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One x One Lessons In Trust { Eexyin x Mordecai }


Eexyin's Character(s)

Anthea | Elf | Female | A few centuries | Tall and slim like most elves, she has long auburn hair and brown eyes that seem to show and uncanny amount of emotion | Meek and obedient on the outside, she doesn't talk to much at first, but once she warms up, expect her to be loud every now and then. Anthea isn't exactly too friendly and she has unwavering opinions, for the most part | She was young when the elves used to be a mighty kingdom, so she doesn't remember that much about her early life. However, she does remember how after that she lived a good part of her life in the wild with another friend or two, and was captured by humans and made into a slave. Switching as a servant from wealthy family to wealthy family, she finally arrived to her current job: a maid to the prince of Aldguard. Seeing their chance, a little 'rebellion' shortly approached her and offered to help her escape with the condition that she do a little thing for them. Or big, depending on who you ask. |

Mordecai's Character(s)

Prince Silas Castell • Human • Male • Twenty-four

Silas is pretty damaged. He’s loyal to his friends and would do anything for them, but is kind of quiet. He strongly believes in the goodness of people, even if it’s hard to tell, but really doesn’t have any interest in being the center of attention. When he does talk, it’s easy to tell who he is and what he’s all about. As people go, he’s aloof, but always speaks from the heart, even if his words are a bit callous. As the acting prince to the Kingdom of Gretten, he’s a bold and well-respected leader, and has collected a close circle of individuals whom will follow him faithfully to four corners of the map if he asked them to. He’s not afraid to give himself until he has nothing left to give, but he doesn’t bother meddling in the affairs of others, and prefers to keep out of things that do not concern him. As such, his father, the King, has his doubts about his son's ability to lead a nation. Tall and well put together, Silas paints a handsome picture. He has a head of loosely curled brunette hair and eyes the colour of acorns. Like his manners, he's well-dressed, and wears a lot of grey.
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