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Fantasy Legend of the Elements

"Ah well Pleasure to be here, So whats happened to you. You look a little... Worse for wear" Kuiren said a little worried about the new people
"Yeah ignore the long hair,red eyes, and fangs." She sighs "and the fact that I could strike you with lightening at any moment"
"Well I don't judge people by their outsides... It's what within that matters" Kuiren says sheathing his katana
"A Demon" Rayisho answered. "Kagura let me stand up now." Rayisho said and looks a bit better but really sick.

( xD . An Info:My char don't die)

"Guys!" Rayisho shouted. He pats Kagura's head "Nobody ignores you,Kagura."
"Well everyone has their own special thing, a demon, angel, blood pact, contract that hurts you" Kuiren says before watching the two for a minute, "You two could make a good.."
Kagura stares at him when he pats her head, she didn't stop him but it confused her.

Kagura gives him a glare and grabs him by the arms forcing him to sit up "happy now!" She says.
"Like I said outsides don't show your true inner feelings" Kuiren says with a smirk before looking off to the right

"Rayisho have you been coughing blood?" Kuiren asked smelling the air
"Thank you,Kagura." He said and looks to Kuiren. "Yes. And we could make a good...what?" Rayisho asked Kuiren.
"First of all you may need a blood exchange" Kuiren said before ruffling in his pocket "And you guys could make a couple" he said tossing a canteen to Rayisho
"I don't need a blood exchange" He said and stands up. "I only need t-" before he said what he want he falls on the ground. "Dang!"
"T-?" Kuiren asked "I feel you should listen to Kagura on this one, I will get some pain numbing things and some berrys for food if you eat that kinda thing" Kuiren said again looking around
Kane was watching the group from a tree branch he didn't know why but he likes being up higher than anyone and standing steel he then jumped out of the tree and used wings to glide down near the talking group."hey guys what's up."
"Numbness, Blood from the mouth" Kuiren says and thinks for a moment "Have you encountered any battle scenarios where a blade struck you?"

"So we did have a watcher" Kuiren says a little uneasy
"Then just let us help and don't say anything stupid" she sighs and gets him into what position she thinks he might be comftorable In."wolf boy is having a little problem and is being a stubborn dummy" she says.
"Wolves are stubborn creatures, But he should be fine if we can sterilize it with something a little harmful to some of us" Kuiren says As he gets up to go find something.

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