Legends of Glade


Personified Salt Shaker
Various stories, passed down with both paper and mouth, will be listed here.
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The Water Mage

Not much is known about the mage who could control water, but it was thanks to this mage that a dragon by the name of Loukian was finally killed. This dragon could create a magical barrier that would absorb the magic of any spell, thus the only way to fight it was without magic. However, a dragon's scales cannot be pierced without the assistance of magic. In the end, the Water Mage drained Loukian's magic and allow the other mages to kill the dragon. The mage disappeared after the battle. How the mage learned how to control water is unknown. Some say the mage was actually a water spirit. Others says another dragon taught the mage the secret to controlling water. Others suggest the mage simply learned a spell that was never shown to anyone else. The Elders halted mass exploration into researching how to control water until more information on the Water Mage is discovered.
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The Rivalry Between Warrior and Scholar Mages

Most schools of magic require training in both body and mind in order to harness spells. That is not the case for the schools of Enhancement magic. Body enhancement doesn't require much in terms of mental power, so they focus entirely on physical strength. Mind mages are the opposite. With no need for physical strength, they are free to develop their minds as the wish. This direct clash of ideals between two schools of magic so closely related causes the two to clash constantly. That, in turn, has led to bitter feelings being passed down to each new generation of mages. While some see the rivalry as nothing more than friendly banter, others take it seriously and look down upon mages of the opposite school.

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