Lianne Perpory


Personified Salt Shaker

Lianne Perpory








Lianne is slim but fit, her body maintained to appear on stage. Her hair goes shortly below her shoulders when untied. Her left eye is mostly blind. The clothing in the picture is her stage clothing and when making public appearances; she normally wears blouses and full-length skirts when training, traveling, and during missions in the wilderness. She doesn't wear shoes. Her guild marking is on her left shoulder blade.


Hair Color:


Eye Color:





132 lbs


Lianne is an attention seeker. Extroverted and prone to fits of giggles, she is always standing in the center of the room, doing her best to keep the spotlight on her. This is reflected in her passion for singing, as she would frequently sing onstage under the stage name "Nightingale." However, after the war, she rarely graces the stage, and does so with more solemn songs.

There is a side of her that is more reserved. Whenever Lianne sees destruction related to the Ten Day War, or if someone mentions her sister, she loses her outgoing nature for a moment. While in this state of mourning, Lianne is prone to stay silent and ignore the world around her. These bouts do not normally last long, but they do happen often.


  • Singing/Performing
  • Happy People
  • Harmony
  • Rebuilding 


  • Death and Destruction
  • People Ignoring Personal Space
  • Entitled People
  • The Mages that Killed her Sister

Character Strengths:

  • Pitch perfect singer
  • Sound magic is strong in 1v1 combat and versatile against groups
  • Knows how to talk to people
  • Fights for a purpose

Character Weaknesses:

  • Avoids severely injuring/killing other people and causing destruction
  • Magic isn't well suited for teamwork
  • Doesn't know when to stop fighting
  • Motivated by vengeance


  • Taphophobia (fear of being buried alive)
  • Selachophobia (fear of sharks)
  • Not bringing her sister's killers to justice 


Lianne grew up in the inn her parents owned. Lianne and her sister, Lisa, would commonly talk to the patrons, listening to various stories from far off lands. These stories awed the children, but Lianne always wanted to hear stories from the performers, believing that the actors, musicians, and singers had the best adventures. This led young Lianne to try her hand at different performing arts, eventually settling on singing. In order to sing better, she needed a teacher. A teacher was found, an old Sound Mage called Frederik.

Frederik misunderstood what he was supposed to be teaching the young girl, so he taught her how to use Sound Magic. Lianne took what she learned, including various breathing techniques and voice control, and improved her singing. She spent the next decade or so singing at her parent's inn and practicing magic with Frederik. However, there came a day when Frederik told Lianne that he had nothing more to teach her, and she had to continue to grow of her own accord. Realizing it was because Lianne was old enough to join a Guild, she understood and thanked Frederik for his tutelage. Through her reputation as Nightingale and magical prowess and potential, Lianne managed to join Mermaid's Heel.

As a member of Mermaid's Heel, Lianne became known as Nightingale, as she commonly sang to visitors to the guild. As such, many jobs called for Nightingale to sing at various parties, banquets, and events. Despite her popularity for singing as Nightingale, Lianne did undertake other missions, including a mission looking for rare herbs that resulted in a duel with rival mages. Lianne earned her reputation as a valued member of Mermaid's Heel, though there were certainly plenty of other mages who were more skilled than her.

Lianne was visiting a far off town, singing for a wedding, when the Ten Day War started. With the help of Lisa, who had become a Solid Script Mage, Lianne rushed to return to Mermaid's Heel. The sisters never made it that far. They were ambushed by the rampaging mages. Lisa died, and Lianne lost her left eye. The mages escaped, and Lianne swore vengeance on them.

After the war ended, Lianne started to help rebuild as part of the Fiore-Bosco Alliance. When rumors that a mission to hunt down the mages who started the war reached Lianne, she volunteered to join. She hopes to find the mages who murdered her sister and bring them to justice.


Sound Magic

Example Spells:

  • Shattering Stomp: Lianne stomps the ground, amplifying the sound. Can crack the ground and deafen those around her, depending on volume.
  • Aimed Blast: Lianne punches, sending directed sound waves the direction she punched. Not very powerful and needs to be aimed, but can be rapid fired.
  • Soothing Song: Lianne sings, using her magic to boost the properties of her voice. Relaxes muscles and soothes the weary. Works one everyone who can hear it, both friend and foe.
  • Soundwave: Lianne yells, boosting the volume to obscene levels. At maximum power, she could easily level a building. However, it can only last as long as she can yell (and will leave her short of breath if she holds it too long), affects both friends and enemies (making it unusable in a team fight), and Lianne will refuse to use it at full power in a city (she actively avoids causing more destruction).
  • Mute: Lianne suppresses all sound in an area. It can encompass a large area filled multiple people and shrink down small enough to block sound for only one person. While using the spell by itself isn't hard, combining a spell that boosts sound and Mute will drain Lianne of magic power quickly.




Mermaid Heel


Lianne wants to help other people and make them happy. However, with the death of her sister, Lianne's motives are tainted with revenge.


Lianne wants to live in a world where people aren't afraid of other people, though she also wants the group responsible for her sister's death brought to justice.


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