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Fantasy π•ƒπ•–π•˜π•’π•”π•ͺ π•Œπ•Ÿπ•“π• π•¦π•Ÿπ•• - Ιͺα΄„

Legacy Unbound
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Welcome to the organization.


λ°°κ³ ν”ˆ 마음
Carnival of Souls
Respekt Recording

Legacy Unbound
Organization IX, initially established by The Elder, was purportedly formed to restore harmony to the world. Embracing the principle that where there is light, there must also be darkness, the organization believed both elements were indispensable for the world's equilibrium. According to The Elder's teachings, the world had fallen into shadow, overrun by heartless creatures across various realms. Thus, their mission was clear: to combat the heartless and gather the hearts they left behind. The Elder's instructions were to collect these hearts to unlock Kingdom Heartsβ€”the domain where their own hearts resided. Fueled by a sense of justice and fervor, the members of Organization IX dutifully followed The Elder's orders, striving to restore peace to the world. Little do the members know that their future path is fraught with betrayal, hardship, and a relentless struggle for survival, all in the pursuit of restoring peace to their universe and reclaiming their lost hearts.
Scene Index.

Scene 1: TBD
Rules .

    i. Civil discussion
    Keep all OOC communications, public or private, courteous & polite. Banter & discussion is encouraged but never at the cost of civility.
    ii. Zero harassment
    Discrimination & harassment on the basis of race, religion, sex, or identity will result in immediate termination.
    iii. No explicit or graphic content
    In accordance with RPN rules, please do not write or post sexually explicit, violent, or graphic content. This RP is dark in nature, but there is a fine line of going overboard.
    This includes excessive blood, horror, injuries, or anything else that might disturb fellow writers. If you're ever unsure, mark the content as a spoiler.

    iv. No meta-gaming
    Please be aware of what your character does & does not have knowledge of. Any in-character thought or action that seems influenced by OOC discussion may result in you being asked to tweak your post.If you're ever unsure, ask your peers & we'll be able to help you out!
    v. Commitment
    You'll be expected to reply once a week. Replies should be around 300 words at minimum. Give your fellow writers enough material to reply to & advance the scene. At the same time, don't feel pressured to match length.
    vi. No god-modding
    Do not act for another character without their writer's permission. Even the smallest actions, like implying a tea cup was passed, may be uncharacteristic for the character you're writing with. In general, please avoid it by using if/conditional statements or confirm with your partner(s) that it's alright.
Code by Nano
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Welcome to the in-character posting code. This one is simple.
You only have to change the following:
- ( --gradient: #ff0000 ) into your HTML color (refer to the character sheet instructions for a list of them).
- ( --leftimg ) into your character image URL
- Fill in your character name
- Change the body text to your writing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean. Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum. Mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean. Rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Ut ornare lectus sit amet est. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur. Suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque. Quam viverra orci sagittis eu. Tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis. Interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit. Accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu. Platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet volutpat consequat. Amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis.

Purus in mollis nunc sed id semper. Quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus. Mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget. Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa. Libero volutpat sed cras ornare arcu. Ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor. Purus in massa tempor nec. Facilisis leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget. Morbi blandit cursus risus at. Ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus. Nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc. Feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper. Purus sit amet volutpat consequat. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla.

Amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis. Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est. Feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus. Non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem. Rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at. Mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut. Mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis. Porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent elementum facilisis leo. Pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero. Faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean. Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum. Mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean. Rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Ut ornare lectus sit amet est. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur. Suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque. Quam viverra orci sagittis eu. Tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis. Interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit. Accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu. Platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet volutpat consequat. Amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis.

Purus in mollis nunc sed id semper. Quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus. Mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget. Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa. Libero volutpat sed cras ornare arcu. Ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor. Purus in massa tempor nec. Facilisis leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget. Morbi blandit cursus risus at. Ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus. Nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc. Feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper. Purus sit amet volutpat consequat. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla.

Amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis. Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est. Feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus. Non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem. Rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at. Mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut. Mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis. Porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent elementum facilisis leo. Pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero. Faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non.


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Β© weldherwings.[/border][/border]
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Legacy Unbound
Scene 001
Nobodiesβ€”a name that speaks to their very nature: forgotten, overlooked, existing in the margins of the worlds. These were the remnants left behind when a human's heart was torn away, stripped of its essence. Who would want to gather the fragmented pieces of a shattered soul and try to mend them? Who would remember the abandoned, the ones cast aside?

No one, it seemed, until The Elder came along. This enigmatic figure brought them together, each Nobody with their own story of loss and incompleteness - or so they were told. With a quiet authority, The Elder gave them a purpose, a reason to keep moving forward. If they could gather enough hearts, perhaps they could reclaim what was stolen from them and become whole once more. Perhaps they could rediscover who they once were and find the lives that had slipped from their grasp.

And so, they journeyed across the cosmos, through a multitude of planets and realms. Each world was different, yet they all bore the scars of the Heartless, creatures that, like the Nobodies, were seeking something to fill their emptiness. The Heartless devoured the hearts of others, leaving behind devastation and despair. The Nobodies, however, had a different pathβ€”they sought to collect these scattered hearts, hoping to weave them into a fabric that could restore their lost identities. The lost, the forgotten - but never the alone.

On their quest to reclaim Kingdom Heartsβ€”the place The Elder said held the hearts of the Nobodiesβ€”Organization IX was formed. This was a group bound together by their shared loss, each member driven by the hope of regaining who they once were. They journeyed across worlds, confronting dangers and facing trials, each mission bringing them a step closer to their ultimate goal.

The missions were many, each fraught with peril and uncertainty. Yet for these Nobodies, every task was a chance to move closer to the light, to reclaim the humanity that had been stripped away. The Elder was their guide on this journey, her words a beacon in the darkness that threatened to overwhelm them.

Their next debrief loomed, an occasion that always carried with it a sense of anticipation. Would this mission bring them closer to Kingdom Hearts? Would it reveal more about the Heartless, those shadowy creatures that roamed the worlds in search of what they had lost?

More was to be revealed in the heart of Radiant Gardenβ€”a world renowned for its resplendent beauty and luminous atmosphere. Here stood the Hollow Bastion, a towering castle that served as the stronghold and headquarters of Organization IX. Its gothic spires reached into the heavens, casting long shadows across the lush courtyard gardens below. The castle's grand halls were a maze of stone and metal, each corridor leading to a different part of the organization's intricate network.

On the fourth moon of the month, the bell of the tower chimed twice, signaling the commencement of the organization's monthly debrief. The members of Organization IX were to gather in the meeting room, a vast chamber with high ceilings and arched windows that overlooked the sprawling gardens. The setting sun cast a golden glow across the marble floors, its rays reflecting off the polished suits of armor and decorative tapestries that adorned the walls.





Post Objective: Your characters are in their respective dormitories. They need to leave their rooms and proceed to the meeting room, where a long table is set up with individual chairs for each of them. Interactions among the characters may unlock the next quest.
Code by Nano
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Year XXX, 2nd month, 9th day

Today was a thrilling experience as we encountered yet another Heartless while on a mission in the form of a mid-tier Pureblood. This creature possessed the form of a Chilopoda, spanning a daunting 40 feet in length. It had highly aggressive traits, and was armed with lethal pincers capable of cleaving through stone with ease. Its formidable armour made it a durable target and presented unexpected hurdles in our efforts to subdue it.

One notable feature of this particular Pureblood was its blindness, relying instead on vibrations transmitted through the earth to navigate its surroundings. This weakness proved to be our saving grace as we strategised to exploit it to our advantage. By leveraging my own abilities, we were able to suspend the creature in the air, effectively depriving it of its ability to "see" and removing its sense of proprioception.

It was a tense moment as we executed our plan, but ultimately, our efforts paid off. With the creature rendered incapacitated, we were able to extract a sample of its darkness, a crucial material for its synthetic purposes.

Year XXX, 2nd month, 15th day

Today we successfully completed the third iteration of the transfusion process into our test subject. The results were nothing short of remarkable - the subject now exhibits a heightened affinity for the element of darkness.

The procedure itself was meticulous and time-consuming, lasting a total of four hours. However, I am pleased to report that there were no complications or side effects observed throughout the entirety of the process. Our preparations and attention to detail have paid off, ensuring the safety and stability of the test subject.

As we monitor the subject in the ensuing 24 hours post-procedure, there have been no abnormal observations to report. The subject remains stable, displaying no signs of distress or discomfort. While we remain cautiously optimistic about the success of our experiment thus far, we are mindful of the potential for future complications that have yet to be determined.

Year XXX, 2nd month, 25th day

Today marked a significant breakthrough in our research. My hypothesis proved to be correct, the fact that Heartless are indeed drawn to sources of greater darkness affinity was not only confirmed but also provided exciting new insights into their behaviour.

Under certain stressors, the test subject, imbued with an enhanced affinity for darkness through our previous transfusion process, demonstrated an unprecedented level of control over a group of five low-tier Purebloods. Unlike the control group, which exhibited typical levels of aggression and unpredictability, the experimental group displayed remarkable obedience and responsiveness to commands.

This newfound control not only highlights the influence of darkness affinity but also hints at the potential for manipulation and harnessing of Heartless for our own purposes. It's a discovery that will surely open doors to countless possibilities in our research and understanding of these enigmatic entities.

As I continue to analyse and document our findings, I am sufficiently pleased with our current progress, and eagerly anticipate what lies ahead.


As the night draped its velvety shroud over The Radiant Gardens, Zexal sat in his bed, his body weary from days spent immersed in countless documents. With a languid stretch, he closed the worn pages of his diary, and nestled it gently into the drawer beside his bed.

Running his fingers through his silver locks, tousled from hours of concentration, Zexal ambled toward the window, drawn by the allure of the star-studded sky. His gaze lingered on the night canvas above, a collage of twinkling lights against the deep indigo backdrop.

A wistful sigh escaped his lips as he reluctantly drew the curtains closed.

Stepping out into the tranquil courtyard, The Scholar found comfort in the ethereal beauty of the moonlit garden that unfolded before him. Delicate blooms swayed in the nocturnal breeze, their petals bathed in the silver glow of the moon. A choir of whispers echoed through the air, carried on the gentle rustle of leaves, as if nature itself held its breath in reverence of the night.

In the distance, a familiar figure caught the man's eye, eliciting a soft smile to grace his visage. It was none other than his own creation, his imperfect masterpiece. With a sense of fondness, Zexal made his way toward the tan-skinned man, his steps guided by a pale stone path.

"Xered," he greeted warmly, his voice a melodic cadence in the tranquil garden. "It's good to see you." Zexal wrapped the fingers of one hand around the wrist of the other behind his back. "I was just reviewing my notes from our recent experiment. We are making great progress... I think next-"

Before he could delve further into their discussion, the resonant toll of the tower bell pierced the night, its sombre melody rang through the stillness.

"Ah, what a shame... Looks like it's time... Come, Xered, let us convene with the others," he said to The Replica with a poignant smile.

The Scholar navigated the winding pathways of the garden, the fragrance of night-blooming flowers wafting through the air as he made his way toward the organization's meeting room. As he entered the grand chamber, the cool touch of polished marble greeted his footsteps. Being the first in attendance, Zexal settled into his seat, awaiting the others who had yet to arrive.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.
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The concept of napping was not one Xirene enjoyed so he avoided it at all costs. Though humans required it for restoration and sometimes as a means of escaping the doldrums of life, he found no such contentment.

And unlike Xathos, he didn't need sleep for clear skin.

Instead, The Trickster did what she did best; she spent her downtime crafting only the finest devices for lightening the moods of Organization IX. Cauterized by the lighting-borne flames, the two rubber panels fused seamlessly to create a puffy bag with a small opening. A cursory press showed some promise, though the timbres were too flat for her liking. Frowning, Xirene grabbed a pair of scissors and a plastic rod before tearing the cushion apart and trying again.

While Xirene lacked the studiousness of Xered or the skills of Zexal, dedication carried him through even the most dreadful parts of troubleshooting.

It took several more attempts before the device released a high pitched pfft, a sound that would either be absorbed by his bedroom walls or ignored by his fellow Nobodies.

"How could you talk about something so crude in front of The Elder!" Xirene mocked, performing his best Val impression (which honestly, sounded like a high pitched, constipated version of himself).

The Trickster set her tools down just in time for the chime of the Tower's bells. More than signalling sunset, the sound represented an opportunity to use her new creation. Yes, she'd call it...The Toot Balloon.

After grabbing her cloak, Xirene skittered into the meeting room, only barely arriving after Zexal and Xered. Were either of them perceptive enough, they would have observed movement beneath Xirene's coat as they circled past The Kingpin's seat.

It would not be a question of whether Valyrixis would attend the meeting, but rather when she would arrive. Will the room be full when she falls for the prank? Will steam erupt from her ears like a cartoon character? Will she act like nothing happened?

Will she fall for the prank at all?

Finally, Xirene took their seat at the seventh spot in the room and glanced towards the two other Nobodies in the room.

"Zee, Xered! Nice to see you both here and early!"

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.

β™›α… XATHOSα… β™›

Clang! Clang!

The toll of the bells were pristineβ€”resonant, sistine knells that rang across halls singing alongside the babbling of water clearest trickling through careful fingers. A tenor hum accompanied its tune, as pleased and serene as how dusklight kissed porcelain; a veil spanning the elaborate chambers of the washroom that painted every corner in the gentlest afterglow.

The subtle scent of vanilla wafted in lazy strands amidst the quarters as Xathos sighed, lashes met as his lips curved into a tranquil smile. With practiced finesse, an ample dollop of fragrant cream was applied to his contours, generous streaks adorning the most prominent angles of his features. His palms would press against it evenly, spreading across perfect pores and immaculate skin. "Mm." he purrs, pleased.

The motions preceded an indulgent massage with his obsidian gua sha implements and serums, and proceeded a mineral cleanser and mask, toner pads, and a separate hydration routine; a tradition that he pays deep homage to in his every day, but delicacy was practiced especially so for this one. After all, the event he was to prepare for is special. He intends it to be, at least.

Every moment that is to be beheld in the presence of others is to be commemorated by his own.

The dual peals of the Hollow Bastion's bell were proclamations; announcements that befell ears that were too concerned in its pampering to deign to hear the calls of the debriefing's commencement. It, like everything and everyone else, can wait. Their patience is to be rewarded in due time as long as they allow him the hour to prepare it.

Hours, however, would probably be the more apt term but honestly, who's counting? Xathos was. The last run-through of his obsidian piece prompted him to retrieve a vial, unlabeled but memorized. Precisely two squeezes of extract per cheek, and seven kneads before the last couple. Each stroke is to last for one second. Rushing is a pointless endeavor, especially when it feels this good.

Not all share this sentiment and that is to be expected. Dedication and commitment were difficult principles to abide by and it would be remiss for him to ignore the fallibility of his organization. Paradoxically, it was the most devoted that would interrupt his concentration in his cause most paramountβ€”his skincare. Even the most impenetrable have cracks it seems.

Xathos immediately knew who it was from the terseness of the knocking, a clipped militaristic rhythm that was as urgent as it was controlled. He couldn't say he minded the disruption too much. As fashionably late as one such as he may come, the people cannot be left waiting for too long. It would be indecent, impolite, and improper to deprive them to such an extent. Valyrixis, in particular, seems to be a large enough fan to personally rectify this crime.

The thought was enough to swallow skipping a step in his regime, opting to instead immediately apply a dew of lip mask, fingertip spreading the pink antioxidant before he pursed his folds twice. How gracious he truly is to consider her feelings in such a manner. Another series of raps elicited an unbothered washing of his hand, already walking towards his room's exit with a handkerchief in tow.

The locks clicked as he swung his door indiscriminately, beholding the blonde as he stood, wiping linen fabric across damp knuckles before azure skyline eyes settled proudly onto the golden suns of his captain's. Against the rays bleeding from the castle's glass, Xathos' half-smile was picturesque.

"If you wanted more of me, you should have simply asked." He enunciated, walking out and alongside the woman. "Shall we?"

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.

β™›α… dauxineα… β™›

She loved naps.

The concept of them was one the lady enjoyed immensely, though her being without a heart did not call for its necessity. There were many thingsβ€”lounging, idling, snackingβ€”that, by logic, Dauxine knew not to be necessary but told otherwise by habit or her own contentedness. Of all things though, napping was her favorite so there she laidβ€”a pink breach seen poking out from the tops of pristine white coversβ€”when the bell finally chimed that afternoon.

Though her person might've stirred, her mind did not; memory of missions before still occupied her in the amble toward where habit led. Since her recruitment in the organization, she had a tendency to stick like glue with the members that had come directly before & after her. With Xirene's open door a safe assumption of her having headed off already, the Sixth headed toward a door that still remained closed: Axrael's.

Light from beneath the door leaked into the hall. One faint knock, then another that came accidentally too strong. A hiss could've been heard just outside the blond's door. Any passersby might've seen Dauxine idly waiting parallel, reclined against the the wall & nursing a blushed knuckle.

Were Axrael to walk out, he might've been met with the sight of the woman now squatted miserably, picking at the scuffs of her Organization-issued black boots or drawing trails in the dust of the hallway's marble tiles. To be quite frank, Dauxine liked to have a guest with her in any instance that demanded her to be front facing. Alone, she risked to be approached for conversation but accompanied, the friendlier members in the organization tended to speak with whoever she was with, allowing her to stand on the sidelines of conversation or pick at her fingernails until they were done. It was for this reason that she was willing to stand here miserably as she waited for her escort to the meeting room.

Should the Keyblade wielder have already headed out, Dauxine would arrive 10 minutes late to the meeting, gaze cast downwards in shame. It wouldn't have been the first time. With Axrael's distaste for dark rooms, it wasn't uncommon that Dauxine would idle outside & realize only later that there'd never been anyone inside to begin with. It was with this memory that she'd finally take her seat at the meeting room, eyes at her lap.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.
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β™›α… Xeredα… β™›

Xered's day began with a quiet ritual, sipping on a cup of lukewarm tea as he aimlessly wandered the corridors of the Organization's headquarters. The gentle steam rising from his mug provided a fleeting comfort amidst the otherwise cold and sterile surroundings. Lost in thought, he meandered through the labyrinthine halls, his movements fluid yet purposeless, a solitary figure amidst the bustling activity of his comrades. With each sip, he contemplated the enigmatic nature of his existence as a replica, the taste of the tea offering a bittersweet reminder of the complexities that defined his being.

Passing by familiar faces, Xered offered polite nods in acknowledgment, though his mind remained distant, preoccupied with the weight of his own identity. Despite the camaraderie that permeated the organization, he couldn't shake the feeling of detachment that clung to him like a shadow, a constant reminder of his inherent otherness. Yet, amidst the solitude, there lingered a faint ember of hopeβ€”a glimmer of connection that sparked to life in the presence of certain allies.

Despite his calculated nature, Xered found himself running a few minutes behind schedule as he hurried towards the meeting room. It was a rare deviation from his usual punctuality, a minor disruption in the carefully crafted routine that governed his days. Nevertheless, he maintained a composed exterior, his steps purposeful as he focused on reaching his destination in time.

As Xered hurried towards the meeting room, Axrael held the door open with a nod, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. Taking his seat amidst the gathering, Xered found comfort in Axrael's presence. After Xered settled into his seat, Axrael approached him, offering a warm smile and gesturing to the seat beside him. Xered nodded in appreciation, silently accepting the unspoken offer. This simple act of companionship eased the solitude that often weighed on Xered, offering a brief respite amidst their shared responsibilities.

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Β© weldherwings.


Valyrixis pushed her blade along the whetstone, the metallic hiss cutting through the serene garden mien. She moved with precision, her touch deft and controlled, the subtle scraping a rhythmic undertone to the natural sounds of leaves rustling and distant birdsong. She seemed completely absorbed in the task, her focus narrowing to the edge of her blade.

A sudden rustling drew her attention, a single leaf drifting from the canopy above. Valyrixis's eyes followed its descent, her instincts sharp. Without hesitation, she pulled back her blade from the stone and, with a swift flick of her wrist, sliced the leaf cleanly in half. The two pieces fluttered to the ground on either side of the marble bench. Her movements were fluid, her reaction precise. Valyrixis's lips curled into a faint smile as she examined her handiwork.

With the bells chiming in the distance, signaling the call to the meeting room, Valyrixis swiftly turned her wrist, swinging her blade in a smooth arc. The edge of the sword sliced through the air, its tip meeting the entrance to her sword's helm with a delicate click. With practiced fidelity, she slid the blade into its rightful place, and made her way towards a certain someone's room.

Oh, Xathos. The man was consistent if nothing else, though not in the way anyone would have liked. His perpetual tardiness had become so routine that Valyrixis felt compelled to act as his personal alarm clock, ensuring the meetings could start on time. Valyrixis couldn't stand to keep the Elder waiting; every moment they lost was a moment that could've been spent on their mission. And so, without a word, she set off to retrieve the group's designated primadonna.

Her footsteps echoed softly as she made her way through the corridors, her pace steady yet deliberate. She knew where he’d be - most likely lounging in his quarters, indulging in his penchant for luxury, entirely unaware of the time ticking away. It was his royal attitude that vexed her most. The grace with which he moved was not enough to mask the disorganization he brought to the group.

As she reached his room, she paused briefly, taking a deep breath to prepare herself for whatever attitude awaited on the other side of the door. Xathos was known for his charm, but his laid-back demeanor grated on Valyrixis's nerves. Nevertheless, she knocked with authority, her patience stretched thin. It was time to bring the diva to the meeting, one way or another.

To her surprise, Xathos was already prepared, radiating a charm that seemed impossible to dull. Xathos was quipped with that same smirk he always wore, the one that made others either swoon or roll their eyes.

"More of you is something I believe I don't deserve." Valyrixis meant it in jest, her tone suggesting that his company was more punishment than reward. But she knew well enough that Xathos’s morale was crucial for the missions; he was most effective when his spirits were high. "Ready for the meeting?" She asked, stepping back to give him space to exit his quarters.

Though the question was more rhetorical, Valyrixis and Xathos made their way to the meeting room, the air between them filled with a mix of banter and subtle tension. As they entered, she took notice of the members already seated, a welcome sight since it meant she wouldn't have to drag anyone out of bed or down the hall. However, her relief was short-lived when she caught sight of Xirene, the notorious troublemaker of the group.

Xirene had a reputation for mischief, and Valyrixis knew that where there was mischief, chaos wasn't far behind. Her instincts went on high alert, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of the latest prank. She had to be on her guard, especially with The Elder about to address them. The last thing she needed was some antic disrupting the meeting.

As she approached her seat, she noticed something odd resting on the cushion. A small contraption, cleverly placed and undoubtedly designed to cause some sort of spectacle. Valyrixis narrowed her eyes, immediately glancing over at Xirene, who was most likely reveling at the sight.

Valyrixis sighed and carefully removed the device from her chair, placing it gently on the floor beside her. She wasn't entirely sure what it did, but she wasn't about to find out the hard way. With a soft shake of her head, she turned back to face the room, her expression hardening as she took her seat. Xirene's mischief would have to wait for another time; the meeting was about to start, and Valyrixis had no intention of letting anything derail it.

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Β© weldherwings.


Leox, who was fast asleep in his dormitory heard the sound of bells ringing. He groaned and rolled off his bed and walked to the bathroom, to which he took a hot shower to try and wake himself up. As he was drying himself up, he noticed his body has changed, for better, he thought. He was more lean and looked more healthier than he looked before the training the Elder has put him through. He opened his dormitory window and let himself bask in the warm sun while closing his eyes but felt chill down his spine. He quickly opned his eye and closed the window and got dressed.

Leox quickly put on his clothes and opened his dormitory door, but before doing so, looked at the clock and saw he was already late. He scrambled out of his door and was about to sprint but he noticed a book the Elder gave him to read. The Elder told Leox this book would help him training. Leox walked back into his room and opened up the book and started to read a few pages. After reading a few pages, he looked back up at the clock and saw that he was already 10 minute late. "Shit, I'm late and everyone will give me shit again."

Leox bolted out of his room and ran toward the meeting room. He noticed Lavenders growing in the garden, which is his favorite flower. He walked over to some of the Lavenders and picked a few out and smelled them. "I hope they don't stay angry at me if I offer them some flowers." And he sprinted towards the meeting room. When he was about to enter the room, he heard someone yell at him and when he looked behind him, was the Elder. He bowed and apologized for being late and entered the room, where everyone already gathered stared at him. He walked up to Valyrixis and gave her a Lavender to which she just stared at Leox with a visible look of curiosity. He then walked over to Dauxine and gave her the last Lavender he had in his possession and walked over to his seat. He glanced over at everyone's face and noticed Zexal staring at him with a look of disapproval. Leox, about to stand up and confront Zexal, was stopped by the Elder's entrance.

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Β© weldherwings.


Being reborn as a nobody is turbulent for most, but for Axiron it was akin to waking up from a deep sleep. They were the newest member of Organization IX– new enough to have little interaction with the others. The goal was clear enough, recover enough hearts to awaken Kingdom Hearts and reclaim their lost heart. Follow your heart, right? While most were driven by their heart, Axiron was driven by their will. A will so strong being two-thirds whole felt close to being complete. They felt conflicted by the near obsession the others have with reclaiming those lost hearts and following the elder’s words. There was no concrete evidence to support any misleadings nor wrong doings from the elder; however, something ingrained into their will told them to be cautious. For now, they needed to get accustomed to their new surroundings. Radiant gardens and the hollow bastion were too new to be called home. It was more fitting to see this palace as the first stepping stone ahead of a long adventure. Axiron started from the edges of the grounds and moved in. Starting with the town nearby. Moving in the shadows and observing the townsfolk day to day lives. Following individual routines from the simple shop owner to the single mother. Understanding the town’s unspoken rules. Hearing how the current events affected the community. Watching children play in the streets and enjoying their laughter. Observing first before interacting was second nature. This process was thorough and seemed to have been done hundreds of times in a past life. It didn’t take long for them to assimilate into the community. Becoming just another person walking through the streets. Axiron had a more difficult time exploring the gardens. Given the name radiant gardens, one would assume the garden was overflowing with life, laughter, and light. While the gardens weren’t shrouded in darkness, the gardens’ ambiance had a stillness to its tranquility. It was subtle, like the scent of a lavender flower. The difficulty came from avoiding the other organization members. They wanted to understand the others’ dynamics before interacting. To better understand the weave of social dynamics before joining the web. Rank was determined by when that nobody had joined. Regardless of rank, each member had unique and complex relations with each other. Some were friendly with each, some had mutual respect, and some even had a sense of responsibility for another akin to siblings. They noted that each member had a distinct personality, a distinct role to play.

Clangorous chimes traveled from the peak of the castle, across the gardens, and turned into muted echoes throughout the town. The elder had mentioned this was a signal for a regular meeting. Those chimes caused the others to become lively. The others started to congregate into one area. They assumed that was where the meeting room was located. The others moved with haste. Some were early, some on time, and some only a few minutes behind. Those falling just a short couple of minutes behind seemed distraught– noted, these meetings were important. Originally they were going to skip this first meeting and take this opportunity to venture the castle in peace. If these meetings were so important that all eight diverse members felt obligated to attend then so should they. Axiron was the last to enter, trailing behind Leox. They took note of the tension between Leox and Zexal but paid no mind. Quietly claiming the only vacant seat. They leaned back into the chair, elbow on the chair’s arm, resting their cheek in their palm. Eyes lazily drifting around the room and to each member. Taking note of energies, reactions, and the other’s interactions. They felt both uneasy and excited about the meeting. Eager to learn why this was so important.

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Β© weldherwings.


Axrael loved his morning runs which kept him in shape but also got him out of his dormitory. He always assumed he was the first one up when he would saunter through the halls. He liked the calmness of the early morning. He felt as if centered himself and it would allow his mind to conjure new ways to help his friends and maybe even if Axrael and Xathos could put their differences aside and maybe get along for once.

Lost in all of Azrael's thoughts he didn't even notice the bells going off. He was supposed to finish his run a little early so he could get ready then again Axrael was never good with strict time hits. On his way back to the dorm Axrael was so thrilled that the organization's monthly debrief gave him a good chance to get to know his friends more. And just letting his social butterfly side flourish a little more. Axrael is getting ready and is wondering what this meeting could be about. Hopefully it's not just another boring meeting. Axrael can’t stand boring meetings. You can tell he gets bored because he'll just look off into the distance and never understand what is happening by the end of the meeting, always asking someone at the end for a little easier version that he can understand.

Axrael left with some time left to spare but then he realized he left his candle on. Axrael rushed back to turn it off; he couldn't stand the thought of people thinking he was scared of the dark even though he secretly is. On his way back he noticed the sixth reclined against the wall. Thinking to himself that she probably was waiting for him because she saw the candle on, embarrassed by himself went and blew out the candle and the KeybladeWielder and Sage walked to the meeting together. As arriving to the door Axrael sees Xered rushing to the door and holds the door open for the Replica. Axrael then offers to sit by the Replica.

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Legacy Unbound
Scene 002
Even in the most bustling, lively rooms, The Elder's arrival was like a sudden hush falling over the crowd. As the doors swung open, the world seemed to hold its breath, the ambient noise fading into nothingness. Only the sound of his echoing footsteps filled the air, each step commanding attention and respect.

All eyes turned to him as he entered, but his demeanor was impossible to decipher. His expression was hidden behind a perpetually smiling mask, his eyes devoid of any readable emotion. He was a man of mystery, his inscrutable presence sending a shiver down the spine of anyone who dared to get too close.

Despite the anticipation in the room, The Elder remained an enigma, his intentions veiled in secrecy. But one thing was certain: when he spoke, everyone listened. His voice carried weight, his words holding the power to shape the destiny of those gathered before him.

"Welcome, my esteemed members of the organization, to our monthly briefing. It's a pleasure to see each of you gathered here once again."

He paused momentarily, his gaze sweeping across the assembled faces before continuing. "I'll keep this brief, as time is of the essence. Our next mission takes us to Daybreak Town, where the Heartless activity has spiked significantly in recent weeks. Your task is clear: round up as many of these creatures as you can. They will serve our purpose, aiding us in our pursuit of our ultimate goal."

With a nod and his message delivered, The Elder departed as quietly as he had arrived, his presence leaving a palpable impression on the room. His exit was swift and without fanfare, leaving the members of the organization to digest his words and prepare for the task ahead.



Post Objective: The forthcoming assignment for your characters is a journey to Daybreak Town, prompted by recent outbreaks impacting the local populace. Next week, subgroup assignments for the mission will be determined by random selection. In the interim, your focus should center on fostering interactions among your characters preceding their retreat to their respective dormitories for rest. Posts will conclude with each character resettled within their quarters.
Code by Nano


As the hands on the clock ticked by, clicking softly, the members of the organisation trickled in, one by one, to take their seats at the meeting table. Each arrival was punctuated by a slight creak of the door and the CLACK of footsteps against marble.

With striking emerald eyes that seemed to gleam with hidden wisdom, Zexal discreetly observed each member as they settled into their designated places. His gaze, sharp yet inscrutable, swept across the room, taking note of every detailβ€”the subtle shift in body language, the fleeting expressions that flickered across faces, and the aura of tension that hung in the air like a thick fog.

As The First, Valyrixis, The Kingpin, was their noble leader, and the only member to hold a rank above his own. She was adorned with an air of regal authority that commanded respect from all who stood in her presence. Zexal respected her prowess and dedication, yet a palpable tension crackled between them. Theirs was a relationship fraught with conflict, born of antithetical personalities and clashing ideals. To Zexal, Valyrixis lacked the refined sensibilities to truly appreciate the intricate beauty of his art.

Then there was Dauxine, The Sage, her gentle demeanour belying the indispensable role she played as the group's healer. Yet, in spite of her amicable persona, The Second couldn't help but harbour a hint of disappointment at her perceived indolence.

Meanwhile, Xirene, The Trickster, revelled in their mischief-making, their latest prank targeting none other than their leader, Valyrixis. Albeit, the latter's shrewdness enabled her to discern The Seventh's prank before creating a scene. Owing to their tiresome antics, Zexal found their presence more than a mere nuisance, especially when their meddling disrupted his experiments, inviting his infuriated reprimands.

Across the table was Xathos, The Sovereign, who exuded an arrogance that grated on Zexal's nerves. Blinded by unfounded hubris, Xathos's pride appeared pathetic in Zexal's eyes. Besides, how could anything be more magnificent than The Scholar's Ascended form? It was impossible.

Among the newer recruits, Axiron, The Iconoclast, caught Zexal's attention with their rebellious attitude, a potential liability that warranted caution. He had yet to fully form an opinion on the individual, but he planned to keep an eye on them for now.

And of course, there was Axrael, The Keyblade Wielder, who elicited little more than a dejected sigh from The Scholar. Much to his chagrin, The Fifth barely shared the intelligence of a rock. Enough said.

Lastly, there was Leox, The Disciple. Though he wielded the sturdy element of earth, his feelings were seemingly as fragile as a porcelain vase. Zexal couldn't help but notice The Third brought flowers, beautiful lavenders, from the garden to the meeting and handed them to certain members, a gesture supposedly reserved for the ladies of the group. With a disdainful smirk, Zexal dismissed it as nothing more than a futile attempt to win their affection. He shook his head in silent disapproval. What did he hope to achieve with such an aimless gesture? They were all Heartless - Nobodies - after all. It wouldn't have surprised Zexal if Leox allowed himself to be stepped on like a doormat, perhaps even relishing the role.

Zexal inwardly scoffed at the frustration simmering beneath Leox's facade, The Disciple's urge to snap at him tangible in the air. But before a word could be spoken, an eerie silence befell the chamber, stifling any potential outburst.

At last, The Elder entered, donning his usual freakish mask, he commanded attention with an otherworldly aura that sent shivers down the spines of those gathered. With an impassive expression, Zexal sat with his arms crossed and eyes closed, focused solely on the words spoken by their director. The Elder explained their next missionβ€”an extermination of an unusually large swarm of Heartless that had descended upon Daybreak Town. Though the mission seemed routine enough, there was an underlying sense of urgency in The Elder's tone, perceptible to only the more astute amongst them.

And just as swiftly as he had arrived, The Elder departed, leaving the organisation members to plan their next move. Zexal was the first to rise from his seat, his gaze lingering on the spot where The Elder had stood moments before.


He glanced over his shoulder, addressing The First.

"Valyrixis, I need to gather my equipment and make some final preparations. Have someone come find me at my dorm once the rest of you are ready to depart."

With that, The Scholar vanished from the meeting room.

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Β© weldherwings.

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