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Colosseum Let's Go

Akumashioni was summoned to the colosseum by an unknown force.

He gazed around until locking eyes with erbrin.

"Sub? Why have you drawn me here?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.faf23a012a5a213e0396d5ecf71529b9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127099" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.faf23a012a5a213e0396d5ecf71529b9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Erbrin dropped the blade and rushed at Aku, he was running at the speed of time. His eyes were glowing a strange blue, and he was angry. He threw a punch that was faster than fast. Strange blue runes appeared on his body. "Don't underestimate me." he'd say as he'd fight without thinking and just fight.
"Oh dear.." Akuma let the hit connect, dislocating his jaw and sending him flying into a wall of the colosseum.

He stood up slowly, popping his jaw back into place.

A purple gas began leaking from his pores and lightning crackled through his clenched teeth.

"You need to be taught a lesson.." He floated into mid air and dark lightning began striking at you, miasma filling up the colosseum.

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With his speed, he'd create wind and blow it all away. And he'd use the wind to fly up and kick him in the nuts.
as soon as erbrin makes contact with Akuma, he is zapped by dark world lightning, and is astral projected out of his body. His body slumps to the floor and begins being zapped by more dark world lightning. Akuma slowly drifts down next to him, holding his hand over erbrins mouth, forcing miasma down his throat while opening a portal to the dark world. Dark matter is now being sprayed all over the colosseum, destabilizing the environment and causing more rifts to the dark world.
Akuma has the dark matter portals open up in front of each erbrin, sending him hurtling through infinite darkness forever. You are peeled apart by the dark wind, your body withered by the dark water and lightning, your soul eaten by the chaos.
But a new orb appeared. It blew up and destroyed the portals. He'd become Hyper Saiyan. He'd blast a Super Kamehameha x100 at Akumashioni.
Akuma catches the super kamehameha in a dark world portal, having it open up above erbrins head, he is hit by his own attack.

Akuma charges up and fired a condensed beam of miasma and lightning, poisoning erbrins physical and spiritual form.
Akuma just keeps killing erbrins soul and body with miasma and dark world lightning, after a while he gets bored and shadows consume you, sending you to dark world.

Being God in dark world, Akuma condenses it around you, shattering you inside an alternate reality that doesn't technically exist. You are wiped from history and cease to exist. *leaves*

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