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Realistic or Modern Let's Play Heroes (OPEN 1 SPOT)


A broken doll picking up the pieces of her life

Heroes on the Rise?

Have Our prayers finally been answered? Has someone finally stood up for those who can't help themselves On the night of Saturday July 5th 2015 a video was posted online of a group of heroes coming to the rescue. When a woman was threatened and attacked by an unknown man, a group of five stepped in and quickly saved the woman. The identies and ages of this group still remain unknown, but the city sends out prayers of thanks and hope to these five as we hold onto this sliver of light in this dark world. Thank You.

John Caner Released after Yet Another Trial

The recent Trail of John Caner, a man convicted of Mass Murder and many other criminal acts, ended just yesterday on Tuesday July 8th 2015. This Man had only served time under House Arrest for a Month prior to the trial. But now is released with a statement by the judge being; "I believe that everyone in this town has made some regretted decisions in their life. And everyone deserves a second chance at better decisions..." John Caner had already been convicted of murder and crimes twice in the past year alone. Hasn't this man already had his second AND third chance? Is this truly how our law system should be? What assurance do we have of safety when the government keeps releasing criminals like John Caner back onto the streets? Are we truly safe anywhere anymore? More to come on this story soon.

((This Rp will start 3 days after the video was released, and the huge rumor of Superheroes is out there))
Tap Tap Tap. The constant clicking and tapping sound could be heard faintly as a pen was tapped constantly against a laptop keypad. a blonde haired teen sat staring at a bright laptop screen in the dim warm dawn light, his eyes lost in thought.The sun hadn't risen over the tall skyscraper buildings of the city, but the sound of sirens were still to be heard off in the distance. The boy was luckily enough to live in a nicer part of town, in a nice house on the edge of a crowded neighbor hood street. The grass was green and the area was nicely kept, but if you knew how the boy was able to live in a nice part of a destroyed city then you might not be so keen on living the way he did. After all the only reason he got to live an easy life was because his father was payed a lot of money to let savages run loose killing people in the city. Nevertheless the boy always made sure to give everything he could to those who didn't have such a lucky life.

The constant tapping continued as the dirty blonde haired kid clicked a button to replay a video for the millionth time that day, all the while his pen still rapping against the keypad. His green eyes never left the screen as the same video played again and again. A loud yawn and the door opening and shutting behind him didn't even break his concentration. "Hey kid." A rough and low voice announced the presence of the boy's father. "For God's sake Ryner your still watching that stupid video?" The man muttered, crouching down beside him.

"Mhm." The said boy mumbled not taking his eyes off the screen. The man sighed, before yawning again.

"Honestly Ry, heroes? You don't honestly believe that they are really out there do you? It was probably just a group of kids being stupid and trying to gain attention." His father stated yawning yet again. He was completely wrong, it was just a bunch of kids being stupid, but it wasn't to gain attention. It had originally been intended just to be something for them to do. Ryner hit replay once again, finally stopping the tapping only to bite the end of the pen instead. His fathered sighed again not moving on. "You hanging out with your friends again today?" He stated, though it wasn't much of a question. They always hung out.

"Ya, their coming over in a little while I believe" He answered, though his voice was far off, his mind still on the video.

"Alright well don't throw any parties or destroy the house while I'm at work." His father joked with a light chuckle. "I'll be home late again as well. Their's plenty of food so you can fend for yourself on meals again. Well I'm off." The man ruffled the boy's hair gaining an annoyed groan, before walking down the front steps to his car and driving off. Ryner's green orbs finally left the screen and watched the car drive out of sight before half yawning and half sighing. He stretched his arms out widely and leaned back against the wall, looking at the dim morning sky.

"How did something so simple and stupid become so big and a supposed hope in the city?" He muttered to himself, closing his eyes, and letting his thoughts continue to try and work through the current situation.
Merryn walked around in awe, staring at the perfect, white houses surrounding her. All the houses were carbon copies of each other.

Perfect home, perfect lawn, a perfect picket fence with a perfect paint job... Merryn could not help but feel a pang of jealousy for her affluent friend. Merryn lived quite a different life than him. Her parents both worked as tailor. It was a good job, better than running drugs for a gang like most people did these days, but it was no where near the level Ryner's parents were. Merryn guessed they must have very high paying jobs to be able to afford a house like this. Her own parents only earned enough for a worn out town house on the edge of downtown. It was more like a couple of sticks stuck together with a bit of cement. Well... it was still home.

So caught up in her thought, Merryn missed Ryner's house and had to back track a block. The extra time gave her the chance to think

some more. Her group of friend's were heading over to Ryner's house for one reason: the video of them that had been uploaded to the internet. It showed the group, dressed as super heroes, beating up a woman's assailants. Merryn herself hit a guy in the back of the head with a pipe. She giggled. It was exhilarating. The friend's next move was to talk about it. Merryn wasn't sure what was going to happen next. Were they actually turn into heroes? Merryn didn't know what to think. God knows the city needed heroes, but was she up to it?

There was no more time for questions. She hurried onward towards Ryner's house. The sun was just rising, and even in this part of

the city it wasn't safe to be outside. She stepped up onto Ryner's porch. A vase of flowers sat near the door. They were really wealthy compared to her. Sometimes, Merryn wondered why Ryner and herself were even friends. They were so different. Merryn paused for a moment. She didn't really know Ryner's parents. What were they like? She shrugged. If Ryner's parents didn't like her, they'll just have to deal. Merryn rang Ryner's doorbell. A chiming noise sounded. Merryn stood in front of the door, a smile on her face. If one of hid parents opened the door, Merryn wanted to make a good impression.

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"Ugh!" A growl rang through Hiro's small flat. She leaned back in her chair and slammed her laptop lid closed. Stomps could be heard from upstairs and someone's angry voice called to her to be quite. Hiro let out another frustrated growl just to irritate her upstairs neighbors and she got up from her lavender purple office chair. She had been scouring the internet for the past few days to try and find who originally posted "the video". Somebody had taken a video of her and her friends saving some lady. As soon as it was posted it went viral. It was all over the internet, and she couldn't trace it back to the original owner. Who knew what would get the best of someone who could hack just about anything would be something as silly as this. Hiro had watched the video at least a billion times as she looked everywhere on the internet.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a juice box from the fridge and looked around her small kitchen. There was a small fridge in the left hand corner and next to it was the stove. Above the stove was a microwave and cabinets lined the walls. Glancing at the microwave clock she realized she was almost late to go meet up with her friends like she always did. Hiro quickly finished her juice and threw it away. She ran over to her lap top and threw it into her bag, along with her tablet, her chargers, and a bunch of other electronics she owned. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and grabbed her phone, running out the door. She locked all of the doors locked and speed walked to the stairs. She had a weird fear of elevators and never used them, even if it meant going up ten flights of stairs.

After walking down three flights of stairs Hiro made it to the lobby of her apartment building and rushed out the door. She walked down the side walk as she watched police and ambulance cars rushed past with their flashing lights.
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After the recent events occurred Lilith couldn't keep still, she could still feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, making her heart race, she could still feel...stronger. But however that sense of power came hand by hand with guilt, worry, fear; what if her parents found out it was her in the video? She couldn't even imagine their reactions, but then again why would they see it? she thought to herself in an attempt to reassure herself. Oh don't be stupid Lilith, of course they've seen it, everyones seen it! Everyone except her, who up to this point had refused to see the video she was so ashamed of.

Lilith hit her forehead once more, how could she have been so careless, so wreckless, so stupid? She knew how much her parents had worked for her to have gotten a decent life, and with this, she was basically throwing all the efforts her parents had ever made for her down a drain. "How did this even happen?" she sighed as she stood off her couch and made her way towards the door. She clearly remembered how it had all happened; they were all just messing around, that was until they took notice of a woman being attacked, that's when what Lilith could only describe of impulse took over all of them as they charged straight at the attacker, by the end of it he was beaten to a pulp, and although Lilith hadn't hurt him all that much, she had still shoved him away from the helpless woman, which still meant she had taken part in it. She took a deep breath before reaching out for the door knob, turning it, exiting her home and locking the door.

They had all agreed to go meet up in Ryner's place, mainly to discuss what they'd all do about the video, or she hoped it was for that matter, and seeing as she wasn't exactly that far away from the meeting point, Lilith decided to walk there, it'd also help her decide on wether she accepted the responsibility for having taken part in this or pretended she had nothing to do with the incident.

She had never expected herself nor her friends of being able to do something so admirable, but then again, was it admirable? Or was it something she should be ashamed of? Considering the world they lived in, to most it would seem irrational, but she doubted her friends thought that.

Since it seemed thinking was only adding more stress than relieving her of any she already had, that and she was approaching Ryner's house. Getting closer to said house she could make out one of her friends, Merryn, she walked up to her and greeted her with a quiet "Hello", assuming she had already called for the door, she awaited beside her for the door to be opened.
Ryner had drifted off slightly, and didn't even notice the two come up the front step. He was however dragged back when he heard the similar ring of his own doorbell. He looked over to see Merr and Lilith standing a short distance away. "Ahem." Ryne cleared his throat grabbing their attention. "I guess I'm extremely quiet to go unnoticed by you guys." The teen smiled warmly setting his computer down at his side and standing up. "My dad's already gone for work." He stated simply, brushing dirt of his torn jeans. With a loud yawn and a large stretch of his arms his eyes still sparkled slightly."Oh Morning." He smiled again, jumping up onto the white side railing of the porch, his leg dangling off the outer edge, and his arms crossed across his chest. "I guess we should wait for the others before talking about our......problem? Is that what you would call it?" He rubbed the back of his head, Hiro appearing at the corner of his sight.

(@Despairingly Lucky )
While Merryn was waiting for someone to answer the door, her friend Lilith creeped up beside her and uttered a greeting. Merryn turned around and looked her friend up and down. "Ah, hello Lilith!" she replied. "Glad someone else is here other than me," she said, rubbing the back of her head. They were all friends, but Merryn always felt odd when she just hung out with one of them alone. It felt wrong, strange. Merryn felt like they belonged in a group together; and when even one person was missing, it just didn't feel the same. She hates being the first person to arrive anywhere. So Merryn was very relieved at the arrival of Lilith.

Merryn was ready to begin a conversation with Lilith when Ryner arrived on the scene. Apparently he was on the porch the entire time; Merryn just didn't notice him. She ridiculed herself internally. If she wanted to be a hero, she had to be observant! "Ohhhh... hello Ryner; good morning..." she said nonchalantly, trying to play it off. "I didn't see you there..." Merryn leaned against the railing of Ryner's house and tried to act suave. She couldn't tell if it was working or not. Merryn nodded at what Ryner had to say. "Good," she replied. "We'll have to house to ourselves. But to do what, exactly?" she asked suggestively, raising an eyebrow. A cheeky grin broke out on her face. "I kid; I kid. Yeah, it would be best to wait for everyone else. Right now it's me, you, Lilith..." she said, ticking off people with her fingers. "And I see Hiro back there, so now we're only waiting for Robin and that other kid? What was their name again?" Merryn shrugged. 'Well, anyway, I hope they get here soon because this is pretty, like, important."

@Despairingly Lucky @Dlabell9 @Momoka
Seeing her friends just down the street Hiro ran over to them, giving out hugs. "Oh my gosh! Guys! Look at this! Ryner look at this!" Hiro pulled her phone out of her back pocket and made sure everyone saw what she was doing. First she clicked on her facebook app and she scrolled through all of her feed. Pretty much the only post people had posted was the video. "Look at this!" She said, starting to get frustrated, again. "It's all over everything!" This time she pulled up tumblr and scrolled through the posts, which consisted of the video. Hiro continued on and showed her friend the millions of posts on just about all of the social media sites. "The worst part is that I can't trace it back to the original post! It's all over everywhere so it's so difficult!" Hiro scrolled for another couple minutes and then remembered something. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys that I recorded a bit of our rescue." She said casually and pulled out her video camera. "The sad this is though that I didn't get a video of the person who posted the video. Hiro pulled up the video and started to play it. It looked really different from the one online. You could actually kind of hear what was being said during the fight, but it was hard to make out.

@Pawz @MariasDitch @Dlabell9
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"Great just what we need right now." Ryner muttered, throwing his arms out wide a leaning back, slightly too far. He began to lose his balance, but it was too much to catch himself so instead he flipped back and landed in the bushes. The boy quickly jumped up, leaves and twigs caught in his hair at odd angles. "I meant to do that." Came the not quiet smooth tone as he set his chin against the bottom of the railing.

"Hiro did you try tracing the street cameras? It could have caught who was filming it. Try that if you haven't yet." A tiny smile crept upon his lips as he heard a faint cracking from the video. He remembered that sound vividly. It in fact had been his own fist that had caused the sound. Yep Ryner had broken a guy's jaw with a single punch, and to be honest he was VERY proud of it. Was that bad? Ryner shook his head and grabbed the top of the railing, pulling himself back up. Almost like a dog he shook his messy hair out, sending a few twigs and leaves in wild directions. He gave another large yawn. "Anyone remember why we thought it was a good idea to dress up in bright flashy superhero costumes in the first place? I mean I get jumping in on impulse to save someone, and messing around with a camera. But maybe if we had chosen something less flashy and low key we might have brought less attention to ourselves. Then he again it might not have effected anything..." He let his voice trail off as he waved back to a neighbor across the street, who was getting their mail.

"Anyone know where those two are also?"
Lilith jumped a little when she first heard Ryner closer than she had thought he'd be "Good morning" she muttered while raising a hand to him, she hoped Merryn hadn't seen the sleeping boy either or else she'd be embarrassed.

Seeing as there were still two members from their group missing it probably would be best to wait for them all to be together to start talking about what she personally would call a dilema, they'd need all the different opinions they could get, since she assumed everyone had their own way of seeing the situation. While she normally would have been up for Merryn's joke she simply could not find herself laughing, she didn't exactly know why this topic was seeming to be downplayed a lot, it was one she would have preferred to be taken all too seriously, still she was just being to paranoid about the whole situation and maybe making some jokes would help, even if a little, having thought of this she responded to the joke by letting out a small giggle while fidgeting with her fingers.

Soon Hiro could be seen coming around the corner, if there was anyone Lilith was expecting to bring bad news, it was Hiro, she'd probably tell them that they had been identified through the video and would now have to be on the run...luckily she didn't bring any bad news, just things she already knew, the video had indeed gone viral, her parents had actually called her up about this issue, since it had even reached them. "Hey maybe you should erase that" Lilith pointed to the video camera in response to who Hiro mentioned she had recored the events herself, "If someone finds it they'll know we were in some way involved" she seemed to be quite good at taking precautions, and this case wasn't an exception.

Ryner seemed a little jumpy this day as he had clumsily fallen on a nearby bush, causing Lilith to make a noticeable smile, her friends were still her friends, and they all made her laugh, wether intentional or not as the case seemed to be. Listening to the fallen boy's suggestion she silently agreed, any attempt at finding whoever had filmed it seemed to be worth a try at this point. "We were just messing around, a group of kids with nothing to do and some comic-book like costumes? we were bound to do something odd with them" she tried to reassure her friends with this, not knowing if she was giving any useful insight. Finally when asked about the missing members of the group, the girl could only stay quiet as she had no idea of where they could be or when they would get there.

"So what's our current plan? find the person who originally posted the video and then what?" Lilith asked trying to introduce a short topic while awaiting the arrival of the other two.
"I promise to keep it safe," Hiro replied to Lilith, "Besides what if there is evidence in the video that I haven't noticed yet, even though I've seen it at least a million times." Hiro scanned over the video one last time as the recording started to end. She placed the camera back into her bag and pulled her phone back out. "Hack into the street cameras. Hmm... there's a camera on the post right there," She mumbled making a little gesture to a lamp post with a camera on top across the street, "I could probably hook my laptop up to it's connection in the base..." Hiro continued to mumble about how she could do it for a minute or two. "Ryner you're a geniuses!" She exclaimed and dragged her friends, and her backpack over to the post. She grabbed her laptop and opened it, setting it down on the ground next to the base. Hiro dug through her bag, tossing out cables and things into a pile until she found a small case of screwdrivers. "You know they make this way too easy," She stated while unscrewing a "hidden" panel at the base. Moving over to her computer after the panel was screwed off Hiro pulled up a website called "blueprints.com" and searched "lamp post camera model 34861593". She clicked the first picture but an icon appeared in the center of the screen that said "restricted access. Authorized personnel only." She let out a small groan and clicked the login button in the top right hand corner.

((p.s. I don't know if "blueprints.com" is an actual website. I just made it up.))

@Pawz @Dlabell9 @MariasDitch
Merryn shook her head, trying to follow the conversation. She didn't understand all this technology stuff. "I don't know why we dressed up like that," she replied. "If we decide to go out, I can tailor us new costumes, so we don't look like people that just walked out of Comic Con," she offered. Merryn already tailored and patched up her own clothes. She decided it could not be much harder to make a few costumes. When Hiro pulled out her phone with the video, she watched along with them. She could see her group of friends, but fortunately all their faces were covered up. It was the one blessing they could hope for in this horrible situation. She watched as Ryner threw a punch at one of the assailants, then as Lilith tackled his partner. Then she watched as she herself finished the one guy off with a whack to the head. She winced as she watched one of the attacker's weight crumbled beneath him. A mugger or not, she could not help but feel bad for him.

Along with her other friends, Merryn was dragged over to the lamp post. She watched in awe as Hiro hacked into the system. "Umm... Hiro?" she asked. "What about the other cameras?" Merryn glanced around the street. There were cameras on every lamp post. "What you're doing seems just a little illegal," she pointed out. Merryn looked around for anyone and pulled up her hoodie. She stood in front of Hiro to protect her from view from the right. Ryner's neighbor was still outside. She stood between the neighbor and Hiro so he couldn't see the smaller girl. "I don't want this to be the way we're caught," she said.

Merryn glanced over her shoulder. Hiro was currently logging into something that required authorization. Her eyes widened. "You, a high school student, managed to get authorized access?" she asked in awe. "Why don't you just take down the government while you're at it?"

@Pawz @Dlabell9 @Momoka
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Ryner watched Hiro with an amused look as she started her hacking. "Actually, taking the government down isn't that bad of an idea." He agreed to the statement, a slight laugh in his tone. He wasn't completely joking though, it was a pretty good idea, now only if they could actually do it.

"Ryner!" The teen jumped slightly hearing his name being called by a sweet and light voice. He turned around to see the same woman from before waving for him to come over. He mumbled something to his friends before putting a bright smile on and walking over to the woman.

"Good Morning Ms. Rander." He smiled brightly, his eyes shimmering in the morning sun. "How are you?"

"Oh very well my dear." The said woman smiled back before glancing over to the small group of friends by the light post. "What are you kids up to this morning?" She questioned, her tone still sweet but also slightly skeptical.

"Oh Hiro loves her homework so she's just doing an earlier......science experiment." He smiled, trying his best to be convincing, though he wasn't completely sure it worked. But she nodded, accepting the story before saying good bye and heading back inside, though not without one last skeptical glance towards the group.

Ryner sighed before heading back over to his friends. "As to what we should do next, I think we are faced with a clear Choice."

( @Despairingly Lucky Please get your starter up soon, or I will have to open the spot back up soon)
Most people have that one friend that always seems to carry a knife wherever they go. Among this group of friends, Dante was that one. Of course, he didn't stop at that. As he walked down the street, it was easy to see why he seldom got called out for fights.. Black jeans over steel toe boots, a muscle shirt with the (even he would admit) cliche slogan "Sun's out, Guns out" emblazoned on the front. Of course, that's just what people could see. His shirt was a big long, and Dante took full advantage of the length of his shirt to conceal a pair of tonfa on his lower back. It was, admittedly, his melee weapon of choice. Of course, that wasn't the only weapon he carried. On each hip he had a straight blade knife. Despite carrying around a small armory, no one could tell by looking at him. He had become adept at hiding what he was packing. He ran his fingers through his shoulder length hair, some of it tied back in a half pony tail to keep it from falling in his face.

-I wonder what we're going to do about this video....-

He didn't regret helping that poor woman, but all this publicity was rather much... What he was worried about is that those thugs could have friends, angry friends. Now, he wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about his friends. Trying to go after him, especially in his home, was suicide, but what about his friends?... He frowned. No point in worrying now, he needed to see what his friends thought about it. He turned the corner to the meeting place, seeing them all gathered around a light post. "The hell are they doing now?" he wondered out loud, scratching his head in confusion as he made his way over to them.

"Sorry I'm late.. I hope I didn't miss much?"

@Pawz @MariasDitch @Momoka @Dlabell9
((A small bump for @Despairingly Lucky to jump in before i have to open the spot back up. C; thanks
Dante approached the lamp post. Merryn nodded a greeting to him. When he reached the group she told him what they were up to. "Well, currently Hiro is doing her technology.... thing," she said, glancing at the girl on her computer. Hiro was tapping along wildly and Merryn honestly had no idea what she was doing. "She's taping into the security cameras to see if she can see who took that video of us," Merryn explained. "Other than that, we all just got here so nothing has really been discussed yet. So no, you did not miss much." She yawned and stretched her arms over her head. "Now were just debating whether or not to go on as these 'heroes.' The choice is clear to me. We worked well as a team to protect that woman. This city needs hope. We are that hope. I can see no one stepping up in the future, so it looks like it's up to us," Merryn said. It was rather straight forward, but it was what she thought. "I'd rather not die protecting this city, but I'd rather do that than live in poverty for the rest of my life."

@Pawz @Momoka @Dlabell9 @One Mean Ghost

Ryner nodded in agreement. "It may sound insane, but its a chance to actually...... do something. Something that can make a difference in this city." He clenched his fist slightly. This could be one of the ways to do what his father did wrong, actually protect people. True it was a huge notion, but it was a least a chance. "Though if we do this can we have.....less flashy outfits? And more of like dark colors?" He smiled as he looked back down at Hiro. "Though it obviously will take a lot of training and work." He added, getting lost in thought. "I think we should go through with this."

( @MariasDitch @Dlabell9 @Momoka @One Mean Ghost

A smirk spread across Dante's lips. "You know, I was hoping you'd say that..." He chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You know I'm in. I've been itching for more action since the video. If we need any.... supplies.. you know I can get them, just tell me what you need. Except Tonfas.." He lifted his shirt up just enough to show them secured on his lower back. "They are mine." He concluded lowering his shirt again. "I second the outfits though... I'd prefer something mostly black, less PowerRanger-y..." He remarked thoughtfully, tapping his chin as he thought over some possible ideas.. He had been going over ideas for some time for himself, but he wasn't exactly talented with a needle and thread..
"Ah ha!" Hiro all but shouted when the files started to download onto her computer. "Ugh! Three hours! Really? I don't have the time for that! You know I really hate you sometimes, computer!" Hiro started to curse at her computer, lost in her own little world. Finally tuning back into the conversation she listened to what Dante had to say. "Hey when did you arrive here?" She asked looking at him puzzled, her angry at her computer seemed to have disappeared and she was happy again. "But anyways, I agree with you, and Ryner. We need to hide in the shadows, not stand out like power rangers. But magical girl-like costumes would be a lot of fun to wear." Hiro picked up her android phone and started to look at costume ideas. "Oh! We should also get super hero names, and Ryner, don't you dare make a joke about my name," She said pointing an accusing finger at Ryner.

((Sorry it's so late. No i'm not dead, i'm just lazy. Here you go everyone!))

(@Pawz @One Mean Ghost @MariasDitch @Dlabell9 that's everyone right?)
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(( HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Sorry I know that's late. Okay let me just clarify this. This rp isn't dead, it just got really slow. So please reply I want to get this back up and running at the before pace. So I'm going to tag @MariasDitch @Dlabell9 to reply before I reply, though @One Mean Ghost if you want to reply now then feel free too. Thanks!))

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