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Fantasy Legends of Generica Characters


Veteran Lurker
Alright, go ahead and make the most stereotypical, overused characters on purpose! No one will hate you here. 

All OOC talk related to character creation can also go here. A like means you're accepted!


Race: (Humans, elves, dwarves and orcs are the common races, but basically anything is probably acceptable)



Alignment: (D&D-style, but take as many liberties as you want, like Lawful Stupid or something)






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David Ramsey, The Shounen protag

Race: Human

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Idiot. (Chaotic good.)

Appearance: 5'10 and 170 lbs of pure, raw, juvenile force.



Possessing no magical affiliation, likely because his inadequate mental capacity wouldn't allow it, David Ramsey relies on his sick sword skills. Self taught, of course.


"Ahahahaha!!!" -David to everybody.

When it's good vs. evil, good always wins! Good is what shapes the world! Evil will always lose!

Yes, David tends to look at the world through a rosy colored glass, always optimistic- always seeing the positive and never really being able to comprehend the negative. When something does corrupt his beautiful world and conflict with his strict morals, he does whatever it takes to shut it down. He's as self-righteous and idealistic as a rebellious teen could be. A free spirit, he is. Nobody could ever suppress his fun-loving nature. Nor his impulsiveness and determination. But he's also caring, pure-hearted, and then just plain... whacky.


-He's dumb. He's just... really dumb...

-He's quick to get riled up. And when he's riled up, he's prone to dropping inspirational shounen quotes about morality.

-A loved one in danger triggers his heroic sacrifice impulses. And at least one must happen every once in a while.


After his derpy father was killed in combat when he was just a lad- pictured below:


David Ramsey decided he would grow up to take his father's place in the military as one of their top-tier commanders. Never having gone to school, David put all of his energy into training for his big day.


Sun sign: Aries

(If we're starting off in that school setting, goddamn this character would fit in so much.)
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Ok, here's my character sheet so far. I could use some advice with how to improve my character. Errr...

The Dodgy, Weapon-Throwing Ranger


Wojciech Heilwig Adelais Theudalind Tiedeman (aka Whatt)




Whatt has lived through a total of 20 summers.




Chaotic and Erratic

Appearance: (Insert Picture here)



Advanced User of Knife throwing - There's just something satisfactory about watching knives go 'thunk' into something.

Advanced Crossbow Skill - No real skill required! Just pick up, arm and aim! *

Track - Average skill in tracking, she just never really seemed to have gotten that hang of it.

Hidden Weapons Technique - Able to conceal various weapons on her person, just don't ask about where they are though...



Don't be silly! Of Course I passed Ranger school! Why else do you think I have a formal qualification in Rangerness? In fact, here's my certificate! See!?

A secretive and cryptic ranger with a past - The most bloody annoying person one could ever have the pleasure of meeting or even knowing. Whatt has the unfortunate tendency to butt into conversations where she is needed, likes to spout off random information that sometimes have little to do with the topic at hand and often tries to use seduction/ whining to get what she wants. But underneath all her selfishness and slightly spoiled personality, lies a heart of gold. One that believes that all people have good in them, somewhere.... (Might consider revising....)


Missing that special party member? That annoying, secretive *cough* ranger that just gets on your nerves when they seem to sneakily arrange things in order to get a larger amount of the loot? That selfish one that sits in the corner and laughs when you get mobbed by adoring fans, but sulks when the scenario is reversed and no help arrives for her? That ranger who (attempts to) flirts with shop owners in an attempt to get discounts? That one ranger who always seems to be evasive about answering questions about their skills or past? The one who seems to always be playing with a dagger or knife, often with a glint in their eyes? The one with a heart of gold underneath all those bad qualities?

Well, look no further!

Whatt is here!

Fulfilling all the criteria, Whatt is the perfect ranger for your group!

....Well, maybe not the last part...




Has anyone seen my daggers? I'm missing three of them! Oh, I hope that fireball didn't render them into useless hunks of metal.....

With every weapon on her person comes a great, distracting weakness. This ranger has that obsessive need to keep track of every weapon she owns!

Need something from Whatt? Manipulate her through excessive use of drama and theatrics!

She might just fall for it.


Lack of Situational awareness- Even though Whatt was raised by the Rangers of the Melmore Plains, she has the surprising inablility to evaluate her situation and often has her head in the clouds. ( Might consider revising....)



As a child, Whatt was raised by the Rangers of the Melmore Plains, before she was kicked out thanks to her actions and role in the House of Teas and Cookies and the bloody battle that took place on the Melmore Plains against the Home of Coffee and Cakes. Liquids were spilt, confectioneries thrown and the losses were great....


Other: As a Honored Member of the House of Tea and Cookies, Whatt has several priviledges associated with her rank. These include access to various healing teas and cookies, access to House of Tea and Cookies secret market and owns her very own 'House of Tea and Cookies Travel Bottle'! A Bottle crafted by only the greatest House of Tea and Cookies Craftsmen...The Ultimate Water Bottle and Tea Flask.

... Noting like that crap the Home of Coffee and Cakes promote.....


Owner of the 127 Needles Journeyman Pack, 35 Small Throwing knives pack and 14 Throwing daggers. Also wields a shortsword and crossbow.


....Ex-Member of the Rangers of the Melmore Plains.....



I could really use some help. I swear, I think I made it too over-complicated or something.


Update: Made some changes to Whatt's profile.
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Ok, here's my character sheet so far. I could use some advice with how to improve my character. Errr...

I don't see a problem, LOL. Though. she's not as stereotypical and edgie as I hoped. I'm conflicted on whether that is a good or bad thing tbh
I don't see a problem, LOL. Though. she's not as stereotypical and edgie as I hoped. I'm conflicted on whether that is a good or bad thing tbh

I know! :ClosedEyesCrying: I wanted to make it stereotypical as possible but failed it on an epic scale.. :(  

Well, I'll take a sleep for now and in the morning I'll come back to it an alter the profile, a fresh brain will probably help me.

Also, suggestions would be nice if anyone is willing. :)
Name: Charles Edgeworth

Race: Edge... I mean Vampire!!! Eh, it's all the same.

Age: 17, even though he's a vampire. Fuck immortality when you can be young anyways.

Gender: Male.

Alignment: Chaos Edgy




  • Shotguns: Carries two shotguns. Somehow, both are fucking identical. They shoot silver that was heated up by edge-ergies (Edge-Energies) to the point of becoming hot, irradiating plasma that kills opponents in a brutal, violent way. He only finds pleasure in this way of killing, after the death of his 52 parents. Sometimes uses one, sometimes uses two when extra firepower is required.
  • Vampire: Has all the benefits of an edgy vampire.

    Dark Backstory: His dark backstory full of angst makes him rage onward in a violent, unstoppable onslaught through this world.
  • Superhuman Condition: Faster, stronger, better and edgier than 99% humans.

[*]Razors : Carries several for emergencies. Has one in his house behind a glass pane that has: "In case of edge, break the glass," written on it. He uses them for cutting himself in the wrist.

Personality: The most edgy person you've met. Charles cuts himself after every fight and every conversation to relieve pain of this horrible, grim world. He'd probably just kill himself, but he's aware that... Uh... I don't know. Just [Insert Reason for Living.] He only drinks the blood of virgin women and sometimes, his own (No idea how that works.) He also cries himself to sleep and makes sure no one is aware. He claims he hates everyone and apparently doesn't care about anything that's happening. Why he does anything is still a secret to people.


- Cuts himself all the time. You could probably kill him by poisoning the razor, but I doubt it. He'd just be empowered by all of the death.

- Edgy.

Backstory: His past is mostly unknown, except that he had 52 parents that were all killed by [INSERT NAMES OF RANDOM ACCIDENTS AND DEATH CAUSES] and he was the best childhood friend of David Ramsey (If @Devious Dilbert agrees!) Somewhere when he was 14 he became an edgy mercenary for hire. Eventually, the military took mercy on hired him and now he serves in the same Corps as Ramsey.

Other: His theme song:


Name: Mephisto Pheles

Race: Trickster God

Age: As old as tricks.

Gender: Genderless, but chooses to appear male.

Alignment: Idiotic Random




  • Reality Warping: His main ability is to warp reality to his will to a minor degree. He can't summon an army, but he can make an anvil fall from the sky, or walk into a painting, etcetera.
  • Shapeshifting: Can change how he appears, but his favoured form is the one seen in Appearance.
  • 4th Wall Awareness: He knows he's in a fictional universe. He can even warp reality to create things out of our world, such as magazines, or phones.

Personality: Devoted to being derpy and stupid, Mephisto's only focus in life is making himself, or other people laugh. At the same time, however, he is willing to aid the protagonist from time to time because of his pure heart, and punish and send goons after him due to that same reason. I can't really give him an ideology or motive, he's just random and stupid.


- Fears salt. Won't get anywhere near it and his skin burns when touched by it.

Backstory: He was born when a dude decided to prank his wife. It didn't go that well, as the guy fell off a cliff, but still - Mephisto was born everyone! And since then, the lump of psychic trick energy he is, he's been traversing the mortal realm in search of people just as stupid as him.

Other: Theme song:
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@Khaz It doesn't necessarily have to be an overused character but it should probably make fun of some character trope in some way. But if it's funny enough I'll accept it regardless.

F.I.F Polliwog (pronounced and spelled Fif)

"No it doesn't stand for anything why would you ask that?"


Definitely a human and not at all a frog


 *googles if human years are different than frog years* 

"Uhhh... I am 21... yes. That is my age because I measure time normally just like all humans do."



"Jurassic Park says I can change my gender for evolutionary purposes, but trust me I am man."


Chaotic Neutral


Fif is obviously an assassin who wears black robes as seen in the picture below to help him blend in to the background more easily. He wears the scarf over his face and his hood up only when performing a job, other than that, when frolicking about towns and villages while not on duty he usually wears more casual clothing in order to appear less intimidating and suspicious. He stands at approximately 5'6" and has a small yet toned build. Fif is on the pale side compared to most people he meets, in fact he is so pale that he actually appears green. But this is obviously attributed to the fact that he has a rare skin condition and not at all because he is a cold blooded amphibian. You know that there is something off about Fif but you can't quite put your finger on it.

"Of course I have five fingers... but don't investigate too closely..."



Fif has the ability to jump exceptionally high and land very softly. He is also suspiciously good at walking up vertical surfaces such as walls, and it is rumoured he can even walk on the ceiling. 

"This is what they teach you at assassin school. I definitely wasn't gifted these abilities via thousands of years of evolution." 

He also has acquired the ability to speak... wait... ignore that... all humans can speak and Fif definitely earned it when he was a baby and not only a year ago. 


Much like a newborn baby who is also an adult, Fif is very confused and curious about human interaction. Unfortunately he also doesn't quite understand it and will often miss or misunderstand social cues. This can be interpreted as rude or stupid behaviour to others. He is also incredibly sassy and doesn't know very much about anything. FIf doesn't understand the importance of friendships or teamwork yet so he is only concerned with himself. Everything he does is related to self preservation and dedicated to bettering his own life. This is why he chose to be an assassin, he makes quite a bit of money out of it and he doesn't understand that killing others is considered wrong. Finally, Fif is also incredibly protective of his past. He never talks about it and will always avoid the question or redirect the conversation whenever it is brought up. 


Easily distracted by flies and other insects, and is deathly afraid of birds. 

"Have you ever even tried a fly? Then don't judge me."


If you haven't guessed it by now, Fif is a giant frog. However it wasn't always this way, he used to only be a small frog. He lived a relatively typical life, as far as typical frog lives go, up until about a year before the events of this rp. Everything changed one Friday evening when a the great witch Ulagaga was having an evening picnic by her lonesome in a flower field. Fif had had a long day wandering around looking for food and was eagerly heading home for a good sleep. Wanting to get home quicker than usual he decided to take a short cut through the very same flower field Ulagaga was in. It was at this time that a strange series of coincidences led to Fif's strange circumstance. Ulagaga was enjoying a nice sandwich when all of a sudden a strange tickle entered her nose, she could feel a sneeze coming on, a big one. She looked around and spotted the reason for her sneeze: spotted roses, her only allergy. She reached for her handkerchief in order to prepare for the oncoming allergy attack, but just as she reached, she sneezed violently. He sandwich soared through the air, each layer coming apart by the second. Fearful of losing her delicious sandwhich she reached for her wand and started to say a spell to save her sandwich but halfway through she sneezed again and the incomplete spell launched and hit the innocent Fif that happened to be trotting by. It hit him and blamo, large frogman. Unfortunately because the Witch had mistakenly cast an incomplete spell she had no idea how to change him back and instead agreed to help him adapt to human life. She taught him english and vital survival skills as well as fed him and gave him a place to live. To this day they are still roommates. No one knows that Fif is a frog despite the fact that he looks and acts like a frog, but Fif has disguised himself well. Although, as mentioned earlier there is something off about him that people don't quite know why. 

"Yes, Ulagaga, I forgot to do the dishes that one time, but that doesn't make me a bad roommate."


Dreams of one day being a regular frog again. 

Also.... He is literally a cold blooded killer
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Name: Palladias Valouria 

Race: Human

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawfully Chaotically Idiotic

Appearance: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/quiz-rpg-the-world-of-mystic-wiz/images/4/4e/Gold_Knight_Duke_transparent.png

Powers/Magic/Skills: Extremely handy with a shield and lance, and has impressively great physical strength. He can also intimidate and blind evil doers with his amazingly shiny, badass looking armour. 

Personality: Has an unlawfully extreme obsession with "justice" and "doing what's right", and is super self-righteous. It doesn't seem he thinks about much else, and acts really cheerful, optimistic, and very seemingly innocent and oblivious. Never hesitates to charge in to help someone in need, and likes to think of himself as a hero. Yet he never really specifies what he really means by "justice", and many don't find out until they see for themselves. 

Mercilessly destroying anything that even remotely seems to be doing what he sees as "wrong".

Weakness/Flaw: Is actually really sensitive, and will probably cry if you hurt his feelings. 

Backstory: Some really angsty stuff happened in his childhood, his parents were killed by bandits, and he instantly hated anything and anyone with bad intentions. Began to put on a cheery, innocent act to hide his true colder colours, because for some reason that needed to happen. 

Name: Ezerius the Blue

Race: Human

Age: Really old, looks at least 70 but no one knows

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good



Powers/Magic/Skills: Ezerius is a powerful wizard, specializing in pyromancy, but is reluctant to use his powers to full extent. He's also a decent fighter with his staff.

Oh, and he can probably provide any exposition that the plot requires.

Personality: Solitary, mysterious, stoic and wise. He serves as a mentor and guide for this band of much younger heroes.

Weakness/Flaw: Relatively peaceful, will not kill most intelligent enemies and avoids fighting directly. Also he can't prepare spells without his spellbook. Also has a serious pipe-weed addiction, but he doesn't wanna tell people that.

Backstory: Not much is known about Ezerius, other than that he moved into the old tower on the hill outside town about ten years ago. Recently, he has discovered an ancient evil rising in the east and it depends on a band of heroes to stop it! (If another player wants to he can have been his mentor before the RP. I feel like it would be funny if he trained @Devious Dilbert's character and disapprove of him even though he refuses to learn anything remotely intellectual).

Other: Is definitely not going to die at some point to give the heroes motivation.
@slachance6 I'm totally down for him being a teacher to David, LOL. It would be a lot of fun if he mentored both my guy and @Birdsie's character. Ezerius sees a lot of potential in my guy, but unfortunately David is just too restless and quite frankly, dumb, LOL. Birdsie's character is like the bro and he's always been so pessimistic, but always causing trouble with David. Ezerius could be like a tired father to the both of them since David's dad is dead, and Charles's whole clan is dead lolol. Ezerius could have taken them in when they were young and tried to hide the fact that Charles wasn't human. I'm trying to be as cliché as I can and there's so much to work with, LOL. I'M LOVING IT.

Of course, all up to you both though.  :smile3:

Ezerius is also the kinda guy that could tie backstories with just about everybody tbh.
Name:  Gurg

Race: Gurg

Age: Gurg

Gender: Gurg

Alignment:  Chaotic Gurg



  • Lifting things
  • Smashing things
  • Shielding things (Gurg is as hard as a rock)
  • Doing all those things with a big rock

Personality:  Gurg is peaceful. He likes flowers and butterflies and birds and making friends all that jazz. Gurg likes helping people as well. Although Gurg is really emotional. Anything even slightly sad can bring Gurg to tears, and when Gurg gets mad, people die.

Weakness/Flaw:  Gurg is as dumb as a rock. Anyone with a third-grade education could probably outsmart Gurg. Gurg's rudimentary understanding of English (or whatever language English is called in this land) makes it hard for Gurg to communicate with others. And Gurg's emotions control Gurg's every action, making it even easier to control Gurg.

Backstory: They say that Gurg's mother was a bear, and that Gurg's father was a rock. That is probably true. Gurg wandered the world doing whatever Gurg feels like. Gurg helped a lot of people by killing even more people. Gurg wandered into whatever place this journey is starting, and the people their put Gurg to work. Gurg agreed to help, blissfully unaware that Gurg was being treated like a slave.

Other: Gurg
Name:  Gurg

Race: Gurg

Age: Gurg

Gender: Gurg

Alignment:  Chaotic Gurg



  • Lifting things
  • Smashing things
  • Shielding things (Gurg is as hard as a rock)
  • Doing all those things with a big rock

Personality:  Gurg is peaceful. He likes flowers and butterflies and birds and making friends all that jazz. Gurg likes helping people as well. Although Gurg is really emotional. Anything even slightly sad can bring Gurg to tears, and when Gurg gets mad, people die.

Weakness/Flaw:  Gurg is as dumb as a rock. Anyone with a third-grade education could probably outsmart Gurg. Gurg's rudimentary understanding of English (or whatever language English is called in this land) makes it hard for Gurg to communicate with others. And Gurg's emotions control Gurg's every action, making it even easier to control Gurg.

Backstory: They say that Gurg's mother was a bear, and that Gurg's father was a rock. That is probably true. Gurg wandered the world doing whatever Gurg feels like. Gurg helped a lot of people by killing even more people. Gurg wandered into whatever place this journey is starting, and the people their put Gurg to work. Gurg agreed to help, blissfully unaware that Gurg was being treated like a slave.

Other: Gurg

I'm saving this on a world template. When I die this will be my tombstone.
Name: Sue James Smith

Race: Human

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Alignment: chaotic Fuck You


Powers/Magic/Skills: Whenever he is mad his powers suddenly increase bye Pi ‽‽‽ He is also immortal because he found all the dragon balls.

Personality: He prefers to be mysterious so no one can find out his secrets Looooser

Weakness/Flaw: His humility and love for all the world makes him always unselfishly put others first.

Backstory: His back has always been there, so have his eyes and legs.

Other: He Admins a meme page.
Hello, I'm snowy raven. I hope it's not too late to join~

Name: Irina Valentina 

Race: Elf

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance:  See picture. about 5 feet 10 inches tall/monthly_2017_02/c3050e42bfd846bc0e22e494ec2d850b.jpg.b94d40b479677a69c5c852e0d4ad41a9.jpg


  • Bard stuff. Plays the lutar (because just a regular old lute is boring). 
  • can distract people/creatures with music
  • can cast spells, heal and buffs and crap 
  • making a misunderstanding even worse
  • accidentally breaking up fated lovers with totally rad songs
  • writes terrible poetry to accompany her lutar 
  • is actually quite clever 


  • hopeless romantic
  • starving artist LOL 
  • can usually be found pining for a lover under a tree next to a sparking river while playing her lutar
  • likes to find inspiration in trivial everyday objects while making pretentious metaphors out of them

    oh this chipped coffee cup is like the world I live in, mundane but imperfect while containing a temporary pleasure

[*]likes to spend waste time in taverns next to a window seat while eating barley rolls with goat cheese and spiced ham all served on a wooden cutting board

[*]easy going  hipster young lass


  • lutar is usually out of tune but claims that its artistic 
  • chose the wrong profession, should've been a mage or healer but oh well 
  • is a bit gullible around pretty ladies 
  • seriously should have been a mage or a healer
  • is a little absent minded


  • Was raised in the "Two whores one mug" Tavern by her parents

    father was kind of an apathetic douche 
  • mother was a magic school dropout who taught Irina everything she knew about magic 
  • parents had little time to raise her because that was the only tavern in the small town she was raised in, and were very busy
  • had a lonely childhood, but has fond memories of her mother 

[*]Was fascinated by the traveling bards that came to visit 

[*]wanted to be a bard at the sweet age of 13

[*]bought a second hand lutar one fine day 

[*]Told her mother "You don't understand my life" and ran away from home

  • regrets her decision nowadays, doesn't have the guts to visit her hometown because she doesn't want to disappoint her mother when she returns

[*]is now a traveling bard herself 

Other: Likes to charm the ladies~~~

  • Theme song



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@Idees I don't really a see a problem with your character, but you seem distraught about it, lol. Just make your character however you like. Have some fun with it.  :smile4:

Are you done with her btw?
@Devious Dilbert Almost, just attempting my very best to draw her.

I tend to be over-critical whn it comes down to my work. Whether its writing, drawing, or painting.

I'm currently struggling with my drawing. I'm tempted to just draw a plain stick figure and leave that as her appearance. But every part of me is screaming against it.. :)
@Devious Dilbert Almost, just attempting my very best to draw her.

I tend to be over-critical whn it comes down to my work. Whether its writing, drawing, or painting.

I'm currently struggling with my drawing. I'm tempted to just draw a plain stick figure and leave that as her appearance. But every part of me is screaming against it.. :)

You could have her be able to transform into a stick figure :D
Name:  Uh... shit... what do I do? Do they have comics in this trashy fantasy?  What if someone recognizes me!?  NAMES DEATHSTROKE! AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT.

Race:  Sub-human, mutant, rage beast that used to be the sexiest man alive.

Age: It's rude to ask a lady her age.

Gender:  I feel like this is a trick question to out me as a non-feminist.   I identify as a single-engine supersonic multirole fighter aircraft... But my giggly bits are a wee-wee and walnuts if you insist on knowing.

Alignment: Chaotic as a blender.  



Powers/Magic/Skills:  Unfortunately I don't die, and regenerate near instantly.  Trust me, it's not as great as it sounds.  I adore my fans as well, and I can't not show appreciation for them; 16 walls isn't enough to stop me from love.

Personality:  I once got bored, and killed all my friends.  (True story)

Weakness/Flaw:  http://bfy.tw/AIEs

Backstory:  Look at the picture under 'appearance', and you'll see it's quite firm, yet grippable.

Other:  What you see is what you get.  
"My name's Niffer!"


"Um... What's that?"


"I've seen that sun go up a whole bunch of times."

About 12

"Is that some sort of meal or something?"


"What's for lunch?"

Chaotic Hungry

"I'm green and fuzzy. That's all."

Niffer is only 3 feet tall. His scales are strong and light, with a texture similar to fur, but tougher than any type of metal.
"Well, I usually make food."

Niffer's claws enable him to carve anything into stone or metal. It then turns into the actual thing. He usually uses it as an endless supply of food. He can also eat anything.


Niffer possess a quality in which he is very difficult to describe. An obvious point is that he worships food, but is also a bit blunt when speaking to others. He is somewhat on the lower intelligence side, unable to interpret the meaning behind most insults. When talking with others he is very casual and relaxed. He is also a bit more energetic than natural.

"BANANA! Wait,what did you say?"

He has a short attention span and easily distracted by food.

"Ehh... stuff?"

When Niffer was born, he would have been eaten by his mother had he not eaten her first. Then he ate his father, too. From there he wandered eating everything in sight until he somehow managed to become a little more civilized. Now he still eats a lot of things, but almost always spares those of high intellect.

"I'm starving."
(Sorry for being slow. I ended up falling asleep and today was my Mom's birthday.)

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