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Fantasy Lichbane (Lore)


Messiah of the New Night
Kingdom's and Cities on the Continent of Undrarike

Vanlig is a vast and prosperous kingdom which covers nearly the entire continent of Undrarike. The capitol city is located near the very heart of the land, and is protected by a vast wall. Across the outskirts of Vanlig are smaller communities, mostly farmers and miners. Races of all breeds have become united under Vanlig's banner, which is just a plain blue flag.

Vanlig is currently governed by heir to the throne King Monstley VI. Compared to his previous leaders, Monstley VI is like a tyrant; as he is responsible for sending more of the disabled and cowardly to Dumstaden in mere months than the previous kings have during their entire rule. This, however, is where his tyrant-like tendencies end. He pays his tithe to the church, keeps his people fed, and ensures his army of knights are well trained. He has, however, shunted the responsibility of killing the Lich onto the residents of Dumstaden.

Snuskig was once a religious settlement, and the home of the Holy Predikant, similar to the Pope, who, at one point in time, actually had power over the King of Vanlig, for the Predikant communicated directly with God. However, decades ago the man who would become the first Lich was elected as the Predikant, and with his newfound political power, acquired the resources necessary for Lichdom, proceeded with the ritual, and laid a curse upon the town. God, meanwhile, stood idly by and laughed at the audacity of this treasonous Predikant. God lifted not a finger to smite him, sure enough that one day the Earth' s people would reap justice upon him. God's lack of smiting, however, lead the church and the entire town to believe that they had been forsaken, and turned to insanity. Now roaming bands of inquisitors stalk the streets, threatening all with the threats of turning them Undead, and torture. Lots and lots of torture.

Once the ruins of a city that existed before the Kingdom of Vanlig spread across the land, it was abandoned before they could write of their records. As such, Dumstaden's history remains a mystery. Once the ruins were discovered by King Monstley II, he attempted to have the city cleansed and hospitable for his subjects. Alas, the layout was too puzzling, there was just so much moss, and the project ended when some of the king's laborers went missing as they ventured deeper into the ruins. The king then decided that this place would be it's own city again, and that the people who would live here would be those the King deemed unsuited to work as a merchant or soldier, too weak or stupid to farm, and those deemed insane by the church.

The modern result was Dumstaden, a town inhabited by cowards, weaklings, the mentally ill, the physically crippled, and the mentally challenged. How they manage to survive and even thrive in the ruins is a mystery even greater than the history of what this city was before it was Dumstaden.
Important Figures

King Monstley VI
The sixth heir to the throne, King Monstley is responsible for a sudden population surge in Dumstaden. He cracked down on droves of cowards, weaklings, mentally ill and physically challenged, condemning them all to the ruins under the guise of receiving "heirlooms of the old Vanlig." When Monstley is not being a stern leader, he is being a concerned father. He knows he doesn't have much time left, and wishes that her daughter would finally marry someone so that they could keep the bloodline going. Even after several Dragon kidnappings and lightly rescues, she seems to refuse every suitor that comes her way, much to her father's chagrin. But now that she has been taken by an undead wizard, and his most trusted knights have failed, the King hopes that one of the "champions" of Dumstaden could finally earn her heart, as by now, he is completely out of options.

Princess Monstley
The daughter of King Monstley VI, the Princess has spent the last 8 years of her life being kidnapped by a Dragon, being saved by self-righteous, unheroic and downright misogynistic knights and Heroes who treat her like an object. As such they have never earned more than a kiss on the cheek. But now the princess is 26 years old, in the prime of her youth. Something new has finally broken the routine of Dragon kidnappings; she was kidnapped by a Lich! And now she lays as his hostage in the heart of Dumstaden, wishing that one day, an actual, kind-hearted hero would finally rescue her and earn the right to marry her.

The Dragon
Known throughout Vanlig as Yngrhoerth the Bitter, this silver-scaled Dragon has been kidnapping Princess Monstley for the last 8 years, solely for the intentions of asking her to watch her eggs while she goes to gather food. Every time she returns to her "hired" Nanny, though, the Princess was either gone, or about to be returned by a powerful knight. Despite all of their efforts, Yngrhoerth has never been truly slain, and the person who came closest was later knighted as the Dragonslayer.

When the Dragon heard of her choice in Nanny being kidnapped by a Lich, the Dragon was unable to do much about it, as she still needed to watch her eggs and nurture her young when they hatched. And so, the Dragon remains in its mountain, patiently biding its time and hoping some lesser creature would come by, offering to keep her eggs warm.

The Lich
Once the Holy Predikant, this man was once known as Skire Krowe, a Wizard of much age, knowledge and skill. He forsook his name upon receiving the title of Predikant, as is tradition among the Holy Leader. With his political power, the Wizard carefully plotted his scheme for immortality, all while keeping the oblivious God on a need-to-know basis. When his rituals were finally complete, he abandoned his position as Predikant, and became an Undead Lich. It came as a surprise to him that God did not strike him down for this atrocity, but instead, laughed and issued this warning: "Lo, thou hast used a position of great authority to achieve thine own selfish, evil desires. Know that the very earth itself will not allow this to go unpunished, and that a Hero will be born to slay you and destroy your Phylactery." The Lich took this warning with a shrug, and went about his Lichly business. This inaction by God drove his followers in Snuskig to fall to insanity, making them easy prey for the Lich's zombifying curse.

A year later, he kidnapped Princess Monstley, and brought her to the heart of the maze-like Dumstaden, his presence causing an eternal night to rise over the city of failures. Deep within the city, he plans to cast a spell, though no one knows what it will do, or why he needed the Princess to do so.

The Dragonslayer
Knight Lionel was the one man who came closest to slaying the Silver Dragon when he thrusted his spear into her heart. The Princess refused him as a suitor for his boastful attitude and selfish claim to glory. From then om he was no longer Knight Lionel, but Dragonslayer Lionel. He was granted a new magical spear which crackles with electric energy, new golden armor, and command over Vanlig's knightly army. He answers directly to King Monstley.

One day, Lionel entered Dumstaden after the Eternal Night rose, with the Darkwalker, the Greatbow, and King's Dagger accompanying him. They have not returned...

The Darkwalker
Knight Arthur, a prodigy swordsman who wandered into Vanlig from across the sea. He pledged his sword and service to King Monstley VI, and since then he has not let him down. Any enemy who faced Arthur in combat was slain, and when faced with the Dragon, defeated her near effortlessly. He did meet the Princess's interests, but refused to be her suitor, as he would not be happy unless he was fighting.

His title was earned when he took on the hordes of Snuskig alone, and actually managed to survive an encounter with the Lich. It did seem to have an effect on his mind, as he never spoke again after returning from Snuskig.

When he brought up his sword and accompanied his fellow warriors into Dumstaden to face the Lich once again, he and his companions never returned.

The Greatbow
The high commander of the Archers, the Greatbow, named Orros, is a true Giant, 20 feet tall and stout enough to tote a massive bow capable of firing lance-sized projectiles. No archer in the King's army has ever hoped to match his aim. When his time came to rescue the princess, he shot the Dragon out of the sky, but did not tske the hand of the princess, for she was, in the Giant's own words: "too small". Despite his glory, the Greatbow was always subject to harsh racism, for he was a Giant among Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and so on. One day, his bullies filled his helmet' s visor with dirt, and, having never bothered to take it off, the Greatbow assumed himself to be blind. This, however, did not impede his aim in the slightest.

He bumbled along with his comrades into Dumstaden, and like them, has not yet come back.

The King's Knife
An assassin who wields two blades of conflicting colors, the King's Knife Aerial fancies herself a silent killer, as her golden sword slices open bleeding wounds that seem to never heal, and her violet dagger secretes a fast acting venom. She managed to retrieve the princess without even provoking a fight from the Dragon, having stealthed passed her. She was deemed unfit to marry the Princess for she could not produce an Heir, that aside, Aerial's heart went out to Arthur, the Darkwalker.
The King's Knife accompanied her three comrades into the heart of Dumstaden, but they have not returned from the puzzling ruins...
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Magic, and spellcasting in general, is thought to be the territory of Wizards. This, however, is not entirely true. There are numerous types of magic, as well as breeds of people associated with them.

Sorcery is the primary magic that nearly everyone knows exists. The nature of sorcery involves overcharging one's own soul with energy, and then discharging that energy with a wandlike catalyst. Sorcery requires years of study for commoners to use, although some people have been known to use Sorcery naturally. These people are believed to have the blood of dragons coursing through their veins.

Sorcery is relatively complex. There are numerous spells one can study and learn to cast. Apart from the basic magical missiles, Sorcerers can protect themselves from deadly falls, empower a weapon or shield with magic, throw their voice, or even teleport short distances. Many wizardry scholars believe that the ruins of Dumstaden may have ancient sorceries hidden within, just begging to be studied.
Clerics are associated with the art of Miracles. To cast a Miracle, a Cleric must recite a unique prayer to God whilst clutching a chime or talisman blessed by their church. If their prayer is correct. God will fulfill the Miracle. The most common Miracles are primarily for healing or navigation, though more devout Clerics have been seen throwing javelins of lightning, resurrecting the dead, and even calling down a smiting hand of God itself. The power of Miracles depend entirely upon one's faith.

Pyromancy is a primal spellcasting art, often scorned by sophisticated circles of Wizards. It's base is as simple as manipulating and casting fire. A pyromancer's power and the intensity of their flame is linked directly to their passions and sense of inner strength. The braver a pyromancer, the brighter his flame. As he gets angrier, his flame burns hotter. And when he finally masters the art, he no longer need fear his flame biting the hand which feeds it.

While most pyromancies are as simple as tossing orbs of flames, others have been known to create other uses, such as poisonous fog, charming mindless creatures, and even calling upon meteors from the sky.

An art invented by the Predikant Lich, a Hex is the result of combining sorcery with miracles. Its drive is based on pure emotion and sense of morality; a Hexer must have a definitive sense of good and/or evil that they follow, as someone who muddles about in a grey area will find their hexes quite weak.

A hex directly attacks the soul of a victim with its corrupting darkness. Hexers have utilized more than simple orbs of dark energy before: there are records of homing missiles, soul eroding fogs, and even cases of necromancy.

A force not quite understood even by its specialists. Cosmancy is the art of manifesting the power of Stars, Planets, and other Celestial bodies. Less than 1% of all Spellcasters in the world are Cosmancers, and the main lot of them are isolated madmen and madwomen who have had dreams of walking on the surface of a star. There seems to be no real fuel for Cosmancy that anyone can understand. It just seems to happen.

Cosmancy spells include launching bolts of nuclear star fire, as well as manipulating gravity, screwing with time, space, and even creating new stars.
Note: until a certain point, Cosmancy is not available to players!

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