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Fandom Legend of the Iron Legion


Two Thousand Club
The year is 2015 and the Earths mightiest heroes have been taken over by the forces of evil. Loki and The Enchantress came down from Asgard and began the reign of terror as they began taking control of each of the earths heroes. It was up until they came across a man known as Tony Stark. His high level of intellect came in handy when dealing with the likes of these two as he was able to counter each of their attacks. It was going well until the duo of evil bought in his teammates that he became extremely outmatched. He was overpowered by and eventually was killed by the hands of the Avengers. Upon the death of Tony Stark/Ironman, Jarvis activated the Information Protection Protocol. With this protocol, Jarvis took control of the remaining suits and put them into hiding. It was made sure that not a single person would ever find them.

The year is now 2020 and the earth has been under the rule of Loki and The Enchantress. They have used their power over the Avengers to take control of the Earth. Whatever their will shall be, they made the Avengers do. Since the death of Ironman, there has been a group of friends looking to find the secrets of Tony Stark.

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