Legends of Taqaria! [Inactive]


The Space Dude
Taqhart submitted a new role play:

Legends of Taqaria! - Choose to praise or fight! The Drums of war sound in the distance. Can you hear them?


A long time ago in a land far to the South-South East, there was a majestic land. This land was named Taqaria.


The land was filled with mighty beasts and dragons, honorable knights, monsters of the night, farmers of the fields, wagons of the road, horses of the range, and much much more!...
Read more about this role play...
"So...what do you wanna do today?" a girl asked, seemingly to the bunny toy in her arms. She had a faint accent, but not any accent that was known. There was a little pause, then she spoke again. "No, we did that yesterday," she answered. Another moment of silence. The girl suddenly glared. "That is a terrible idea! You know messing with bears is dangerous!" she scolded. The bunny toy suddenly was frowning. Furattā sighed and looked around.

There was nothing to do that day. Well, nothing she could think about to do. Maybe she should try to go towards the villages. Nah. She always planned to go, but would always change her mind once she got to the edge of it and saw all of the people. It was intimidating for somebody who had never spoken to anybody other than her bunny toy. Furattā sighed softly and started singing lightly to herself in a strange, but beautiful flowy language. She hugged her bunny toy closer to her chest and looked around, wondering if she would come across somebody.
The Wizard King Taqlord woke up from his slumber. His magical round rotating bed stopped turning as soon at the King opened his eyes. Taqlords personal assistant walked up with a bowl of his favorite breakfast, silk morning robes, and white power for the lords face. Taqlord looked at the assistant, a lifeless man made of clothe and straw. The face his servant had a permanent stitched in smile and button eyes with blue wool hair. His arms and legs a little too long, and his body too thin, poorly sewn seams ran up the straw man's arms and legs. The Strawmen were Taqlords most loyal slaves, and made up the bulk of his house staff and army. Taqlord didn't like his other slaves, it seemed hard for them to simply always bow and never speak, which Strawmen always excelled at. Not to mention Taqlord could see through the eyes of every Strawman in the realm; over one billion walked Taqaria. It was a number that sounded good but was actually rather hard to keep track of.

Raising his hand to stop his servant, Taqlord looked at himself through his servants button eyes, to his dismay he looked old and fat. His eyes were dull and bloodshot, his head spotted and balding with only three long white hair clinging to his scalp. Grey flabs of skin hung over his belly. He scowled at the sight of himself and stopped looking. With a circular wave of his hand, the king gestured for the servant to come closer and resume his duties.

"Thank you Julio" Taqlord said after the clothe servant draped the silk over the king and powdered his face.

Taqlord loved face powder, it gave him the feeling he was pure, like a little white kitten. The lord looked at the bowl with his breakfast. Everyday it was the same, turtle heads softened in boiling milk sweetened with honey. The lord spooned one of the little turtle heads out of the milk and looked at its expression, the little turtle face looked bored.

"I know how you feel" Taqlord sighed as he shoved the head in his mouth and started chewing, crunching skulls and slurping the green flesh.

And so Taqlord continued on to rule the realm like every other day. He walked through the yellow halls of Takeep, half-naked in his morning silks. Julio the straw servant walked beside him with long strides that crunched with every step. Strawmen and empty suites of knights armour walked the halls beside him. They didn't have anything to do, it just made Taqlord feel less lonely to have his lifeless slaves walk around the keep. For many years he had them stand still, but like everything else it simply was too boring to watch them collect dust.

"I need a war" Taqlord mumbled as he walked "nothing exciting has happened in this kingdom for years"

Julio nodded slowly, with his blank smile.

"But nobody wants to fight" The king sighed "I tell you now was is like checkers. If you win to quickly and too often, after a few hundred years no one will be will to play with you"

Julio continued to smile and nod, he really never stopped. The king sighed again as he approached his massive rotunda that glowed red in the dark halls of Takeep. Taqlord entered the room and gazed upon his massive red crystal, the source of all of his power. A golden ring sparkled and spun around the giant stone, and a red glow radiated out from the center. From here Taqlord could control his massive army of minions.

Taqlord's eyes widened as he gazed through the crystal,the magical spreadsheets administrative stuff all pointed to one thing. REBELS.

"It would seem my loyal Strawmen have found me someone to fight!" Taqlord said with a giddy laugh and a mad flip of his three white hairs. He squinted at the red glow in the crystal for a moment.

"Looks like a group of freedom fighters are meeting in Rebel's landing" The Lord rubbed his hands together and curled his back. "This is going to be fun!"

Taqlord let out a wail of a laugh that trailed off into a euphoric cackle.
The girl continued to sing and walk around deep in the forest. She soon stopped singing, finding that it wasn't doing anything to help cure her boredom. The though of going to the village was becoming a more attractive thought at the moment. Maybe, this time she could actually make friends if she just got over the crowds and went inside. Yeah! Then she wouldn't have only her bunny to talk to! That thought sealed the deal.

Furattā ignored her bunny's warnings to not go to the village. It was not going to deter her from going there. She quickened her face, growing more excited as she grew closer to the village. Then, she stopped at the outskirts of it...again. What if something went wrong? What if she got hurt? Furattā pushed those thoughts away and walked into the village. She was just going to have to assume that nothing was going to go wrong.

The crowds bothered her, yes, but everything else made it so it didn't bother her too much to the point that she wanted to leave. It was all so interesting! The smells and sights kept her busy. Some people stared at her, knowing that she was not actually a resident there, but so far nobody bothered her. The girl looked harmless, so there was nothing to worry about in their opinion.
Dragon Hunter George Selous was sitting in the corner of a dusty old village inn. Sunlight shone in through the small openings in the pitched roofs windows, partially lighting up the dark interior. In front of him stood a large amount of empty mead bottles, and in his large hand was another, half empty one. A shadow behind his chair started to move slightly. "Young Master, we have our provisions now, I suggest we move out to investigate the nearby troll sightings."

George looked up and straightened up his huge, hulking body in the chair. The chair made suspicious, creaking noises. It was on the verge of collapse. "Not yet Meido, I'm not ready yet. It would be bad to go out troll hunting, only to die of dehydration on the way, don't you agree?"

"Well sir, I agree that would be quite the predicament", the shadow said as it moved out into the light. "But young master, you are a strong young man, able to take down a troll even if you just went for a stroll in the desert. And may I remind you that you only have eleven months left to make your first kill?" Meido was a strawman, and had been Georges companion even since he was still a little boy.

"Hurm durm, I guess you are right. And if I should feel dehydrated, or constipated or any other hunting inhibiting condition after we leave, we could always make camp and rest for a couple of weeks. All right Meido, go get our packs. I will just have a few more bottles before we leave"

The thin little automaton scurried off towards the stairs, while a barmaid came over towards George with a couple of fresh bottles. George knew the troll hunt was inevitable. He let of a deep sigh as he sank back into the chair, which finally had reached it's limit and collapsed under the huge mans weight...
Furattā scurried around the village, determine to see every little thing before she left. Who knows when she might decide to come back! And things might be different the next time she visited.

Then, she heard something that stole her completely stole her attention. Music! With a giddy hop on her step, she headed towards where the music was being played. She stopped once she found the source. It was a small band playing for music. Furattā sat on the ground and intently listened to then play.
Hurga Blurga wiped the frosting from her lips with a handkerchief.

She sighed.

Hurga Blurga continued to eat cake.
Taqlord looked hard and long at his red crystal trying to find this rebel meeting his straw man soldiers warned him about.

It seemed the straw men had forgotten to write down the address of his secret meeting.

"Stupid, straw brained, quarter wit, idiot, numbskulls!" Taqlord yelled at his straw man troop leader. "Go and find me some rebels! You got me ALL excited and then you DROP THE BALL. I don't want to see your clothe face again unless you have some freedom fighters for me.:" Taqlord severed the connection from the crystal with a wave of his hand.

The wizard looked over to Julio who watched silently and bowed when Taqlord eyed him. "Get me a drink Julio, it feels like this is going to be a long day." Taqlord sighed and watched the tall straw man stride off. Then a brilliant idea hit the old man "and Julio find me Hurga!" He yelled to his servant.


- -_- -----------


The straw man squad leader named Gregor, remarked how much he hated his job once more time. Being a straw man slave soldier was crappy enough. Gregor would never have though his promotion to squad troop leader, of straw squad two, would make it even worse.

He snapped out of a day dreamy state as his wizard king exited his mind. Gregor looked over to his thirty straw men soldiers. They were all different sizes and their cloth me skin was all made if brown rags. Every soldier had a simple tin helmet and a long spear. "Alright troops! We have to go to the nearest village and round up some villagers for a fight!"

The straw men started to march into a small town beside a forest. They grabbed a music band that was playing on the street and a little girl who was listening to them. It didn't take long for each straw soldier for find their rebel.

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Furattā had been enjoying her stay at the village when these weird men just barged in and started taking people. What was going on? And why were they taking people? She gasped when she was grabbed too and suddenly bursted into her butterflies and flew off.

The butterflies flew to the roof of a nearby building and turned back normal after a flash of pinkish light. Maybe she should've flew back into the forest again, but she was curious in how they would react. Furattā also wanted to try and understand what they were doing.
Gregor had all of the straw men line up the "Rebels" he found. Each soldier had one person except for the one. Percio the only fat straw man in all of Taqaria stood there without a prisoner. The short round straw man pointed in the air and yelled "butterflies!".

Gregor followed Percio's flailing arms over to a little girl crouching on top of a rooftop. Gregor decided this little girl was defiant enough to pass for a rebel soldier "Attack the traitor!" He ordered with a shrug.

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Furattā watcged them curiously, still wondering what was going on. Why did they have thise other people line up like that? Rebels? She frowned and started backing away. This first day in the village wasn't exactly going as she thought it would. She did not expect people made of straw people ruining all the fun, that's for sure.

Then, that straw guy pointed to her, and the order was given to attack. Oh no. Time to go. The girl quickly turned unto her butterflies again and bolted towards the tree line.
The straw soldiers all threw their spears at the girl. In an instant, Gregor watched through his button eyes as the little girl puffed into butterflies and fluttered away. The little insects flapped on tiny wings towards the forest. The other straw soldiers just starred in amazement.

"YOU IMBECILES!" Taqlord's voice rang through Gregor straw mind. The Wizard king had the horrible habit of spying through Gregor's eyes unannounced. "I want ALL the rebels dead! Kill the ones you have and then hunt down the girl!" Gregor heard Taqlord huff, the straw captain hoped that he wasn't watching through him anymore.

It's hard to kill rebels without weapons, the soldiers had thrown all of their spears onto the roof. Gregor glanced at all of his soldiers, the looked pretty hungry. It must have been at least ten years since the last time they fed. You see a straw man's life is not simply free or made of nothing, they need to feed on the souls of the living to remain alive. Gregor's stitched smile grew menacingly wide, he decided it was dinner time. Normally they need to ask the powerful Taqlord for permission but the captain assumed he would understand.

"Feed on the rebels." Gregor ordered. The people lined up started to scream in terror, a few even tried to run. The straw men grabbed the each of their own civilians by the throat and lifted them into the air. The people howled and cried in horror as the straw men that faced them opened their mouths as wide as a mans head. Their voices slowly grew quiet as their souls were pulled out of their eyes into the black bottomless pit that resided inside each straw man.

When his men had finished Gregor ordered his men to retrieve their spears and follow the girl into the forest.
The butterflies flew in a sychronized group into the shelter of the trees. But, knowing that she wasn't safe just yet, they continued flying. But, there was a little problem. Furattā could not stay as butterflies forever. Soon, she would be forced back into her normal form. That moment came quicker than she expected. Maybe because of the stress of being chased.

Once Furattā turned back normal, she landed on the ground and began running. She often looked back to see if the straw men were catching up with her. She could hear the screams of the other people behind her. Furattā quickly looked forward and tried to run faster.
Gregor and the straw soldiers were running through the forest. Their thin tin armor clinking as they ran through the trees. They all had their spears in hand and ready to through at the first sight of the little butterfly thing.

They finally caught up to her when she was in the forest. The straw men were bloated with the souls of the villagers and could barely catch up to the girl.

"Get her!" Gregor shouted at his men in frustration. Some of the closer ones flung their spears at the girl.

"If we don't catch her Taqlord will have our straw innards. And leave our skin empty for all of eternity"

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Furattā looked back again and yelped as they started throwing their spears at her. She dodged them then started looking around for some sort of escape. All that was around though was trees. Well, better than running for who knows how long until she runs out of energy. The girl suddenly hopped up and grabbed a branch she had zoned in on. Swiftly, Furattā began to climb the tree. Hopefully those men couldn't climb very well.

Once the branches were too thin at the top to hold her weight, she stopped beneath them and looked down. She gulped and started hugging the trunk of the tree and her bunnt toy. "This is a terrible idea!" a voice scolded in her head. "Now you're trapped up here!" it continued. "Shush!" Furattā snapped at the bunny toy in her arms, which was frowning deeply.
The Straw soldiers kept running and running and running. They couldn't see the little girl anymore.

"Crap" Gregor said out loud. His soldiers stopped and starred at him with blank faces. They all had an expression that asked, so uh now what?

Gregor looked around the forest, the trees were tall and covered in dark green pines. He had to think. He knew Taqlord wasn't watching or he would be yelling and screaming in his mind. The straw man enjoyed the quiet. In a sigh of defeat Gregor looked back at his men.

"Lets go back to the village men. We lost her." The straw soldier captain turned around and starred to walk back slowly. "Taqlord is not going to be happy with our failure." Gregor shook his head.

All of the sudden one of his men said something in a quiet voice, Gregor couldn't quite make it out. He turned around to look upon the timid soldiers clothe face and ordered him to repeat himself.

"We could just say we found her." The soldier shrugged, every other straw man dropped their jaws in amazement. Gregor and the other men had never heard of such a brilliant idea.

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Furattā observe them from up the tree and sighed softly in relief. She slowly eased herself down into a sitting position on the branch and continued to watch the straw men. Her head tilted to the right as she watched the strange people. They weren't that smart, were they?

Then, the worst sound she could possibly hear was made. Cracking. Before she could correctly respond, the branch snapped from beneath her. Fortunatley enough, she caught another branch and hung there, generally unharmed. But, her bunny had fallen to the ground. She stared at it, still hanging.
When George and Mr. Meido finally emerged from the dingy inn at the end of the village, George noticed the commotion going on. Mr Meido, eager to leave the village while they still had a little momentum, quickly intercepted "It's nothing, just a yearly reenactment of a bid raid and arrest that took place many many years ago. The spectacle is ended by parading around a lifesize statue of a dragon. Nothing we need to see."

"L-lifesize? N-no, we don't need to see that at all, let's go Mr. Meido!"

And so the entered the forest<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Selous.jpg.8cb2a504c549c73eaa340793129d192b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Selous.jpg.8cb2a504c549c73eaa340793129d192b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Then suddenly they stopped, as they saw a bunny doll lying on the ground underneath a tree...



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Furattā pulled herself up onto the branch and watched as another person came up. She relaxed when she saw that it was not a straw man. But, they were rather large. Almost scary large. Was it safe to climb down? Well, she didn't exactly have a choice, did she? Letting them take the toy was not an option. So, she hopped down.

Furattā snatched up the toy once she landed. Once she brushed off some dirt and picked leaves off the stuffed bunny, she turned her gaze towards the large man. The girl stared for a moment before softly speaking. "Hello..." she greeted the man, backing up a little.
When Justice received word that Taqlord was starting to gather up her precious rebels, why, she was furious. She yelled at every man, woman, and child in her rebel village about such matters. "Do they think us such fools as to let this slide?" she had called. "I believe not!" She shifted into her Kirin form and out, often shocking many of the tourists in her fits of rage. When she finished, she set a course with a couple of her men in order to show Taqlord a thing or two. Why, she'd show him alright. Then she would leave his guard's captain's decapitated head on his front steps, and see how he would like having his men killed.
“Die! Die! Die!”

Cutting down foe after foe, Nemo ran through the forest. Stab. Lunge. Dodge. He feinted to the left then leapt to the right and decapitate the imaginary Big Evil Creature of Darkness. Now that it was killed he took a moment to brush the sweat of his brow and look around him.

A particularly knobbly tree gave him a stern look, as far as stern looks and trees go. Nemo wrinkled his nose at the stench of rotten leaves. He wondered why old and stinking always had to go together. Still, the face-in-the-bark looked at him, unimpressed that he had just slain a Big Evil Creature of Darkness, no less!

“Whatcha looking at me for?” He grumbled, kicking the tree, making his toes hurt. “Go play with your stupid tree friends!” He scowled, before spinning around on his heels and pacing away.

Puffing his cheeks he dropped his leafless, wooden sword and tried to think of something else to do. Going back to town meant going back to boredom. You could only throw eggs at the local butcher so often before it ceased to be fun. And pulling a chair leg from underneath Fat Anna, the Baker’s wive, would earn him another thrashing.

If mum didn’t need him at home so much, then he could be free to roam the world, kill dragons and save some sissy girls from sniggering goblins. Yea, being a roaming hero would be a real blast.

Eyes wandering aimlessly through the forest, he spotted am odd hump amidst the trees, sprouting from the ground like pins from a pin-cushion. Approaching the hump he soon noticed it wasn’t a hump at all but a very large, muscled man.

His eyebrows met above his nose when he noticed the bunny at the giant’s feet. A set of lines on his forehead accompanied his confused look as he spotted the straw-man next to the giant. A girl, a bunny, a giant and a straw man, now that was a rare sight. Rarer still than a Monstrously Big Evil Creature of Darkness!

Perhaps, he'd unknowingly cast a spell, causing all his fictional friends and foes to come alive! Yea, that could be it! Only...he didn't recall ever thinking the four of them up. Deciding that the only way to find out about them was to talk, he went out of hiding and called. "Hey! Who are you?"

Stopping at a safe distance from them, he cocked his head. "You lot look strange. You're not from around here are you?"
Furattā jumped as she heard a young male voice nearby. She looked towards where the voice had came from and blinked a little bit. Thus day was just becoming more and more strange for her. First some strange straw men tried to kill her, then there was a very large man, now a child in the woods.

The girl was silent for a moment before slowly speaking. "I've lived here longer than you've been alive," she told him simply and gave her toy a squeeze. Who was this kid anyways? Didn't his caregiver ever tell him not to speak to strangers? Furattā backed away a little bit, getting ready to run off. Her bunny toy stared at the strangers with a glare on its stitched face.

He took another step forward and hesitated for a moment before retreating two. She thinks she's quite something, huh? Narrowing his eyes he scanned the girl for any clues about her. She did look weird, which testified in her favour, but he didn't believe for a second that she was older than him, that was just silly.

"I haven't seen you around here before," he said as he put his hands on his hips. Nah, she was just trying to be interesting because she was in love with him. Yuck! He'd have to tell her off like so many before her, even though she was the first real one. Pity the big man want harassing her, he could've saved her if he had been.

"So who be you?" He inquired as he turned towards the big man with the massive crossbow and half a household strapped to his back. "If you're looking for the village, you should be heading the other way. There," he pointed towards where the village lay, about a quarter mile out of the forest. "My mother works in a tavern there, I can get you a discount if you book for more than a day and-"

Realising he was talking too much he shut his jib with a snap of his jaws and tried to remain standing still as he awaited their reply.
"I don't come near the villages very often...or really ever..." Furattā told the kid. She relaxed a little bit and sat down on the ground, no longer having the urge to run off. The large man and the wooden fellow beside him still made her a bit nervous, but he wasn't doing anything threatening yet. And the other one there was just a child. Nothing to worry about in her opinion.

She listened to the boy speak and glanced around then looked back at the people in front of her. Furattā looked at the boy, and realized that she didn't know his name. She didn't know the man either, but the boy was talking more, so might as well ask him first. "What's your name?" the girl asked him, setting her toy next to her.

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