Leia Morales

Becca's Bliss

Gamma-fied Glory
Name: Leia Morales

Alias: None yet (Swelter later on)

Species: (Meta or human?) Meta

Birthdate: May 4

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Asexual

Relationship Status: Single, but complicated. She was recently dumped by her boyfriend of 6 years, James Oh, but had been in a bit of a flirtationship with Cisco Ramon for the past few months.

Powers(Skip if just a human): Leia has the ability to generate heat from her body. She can raise the temperature of her body, raise the temperature of her surroundings, melt or burn most materials that she touches, and send waves of heat towards her enemies.

Abilities: (Is your character strong? Weak? Fast? Are they smart?)

-Bilingual (Spanish and English)


-Decent fighter


AU or Not?: Earth 1 OC, so I don't think so?
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