• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Let's Play a Love Game

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie

More Info

  • @Asylumnated is Co-GM, we both call the shots
  • Not first come first serve, we'll be choosing characters based on your experience and the character itself
  • I will be creating the list of perfect matches, and it will be kept secret, so I will also be acting as the Truth Booth computer, announcing whether or not a couple is a match when they enter the booth.
  • We will be creating scheduled events for the group, such as hiking or themed parties, so don't worry about getting bored
  • The matches list will be strictly heterosexual couples, but all sexualities are welcome. Your character, if homosexual, would simply just be in the game for the money and not looking for their true love. Could potentially piss the other characters off and screw up the game, so you're more than welcome to add that little tidbit of drama!
  • Below will be the information I need about your characters. Please don't add any bbcode when you submit a character sheet, keep it in plain text, as I have a code I want everyone's to fit in, so i'll be editing your post to fit your information into the code.
  • Post 3+ meaty paragraphs three times a week
  • While doubling is allowed, it must be one male and one female, no doubling on genders. And getting two spots is not a guarantee that your characters aren't matched together. (Not that this matters. Romantic interactions aren't prohibited outside of matches, after all)

Copy and Paste, then fill out the information below in your characters perspective, as if they are answering the application questions. Delete any parenthesis before submitting. (Just fill it out in first person) Do Not add any coding or fancy things. I will add that later.

Name: (First, Middle, Last)

Current City:


Date of Birth:

Age: (21+)



Zodiac Sign:

(use @smail.com at the end of the username)



Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Body Type:
(Muscular, Petite, Athletic, Curvy, Slim, etc.)

Do You Smoke?

How often do you drink?

(ex: High School Graduate)



(Do they have kids? How many? Do they want any?)



Talents and Skills:


Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books:

The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:







Length of Longest Relationship:

Medical Conditions:

Describe Yourself in two paragraphs:

Tell Us About Your Life in two paragraphs: (History)

(Answer Yes or No for the next 10)

Do You Enjoy Wild Parties:

Do you enjoy meaningless sex?

Does Asking Someone Out Make You Nervous?

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you?

Would you date a smoker?

Would you date someone with kids?

Are you careful with your money?

Have you been faithful in your past relationships?

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day?

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon?

(Answer the next four with two or three lines)

Describe a perfect date:

Describe your favorite memory:

What is your favorite physical feature on others?
(ex: hair, lips, eyes)

Describe your idea of a perfect day:

List Five Things You Feel Passionately About: (Likes and passions)






List Five Turn On's (example: intelligence)






List Five Turn Off's






(Lastly, I need three reasonably sized pictures. Nothing giant, please. They will be edited and cropped to a certain size anyways)
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  • Page 1

    Love Game

    Contestant Application

    Ready to meet your true love? C&S Network's LOVE GAME can hook you up!

    Apply now for your chance to find the love of your life and compete for your share of a huge cash prize

    Must Be Atleast 21 years of age, single, have a big personality, and be looking to make a genuine connection

    Your Name:October Alaska May Valentine

    Current City: 2/14/93

    State: New York

    Date of Birth: 08/29/91

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Australian-Italian

    Zodiac Sign:Pisces

    Email: Alaskandiamond@smail.com

    Height: 5'8''

    Weight: 110 lbs

    Hair Color: Chocolate Brown

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

    Body Type: Petite but Curvy

    Do You Smoke? No

    How often do you drink? Only at events or some sort of occasion

    Education: College graduate with degree in Computer Foresics

    Religion: Atheist

    Job: Computer Forensic Scientist for the FBI"

    Offspring: I don't have any kids but I want a pair of twins

    Pets: None, but I'd like a dog or cat

    Languages: I can speak fluent Afrikaans since I lived there when I was young

    Talents and Skills: talented in computer and forensics

    Hobbies: I love to read and go horse riding

    Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: My song is 'How you Know' By Nico and Vinz, favorite food is anything sweet, my favorite movie is Pulp Fiction and finally, my favorite book is Paper Towns by John Green

    The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

    1. "My bed"

    2. "My books"

    3. "My forensics kit"

    4. "Netflix"

    5. 'Food"

    6. "Fun'

    Length of Longest Relationship: about six months, turns out he was a drug addict and he went to prison

    Medical Conditions: None

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  • Page 1

    Love Game

    Contestant Application

    Ready to meet your true love? C&S Network's LOVE GAME can hook you up!

    Apply now for your chance to find the love of your life and compete for your share of a huge cash prize

    Must Be Atleast 21 years of age, single, have a big personality, and be looking to make a genuine connection

    Your Name: Ethan Minsu Price

    Current City: Western Chicago

    State: Illinois

    Date of Birth: 08/29/91

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Ethnicity: Asian. More specifically, half Korean.

    Zodiac Sign:Virgo

    Email: manhwaguy@smail.com

    Height: 5'9''

    Weight: 157 lbs

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Body Type: Pretty Slim

    Do You Smoke? Definitely not

    How often do you drink? Maybe once a week?

    Education: College graduate with a bachelor’s in graphic design

    Religion: Agnostic

    Job: Freelance graphic designer

    Offspring: Currently I don’t have any kids, and I’m undecided to whether or not I ever want any. I guess we’ll just see what happens. I do like them, so I probably wouldn’t mind having some

    Pets: I’ve got a little cat named Kira

    Languages: English and Korean

    Talents and Skills: I’m pretty good at design, obviously. Art in general. I’m a jogger who’s better with distance than speed

    Hobbies: I love any kind of art, running, swimming, and just hanging out with people

    Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: Oh, this is a hard one. I love manhwa, or manga as most people generalize it, over traditional literature, and Death Note is my favorite TV show of all time. With music I tend to like things in the rock, K-pop, or electronic genres. With movies, I’m really into the Avengers and the related heroes’ movies. With food, I gotta say pizza. Sorry, I know that’s kind of boring, but what can I say? It’s delicious

    The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

    1. Food. It’s kind of important.

    2. My art tablet.

    3. Music. Any kind would do if the only other option was none at all.

    4. My phone.

    5. Other people. I’d be so lost without human interaction.

    6. My cat. I love her to death.

    Length of Longest Relationship: About Two Years

    Medical Conditions: I have dysthymia, but I’ve been on medication for a couple of years

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  • Page 1

    Love Game

    Contestant Application

    Ready to meet your true love? C&S Network's LOVE GAME can hook you up!

    Apply now for your chance to find the love of your life and compete for your share of a huge cash prize

    Must Be Atleast 21 years of age, single, have a big personality, and be looking to make a genuine connection

    Your Name: Julian "Jules" Deliphinki Compton

    Current City: Dallas

    State: Texas

    Date of Birth: 08/23/1993

    Age: Twenty One. Wait no, Twenty Two, sorry.

    Gender: Male

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Zodiac Sign: Im going to have to check my phone for this one... Oh, Virgo. (Really? Virgo?)

    Email: JulesDCompton21@smail.com

    Height: 5'8''

    Weight: 175 lbs

    Hair Color: Reddish Brown

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

    Body Type: Athletic I guess? I mean I ain't no Arnold, but I manage to stay in shape.

    Do You Smoke? Only when Im very drunk, and other people are smoking around me.

    How often do you drink? Only Socially, and Sundays during football season.

    Education: High School. Sorry if you need brains for this.

    Religion: Agnostic, somethings out there, I just dont know what.

    Job: Nothing right now, just got out of the Army. Plan to go to school again

    Offspring: None right now. Ive had a few scares though.

    Pets: Rottweiler named Cornelius, he goes by Cornball.

    Languages: English only, and even thats poorly spoken

    Talents and Skills: What do you mean? I mean, I can blow bubbles off my tongue.

    Hobbies: I watch movies, play video games. I read books on occasion, but no real hobbies

    Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: Favorite music? I like everything except country. Movies, again everything except scary movies. I wont do it. Food? American-ized food. Books? The Ender's Game series, more so the Ender's Shadow series.

    The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

    1. My phone

    2. My car

    3. My Cornball

    4. Sex

    5. Making lists.

    6. Internet.

    Length of Longest Relationship: A little over a year

    Medical Conditions: I have high blood pressure, but I mean, nothing that needs to be treated. And Depression I guess. Why is this even on here?

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Name: "Stefan Pascal Walterson. The blandest name on Earth."

Current City: "Estes Park is a beautiful place. I love the herds of elk we have every year."

State: "The one and only Colorado."

Date of Birth: "November 3, 1991. Not an interesting date at all."

Age: "I'm going to be 24 soon, but right now I'm 23."

Gender: "Last I checked, I'm male."

Ethnicity: Italian/American/Caucasian

Zodiac Sign: "I guess I'm a Scorpio. I don't know what that means, and I don't really care, but there ya go."

Email: "SPascal@smail.com, but don't be sending me shit on it."

Height: "I'm a towering six foot-two inches.

Weight: "180 pounds."

Hair Color: "Darkish-lightish brown."

Eye Color: "It's an odd mixture of brown and green."

Body Type: "I'd guess I've got a pretty muscular/athletic body type. I don't really do much in the way of working out unless prompted."

Do You Smoke? "When I'm stressed, maybe. But, not avidly."

How often do you drink? "I'll drink when the time calls for it."

Education: "I graduated High School and then went on to get a masters degree in Psychology. I plan on getting my PHD."

Religion: "My family is Catholic, but I'm an agnostic atheist."

Occupation: "I'm a child Psychologist and part-time bartender."

Offspring: "I have a son who is three, but he lives with his mother."

Pets: "I have a ball-python and a Shiba Inu."

Languages: "I speak Italian and English fluently. I've been learning Spanish for my job."

Talents and Skills: "I'm a pretty good writer and I used to sing my son to sleep... Do those even count?"

Hobbies: "I love to read and write. It kind of comes with the line of work I'm in. Uh...I like to play baseball recreationally and I love swimming."

Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: "I love Psychedelic Rock, Indie Pop and Classical Rock, but I'll listen to anything. I love the LOTR and Hobbit movies, along with any sort of comedy. I'm partial to celery with peanut butter, if I had to choose and I love the InkHeart series, whether they're for teens or not."

The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

1. "My Child."

2. "Novels."

3. "Cigarettes on some days, I guess."

4. "Food."

5. "Water."

6. "Oxygen."

Length of Longest Relationship: "I was with the mother of my child for two blissful years. Not anymore."

Medical Conditions: "I started taking anti-depressants when me and the mother of my child split. I also have Mild Anemia, but you couldn't tell."

Describe Yourself in two paragraphs:

"Well... I guess I'm as laid back as they come and I'm not much of a stickler for rules, unless it's like the Law... then I care. Uh, I'm pretty outgoing and will venture out of my comfort zone when and if the occasion calls for it. People are alright for me to be around, but only if they're not some sort of annoying, bitchy dude/chick. I don't handle drama well.

I do have a short temper, I'm aware of that. My ex was always telling me to cool my jets. I don't get too angry around my son though. I've got to be a good role model and I don't want him to see me get angry all the time. It's really not who I am.

Tell Us About Your Life in two paragraphs: (WIP)

(Answer Yes or No for the next 10)

Do You Enjoy Wild Parties: "Well, I guess. Who doesn't?"

Do you enjoy meaningless sex? "It's fantastic until you wake up alone."

Does Asking Someone Out Make You Nervous? "I guess. If I really like them, why wouldn't I be?"

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you? "Absolutely. I'm a jealous mess."

Would you date a smoker? "Duh."

Would you date someone with kids? "Pssht, no. Obviously, yes."

Are you careful with your money? "I'm not a big spender until it comes to me son, so yes and no."

Have you been faithful in your past relationships? "Yes."

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day? "I've got some abandonment issues, so yes."

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon? "Sure."

(Answer the next four with two or three lines) (WIP)

Describe a perfect date:

Describe your favorite memory:

What is your favorite physical feature on others?
(ex: hair, lips, eyes)

Describe your idea of a perfect day:

List Five Things You Feel Passionately About: (Likes and passions)(WIP)






List Five Turn On's (example: intelligence) (WIP)






List Five Turn Off's (WIP)






(Lastly, I need three reasonably sized pictures. Nothing giant, please. They will be edited and cropped to a certain size anyways)
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Name: "My name, huh? It's Natasha Ann Renalto."

Current City: "I currently live in Orlando."

State: "Florida, USA. Does it matter?"

Date of Birth: "31st October, 1992. Yes, my birthday is on Halloween."

Age: "It's rude to ask a lady her age! I'll let this slip, for now. I'm 22, going 23."

Gender: "Seriously? Wasn't it obvious? I'm a very offended female."

Ethnicity: "I'm British, but I've lived in the States all my life."

Zodiac Sign: "I'm a Scorpio."

Email: natasha.renalto@smail.com

Height: "I'm 5 feet 5. Yup."

Weight: "You. Are. Very. Very. Rude. 125 Ibs, anyway."

Hair Color: "I've gotten quiet a few dye jobs but, my natural hair color is dark brown."

Eye Color: "They're a dark, bluish-grey in color. Actually, the shade changes randomly. Don't ask me."

Body Type: "I'm slim, kinda curvy."

Do You Smoke? "Nope. It's not something I promote."

How often do you drink? "I only drink when I'm having a night out with my friends, or during a party, or some other occasion like that."

Education: "I'm a high school graduate. I may or may not have dropped out of college."

Religion: "I'm a Christian, but I'm not religious. I'm spiritual."

Occupation: "I'm an entrepreneur. I run the company I inherited from my dad."

Offspring: "I don't have any kids... Yet."

Pets: "I have a golden spaniel named Buttermint. She's adorable."

Languages: "I know English, obviously. I also know French and Japanese."

Talents and Skills: "I know how to play the violin, and I guess I have a nice voice. I'm good at politics."

Hobbies: "Well... I mainly like reading, listening to music and watching anime. I have many more hobbies, but these are the main ones."


  • Music: "I listen to anything that has a good beat. I don't have any particular favourites."
  • Movies: "Hm... Probably the Pirates of the Caribbean series."
  • Food: "Anything chocolate. I'm a huge chocolate fan."
  • Books: "Rick Riordran is amazing. I love all of his books."

The six things you could never live without:

  1. "Starting off realistically, food."
  2. "Sleep."
  3. "And now for the exaggeration: books."
  4. "Music."
  5. "Anime and manga."
  6. "Wi-Fi."

Length of longest relationship: "Three months before the guy had to move to Australia. He told me that long distance relationships never worked."

Medical Conditions: "I'm perfectly healthy, thank you very much."

Describe yourself in two paragraphs: "In two paragraphs? Well, shit. Okay, here we go. 3, 2, 1, rant!

Even when I was younger, I've been more on the mature side.
Of course, that didn't mean that I was boring to be around. I just made more mature decisions than the rest of my friends. Although I've improved a lot now, I used to be the embodiment of rudeness, sarcasm, and lame jokes. A dangerous combination. I was too blunt, because I was honest - too honest. I still kind of am. I also have a sadistic side to me. If a person falls down, I would help him/her up but be snickering inside. I'm not proud of that.

I prefer using my head than following my heart, unless it comes to love (I'm seriously a hopeless romantic <3). Logic over emotions. I feel uncomfortable during emotional or akward situations, and always try to use humour to get out of it. Which usually makes me look insensitive. I'm terrible at expressing my own emotions, and usually just have a scene alone in my room, in the dark, when I'm feeling emotional. Maybe take some advice from my imaginary friend Lucy. Nah, I'm kidding. Of course, I can be serious too. I usually am, at work. I tend to zone out a lot, and have an allergic reaction to having my picture taken. I'm an impatient person, and I don't want to pose or smile for long just for a damn

Yeah, so that's two paragraphs over. That's enough, right?"

Tell us about your life in two paragraphs: "My life, huh? Well, it's like something out of a movie. Except, it's all true.

I was born an only child. From a young age, my dad would always tell me to be an entrepreneur when I grew up. Take over the company. But for that, he would tell me, I had to have the right qualities of an entrepreneur. He wouldn't simply give the company to me. It was okay if I was average student in school. I just had to know some basic maths and science, and learn the qualities of a leader from him. Whereas my mom, she wanted me to be a straight A student, be at the top of the class. Graduate with a high degree. They were always fighting. Finally, when I was twelve, they separated.

It wasn't a divorce, the government wasn't involved. My dad kicked my mom out of the house, so she had to go and live with her parents. I would stay with him for one year, and then I would choose who I wanted to live with permanently. He wanted me to learn as much as I could from him during that year. During the weekends, I would go and stay with my mom. Yeeah, kinda traumatising. But after a couple of weeks of crying myself to sleep, I decided to be strong and move on with my life. After much consideration, analysing and fights with my mom, I chose to live with my dad. My mom took my decision a bit bitterly, but told me that she would always be there for me. My dad warned me that life with him wouldn't be easy. I still firmly stated that I would be staying with him. With his training, I become the fabulous person I am today! Fabulous, but not very humble."

Do you enjoy wild parties? "No, not really. Too loud, too crowded, too out of hand."

Do you enjoy meaningless sex? "No. It's not something I do."

Does asking someone out make you nervous? "Well, DUH. Isn't it the same for everyone?"

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you? "Of course I would be. I'm the easily jealous type."

Would you date a smoker? "Yes, yes I would. And I would do my best to break that habit of his."

Would you date someone with kids? "Sure, why not?"

Are you careful with your money? "Well, I wouldn't buy some sort of high security safe for all my money but I wouldn't spend it irrationally either."

Have you been faithful in your past relationships? "Of course! Definitely. Loyalty is something I strongly value in a relationship."

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day? "No, not really. But it would be nice."

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon? "Not at the moment. Maybe sometime in the near future."

Describe a perfect date: "My idea of a perfect date? Okay, so he shows up at my house one random evening, ready for an anime marathon and a sleepover. We fall asleep in each others' arms, and he cooks me breakfast the next morning. I have a thing for guys that can cook."

Describe your favorite memory: "My favourite memory. It probably has to be the say when I first started working at my dad's office, and caught him crying with joy. That day, seeing him with pride (and tears) in his eyes, gave me confidence to come in life as an entrepreneur."

What is your favorite physical feature on others? "Definitely the eyes. Don't the most romantic moments always happen when two people stare deeply into each other's eyes?" *sigh*

Describe your idea of a perfect day: "A perfect day. Those really don't exist but... Yeah, my perfect day would go something like this: I don't have to wake up earlier than usual to finish off some last minute work. I get to go for a quick swim in my building's pool before I leave for work. At work, we wrap it up early because we've finished off all important work, finally. When I get home, I watch some anime, or read a manga or fanfiction online, while stuffing chocolate in my face. In the evening, my friends drop by for dinner. We have a good time. And once they go home, and I go to sleep, that's my perfect day over."

List five things you feel passionately about:

  1. "Music. It's something that I get lost in, something that I use as a distraction from the real world, something that truly makes me happy. Especially my violin."
  2. "Love. It's something beautiful, that I want to give as well as receive in life. I'm a hopeless romantic after all."
  3. "My job. Running the company is something I do with passion and determination, something I actually enjoy doing. Most people hate working, I love it."
  4. "Fictional characters. I refuse to elaborate."
  5. "Death. This is the part where you call me weird. Most people fear it, but it's something I look forward to. What's more exciting than exploring the void beyond life?"

List Five Turn On's:

+ "A cocky attitude. When a guy gets cocky, I tend to get flirty."

+ "Passion. I like a guy who's passionate about what he loves."

+ "Honest people, who aren't afraid to state their opinion and ready to prove their point."

+ "Mystery. It's something that'll interest me, and keep me interested in a guy."

+ "Guys who can cook. They're just so cute!"

List Five Turn Off's:

- "Cheaters. Like I mentioned earlier, loyalty is something I strongly value in a relationship. Cheat on me, and I'll destroy you like I'm frickin Taylor Swift."

- "Way too mature and stiff guys. Like, loosen up a bit would ya?"

- "Guys who agree with everything I say for the heck of it. That's just so



- "Arrogant, whiny, and annoying guys. Enough said."

- "Guys who know how to talk, but can't listen. I mean, I need attention from his side!"

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    Love Game

    Contestant Application

    Ready to meet your true love? C&S Network's LOVE GAME can hook you up!

    Apply now for your chance to find the love of your life and compete for your share of a huge cash prize

    Must Be Atleast 21 years of age, single, have a big personality, and be looking to make a genuine connection

    Your Name:Brianne Stephanie Obrien

    Current City:Yup, Las Vegas, not that exciting though

    State: Nevada

    Date of Birth: 10/23/1993

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: My mother is French, and my father is Italian, and so that makes me both

    Zodiac Sign:Scorpio...I don't find myself that intimidating though??

    Email: BriObrien@smail.com, (Business inquires only.. jk)

    Height: 5'8''

    Weight: 131 lbs, (but I want to lose some weight)

    Hair Color: Naturally its a dirty blonde, but I do add a few blonde highlights once in awhile

    Eye Color: Its light green, with a mixture of blue

    Body Type: I consider myself slim, and slightly curvy, but im not a tiny person. At least I don't think so.

    Do You Smoke? Hell no.

    How often do you drink? I'll drink at social gatherings, and maybe on a lazy day.

    Education: Graduated hell, aka highschool, and I took a little break, but I'm on my second year of college now, which I surprisingly enjoy

    Religion: Not that religious, but I mean, I did go to Catholic school when I was 10

    Job: To-be veterinarian

    Offspring: None right now, but I would want 2 kids in the future.

    Pets: I have a cute, fluffy black and white havanese named Blu

    Languages: English is my first language, what a shocker. But I'm also fluent in French so thats cool

    Talents and Skills: I can play piano, which I am really proud of. And, I'm a decent drawer, at least thats what other people say"

    Hobbies: Drawing, even though I don't think I'm that good, I take photographic pictures of the world around me, and I like to run

    Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: I'm your usual pop loving girl, maybe a little Hip hop here and there, I'm a sucker for comedies and horror movies, but I'm also a nerd for the Harry Potter series, although I'll watch practically any movie as long as it gets my attention. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I love books by Robert Frost...what a great man

    The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

    1. Phone

    2. Blu (my pet)

    3. Food

    4. Water

    5. Deodorant

    6. Oxygen

    Length of Longest Relationship: 1 year and 3 months... good times, good times

    Medical Conditions: I have Carpel Tunnel, its a wrist problem, and I know its for older people, but I ended up getting it genetically. Thanks Dad.

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  • Page 1

    Love Game

    Contestant Application

    Ready to meet your true love? C&S Network's LOVE GAME can hook you up!

    Apply now for your chance to find the love of your life and compete for your share of a huge cash prize

    Must Be Atleast 21 years of age, single, have a big personality, and be looking to make a genuine connection

    Your Name:Sterling Kate Lyons

    Current City:Charlottesville. Some of the best people are here, you should come visit!

    State: Haha, Virgina of course. Sleep in history much?

    Date of Birth: 02/15/1994 (Just a day too late, right?)

    Age: 21 (The most exciting age of them all!)

    Gender: Female (Unless guys can have a time of the month)

    Ethnicity: Italian and French

    Zodiac Sign:Aquarius. Makes me wonder who's compatible with me.

    Email: Email me at sklyons@smail.com. I probably won't reply to you though, haha.

    Height: 5'8'' but maybe a little taller. I honestly don't know because the last time I measured myself was when I was 19.

    Weight: What happened to never asking a woman what her weight was? No, I'm just kidding, come back! 124 lbs

    Hair Color: I've never really thought about it but I'm told my hair is a chestnutty ash brown.

    Eye Color: grayish-blue

    Body Type: slim yet athletic

    Do You Smoke? Oh, god. No.

    How often do you drink? Um... not often? I grab a few drinks when my friends and I go to the club though. Don't tell anyone.

    Education: Currently on a GAP year in college but I'm going for my Masters in International Relations and Global Studies

    Religion: My family is Catholic but I consider myself nonreligious. I do agree with some of the moral codes, however

    Job: I'm currently a representative for an international crisis group.

    Offspring: No, I don't have kids. I'm too young! I wouldn't mind having a few when I settle down though.

    Pets: I have a cat named Mr. Whiskers. (Don't laugh. I got him when I was 10.)

    Languages: Fluent in English, Italian, French, Spanish, and I know a bit of Khmer. (You probably don't know what that is but I just had to learn it when I went to visit the country of Cambodia. Those children are dolls!)

    Talents and Skills:I can cook and walk on my hands, even though I don't consider that a talent

    Hobbies: I enjoy reading, singing, dancing, and ice skating. Yes, ice skating is a hobby. You can't tell me other wise

    Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: Hm.. that's a tough choice. My favorite music genre would have to be Indie Folk. Currently, I'm obsessed with the movie Robin Hood Men in tights, I mean it was hilarious. A book... I suppose I'll have to go with Harry Potter, as cliche as that is. Food you ask? Sushi, of course!

    The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

    1. "Music."

    2. "Mr. Whiskers."

    3. "Sushi."

    4. "My car."

    5. "My sense of reason."

    6. "Tea."

    Length of Longest Relationship: Two or three years

    Medical Conditions: I had asthma as a child. It's better now but I do have attacks every now and then.

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  • Page 1

    Love Game

    Contestant Application

    Ready to meet your true love? C&S Network's LOVE GAME can hook you up!

    Apply now for your chance to find the love of your life and compete for your share of a huge cash prize

    Must Be Atleast 21 years of age, single, have a big personality, and be looking to make a genuine connection

    Your Name:Raven Louise Settles

    Current City:Huntington

    State: New York

    Date of Birth: 07/11/91

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Caucasion

    Zodiac Sign:Cancer

    Email: RavenRavioli@smail.com

    Height: 5'7''

    Weight: 125 lbs

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Hazel? Green? Brown? Fuck if I know.

    Body Type: Petite with some rocking curves where they're supposed to be

    Do You Smoke? Yeah

    How often do you drink? Twice a week

    Education: High School Graduate, fuck the system

    Religion: Atheist

    Job: Auto Mechanic

    Offspring: Children are loud and expensive. Maybe one day.

    Pets: I'm bad at responsibility. Nah.

    Languages: English

    Talents and Skills:Planning Parties, holding my liquor, Archery, Sharpshooting

    Hobbies: Video Games, Yoga, Playing Pool, Car restoration, gambling, Clubbing.

    Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: Pop/Punk and Indie music 'cuz hipsters. Horror movies, Mexican or American food, and mystery novels when I have time to read.

    The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

    1. Coffee

    2. Alcohol

    3. Adrenaline

    4. Friends

    5. Tattoos

    6. Internet

    Length of Longest Relationship: Seriously? This question? 3 months. I get bored, okay?

    Medical Conditions: Type 1 diabetes. Not that it's any of your business. I maintain just find, I won't pass out on screen or anything, swear.

Name: Tomas Vladmir Holmes.

Current City: Las Vegas.

State: Nevada.

Date of Birth: 11/5/1990

Age: 25

Gender: Male.

Ethnicity: Caucasian.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus.

Email: tommyvlad90@smail.com

Height: 6'7''

Weight: 115lbs

Hair Color: Brown.

Eye Color: Green.

Body Type: Toned. And sexy, don't forget sexy.

Do You Smoke? Hell no!

How often do you drink? Hell yes!

Education: High school dropout.

Religion: None.

Occupation: Magician.

Offspring: Nope. Never. I mean, maybe when I'm like 40. Maybe. Also, the word offspring unsettles me.

Pets: 3 doves and 1 rabbit.

Languages: English, and very weak Russan..

Talents and Skills:


-Being charming.

-Tricking people.



-Singing (badly)


Favourite Music, Movies, Food, and Books:

-I don't narrow myself down into one song, but I'm very into blues. Marvin Gaye especially.

-My favourite movie is now you see me. It's totally tends not based around my life or anything.

-I loves Italian food.

-I like to read poetry a lot, but I'm also very into fantasy books. Harry Potter is my all time favourite.

The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

1. Sarcasm

2. Glittery Waistcoat

3. Glamorous Assistant

4. A Pen

5. Tequila Sunrises

6. Vegas Lights

Length of Longest Relationship:

One week. In middle school.

Medical Conditions:

An non-contagious case of the awesomes.

Describe Yourself in two paragraphs:

What can I say? I'm classy, but not afraid to show some wit. I'm adventurous and creative. I like all things creative. Writing, drawing, ventriloquism. If it's original, I'm all ears. I like to party, too. That shit is fun! I guess that's why I joined the show. Free booze and ladies. And not to mention one big challenge that could lead to me being a hell of a lot richer. I like challenges, you see. I like to push myself. Whether that be in a sodoku or in a new magic trick. I also think that I know how to have a good time. I like to make a night out spectacular; magical if you will. Which brings me onto another point. I'm magical as hell.

I like to make someone feel amazed. I like to create that look of magic, that little sparkle. It's amazing. It's funny, because, at the end of the day, I am just lying to them. It's all one big trick. Like my Mom used to say, people like to be lied to. The truth hurts, so why not be fooled by a haze of lies?

Tell Us About Your Life in two paragraphs:

My life has been marginally fun. And marginally tragic. I grew up with my Mother and my two half twin brothers, Jake and Logan. They were great. Ten years younger than me, they were completely entertaining. Always hitting each other over the head and making each other angry, they were a treat to watch. I used to perform magic tricks on them I used to make them cry with frustration when they couldn't find out the magic behind the trick.

When I was seventeen and the boys were seven, out Mother got sick. It was okay for them, though. They had a different father to me, so if anything was to happen to mom, they would have someone to lean back on. But, Mark, the twins' Father, hated me and my joking ways. When Mom died, I had to live in a lonely unknown house. The twins were still amazing, of course, but Mark was horrible. He didn't even want to take me in, never mind the twins. You see my mom and Mark had never even been married, and were broken up before the twins were born.

When I started college, I moved out. I did, however, check in with the twins all the time. I still doo. They're old now. Big kids. I still love them to bits. They don't take any shit, and I'm happy once again.

Do You Enjoy Wild Parties: Of course.

Do you enjoy meaningless sex? No no no! It's not meaningless, it's passionate!

Does Asking Someone Out Make You Nervous? Hell no.

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you? Nah.

Would you date a smoker? Sure.

Would you date someone with kids? Not right now.

Are you careful with your money? Moderately so.

Have you been faithful in your past relationships? I haven't had any other relationships, so I'd say yes?

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day? Nope.

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon? Nope.

Describe a perfect date: Okay, so first, we'd go for dinner in a hella fancy restaurant. Next, we'd go to a bar and order pretentious drinks. Then, perhaps we'd go to a party, or a club. All before a night of sweet sweet love.

Describe your favourite memory: When I was a kid, my mom would make us big, ice cream sundays with gummy worms and chocolate sprinkles. My happiest memories are of skipping school and eating as much of those ice creams as possible.

What is your favourite physical feature on others? All of the above. But I do like green eyes, a lot. And brunettes are my thing.

Describe your idea of a perfect day: I'd wake up late. I'd have a fancy cooked breakfast, and then I'd go to an all day bar. I'd do a little reading whilst sipping on none alcoholic drinks, and then when the clock strikes seven, I'd put on a magic show. Then I'd find the lady of my dreams. She'd adore me because I was a magician, and then she'd fall in love with me. Then I'd ride on a tiger back to my apartment- Wait I'm getting way too carried away.

List Five Things You Feel Passionately About:

1. Magic, if you hadn't guessed.

2. Keeping the memory of my Mother alive.

3. Eloquent drinking. Not just shoving five pints of Guinness back; drinking for taste as well as effect.

4. Classic poetry.

5. Keeping radio alive.

List Five Turn On's

+ Inquisition.

+ Brown hair.

+ Party animals.

+ Good dancers.

+ Good drinkers.

List Five Turn Off's

- Bores.

- Prudes.

- Shyness.

- Blondes.

- Forced stupidity.

Name: Zoey bella starr

Current City: Las Vegas.

State: Nevada.

Date of Birth: 08/07/1993

Age: 22

Gender: female

Ethnicity: chinese

Zodiac Sign: leo

Email: Zoey.starr@smail.com

Height: 6'4

Weight: 115 pounds

Hair Color: Brown.

Eye Color: brown

Body Type: slim and sexy

Do You Smoke? never

How often do you drink? almost never

Education: university graduate

Religion: None.

Occupation: actor/singer/model

Offspring: None

Pets: little Pomeranian

Languages: English, and Chinese

Talents and Skills:

  • acting
  • singing
  • drawing

Hobbies: I love singing and drawing in my spare time

Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: I like music that helps you concentrate and makes you calm, I like romantic books and for food I really like sweets

The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

1. Art, I love drawing

2. My laptop

3. My little Pomeranian

4. My friends and family

5. sweets, yup I'm serious

6. My phone

Length of Longest Relationship: 1 year

Medical Conditions: none

Describe Yourself in two paragraphs: I like to describe myself as friendly, nice and adventurous, I love to play around and have adrenaline pumping in my blood for almost every single moment. Peace and quiet never exists in Zoey's world. She doesn't have any enemies and is the outgoing type that doesn't care about small things. She is a little too flirty for her own good.

Tell Us About Your Life in two paragraphs: I live in the city of Las Vegas I bet the first thing you think of is "Those drunk people at the casinos" but actually I'm not even close to that, My life was never easy one year I'm trying to keep up in school and the other my boyfriend breaks up with me I'm looking forward for this chance to find love.

Do You Enjoy Wild Parties: depends

Do you enjoy meaningless sex? No

Does Asking Someone Out Make You Nervous? obviously, yes

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you?of course I'd be

Would you date a smoker? never, hate the smell

Would you date someone with kids? probably not

Are you careful with your money? pretty much

Have you been faithful in your past relationships? yes

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day?not really

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon? yup

(Answer the next four with two or three lines)

Describe a perfect date: a walk by the beach hand holding hands, followed by a romantic dinner at a restaurant

Describe your favorite memory: When I got my bachelors degree it was so exciting I was jumping up and down for the rest of the day.

What is your favorite physical feature on others? My favorite physical feature on other people are their eyes I love the glint of personality

Describe your idea of a perfect day: spending time on the computer then taking a walk by the beach.

List Five Things You Feel Passionately About:

1. Anime

2. Zip lines

3. acting/drama

4. Environment

5. Books,I love to read

List Five Turn On's

+ intelligence

+ flirty guys, when someone flirts I flirt back

+ passion

+ bad boys(love them)

+ loyalty

List Five Turn Off's

- cheaters, hate them

- Whinny people

- ignorant people, makes you feel invisible

- irritating people that keeps on asking you the same question ten times in a row

- lectures, boring things

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Name: Joey Marcel Wright

Current City:

New York

Date of Birth:

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: West Indian/ Cuban

Zodiac Sign:


Height: 6'3


Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Dark Brown

Body Type: Athletic

Do You Smoke?
Sometimes ( Black&Mild)

How often do you drink? Not Often

High School Graduate, 3rd year in College

Religion: None


Doesn't have any but would want a boy and a girl


Languages: English and Spanish

Talents and Skills:


Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: Music ( The Weeknd, J Cole, Drake, KYLE, Kendrick Lamar) ( A Bronx tale, The Goonies, Love and Basketball, Freedom Writers, The Help)

The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

1. My Cellphone

2. Music

3. Food

4. Books

5. Netflix

6. Women

Length of Longest Relationship: 1 year

Medical Conditions: None

Describe Yourself in two paragraphs:

Tell Us About Your Life in two paragraphs: (History)

(Answer Yes or No for the next 10)

Do You Enjoy Wild Parties: Sometimes

Do you enjoy meaningless sex? "Eh, I rather it be with someone special"

Does Asking Someone Out Make You Nervous? Depends

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you? Yes

Would you date a smoker? Yes

Would you date someone with kids? "Hmmm... Depends on the person"

Are you careful with your money? Yes

Have you been faithful in your past relationships? Yes

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day? No

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon? Yes

(Answer the next four with two or three lines)

Describe a perfect date:

Describe your favorite memory:

What is your favorite physical feature on others?
(ex: hair, lips, eyes)

Describe your idea of a perfect day:

List Five Things You Feel Passionately About: (Likes and passions)






List Five Turn On's (example: intelligence)

+ Funny

+ Laid back

+ Humble

+ Spontaneous

+ Beautiful inside and out

List Five Turn Off's







Will finish ;)
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Name: Juan Manuel Gonzalez

Current City: Miami, Viva la fiesta!

State: Florida

Date of Birth: 06/20/1990

Age: 25, but still young at heart!

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Colombiano

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Email: Rolo43@smail.com, I accept love letters here too, ladies.

Height: 6"0

Weight: 160 lbs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Body Type: I consider myself muscular in all the right places. I like taking care of myself.

Do You Smoke? I don't see the problem with enjoying life's little treasure. A cigarette every once in a while does a person some good, you know?

How often do you drink? A couple of drinks a week, though I mostly spend my money on buying beautiful women drinks.

Education: I dropped out of the Universidad de los Andes, to help my family in the United States. I was studying Teaching/Education.

Religion: Catholic

Occupation: Currently, I help at day cares as an assistant teacher, but hopefully soon I can return to school to become a full teacher.

Offspring: I don't have kids yet but would love to have many. Children are a joy to be around.

Pets: I have two parrots called Azul and Luz.

Languages: Spanish fluently and English intermediate, I sometimes make mistakes on my grammar.

Talents and Skills: I'm great with kids, language is never a problem with them. I am also good at negotiating and having a good time.

Hobbies: I like to sit down next to the big blue ocean while playing my guitar, just relaxed and at one with the beach. Of course, I also love to party and dance bachata with beautiful women.

Favorite Music, Movies, Food, and Books: I can't live without Carlos Vives and his music. I also read the newspaper daily, not a big fan of fantasy books. I can watch American big action movies, those are fun! Nothing beats my mother's colombian food such as Ajiaco, que delicia!

The Six Things You Could Never Live Without:

1. My Family

2. The Ocean

3. Music

4. Dancing

5. Excitement

6. Water

Length of Longest Relationship: Two years...she left me for another man.

Medical Conditions: None

Describe Yourself in two paragraphs: I am a pretty laid back kind of guy. I just love to have fun and see what the world has to offer. I used to be afraid of going out and trusting other people but I noticed that living a life like that was useless. I notice that if I took risks even if the outcome was good or bad, that it would be worth the adventure! I like making others laugh and have a good time as well. It is always exciting to learn more about other people.

I like treating my friends as if they were family and taking care of them. I am a very loyal person and my family always comes first. I am open to meeting new types of people and their culture, it could only add more to my life, not hurt it.

Tell Us About Your Life in two paragraphs: I was born an raised in Bogota, Colombia. Life was rather difficult in Bogota due to the terrorist group issues we are having. My mother was forced to leave because her life was threatened by FARC, since she was a lawyer. This tore the family apart, half of my family went with her and I stayed behind with my brothers and sisters under a false name for protection. While attending University, I learned that my mother was very ill and lonely without her children. I knew that something was missing in my life. I went to school with similar people and lived a life that was too predictable. I wanted something different and exciting. I wanted to stop living in fear of my own name just so that I wouldn't be killed.

At the moment, I was dating a beautiful paisa named Catalina. She was full of so much passion and energy. However, when I told her about my decision to leave Colombia I offered to take her with me. She then decided to tell me that she was afraid of leaving. So she refused. I was sad but I understood her. I was debating on not leaving at all for her sake, that was until I saw her in bed with another man. Something that has been going on for a year into our two year relationship. So I decided to leave. I now live in Miami, Florida helping kids adjust to life in America in a day care I work at. I find myself traveling around the United States as much as possible. I've met many different kinds of people and I hope that this experience will allow me to meet more! Maybe even find the special one.

Do You Enjoy Wild Parties: Of course, who doesn't?

Do you enjoy meaningless sex? ha, is this a trick question? If she wants it then how can I say no?

Does Asking Someone Out Make You Nervous? Not anymore, you can't live life in fear.

Would you be upset if your partner flirted in front of you? Not if it's just flirting. Sometimes we need a little sense of sin in our lives to make a relationship exciting.

Would you date a smoker? I don't see why not, I also like to smoke.

Would you date someone with kids? I would be happy to, their kids would be treated like they were my own.

Are you careful with your money? When I need to be. Since I am alone it isn't such a necessity.

Have you been faithful in your past relationships? Yes.

Is it a requirement that you speak to your partner every day? Not really, that would be hard wouldn't it?

Are you ready to settle down and get married soon? Eventually; but, I am in no rush.

Describe a perfect date: Spending a romantic dinner in the darkness of night, talking about the small things that matter in the world. Then going to a club where even if we are surrounded by hundreds of people all we feel is our bodies binding together under the waves of music.

Describe your favorite memory: Probably the day I showed up to surprise mi mama in Miami, Florida. I flew in and walked up to her doorstep. I remember how loud she screamed and how hard she cried as she hugged me. At the same time she was hitting me, ahaha. She was angry that I left Colombia for her but I do not regret it one bit. She needed my help and just to see her happy again made it worth it.

What is your favorite physical feature on others? I love the delicate form of a woman's body. The slimness of her fingers, wrists and her neck. How her hair curves beautifully around her neck. Above it all, looking in a woman's eyes and seeing her confidence and herself through them really packs a punch for me.

Describe your idea of a perfect day: A perfect day is a day that is different from every other day. I want to feel like every day is an adventure for me and that there will always be something new. I don't want to imagine a set schedule, I want to be surprised!

List Five Things You Feel Passionately About: (Likes and passions)

1. Family, it is what made me who I am and I want it to be a big part of my life.

2. Enjoying life

3. Not living in fear

4. Meeting people

5. Education

List Five Turn On's (example: intelligence)

+ Confidence, a strong woman is a guaranteed new adventure every day!

+ Beautiful Legs

+ Persuasive/Stubborn, I love a women that can change my mind and challenge me.

+ Unique

+ Long Hair

List Five Turn Off's

- Giving up

- Selfish

- Prideful

- Obsessive

- Dependent




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