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Fantasy Legend of the Elements

"I'm not quite sure." Suri wipes the blood off her Chakrams using the grass.
Suri shrugs, "It not good to fight with Lightening if those fighting close to you are on your side. The electricity of lightening easily grows in a matter of second and if those around you don't know how to handle they could be as good as dead. So ffor now I will stick to my Chakrams."
Suri nods not quite going to bed yet, "Goodnight. Imma go clean myself off before going to bed."
Kane started to deactivate the water elemental by meditating."I will be the guard while you wash up so nothing attacks the camp while you're gone."
Suri goes to the lake and cleans herself up. After she finishes she comes back to the camp.
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"Man! They leave me alone! I will kill them" Rayisho looks really angry and arrived at the camp. "I will kill them! I would lie if I say I'm not angry" He said and a dark could aura surrounds hus hands.
Rayischo said:
"Man! They leave me alone! I will kill them" Rayisho looks really angry and arrived at the camp. "I will kill them! I would lie if I say I'm not angry" He said and a dark could aura surrounds hus hands.
"Calm down wolf boy" Kagura said and glared at him with her red eyes.
"Ka-gu-ra!" Rayisho said and the cold shadow aura surrounds hus whole body. "Don't tell me what I have to do!"
Rayischo said:
"Ka-gu-ra!" Rayisho said and the cold shadow aura surrounds hus whole body. "Don't tell me what I have to do!"
"Its either calm down or attack me and invoke my wrath, you choose"she says menacingly.
"Pff..." the shadow aura vanished. "Give me some food. I don't eat anything since we are here!" Rayisho said with an annoyed look in his face
Rayischo said:
"Pff..." the shadow aura vanished. "Give me some food. I don't eat anything since we are here!" Rayisho said with an annoyed look in his face
"Good choice" Kagura said and tossed some meat at him "eat up".
"Thank you!" Rayisho eats it like an animal "I have killed much monsters but when u killed them they Freezes and melts." He said.
Rayischo said:
"Thank you!" Rayisho eats it like an animal "I have killed much monsters but when u killed them they Freezes and melts." He said.
"I know your like part wolf now but can you still eat it normally?" Kagura sighed as she stared at him.
"Nope! I haven't eat anything such a long time." Rayisho said and finished with eating. "So,did you guys learned anything about that world after leaving me?" Rayisho said and looks a bit sad.
Rayischo said:
"Nope! I haven't eat anything such a long time." Rayisho said and finished with eating. "So,did you guys learned anything about that world after leaving me?" Rayisho said and looks a bit sad.
"That were a bunch of bad asses when it comes to slaying demons, that's all we know" she shrugs.
"Urgh..." Rayisho holds his upper arm that start to bleed. A half infected wound. "Man...that...hurts..." Rayisho said and falls to the ground.
Rayischo said:
"Urgh..." Rayisho holds his upper arm that start to bleed. A half infected wound. "Man...that...hurts..." Rayisho said and falls to the ground.
Kagura went wide eyed "what happened to you?" She asks.
"Hehe...A Demon or something...it's nothin. It's just hurt a bit" Rayisho stands up and the wound stopped to bleed.

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