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Fantasy Legend of the Elements

Suri moves quietly getting closer to it and crouches down against the ground.

((I think he logged off.))
Kane saw that it was a big giant crow it didn't look very hostile even with how close he was to it
The crow screeches loudly as he does awaken the other creatures nearby. Suri looks at them, "Crap, I don't think was a good idea."
Kagura stand up and brings out her dual blades, twirling them. "What was that thing" she said and got ready to attack if needed.
Kane got the black blood all over him for how close he was."hey it was not attacking me."he then flew into the ice cold pond to wash himself off
She shakes her head, "With a loud screech like that, we won't be the only ones hearing it."
She nods going near the crow still being ready in case there's another creature waiting to attack, "The taking runs or guarding is still up for grabs."
a water version of Kane came out of the pond ready to attack anything that got near the camp and it use most of the pond to make its body
Suri sees a creature going above Kagura and flings her Chakram at it. The Chakram swiftly slices it's head off and lands on the tree striking it not moving."
"Alright but whose going to take the second shift?" Suri goes toward her Chakram to go retrieve it.
"I am being able to see them as well just in case I will watch with you."Kane said as he walked out of the lake
Suri retrieves her Chakram, "No, I think its better to have two guards at a time with a shift that has one person who can see them and another who can't but could still fight. If we have both of you together then the second shift won't be as good at guarding."
"Alright, why don't you work with me"

"and for the record, to your right."

[slices head of lurker to Suri's right]
"well I'll be meditating my big guy over there will help who shifted is."Kane then set down in clothes designs focusing on the water elemental that he just made and having it attack the Beast that were coming at the camp

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