Let there be wolves [SilverNova & Rose_Lawlington]


Mistress of Time and Space

Topic of Roleplay

In a world where humans have decided predatory animals are dangerous, the wolves strive to survive. However, despite their great strength and speed, they are slowly vanishing from the earth. Most human's have stopped any conservation centers for them, finding the wolves to dangerous to be kept. Instead more hunting warrants than ever have been issued out to eradicate these animals and already the wolves and other predators have gone into the endangered animal list. To survive these desperate times the wolves discovered the hidden ability to be able to transform into humans, but underneath they will always remain wild wolves. Few packs now remain and most have gone into hiding. Can these beautiful creatures survive given their odds? It is doubtful that even their ability to transform could protect them forever.

Main Characters

Rikka-16 year old female wolf/lycan

Rikka is very outgoing and playful even though things are changing for her species. However, if she realizes that loved ones are in trouble and need her she can become very serious and works her hardest to protect them. She has just one fear and that is losing the ones she loves, so she would readily set down her life for them if she had to. She was born as a rogue and had been abandoned after her mother's death by hunter hands. Sometimes just living can become a hard earned struggle for her, but she manages to coop.

Rose- 20 year old female wolf/lycan

Rose is a serious lone wolf who left her pack a while back, because she was far too headstrong to listen. She now wanders the electric fence area, looking for scraps and anything to eat. She is serious, headstrong, and very cold to strangers. She is very protective, however, of her friends, and will do anything to protect them.


Desperate times called for desperate measures, but what Rikka was about to do was extremely dangerous and possibly even suicidal. In front of the small female wolf was a highly electrically powered fence and beyond that a human city. Even from her side of the fence the revolting smell of trash and blood covered her senses. The smell was so strong that even as Rikka shifted into her human form and her smelling became impaired it still made her eyes water.

It had been days since the young girl's last meal and that had just been a scrap of bread. Her only hope now, she decided, was to call someone to the fence and lie to them. She had done this routine many times and had made a game out of telling her lie to the fence guards so she could get free food. This time she decided she would portray as a hunter who had lost their way and was begging for food.

Rose- a twenty-year old female wolf/lycan

Rose is a serious lone wolf who left her pack a while back, because she was far too headstrong to listen. She now wanders the electric fence area, looking for scraps and anything to eat. She is serious, headstrong, and very cold to strangers. She is very protective, however, of her friends, and will do anything to protect them.

(Sorry for the horrendously late reply, I just kinda got overwhelmed by stuff....)
( Derp. Sorry.... xD I can be so oblivious at times...)

Rose stalked the edges of the electric fence, searching for virtually anything she could eat. She hadn't eaten for days, and even then the meal had been practically nothing, and her hunger made her badly tempered. Her senses stung with the scent of human filth and blood, a scent she hadn't been able to get used to for weeks. She saw, as she rounded a corner, a very strange sight: a human on the other side of the fence.

Her side of the fence.

But this human looked near starving, and Rose was desperate at this point. Desperate enough to do the one thing that she had always been taught never to do; attack a human. The human looked weak enough to take down, and although it didn't have much meat, something was better than nothing. She tensed up, and pounced at the human, jaws wide, aiming for the throat.
Just as Rikka had started to yell to the other side of the fence in hopes that a guard would come to answer the call, she was thrown to the ground. Her head banged hard against the floor, knocking the young wolf's vision out of whack. The world spun for a second and Rikka found it hard to breath under the weight of something standing ontop of her. When the spinning in her vision subsided, Rikka looked up to be staring into the eyes of another wolf, this one much larger than she and older from the looks of it.

Gasping for air, Rikka coughed out, "Another wolf? Impossible...I thought I was the last one around these parts..." Now squirming under the big female, Rikka just barely managed to pull out. However, she still felt winded and dizzy. Glancing around quickly, she walked over to a tree and leaned against it hopping that she could catch her breath again. Now with a faint smile on her lips, Rikka transformed into a wolf. Her dark brown fur blew in the wind as she said softly, "See...Like you, I was just hiding in my human form...you know, to try to get food?"
Rose, who had been about to pounce on the female again, stopped and stared. She knew that wolves were virtually gone from the area, and had figured she was the last one. However, she was still hungry, and the fact that she had found another wolf meant that she couldn't kill and eat it.

After all, she wasn't going to kill her own species.

So she stared at the other wolf for a few more seconds before replying. "Hmph. Well then, you're of no use to me." She began to stalk off, although on the inside she wanted nothing more than to stay and talk with this other wolf, perhaps the only other one left in the area.
Rikka stood in front of the fence for a bit, shocked that the wolf was already leaving. The wind harshly pushed against her making it hard to look in the direction of the large wolf. "Wait!" Rikka yelled out, snapping out of her shock and running after the wolf. She was far smaller than Rose and also younger, meaning that she had no chance of trying to slow or stop Rose. So instead Rikka playfully ran in front of Rose with her tongue hanging loosely out of her mouth. Then she crouched low in front of Rose and gave out a playful growl.

"Don't think you can leave with out me! You tackled me so now you owe me my meal I was about to get!" Rikka joked, carefully making sure to stay in front of the large wolf if she moved. Rikka looked like just a pup from how young and small she was, but showed alot of spunk and fire and she bounced around before Rose.
Rose sighed, watching the pup-like wolf bound about in front of her with a sort of tired look. "I owe you a meal, huh? Well, just be grateful you weren't mine. But I suppose I might as well help you." She glanced around, wary of any guards, and seeing none looked at the other wolf again. "Have any ideas?"

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