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Fantasy Legend of the Elements

Kane look at Kuiren."if it's poison before it really doesn't damage I can probably pull it out."
"We can get what the wolf wants and have some minor things to help, or try to get rid of the bite through a certain water" Kuiren said with a frown as he looked through the berries

"Well If it bit him and the teeth aren't stuck" Kuiren said as he pulled apart a few orange berries
Rayischo said:
Blood shots out of Rayisho's mouth after Kagura slaps the back of his head. "Seriously?"
"You deserved it" she says childishly. "Yeah okay" Kagura said and leaned Rayishos head back.
"Well this is one of two things depending on your body, A pain number or a sleeping berry" Kuiren said holding a few out to Rayisho
Rayischo said:
"What the? I don't like fruits! Or vegetable or whatever! Don't pull it in my mouth!" Rayisho said
"Your eating some whether you like it or not. You need to get better" she says
(Pls edit you posts and look at the overview(first look at the overview) I updated the CS)

"Dang..." Rayisho said and looks very annoyed
"Or you could have the orange ones I eat, But they're more on the poisonous scale" Kuiren said popping an orange one in his mouth
"Yeah! They taste like meat! I don't know why but they taste like meat! And I can feel my body!" Rayisho said and looks happy. But then he falls asleep.
"Well I got one right, And the berries do change to the one consuming them's taste" Kuiren said as he looked at the bite
"He's not stupid that was a sleep berry, but it was for me to treat this" Kuiren said as he wrapped it and started to attempt to fix it

(But yeah I say we skip to next day)

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