Leo O'Brien

Queen Mei

Smol Cinnamon Roll

Character Name: Leo O’Brien

Name Meaning: Derived from Latin, Leo means “lion”. Leo is also the name of a constellation and the fifth sign of the zodiac.

Alias: N/a

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Human

Age: 18 ½

B-Day: May 3rd

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Bloodtype: B

Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri

Current Residence: Roommates with college friends/acquaintances. Subject to change per roleplay.

Occupation: Student

School/Grade: College. Again, subject to change per roleplay.

Family: Mother, Dianne. Father, Brian. Younger sister, Veronica (deceased).

Gemstone: N/a

More: N/a


Height: 5’3”

Hair: Chocolate brown

Eyes: Emerald green

Distinguishing Marks: Self harm scars on both thighs and scar from kitchen knife on his left wrist.

General Appearance: Leo has a lean build. On top of his short 5’3” height, his high metabolism leads to his thin, fit-looking build, even though he’s not a fan of sports. He had a medium cream toned skin and defined features. His nose is long and elegant, slight turned up at the end. His lips are a watermelon pink shade which match his beautiful green eyes well. His hair is a gorgeous chocolate brown (picture above). On his left wrist is a scar from a kitchen knife, almost always covered by wristbands. On his thighs are similar scars, which are typically hidden by a pair of jeans. His wardrobe includes things like jeans, graphic tees, suspenders, ties, beanies, hoodies, keds, and denim jackets.

Strengths: N/a

Weaknesses: N/a

More: Emotionally stronger than average and weaker than average, it really just depends on what point you hit. Some emotions are both a strength and a weakness.


Allies: Everyone who's not an asshole.

Enemies: Any bully, person with too little good:bad ratio.

Current Goal/Purpose: Same as below, really.

Aspirations: To become a writer, is taking an English major in college currently.

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, singing, and daydreaming.

Likes: Parties, music, his teddy bear Emerson, the color blue, literature, and drawing.

Dislikes: Bullies, suicide jokes, and the dark.

Talents: Writing, drawing, and singing.

Inabilities: Organization, keeping a calendar, cleaning, and doing chores.

Fears: Not being good enough/letting people down, occasionally a childish fear of the dark, and people hating him because of his flaws or past.

General Personality: Playful, carefree (when his anxiety and depression meds are working well, he still has mild cases of these disorders), daydreamer, childish, funny, passionate, doesn’t anger easily (and if he is, he doesn’t tend to lash out).

Inner Personality: His inner personality includes weak points related to his depression and anxiety.

Fondest Memory: His fondest memory is being able to spend Christmas with Veronica before she died. It was the most fun he'd had any Christmas, ever.

Biggest Regret: His suicide attempt in 11th grade.

Secret: Attempted suicide

More: Has depression and anxiety disorders, appearing mainly in mild occurrences. He takes medication for these things. Emotionally stronger than average and weaker than average, it really just depends on what point you hit. Some emotions are both a strength and a weakness.


Special Items: His assorted wristbands and his teddy bear, Emerson.

Weapons: Can use a knife very badly and the blades from razor blades. Besides that, pretty useless when it comes to weapons.

Magics: None

More: N/a


General History: Leo was born on May 3rd in the suburbs of St. Louis, MO. He didn’t have any extraordinary qualities to his family. His mother was a principal at the nearby elementary school and his father was a well-paid lawyer at a well-known law firm, but nothing all that special. He was an only child until 3rd grade, when his parents had another child. That’s really when the most interesting thing in his life up until that point happened.

A month after her birth, Veronica was killed when she rolled over in the night and suffocated. Leo, although young at the time, was intelligent (with a qualified gifted IQ) and this event affected him greatly. He gained a new attitude. Instead of daydreaming, writing stories, or talking to imaginary friends he became cold and blunt, what he thought the people who did best in society did. He let his logic rein over his emotions, head over heart at all costs.

In fact, at the age of thirteen everyone in his immediate family, his mother, Kelly, and his father, Craig, had ADD or ADHD (different things, mind you). On top of that, he had depression and anxiety disorders, his mother had mild anger issues and anxiety disorders as well, and his father had OCD and severe anger issues. So, his family wasn’t completely ordinary. At the age of eight he was more educated about medicines than most other kids, knowing about inhibitors, how many a medicine worked and why we needed it, and knew the names of many medicines off the top of his head (more than your average eight-year-old, anyways). So, that was another strange part of his life.

This carried on throughout his life until sometime in 9th grade. Instead of friends, he had his thoughts. He was cold and sarcastic, never opening up to anyone. If he got anywhere close to that point he shut himself down, basically becoming his own self-destruction machine. That was until his life, like a pane of glass, was shattered and cracked by a few bullets breaking through. His personality made him an unpopular kid, but he didn’t realize how toxic he’d become, to both himself and others.

He developed depression and anxiety disorders, life only crashing down further when all social life went up in flames thanks to some rumors he never wants to talk about again. These rumors included slanderous things such as him being a self-harmer, being a slut, cheating on tests and the like. He sank into a deep dark pit of depression and hopelessness. Desperate to get some control over anything in his grasp, he made a few rumors true and started to self-harm, taking the razors out of his razorblades and slicing at his thighs. The rumors died down, but the depression, anxiety, and self-harm continued on into 11th grade, when he tried to commit suicide. He thought no one cared, no one at all, and that everyone in school at the very least hated him. So after a long time of contemplation, he swallowed dozens of pills and slit his wrist with a kitchen knife. His mother walked in on him a few minutes later and got him to the hospital, where he ended up being in a coma for a month or so. When he woke up he was kept in a psych ward for a few weeks, but after that everything changed.

Instead of shattering completely, he became a new person. Leo went back to talking about sci-fi, faeries, having imaginary friends, being childish, and daydreaming, along with some other things. He hated, and still hates, summer because he might be forced into shorts or a bathing suit, showing off his self-harm scars. He always wears wristbands on his left wrist (the one with the scar from the kitchen knife) and jeans when possible. His past is in the past, though. After the incident, he made an entirely new life. He gained friends, became better when dealing with problems, opened up more often, and had a better life in general. He got into a good college and loves friends and social events, so parties are right up his alley. He’s become who he is because of his past, but he doesn’t sling the story around too often.

Present Life: Living with some roommates as he goes to university to become a writer, aiming for an English major.

Special Historic Notes: His life basically flipped around at his sister’s death, and then back again after his suicide attempt.

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