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Fantasy Legend of Umbria

Today was the day. The day that Drako was to be admitted into Five Point Academy, the Academy for Ambitious Adventurers. He had learned of this place when he was trekking across the Gordigon Plains after deciding that it was not yet the time to seek his vengeance. A traveling merchant had told him the details of the academy and it sounded like the perfect way for him to prepare himself for the hard-comings of the future. With a deliver of an application and a week long wait, it was finally decided that Drako had a clean enough history to be entered into Five Point.

Walking through the massive iron doors, which had carvings that seemed to resemble the appearances of grand adventurers of days past, Drako made his way inside. The first thing he noticed was how decorated the interior of the lobby was. Expensive oak chairs, tables, and desks littered the room. On the walls were paintings of adventurers and their accomplishments. The "Wall of Glory" it was called, apparently. Before long, a man approached him.

"I assume you're a new student... Letter of Acceptance?" Asked the man, holding out his hand.

Drako, not being the talkative person, just handed his letter to the man and waited for a response.

"Let's see here... Drako Silcaro from... Harold's Creek? Hmm... I've never heard of that place. Anyways, everything seems to check in. Welcome to Five Point Academy, sir! I hope you have a marvelous and beneficial time here!"

Before Drako could get far after walking away from the man, he heard footsteps and a shout from behind him.

"Very Important! I almost forgot!" The man came running up to Drako, huffing and puffing as if the short run had put him out of breath. "Here, you will be needing this." He handed Drako a file and a backpack. Inside the file was all of Drako's student information, including room number, student identification, and class schedule. Inside the backpack was miscellaneous tools and equipment that a new student at an academy like this would need. Before the man could say another word, Drako was off again. Flipping the backpack over his shoulders, he made his into the interior garden area of the academy.

A beautiful sight of nature, it was. Plants from all over the lands covered the garden and seemed to live in perfect harmony. The sounds of flowing water filled his ears. Not wanting to waste his time staring at plants and water, Drako was off again. This time, he headed to the wall in which his dorm room was located. Entering the wall, he passed a few classrooms and climbed some steps. When he finally made it to the top step, his vision was filled with the sight of many students of different races greeting each other and moving into their dorm rooms. Not wanting to draw any attention to himself and initiate an unwanted conversation, he quietly pushed his way through the crowd looking each way to try and find his door number, E4-03 (E4 standing for the hall number and 03 standing for the room number).

When he finally found the doorway to his room, he heard the sound of footsteps approach from behind him. Without wasting a second, he quickly flung the door open and slammed it shut behind him. After that, he tossed the backpack onto the bed and observed the room. The room itself was quite comfortable. It had just enough space to not feel crammed. There was a window on the far side of the room that gave a perfect view of the interior garden. To the left was a queen sized bed, and to the right was one to match.
Great... I'm going to have to deal with a roommate. To the side of both beds was a desk and a drawer to store clothing. In the center of the room under the window was a table and sofas on each side of it. Hopefully the roommate won't bother me too much... besides, how bad could he distract me. If all goes bad, I could set things straight...
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(( Have mercy, I typed this immediately after waking up, on my cellphone. Its probably going to be hella rough and short))

The sight of the towering hexagon, no doubt filled with knowledge, might have been awe inspiring and exciting for Sullawyn...had she not heard in advance, tales of the garden. It was, of course, no surprise that someone majoring in the Arcane Arts, alchemy and druidry no less, would devote the first moments to rushing their way to the central area to see such garden. The whole admissions process was a blur of nodding and small talk as her paperwork and items were handed over, she kept her eyes on the prize after all.

The gardens were magnificent, and while she herself didn't notice, several people had to walk around her as she stood in shock in the door way. Nightshade, Dragons Tongue, Wolfsbane, Taproot, Jasmine, Nirnroot, every plant she thought she had ever known and more were there in the garden. Not to mention there would be several more botanical sights here to relish in. She could have fainted right then.

Eventually though her attention shifted to the heavy pack that weighed down her smaller shoulders and she was forced to acknowledge the need to find her roommate.

Being raised in the Citadel, she was very comfortable around a wide variety of races though there were notable quite a few more of the ..darker races here that the Citadel did not receive as many of. Such as Tieflings or Orcs.

Eventually she neared the ornate wooden door that marked her room and with a gentle tap she knocked and waited. Confirming once more it was her room she turned the knob. Likely the roommate was not yet in there, or it was very possible her small tap could not be heard through the thick wooden doors.

The first thing she noticed was the smell of the garden flowing easily from the window, excellent. The second thing she noticed though, was a man. A human man to be exact, considerably larger than herself with piercing eyes and a very typical hero kind of face. Had to be studying some kind of melee.

" Oh... Im sorry I must have gotten the wrong room."

Her voice was mousy and smooth, the way you'd imagine a creek or the rain to talk if they could.

A quick check to the paper work and the numbering carved into the wall confirmed though.
" Well that's not right..." She murmered plainly. " What about you? What does your paper work say...umm... You know what I never did ask for your name did I? Forgive me, I'm Sullawyn."

The druid tucked a thick section of dark black hair behind one slightly pointed ear, and tugged at her flowing light blue dress for a small bow.

As Drako continued to observe every detail of the room, he heard a light knock on the door, which startled him somewhat since it disturbed the tranquility of his surroundings. They'll go away if you just ignore them... Unless of course, this is my roommate standing at the other side of that door. The sound of a twisting knob could be heard and Drako turned and looked at the doorway. With a light sound, the door slowly opened to reveal an Elvish... no Half-Elvish girl with long dark hair and a blue dress. She seemed to not notice him at first, which was fine because it boosted his confidence that he was naturally stealthy. After a couple of seconds, she darted her attention towards him and spoke as if there was a mistake. Drako, without responding, just looked at her and started observing every detail about her. She definitely doesn't look like the type that would really get on my nerves... and is this some kind of mistake... I didn't think the academy allowed for co-ed roommates...?

The girl checked her paperwork and backed out of the room for a slight moment, before returning and confirming that this was her assigned room. She then asked Drako what his paperwork said. Before she finished speaking, she switched over and asked him what his name was and introduced herself as Sullawyn.

"... Drako. No need for me to double check, this is my room. I made sure of that before I entered." He replied, with sort of a cold tone. After he was done observing her, he posed her as a non-threat and turned his attention away from her and proceeded to unpack his clothing. He neatly folded his shirts, pants, underwear, and socks, before carefully placing them inside the drawers. When that task was completed, he carefully, in a barely noticeable manner, began observing her again to see what she would do next.


(( Short because busy and headache))

Rudeness was something she was very used to in the Citadel so she had no problem coping with his cold response. She combated his stunted response with her own calm demeanor. " I hardly think this was on purpose. After all you're... Well you're a male. That will cause issues when it comes time to change or sleep. I believe this is a mistake."

She said insistently as she released her pack to the ground with a heavy grunt. Rubbing her shoulders she sighed. " What do they put in that thing?" Sullawyn muttered, more to herself than to anyone else.

Adjusting her clothing she scanned the papers and finally found a name of the coordinator. " See here, if we could go to him I'm sure we could get reassigned."

As she turned to face the door she looked back at Drako. " Oh! But no hard feelings of course, its just I tend to be a rather ...modest person."

Drako listened to each thing she had to say before giving any response. During the first few things said, he just leaned against his bed and listened. When she was finally done speaking, Drako looked at her. She certainly seems to not want a male roommate... She's putting a lot of effort into trying to solve this little issue.

"This is only an issue if it's made an issue... You seem determined to fix this whole thing and personally, I don't really care either way. If you want to fix this, then fix it." responded Drako lightly as he narrowed his eyes towards her. He then turned again and started placing a few personal belongings into some of the drawers beside his bed. This little mix breed better not pester me about this... I don't have the time nor care to put effort into it. After he was done placing the few personal belongings into the drawers, he lifted his backpack up again, placed it on the floor, and scooted it under the bed. Let's see... class starts tomorrow morning...

Sullawyn was now completely taken aback by his brash attitude and now resorted to cross her arms in frustration, tapping her lips as she thought. Okay, so being a roommate to a man, that was something she could get over. Sure. Sure.

But being a roommate all year with an asshole. Oh no no no. Druid magic was tied in very closely to emotional connection and if she was rattled and stressed, her magic would suffer for it.

" I imagine you'd have to OK it too though. I mean I hardly think I could just kick you out of vise verse. C'mon, it will only take a moment."

She tucked the papers into her small pouch and opened the door. " Sir, I really really dont want to bother you but this should only take a second...and dinner is not for another hour. "

Drako saw her start to get annoyed with him when she crossed her arms. He pulled his arm up and moved the hair out of his face before lifting up the folder that included all of his student information. He opened it up, reviewed everything over again, and closed it. Looks like everything is still in place... On another note, I must be getting on her nerves. With a slight sigh, he decided to put her worries to rest.

"If you so insist... I suppose I'll go." he gently replied. After that, he walked towards the doorway and stopped right in front of her and stood in a stiff posture. Sigh... "It'll only take a moment" she said...

Since he has to go and help her solve this issue anyways, he might as well not make it boring.

"Why did you decide to attend here, what is it you are studying, and what do you strive for?" he asked, trying to improve the whole mood of the earlier encounter.
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This man was peculiar indeed. He went from one second, laying on the bed all but ignoring her, to the next he was heading right out the door and asking her all about her life. She hasn't been prepared for such a change of heart in such a small amount of time, likewise, she was not prepared for his in depth questions.

Sullawyn was silent in thought for a second before mentally shrugging. Why not?
" Well, my mentor passed away and I am here looking to expand my druidry. As you've probably noticed, I'm a half-elf. The other half comes from Wood Elf and from what little information I squeezed out of my father, apparently a long line of native Druids."

Rounding the corner she decided to start first by heading to the office of the quatermaster, the most obvious place to go.

" What about you? You dont look very ...well...new to combat, I wouldn't think you would need any training. "
As the two of them continued walking towards their destination, the quartermaster's office, Drako listened to her answer. When she was done, she asked for his view. Well, let's just hope it doesn't freak her out too much...

"Let's keep what I'm about to tell you between us... I'm not sure how the academy would feel if they knew. Anyways, a selfish nobleman ordered the death of my family... which..."

He took a moment to take a deep breath and regain his composure.

"They killed them... I vowed to get vengeance upon them after I survived. It was a long struggle in trying and hunting down the ones who were involved, and even harder to eliminate them. Very soon, I realized that I wasn't prepared enough and that with my current abilities, I'd never accomplish what I seek. And so... here I am..."

He looked at her to see her reaction to everything he just told her. After a few seconds, he was hit by a huge wave of regret by letting out this much information. Damnit... what was I thinking...? He slightly clenched his furthest fist and took another deep breath.
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Sullawyn gave an agreeing nod to show that she would keep the new information between the two of them and he could trust her. She wasn't much for being the gossip girl of the new school and quite frankly she doubted his back story would be anything ground shaking for the school of motley students.

She wasn't COMPLETELY wrong about that. It likely wouldn't be anything that was awe inspiring to the others but it warrented a small worried frown from her.
" Oh...I'm sorry to hear that."

Patiently listening to the rest of the story she went back to nodding.
" I can see why that might be something you dont want to share. Well, I thank you for telling me and ...and I'm so sorry to hear that. If its any consolation I dont know my mother, and my mentor who was like a father to me, died recently. So I can sympathize to some degree."
With the talk being settled, and the Half-Elvish girl showing her sympathy, they finally made it to the quartermaster's office. The door to the office had a dark wooden frame and the center of it was made of some sort of faded glass, which made it difficult to see through. On the upper part of the door in bronze lettering was the title, "Quartermaster". With that, only a blurry image could be seen through the glass: a desk, a mysterious figure, and some cabinets behind them. Drako, finally calm again, turned to Sullawyn while backing up slightly. Looks like we finally made it to the destination. I'm... going to let her initiate the conversation with whoever this guy is.

"Well... here we are. You're the one that wanted to do this... so maybe you could go first...?" Said Drako as he eased behind her, signalling her to open the door with a slight move of his arm.

With a casual shrug, Sullawyn gave a firm knock and pushed open the door the second she received a response. Walking into the room it smelled strongly of a warm honey ale and stone walls. His fire was blasing and behind the large oaken desk was the figure of a lumbering Orcish man.

" What is it?" He grumbled in his burly and intimidating voice as he looked up from the stack of paperwork on his desk.

" W-Well, the two of us were paired up as roommates and well... We weren't sure how that would work with different genders."

" My mistake"

" So... you'll reassign us?"

" No. Now get out.... Do you have wax in your ears half-breed I said get out."

Not wishing to anger him, and a little scalded by the insult of being called a half-breed, she turned and walked out. Mildly irked by the insult she huffed and leaned against the hallway wall.
" Well..... I guess were stuck now."
Drako looked at her and then back at the doorway. I doubt there's anything I could do or say without some sort of cost... He walked up to Sullawyn. What can I say to cheer her up...? Ugh...

"Well... look on the bright side. At least we know a little about each other after this. I really doubt there's anything I can do or say that would change that guy's mind. He seemed a little fed up..."

I'm being surprisingly more social today than usual. Normally I would just go "eh" and leave... but there's something about this Half-Elf that makes me feel as if I want to help...

He leaned against the wall next to her and noticed her discomfort. "Was it something he said...?"


Sullawyn pushed herself gently off the wall using her rear and put her hands gently behind her back in a lazy sort of fashion.

" Oh, its alright. I mean I would be lying if I said it wasn't something he said, but its pretty common so I really /shouldn't/ be effected." Shrugging her shoulders she began to walk slowly down the hallway.

" You know, its about dinner time. Why dont we go ahead and head down stairs to the dining hall? If you so desire. I'm sure we will be spending plenty of time together over the next year, so I'd understand if you'd like space to settle."

Heading to the stair case where they would split if he did not wish to join her. She hadn't planned on rambling but it tended to be a trait of her poor charisma.​
He watched her slow walk towards the staircase and heard a small rumbling sound. After a small startled moment, he finally realized that it was his stomach and that he had been ignoring his hunger for the past long while. He ran up to her at a speed of a low jog and began walking beside her. Well... I suppose I'll go and eat with her... she is my roommate, afterall.

"Yes, food sounds great right about now. I hope you don't mind me tagging along... so far, you're the only one I'm acquainted with here."

They began the descent down the stairwell that led to the lower levels. It took a good minute or so to maneuver around the crowd of idle students on the stairwell. Why must so many clog up the traffic with meager conversations on the stairwell...? Once at the bottom of the stairs, they entered a humongous room full of tables and students. To the right was a long line of students, which seemed they were waiting pick up their food. Garbage cans could be seen at almost every corner, some even being near the center of the room.

"Well... it's a bit crowded."

Sullawyn had tremendous patience, so things like this were trivial events. She didn't mind waiting for food and made her way to the back of the line. " Looks like we will be here for a while." It was more an observation than it was a complaint really than anything else.

" Well, umm why dont you tell me a bit about yourself then, if you like. For example what are you studying here? Obviously, I'm a druid." She stated simply enough and proceeded to conjure a small bud into her palm. It floated and rotated gently a quarter of an inch above her palm and as she folded it, it dissapeared as soon as it had came.​
Drako didn't like waiting in lines. It always seemed to be obnoxious and time consuming to him. It was a good thing he had a companion to wait in line with him, therefore, the whole experience wouldn't be so boring. Before long, she asked a question about his studies at the academy.

"Well... as I've told you earlier about my end goal... it wouldn't be hard to figure out what I would be interested in studying. So far, I'm signed up for weapon training, both melee and ranged. I'm also going to be taking courses in stealth and survival skills. Overall... I'm taking the path of the Fighter."

After he was done speaking, there was a fraction of a moment of silence. He decided to counter her question with another.

"How is it that you discovered of this place?"

" A fighter eh? Well, I'm a passivist so this should prove interesting. Just don't bring any of that aggression into our room at night and I'll keep my plants and animals on my half." Her smile was friendly but it was obvious that they was some seriousness to it. She didn't handle any form of aggression very well and it tended to stress her out.

His question wasnt immediately answered, first she gently rubbed her fingers across the pouch pinned onto her leather belt.
" My mentor, he knew he was dying and he knew I had a lot to learn... He also...." Her face dropped a little and she looked at the floor in almost a look of defeat. " He also knew that my mother's tribe would never take me...so anyway," she looked back up, " He sent me here, an old friend of his is the Druid master here."

Half-elves didn't catch near the slack here that they caught elsewhere...or at least that's the impression she had been under, perhaps she was wrong. Often it didn't matter at all, a buyer was a buyer, a student was a student, the only time it effected her was among some humans and most all elves.

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Drako listened to what she had to say and felt a strike of pity for her. It seemed that she went through many hard and rough times, as well. He understood well enough what it was like to feel outcast. When he lost his family, he had to resort to some immoral tasks in order to survive. He even killed a couple of people that were involved in the attack on his family's estate. Because of those things, he became a small time fugitive and had to resort to hiding from people and authorities. It was only just recently that he was able to get his name cleared, and that was right before he applied to go to Five Point.

"Don't worry about aggression... I do my best to remain calm and tranquil. I only use aggression when I'm pushed into using it... typically."

Soon, it was at that point in the line where students start getting food put onto their plates. The variety of food to choose from was wide, but the quality did appear to lack. Drako went through the line and ended up getting steak, mashed potatoes, and a salad. He also picked up a glass of water. After he was through the line, he waited on Sullawyn to finish obtaining her food and to show him where to sit.
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Sullawyn made the simple choice of an apple, a slice of bread, some cooked cabbage, carrots, and a bit of rice. She liked to have a wide variety of food and just have them in smaller quantities. Life was no fun if you just ate a whole lot of one big boring thing all the time. Her meals were never the same, they got boring fast.

Standing by Drakos side she scanned the circular tables before finding two open seats at one with a Dwarf, a Human, and a Dark Elf (? Dragon Kin?).

Motioning to it, the two of them took their seats and Sullawyn gave a small wave of greeting to them but kept mostly to herself. She listened quietly to the conversation going on.

" All I'm saying is, I dont understand why girls here dont dress a little more...revealing while they have the chance."


" I'm not! Im just saying it gets hot in these thick walls sometimes and no one would mind if the girls showed a bit more."

" Yeah...it is kind of perverted."

Sullawyn looked at Drako with one eyebrow raised. Part of her wanted to move and part of her was horribly amused.
Drako followed Sullawyn immediately after she spotted two open seats at a table. When they got there, there seemed to be a heated conversation taking place. Drako took a seat after he saw Sullawyn take her seat and started listening to the conversation looking back and forth among each of the ones taking place in it. Drako noticed Sullawyn turn to him and raise an eyebrow. Drako just shrugged and started eating. After all, he hadn't eaten anything since the previous day.

"Guys, I have a perfectly logical explanation to everything. Just bear with me, because it makes perfect sense. During this time of the year, the academy gets a little warmer on the inside. People tend to learn better when they are at a comfortable body temperature. I mean, there's no point in just sweating it o--"

Before he could finish speaking, the Dwarvish girl smacked him on the back of the head.


"Both of you, calm down! We have visitors!" "I want to apologize for their misbehavior... what brings you two fine persons to our table?"

Drako looked at Sullawyn and back to the "leader" of this trio.

"We saw that there were open seats." replied Drako in a lame fashion. Well, at least that's why I think we came over here... I was just following Sullawyn's lead.

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