Let's Play! -Tira (Soul Calibur)



RpNation virgin here.

Been stalking this forum for a bit after a long term rp partner of mine got his ass handed to him in the game known as 'real life.' Yeah, you play that game too-we all do. Sooo, I decided to finally commit here & see if I can find new people to play with.

Since my schedule is erratic, 1x1's are my go to source for fun. Group rps are far too fast paced for my liking but I did get my start from them. I am a laid back type of human who enjoys detail & action in stories. Metal is my background music when writing & most of my plots stem from those songs actually.

Well, that's about it.

Be seeing you!
Well hi there! I've never played that game. I live in my daydreams, and play some Diablo, that's about it. I'm not even good at those two games either :(

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