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One x One Leilani Rose Larkin


Roleplay Addict
Full Name: Leilani Rose LarkimPronunciation: Lay-Lah-NeeNickname/Alias: Has none as of yet.Meaning: Means "heavenly flowers" or "Royal child"Origin: AmericaPet Name: Has none as of yet

Gender: Female
Gender Role: She plays the feminine role.
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Real Age: 28 years of age.
Age Appearance: She appears to look youthful, even younger than 28
Birthday: November 23rd, 2267.
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius. 
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius.

Parenting: Her mother was kind, loving and caring. Her father is cruel, careless and hatefull.

Species: Vampire
Blood Type: O-
Preferred Hand: Right
Facial Type: Heart Shaped Face.
Eye Color: Sea blue.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Hairstyle: Her hair stayed naturally in beachy waves, and she has side bangs.
Skin Tone: Pale. She is unable to tan and just burns. 
Complexion: Pale.
Body Type: Hourglass
Build: Thin, curvy.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 97lbs
Shoe Size: Size 4
Birthmarks/scars: N/A Were all healed during her changing. The only one that wasn't taken away is the large scar on her back caused with a blade.
Distinguishing Features: Startling violet eyes, unbelievably long eyelashes, curvy hourglass body with wide hips, ample backside.

Health: Currently not healthy
Energy: Leilani's energy is almost always at its highest, and is occasionally seen running long lengths. None of this has happened currently.
Senses: All Leilani's  senses are heightened to superhuman levels. She can move at rapid speeds, hear in greater detail, separate smells when she when she wants to, and can see greater distances.
Phobias: Agraphobia- The fear of sexual abuse

Style: Leilani hasn't had the best life, so she has taken a habit into dressing in dark things. What some might call goth or steampunk. 
Mode of Dress: Tight and clean. She has OCD, so if it's not clean or in order, she could possibly have a mental breakdown.
Grooming: Well kept at all times 
Posture: Has an alsmot huddled or curled into herself posture.
Coordination: Perfect and precise.
Habits and Mannerisms: When she gets nervous, she has a habit of biting or chewing at her lip.

Marital Status: Single.
Sex Life: Dull
Turn-Ons: Intelligence, Talking dirty, Humor, dark hair, muscular, fit men.
Turn Offs: Lying. Distrust. Untidy people.
Position: Submissive, can be dominant.
Fetishes: Rough Sex. Blood play. Knife play.
Virginity: Taken unwillingly

Occupation: None
Income: None
Wealth Status: Lower class.

Strengths: Aim, Speed, Strength, smell, tracking.
Flaws: Her need for everything to be untidy irritates some. Also her need for blood can cross over and make things difficult.
Soft Spot: Animals, elderly people, children
Cruel Streak: If you push her too harsh, she will break, then snap. And it's not a pretty sight.

Powers/Abilities: Enhanced smell, Speed, sight, touch.
Weaknesses: Heals slower than other vampires. Being blood deprived

Weapons: She carries a small sheathed dagger everywhere she goes.

Clothing: Usually something like:
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Ashala Jane Ambrose

Name: Ashala Jane Ambrose

Nicknames: Ash

Gender: Female

Age: 21 Years Old

Birthday: November 23rd

species: Human 

Haircolor: Blonde

Hairstyle: Natural long beachy waves with side bangs.

Eyecolor: Blue

Build: Slim, curvy and short.

Height: 5'4

Personality: Ashala is a quiet girl, and stays reserved from most people. She's the type that while everyone else in the college is out partying, she'll be reading and studying. She hates having attention drawn to her, and she tries to blend in a lot. Although... This is hard. Her life wasn't exactly the best, and she's always being picked on. Her mother and brother are dead, and she doesn't know where her father is.


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