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Fantasy Legend of the Elements

Suri flings her other Chakram slicing another creature's neck and catches it as it comes back to her and quickly retrieves her other chakram, "Sure, I'll work with you."
"okay it knows to attack the Beast and protect the camp so now we have three guards."Kane then lay down and one of the huts
Suri quickly uses both of her Chakram as blades slicing the creature and getting blood on herself, "Ew."
Suri flings her Chakran slicing the creature before catching the Chakram again, "Still think it was a good idea to kill the crow?" Suri flings her other Chakram at a creature near Kane and it slices through it.
Suri nods, "I know, but we should've silenced it first."
"I think it was a stupid thing to do, we should have waited to see if it attacked" Kagura sighed and killed a beast behind Suri.
"can't argue with that."

[slams staff on ground and revealed all the lurkers... frozen in place]

"let's make smarter decisions."
"Thank you and it might've kill us first either way. It's kill or be killed here." She looks at the frozen creatures, "Impressive."
Kane ways using his longbow to shoot the creatures from afar as he let the water elemental do more of the close combat attacking."thanks for getting that Suri."
Suri nods, "I will keep to my Chakrams when it comes to fighting. It's fun to fling it, if you know how to." She smiles.
the water element to swipe at all the fall of the frozen creatures."it looks like two us are really trained."

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