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Let Me Go [Karin Kurayami]


Expect the unexpected, it expects you
Merek sighed as he watched the gate, it was somethings mall, nothing like the country’s wall, but he still had to protect it. His mind wondered as he waited for nothing. It was a quiet night and he hadn’t heard from Kiera in so long he was afraid that something might have happened. But if it had, Alec would have at least sent word. Kiera had so much in the town, he wouldn’t be surprised if she had her focus between her work and what she wanted. He might hear from her soon, he wasn’t after to wait. He had waited this long.

Looking out into the night he wondered what his beloved would be doing. Would she be thinking of him when she looked at the night? Would she be looking at the same stars as he was? He missed home, holding her in his arms and what she would be doing with her medicines? He motioned to a vile on his neck, she had given it to him and he knew that it was very important. It was the only way he would be getting back to her, if things got too hard. He sighed as he thought of how worried she had been, when he took her place instead. A sorceress was a very powerful but not as much as a combat magic that was trained for something worse the war. He took her place to makes sure she stayed safe and that was what he was doing now.

Alec stopped at Kiera’s door and knock, “Kiera? I am just coming to check on you.” He announced. He had been checking in on her for so long now. He smirked as he thought of how close he had become to her. But still she hung on the Merek as a letch. He sighed, he would have to find a way around that. He wanted Merek to know he had taken her from him and he wanted him to witness it. Almost as much as he wanted Mere to know, it was his own absence that had made it possible.
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Kiera had been practicing new spells when she heard the knock on the door. Her heart raced as she hoped for Merek's return. That was until she heard Alec's voice. He had become a confidant about a lot of things and she had trusted him with taking the letters she had wanted sent to Merek. She hadn't heard from Merek in a while, but knew that his job was hard. Keira had wanted to go, but he insisted that he go in her stead.

She closed her hand around the blue fire heart she had formed in her hand to extinguish the flame with a slight frown. How she missed Merek. He had become everything to her and he had been gone for so long. She looked to the stars for a brief moment, sending him her love and her wishes for his safety before walking to the door to greet Alec. "I'm coming."

She opened the door to Alec and smiled weakly. "You know I will be alright if you don't check on for a day or two.. I can handle myself." Keira hid her sadness of Merek's distance and welcomed him inside. The aura in the room was immediately calming, but there was a slight hint of sadness.
Alec smirked as he walked in, the feel of the room was actually appealing to him. “I know.” He said turning to her with a passive expression. “But I promised Merek I would keep an eye on you. I don’t want to come here and find you need the help for long. Instead, I think checking on you is best.” He sighed as he moved to lean against the wall. He had checked on her every night since Merek left and he was a little annoyed at how depressing she could be for the absence of Merek, when he was there.

He looked around, “Have you heard from him? I sent your letters and mine, but no word yet. I’m getting worried about what might have happened to him.” He stated, looking back to Kiera, “Also why I am here. I figured he might have just sent you word this time, instead of answering us both with the war slowly coming to an end. Maybe told you which side was going to fold from what he had already noticed?”
She shook her head. "The last I heard, he thought we were going to win... That was a month ago.. I have heard nothing since and it worries me... No offense to you, but I just want him home. I should have gone instead of him. I was called to the front lines and not him." Keira thought about the possibility of something happening to Merek. It made her physically nauseous.

Kiera sat down and took a deep breath. She needed to keep her motions under wrap or her room would be a bomb. If she wasn't careful, she could literally kill everyone within a 5 mile radius. "What do you think Alec..?" She looked at him for some kind of answer. Some kind of reassurance that everything was going to be okay or nothing was.

It wasn't often Kiera got like this, but this past month was driving her to insanity. She couldn't imagine why he hadn't written back if something hadn't happened. She then stood up and began walking to the door. "I'm going to the front." To most, she would have sounded like an idiot, but to those who knew her, they knew she could handle herself and would be heart set on seeing Merek and making sure he was okay.
Alec moved to grab her waist, "Wait." he said, before he stepped back and let her go, stopping her from leaving. He sighed as he looked at her, “If anyone can handle themselves it is Merek, he was raised this way. He was born for war.” He assured her. He thought it would be bad if he lost her to Merek even in his absence. “Let me send out another letter, give me time to find out where he is.” He pleaded.

He really only wanted time to come up with a plan. He had destroyed her letters and made sure that what Merek had sent didn’t reach her, since she seem to be as attached to his writing as she was to the man. Instead he would keep her in the dark, at least until he could find out how to detach them. He smirked at her sympathetically, “Listen, Kiera, you know that Merek wouldn’t want you there. That is why he took your place. You are unstable, when your emotions get involved. You would be as much of a benefit to the war as a disaster. Please, just give me a little more time.”
She frowned and listened to his words. What he said was true. Her being there would be good, but would also make the men lax with a false sense of security. Kiera sighed and looked at him. "You're right..."

As much as she wanted to be there for Merek, he was very strong and he would reach her somehow. She closed the door and walked back into her room, sitting down.
Alec followed after her, standing at the door, it was annoying how she seem to want Merek so much. He hated the man and even more that he had a love like her to return to. But instead he smirked, leaning against the door, “You know he will be back and when he is, you can yell and scream at him. He would never leave you to be alone, not for the live of him. As long as he is breathing he would find a way to get back to you. You know that.” He assured her, being the good friend for now.
She smiled and looked at him with her big blue eyes. "Thank you.. Do you mind if I write a letter and you try to send it again...? If you don't want to, I'll send it myself." She walked to her desk and pulled out a pen and paper. She had found that she trusted Alec a lot and it was nice to know that he believed in Merek. Kiera didn't really have friends, despite her social nature, so for her to see such a bond between Merek and Alec was nice.
Alec smirked and nodded, “Of course. I had been thinking of doing the same thing.” He sighed, as he looked at her seriously, “Kiera, I will find him. I know he has to be out there just waiting. He probably just hasn’t done anything but fight for a few days.” He stated and knew that he had to stop this. It was annoying to be the friend that assured her of her love for a man he hated.
She began writing a letter, telling Merek how much she missed him and that she hadn't received any letters from him and hoped he was safe. It was the same letter she's written for the last two weeks. When her letter was done, she sighed and used a little bit of magic to put her love in it. She put it in an envelope and handed it to Alec gratefully. "Thank you.."
Alec smiled at her and nodded, “I’ll send it tonight. Maybe the cover of night will help get it to him sooner. I hope to hear from him soon and I will let you know if I do.” He told her. He planned to send a note now, but her letter wasn’t going to make it to Merek, not until Alec was sure the Merek wouldn’t be an issue.
She followed him out the door and stood at the door. "Now I just need to wait for Rowan to get here with my crystals..." Rowan was a nice guy about their age who delivered her goods to her. They were for her medicines and her sorcery.
Alec smirked, nodding, “Give him my best.” He chuckled lightly before faking a sadness, placing his hand on her shoulder, “I know he is okay and we will find a way to get him back like we want, I know that.” He assured her, but he knew that he could get Merek back simply and he would.
She smiled a little. "If anyone can do it, it would be you Alec." Rowan turned the corner with a huge box and smiled at Alec, despite the fact that he didn't trust Alec, and then walked to Kiera. "Rowan, you have impecible timing. I was just saying to Alec how I was getting my crystals today."

Rowan smiled at Kiera. "And as always, your amazing intuition is the cause of your prediction." Kiera invited him in, seeing as he had a large load for her today. She had been extremely low on many of her crystals and herbs and it was time to restock everything.

Kiera then looked to Alec. "Thank you for stopping in as always. Hopefully we will get some kind of response this time around.." Her thoughts went to Merek again as she walked into her home to sort through her goods.
Alec smirked at her before leaving down the road, he smirked to himself at the thought of what chance the day would bring. Tomorrow he would have word from Merek, only it would be news that would cause pain. He rather kill the man, but he needed Kiera heart broken and able to move on, not focused on this one man.

When he was home, he smirked to himself, as he wrote his note, the letter Kiera gave him went in the trash as he walked in. when it was darkest, he sent word to Merek that Kiera was being wooed by another and taking a strong interest in him.
She had showed Rowan out, thankful that he had brought what he did. The town had started to run out a certain medicine that cured a strong fever and they had come to her to make it. She walked into her alchemy room and began brewing potions.

Once finished, she found old letters from Merek and began reading them. The back and forth of I love yous made her smile and Kiera fell asleep, hoping that this meant Merek would be home soon.
Merek sighed as he worked on staying awake, no matter the skill, a warrior with nothing to do, is usually going to fall asleep. But he thought of Kiera and sighed deeply, his eyes staying open until the sun would tell him it was time to change shifts.

When that time came, he was ready to crash. The promise of dreams of Kiera ringing through his mind as he was sent to his tent and that was where he would lay down until noon or even mid-evening.
Kiera awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the people of the town rustling about to get their day started. She looked at the letters all strewn about and sighed sadly. She hoped that Merek has gotten her letter. Maybe he would come home today? Kiera doubted that possibility but continued her wishful thinking.

She got the letters together and put them in their drawer with the other letters that she hadn't pulled out and the tokens of affection that Merek had given her. She closed the drawer, smiling sadly before grabbing the medicines she had made the night before and headed off to the center of town to the infirmary.
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Merek sighed as the sun came up, he would have some rest and then he had to take his orders like any other soldier. He smirked ta the soldier that took his place as he started to his tent. He missed Kiera, as he laid down, missed holding her close to him and when he closed his eyes that is what he saw. Only her. That was always what he saw and that was all he needed to see. He couldn’t keep her words with him, they would all go to the fire, in case the enemy took over and found out about her. He didn’t want them to go take her to get the upper hand on them. Like all other soldiers, they read their letters and burned them. It was a pain in his heart that he would be happy to have filled with thoughts of her and knowing that he would have her soon. So he fall asleep with her on his mind, as he always had before.
She finished taking the medicine into town and walked back home. "Merek.. I wish you could hear me... I wish you were here with me." She sighed and stopped, looking at the now setting sun. "Please come home to me soon."

As each day passed, the more restless she grew and today was proving to me really hard. Alec stopping her had almost ended up with him through a wall. She would wait two more days. No more. She wanted him home.
Merek jumped at the sound of the bird, before he knew that it wasn't an attack. Instead, it was a message, he grinned, hoping it was from Kiera. He sighed as he saw that it was from Alec instead. He was happy to get word, probably Alec telling him how Kiera was doing, but he would have liked to have gotten a letter from Kiera. As he lazily read through the letter his heart stopped. Alec had to be mistaken, Kiera wouldn't allow another man to love her, she wouldn't allow any man to love her. He believed that she would always love him, that no matter what, she was his. He got to his feet and started to get a few things, before he left. It was midday, so the sun was high and he didn't care. he needed to get back and show Alec that what he saw, what he thought, was wrong.

Alec stopped and jumped in shock, "Kiera?" he looked at her confused, "Is everything okay?"
She frowned and sat on the couch. "I'm sorry... I still haven't heard word and I just want Merek home... I've made my decision that I'm going to find him in two days. He wouldn't do this. Merek would send home something. Anything to make sure that we knew he was okay."

She looked at Alec and frowned. "I was reading old letters, and it just doesn't seem like him to stop answering abruptly."
Alec sighed, nodding, "Yeah, I know what you mean.I sent one last night and hopefully will hear from him tonight." he smirked at her, "Why don't we go to the lake and walk around. I know it won't be like when you are with Merek, but I knew you liked walking there with him before. It might help."
She smiled weakly and nodded. "A walk around the lake sounds beautiful..." They would walk together to a lake that held a special place in both Merek and Kiera's heart. This had been the location of their first date, which then also became a spot they frequented a lot. The water was always cool and always beautiful.
Alec smirked, nodding, "Good, I would love to get you to relax, just a little." he chuckled. He knew that Merek and she used to go there a lot. It was the best place for him to put his plan in effect. "I'll come for you at lunch, we can eat and then take a walk, before you have to be home again."

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