her father was a police officer and her mother was a librarian. Sammy excelled -like a few others- in basic medical class and was pushed into advanced medical classes. She also had great aim in combat training, she was almost pushed into sniper school, but she declined. As a medical sniper wouldn't work out very well in hindsight.

Name: Amy 'Black Eye/Swan/Grease monkey' Swanson

Age: 17

DOB :8/11/2019

Personality: Amy is quite the fighter. She has a short temper and gets angry quite easy. She can be nice and fun when she isn't mad at someone. She's kind of a sweetheart as well, but that's rarely seen.


Specialization: Close quarters, mechanical expert

Squad role: Engineer

Loadout: MARPAT digital woodland combat fatigues, Medium body armor, MPX-6 mags-, FN.5.7 -6 mags-, Medium tool kit, basic medical kit, Avon M50 CBRN Gas Mask, 4 extra filters-since the mask is two side-, weeks worth of rations, handheld radio. And, A watch that vibrates when lethal amounts of radiation are detected, and beeps when lethal toxins are nearby, small sleeping bag

Rank: Specialist

Bio: Amy grew up in the bunker like the rest of the people there. She would explore it when she could, the bunker was quite large. It was built to last maybe a hundred years with enough people to have it survive that long... The bunker was made before the great war, but when the war began, it was expanded upon, she knows this as her father worked on it. And so did her mother. She, kinda caught the engineer gene as well, because she would always be taking things apart... When the time came she was put into basic combat classes, along with engineer classes. She performed as expected in that class, like any other. Combat was kind of her thing as well, but only up close. She excels in hand to hand to hand and close range engagements. Reason for her nickname is because she tends to fight anyone who pisses her off.

Name: Katashi 'Newbie/Joker/Kat' Atusto

Age: 18

DOB: 7/7/2018

Personality: Katashi might as well be Richards brother, they're nearly inseparable and act alike. Except Katashi doesn't have that switch to flip and never really acts professional. No matter the situation he seems to make it into a joke.

Specialization: Close to medium range combat. Physically more capable than average person his age.

Squad Role: SAW gunner

Rank: Private First Class

Loadout: M249-3 boxes-, M1911-6 mags-, MARPAT digital woodland combat fatigues, Medium body armor, Large backpack carrying 4 of each mag ammo type for everyone within the squad, Avon M50 CBRN Gas Mask, 4 extra filters-since the mask is two side-, weeks worth of rations, handheld radio. And, A watch that vibrates when lethal amounts of radiation are detected, and beeps when lethal toxins are nearby. Small sleeping bag

Bio: Katashi grew up with his mother as his father had died in an accident when on his way to seal off the main tunnel that lead from a housing district-that was specifically made for the population-. He was going to check to make sure the explosives were going to work when they went off and buried him alive. His mother would raise Katashi by herself, stories of his father made Katashi who he is today... His father was a great and helpful man, strong and very friendly. Sadly, Katashi would never see him in person..
Name: Sama 'Sam 2/Quiet/Ace' Miho

Age: 17

Personality: Sama doesn't speak that often and has almost no emotions. She sometimes doesn't even understand basic jokes, even when everyone is laughing together. She'd just stare at them like they were all a bunch of mutants doing some sort of ritual chant.


Specialization:Long range combat

Squad Role: Sniper/Designated marksman

Rank: Corporal

Loadout: MARPAT digital woodland combat fatigues, light armor, M110 black with suppressor-5 mags-, MP5K-5 mags-, Avon M50 CBRN Gas Mask, 4 extra filters, handheld radio, watch that vibrates when lethal amounts of radiation are detected, and beeps when lethal toxins are nearby, small sleeping bag.

Bio: Samas parents both died in the bunker. Her father was electrocuted while working on a electrical line in the bunker, and her mother died during childbirth. She has never met her parents, nor seen their faces. She was one of twenty kids who were put into a program that would teach them how to be a special operations soldier as soon as they were able to. They'd have shorter free days and were taught to follow an orders to the detail.. They weren't soulless and weren't mindless. They still had lives..
Name: Jessica 'Jess/handler/supervisor/mom/overlord' Palmer

Age: 37

DOB: 2/21/2001

Personality: Jessica is quite sweet yet stern. She has a way to get her point across no matter how she words it or how it's expressed. She works as one of the bunkers trainers for the youth military and was recently promoted to field handler. She was put in charge of the pilgrims, so she has a lot of eyes on her now.

Rank: Major

Specialization:Almost all forms of combat

Squad role:Handler/overseer/Administrator/guide

This is a minor character for now, she won't make much of an appearance.

January first, the year is twenty thirty five. thirty five years after the world was nuked to hell. The war between REDFOR and allied forces was short and bloody, many were lost before the bombs fell, the allied forces were winning and taking back land that was lost in the second world war..then the bombs fell... A thousand and five hundred people escaped to a massive bunker in Colorado, built in a mountain near Breckenridge. The bunker was originally just a largish bunker before the war, but when it began it was quickly expanded upon. Day and night the bunker was expanded, making room for enough people to rebuild what's left. The bunker would remain sealed for 35 it will open, and the first expeditionary squad-Pilgrims- gears up for their journey into the town many of the people in the bunker, called home.

Richard walked through the motor pool looking for the right vehicle, the motor pool was filled with the sound of clanging metal and loud music. The garage was quite large with almost four hundred trucks and all terrain vehicles. Richard was looking for a good vehicle to use to get around in the new world. A drone was sent out to scout the area out. The place seemed to be in spring, grass and large trees everywhere. So the vehicle needs to handle mud. Richard stopped by an APC, but his handler, Jessica Palmer hooked his collar with her finger and pulled him along, "Let's go Richy." she said and pulled him along to a armored Humvee, a 1990s version. Basic gunner opening with a fifty mounted on it. "Ugh, why are we getting the hand-me-down?" Richard groaned. "Because you guys can't be trusted yet with a Gurka or MRAP. And don't even think about getting an APC or IFV." she said. Richard sighed and went to examine the interior. "I mean it'll get the job done... And I guess if there are survivors they probably won't have RPGs and AT rocket launchers." he stated, the man sat in the driver seat and sighed. "Alright... I'll let the team know we are ready." he said. Jessica nodded, "I'll get the humvee suited up and ready to go." she said and shouts at a few engineers who were doing nothing, instructing them to get some new windows and tires on it. Richard was already jogging towards the armory, where his team were already gearing up...or so he hoped.. When he arrived a few minutes later, Sam and Amy were already arguing. "Listen here Little miss hard ass, you need to lay off being miss kill joy before someone knocks you on your ass!", Amy stated to sam, who swiftly growled, "Maybe if you acted like a soldier this wouldn't be an issue!" she shouted, "BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!" Richard shouted louder than them, Katashi was just minding his business listening to his music as he readied his pack.. That was of course before Richard shouted.

"You two need to get along! I swear to god if you two continue to act this way when we are on the damn road i will flip the car around and exchange you both for 2 silent professionals! You think you were assigned to me by someone? NO! I hand picked you two. Now shut the hell up, get along, or i swear to god the next words out of your mouths will be the numbers during 200 push ups!" he stated sternly, it actually scared the two. They glared at each other and then went back to working on gearing up. Katashi resumed doing his thing. Sama-the only silent professional on the team- sat quietly as she cleaned her rifle. Richard goes to a rack of rifles and grabs his, and sets it aside as he gears up as well. Sighing softly, "Ya know, we will be the first people in 35 years to leave this bunker and explore." he said, trying to lighten the mood, "Yeah, I'd love to see real grass and trees.. Those simulations didn't do it credit.." Sam said shyly, "I mean.. Is the air even breathable?" Amy asks, Richard shrugs as he clips his vest on. "There's green trees out there, so you should be able to.. Drone that was sent out saw lots of them.. Nature reclaimed what man had." he stated. Sama remained silent, and Katashi was...just listening to his music... Once they were all ready they headed out back to the garage. The humvee was ready to go, gassed up with a few canisters in a basket on the side. Katashi removed his CD player and headphones, stuffing them into his pack. "Katashi, man the gun, Sam. You're driving, Sama and Amy, back seat. And if you are about to protest, Amy, are you gonna read an old world map?" he asks her, she was indeed about to protest, but when she heard that she cleared her throat and took the back seat with Sama.

Richard sat in the front seat with Sam, they all had their gas masks at the read as they drove into an airlock. A large door closed behind them and sealed, then the one in front of them opened. They awaited the watches to beep and vibrate...but they didn't, the door opened to reveal a green scenery of almost dense forest.. "First Recon, how's the air?" the sound of Jessica said through a the humvees radio, Richard grabbed it and took a deep breath, "Fresh. Breathable actually... I'd suggest opening the vents, if they still work." he stated, Richy held up his index finger and gestured forward. Sam nodded and slipped on some sunglasses and began driving. Kat held on tight to the side of the turret porthole. Amy gulped, she was ready for anything... They set out down a dirt road, Kat swivels around every hundred or so feet. "There should be a road coming into view soon. 'Pavement'... Not expecting a pristine road.." he stated. Sam nods and looks around, slowing down when she noticed the road stops being dirt, she slowly pulls out and looks left and right. "Which way now?" she asks, Richy checks the map and the compass, "Go...right." he said, she nods and slowly pulls right and begins to drive on. They followed the road until the noticed a pileup of burnt cars.

"Hold." Richy said and the humvee stopped, Kat swivels and checks the area, "Why are we stopping? I can get shot ya know." he stated, making sure his helmet was on properly. "Disembark" Richy said calmly. Everyone except for Kat exited the vehicle and approached the burnt carcasses of the cars and trucks. Richy looked at the old vehicles, "I got bones. Old ones." he said as he looked inside the cars. "...Doesn't seem like anything here would be useful to us.. Let's go." he said. Everyone got back into the humvee and carried on. Going on the side of the road to avoid the pileup. Kat watched it closely as Amy kept an eye on their flank. Time passes on and they were soon near the town of Breckenridge. "Halt!" Katashi said and the humvee stopped, "I got eyes on the town, and it looks...populated, quickly back up into the brush!" he said, Richard took some binocs and looked down the road, there was a large gate in front of the main road and tapped the dashboard twice, Sams sign to back up and hide. Richy grabbed the radio and cleared his throat. "Overlord, this is Pilgrims. We spotted something near town 1 and will be radio silent. If you don't hear back from us within 5 hours send out a recovery team.." he said, and then there was a silent pause.. "Copy, Radio silent.. You better come back." she said and the radio turned off on her end..

(Please wait as the next entry is created, if anyone is reading this that is..)
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The squad get out of the humvee and booby trap it to explode if someone other than them tries to take it. They hope they weren't seen-if anyone is alive that is-. "Alright, on me, watch your spacing." Richard said quietly and began walking in the direction of the town. They moved as a unit, quiet and cautious, "...So what's the plan when we get to the town?" Kat asks, "We establish if the people within the walls are alive and well, and if they are friendly. If not we get into the Humvee and backtrack and head to back home. Then they'll send out the First Assault Troop. They'll clean up so we can take over... If they're friendly, we make contact, and we keep the bunker hush hush. Our story will be that we are travelers." he stated as they walked, Ace was in front, she was taking point because her senses were.. better than the others. As they walked, the listened carefully for any movement.

They soon reached a hidden area near the town, they were sort of surprised to see it was guarded, Richard pulled his team back a bit as he makes mental notes of vantage points. The layout of the gate was pretty standard: Two sniper towers-the people in the towers seemed to be armed with basic hunting rifles-, barbed wire on the top of the gates and fences.. The building that acted as a gate had a large hole in the side and.. "That's a fucking TOW launcher.." Kat whispered when they had pulled back. Richy made a note of the launcher, but the outside area had plenty of areas for them to hide, there was a ditch on the side of the road, great view for someone to see the snipers without being seen themselves. There was a large tree that Ace could climb and have a perfect line of sight on the gate guards. Which he ordered her to get climbing. He then ordered Katashi to take the ditch when he had the tower guards distracted. Sam has to follow the geneva convention laws and not engage. So she'd be with Richard, as if he's shot or if she's shot at, she can engage. Amy would use the cover of a few cars that were in the road as a barricade to sneak to the other side and get in range of the tow launcher to throw a frag into the building.

The plan was formed and they all went to do their thing. Sam and Richard back tracked a bit and went onto the main road, walking calmly towards the gates with their hands up, "You think they're friendly?" Sam asks, they had their radios off so Kat could radio the situation to Ace. Once close to the gate, the people on guard aimed their weapons at them, "That's close enough strangers!" a man shouted loudly. They halt and look at the man who was talking, "Who are you? And state your business!" he adds. The man was tan with white hair and an eyepatch. He wore cargo pants, a vest, and basic t-shirt. "We're just travelers! We mean no harm!" Richy said loudly. "Oh really? Is that right? You don't look like you've been on the road too long, where's your car?" he asks, "That's none of your business sir!" he replied. Richy took a deep breath, "We're looking to stock up on some supplies and then get back on the road." he said blankly. The man paused for a moment, "...Alright.. Go to the side of the gate and knock, I'll let them know you're coming in!" He shouts. Richard lowers his arms and so did Sam. "Ace go back to the Humvee and bring it up here, drive it slowly. Don't freak the locals out." Kat said through coms. Amy stuck close to the wall and quietly got back to Richard and Sam when they were close enough. The side of the gate opened and let the two in, but they were sort of hostile towards Amy, "H-Hey chill! She's with us! Look at the uniform." Sam said, Amy wasn't expecting her to step in, she was soon let through. "Ok.. Amy, stay here and let the guards know we have two more people that are coming." Sam told her, Amy nodded and stood by the gate.

Richard looked at his surroundings. The area was actually populated. The town was fully defended and guarded. On the inside you could make out steps and walkways that would give the people inside the ability to shoot out while also still having cover. It was quite the good idea. Anyways, Richard's new mission was to establish an agreement with the people, that some of the able bodied remnants would be coming down to take residence, if there is room, Richard walks up to someone who seemed to be doing nothing.. "Excuse me ma'am, do you happen to know where i can-", "Get the hell away from me freak!" the woman said, Richard held his hands up a tad and backed away, maybe asking a guard would be best... Sam on the other hand was out exploring, she turned her radio on, making sure she'd stay in contact with everyone, and hopes Richy did the same..

Meanwhile, Katashi was quietly getting back to the humvee, Sama stood by it with her rifle aimed at him, which made him hold his hands up, "Your footsteps are quite loud Kat." she said and lowered her rifle. "W-Well you're not the one with a hundred pounds of ammo and gear on you." he stated. She stared at him blankly and turned around to open the door, she had already disarmed the trap. Kat got in and onto the gun. The thing had a nice front shield so he was quite protected. The humvee lurched forward and onto the road again, driving slowly towards the town, Amy was on one of the towers and saw them approaching. "Yep, that's them. Let'em through please!" Amy shouted. The gate soon opened and allowed the humvee to enter. Sama stepped out and looked at everything. Standing guard by the humvee, her rifle held close and tight to her. Kat just looked at all the people. It was amazing to see humans survived after all that

Richard walked up to a guard, he wanted to know who was running the place. "Hey, excuse me, who's running this place?" he asks blankly, "That would be Maxwell, he's in the building with the TOW, you guys probably saw it on your way in." the man said, pointing to a door that had two guards standing by it, "Thanks man." he said kindly and began to walk away. "..Hey, are you military? " the guard asks, "Uh... No.." he lied, "Alright...just wanted to ask, gear resembles the old world military.." he stated, Richard nods, " know who won?" he asks the man. The man took a deep poof of his cigarette, "Nobody." he said as he exhaled, he seemed defeated when he said it.

Almost sad. Richard looked away, then continued walking towards the door he was pointed to, the guards stop him and almost aimed their guns at them. Sama saw and quickly-very quickly- ran over and used the butt of her rifle to knock the nearest one to her out, and aim her sidearm at the other, Richard quickly grabbed the gun and pulled the bolt back, holding it back, "Chill. Out." he said sternly, she nods and lets her gun go so he can take it and let the bolt slide back to where it was, he handed it back to her and looked at the guard. "Apologies for that.. But that was..kinda on you." Richard said, glaring at the guard who seemed sort of scared. "Is the boss in?" he asks him, the man nods and goes to unlock the door. Richard looked at Sama, who still had her bandanna on around her face, "Don't do it again, let me handle it next time." he said, taking the pouch of gold and silver and tossing it to her, "Share it with the squad, hundred each." he stated. She nods and goes to give everyone their share.

Richard walked inside the building to speak with this Maxwell guy, meanwhile, Sama was handing out gold bars and silver coins to the squad, "Go see what you can get with those, is pretty much what the LT said." she stated, everyone nodded and left to see what they can buy. Sama gave Kat the rest as she wasn't going to leave the vehicle alone. The group set out on their own to see what they can get... Kat spotted a music shop and immediately went to it, Amy and Sam set out towards the food district, focusing on if the food would be edible... Sama was the first person to remember they needed to check in, she gets into the humvee and closes the door and turns the radio on. "Overlord this is Pilgrims. Ready to give status update." she said quietly, there was a slight pause, "This is overlord, we read you; We were quite worried about you guys, how's the town?" she asks, "...inhabited." she said. There was a long pause. "I assume the fact you aren't asking for help is because they are friendly." she states, "Depends on your view of friendly. They aren't nice." Sama said. "Noted. Where's Richy?" she asks, "Talking with the town leader right now. He know's what to do." the silent professional said. "Alright, check back when it's done. Overlord out." Jessica said. Sama put the radio back and laid back in the humvee. Resting calmly..

(sleepy and need to work on another, sorry that this isn't eventful yet. Plus i doubt anyone is reading this anyways so..)

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