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Fantasy 𝕃𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝕌𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 - ɪᴄ



The numbing croon of the ship enveloped the galvanized interior, almost discordant with how each hum from indvidual engines cast a timbre that vaguely harmonizes with the other. A perplexing choir—one that Xathos had been beside himself in unpiecing with every outing.

It was borne of habit. The sovereign would pour into the particulars of these missions prior to its official assignment until they were etched into the creases of his mind. Every opportunity to seize a moment that would bring him recognition, each nexus as far as he could estimate that he deems critical enough for him to be present in—as commanding as Valyrixis' intonation is of everyone's attention, his would have been wasted.

He too, after all, was a perfectionist.

In the solemnity of the ship's chamber, amongst the IX, it was the opportune moment for him to mull over all he must. There wer no room for doubts, nor apprehensions. No matter how lethal the adversary, he will be the champion that will cut them down.

The angles of his eyebrows fell in neat, appropriate crease as his features rested in sworn gravity. His eyes met his captain's, but he would only come to as she would list those who he is to be with for this reconnaissance. "Heh." he chuckles low under his breath.

Almost too naturally, a relaxed mien would be donned at the mention of his name alongside Zexal's. XATHOS &. ZEXAL had quite a ring to it, no? It was almost out of a fairy tale, he muses; the sovereign and his scholar.

A surreptitious glance was cast to Zexal's side, catching the ornaments of his chiffon robes within his peripherals before catching the man's own eye. A repulsed expression from the academic was traded for a knowing smirk from the heartholder. Quite an interesting turn of events.

The glances between them wasn't the only thing shared, however. The both of them had allowed themselves the company of their own thoughts throughout the briefing. As earnest as Xathos' own was, however, Zexal's was one that betrayed a more internal motive.

The lack of any following questions to Valyrixis' candor would prompt her to leave her subordinates to their own devices. The acoustics of the lobby swelled with disorderly steps and hushed dialogue between the partitioned groups, and he could not help but click his tongue. A malaise of the leader, perhaps, or an affliction of the group entirely.

In any case, his own steps were clipped and confident. How could he not be? An extraction device was in his hands, and he was to be in territory allegedly teeming with Heartless—all with essence for him to personally harvest. Indiscriminate hours of toil had allowed him this opportunity; a chance to surge through his experiments with unprecedented velocity. There was no moment more perfect.

Hands held firmly behind his back, posture straightening with an excitement he himself was even remiss to confess he felt, he would forget that the definition of perfect was to be beside him.

"I admire your fervor, Zexal." Xathos sings, a baritone that was too crisp, too loud, and too Xathos for the man's liking, his mood plunging so fast he felt it stab his gut. "With me here, this mission will be our easiest yet."

"Firstly, don't mistake how needed you are." The scholar sighs, averting his eyes away from the Fourth as if he'd be blinded if he stared for longer. The two found themselves stood outside the ship as it slowly made its descent from its heights, the winds whipping their hairs into the sky's reaches. "Secondly, don't talk to me as if we're friends."

He found no reason not to hide his disdain from the insufferable man. If there was one thing he would begrudgingly appreciate about him is that he could be very open about how he loathes him without repercussion. Like talking to a wall—a really conceited one.

And as expected, the bite of the Second's words fell to the thickest skin known to the Hearts. A gallant, droll laugh escaped the nobody's chest. With eyes closed and arms folded, even his revelry felt elysian; almost adding insult to injury. "You speak as if you have a choice, friend." Xathos simpered.

The scholar only pinched the bridge of his nose to placate the onset of a migraine as the organization would find their way onto the outskirts of the town. Perhaps the weight of the mission was finally felt that the distance was easily crossed. To Zexal's relief, it appeared that Xathos also had confronted the situation with appropriate sobriety because the travel was largely wordless.

If only someone would wipe that smile off his face too.

The learned man would be the one to break the silence first, colluding with the blonde, and the replica in tow to discuss what they are to do. If information was needed, then intuitively, the penman should be dealt with first—the heart of the town's news; even if he were to know nothing of true note, his ears in every corner would be made judicious use of in the organization's hands.

The scholar typically had no issue with missions that demanded reasonable stealth; to blend in with the commonfolk enjoying the docile townlife. He underestimated how difficult it was to do so with a walking lighthouse beside them who seems hellbent on attracting every eye in the realm to his general direction.

If it was worth anything, that meant Xathos was an excellent magnet for attention while he relayed his thoughts to the replica, quietly and casually to waylay potential suspicion the sovereign was unable to accost. Ambling across the paths, the blonde would pleasantly smile to the folks who readily reciprocated the warmth he extended as Zexal and the replica trailed close behind.

"I am familiar enough with the vicinity, so I'll lead us to Elijah. We aim to be surgical about this; affable, but efficient. The Heartless festers with each passing second." Zexal instructs, already outlining a plan for the three to share. The sooner he can lay claim to what he needs, the sooner he can continue working on his opus. "Xathos. You are our most- Xathos?"

A thin line of panic wound across the height of his body, the tension clawing the tips of his fingers, eyes frantically searching for the man. Where did he go? Did they take a wrong turn somewhere? Or was it a Heartless-

"Excuse me, miss." Xathos smiled, hands grasping another wrapped package to shuttle to the four that he already had bundled close to his waist. With him, a woman with stygian locks and bangs clamoring for the dropped items beside him. "For a moment of your time in exchange, if you would allow me."

"That idiot." he hissed.

If that migraine didn't come before, it's definitely here now.

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© weldherwings.


The soft humming of the ship's engines came to a halt, and the organization members disembarked one by one, quickly falling into their designated groups. Valyrixis took a moment to observe her surroundings, noting the intricate details of Daybreak Town’s architecture—its etall spires and ornate buildings, bathed in hues of purple, lent it a surreal, almost otherworldly quality.

Their group, consisting of Valyrixis, Leox, and Axiron, gathered quietly in the middle of the city center. Their dark attire starkly contrasted with the vibrant surroundings, causing curious townspeople to cast wary glances and whisper amongst themselves. The murmurs of the townsfolk grew as the group stood there, a tangible tension filling the air. And understandably so. The recent outbreaks had everyone on edge, and the presence of the organization members only heightened the unease.

Nevertheless, they had a mission to complete. As the others gathered to discuss their plan, Valyrixis stepped back, her gaze drifting over the townspeople of Daybreak Town, and she lost herself in thought. She had told the group she wanted to give them a chance to build their confidence and camaraderie, to feel comfortable taking the lead.

But in truth, she couldn’t shake the unsettling question that gnawed at her: why had the Elder sent everyone? It was highly unusual, and the uncertainty bothered her more than she cared to admit. She watched the animated discussion, their faces reflecting a mixture of determination and apprehension. Her thoughts wandered back to the Elder’s stern expression, his cryptic words. There had to be a reason for this unprecedented move.

Valyrixis sighed softly, her breath misting in the cool air. She longed for clarity but knew that for now, all she could do was stay vigilant and guide her team through whatever lay ahead. As the group wrapped up their discussion, she joined them, her resolve steeled by the unanswered questions swirling in her mind.

As the group wrapped up their discussion, Valyrixis rejoined them and immediately asked, "Who do you think would have the intel we’re looking for?" Instead of answering with words, Leox simply pointed to a building with a sign that read "Town's Penman."

Valyrixis raised an eyebrow, impressed by their decisiveness. "How did you two come to that conclusion?"

Leox shrugged modestly. "Just a hunch. Writers tend to know a lot about what’s happening around town."

She nodded, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "Good thinking."

It was a pleasant surprise, seeing the group come to a decision so efficiently. They had never been to Daybreak Town before, yet they had already navigated this first step with confidence. Valyrixis felt a flicker of hope and pride. Perhaps this mission would strengthen their bonds and prove their capabilities.

"Alright, let’s head over there." she said, leading the way towards the Town's Penman. The whispers of the townspeople followed them, but Valyrixis kept her focus forward, determined to uncover the secrets that Daybreak Town held.

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© weldherwings.
Legacy Unbound
Scene 004
The answer to the riddle:
Of all these souls, one knows every tale,
The sins of the town, beyond the pale.
Follow the clues, let the letters unfold,
For knowledge and truth, count and be bold.

The answer lies in the one who seeks,
Their letters reveal the knowledge they keep.

“Follow the clues, let the letters unfold” suggests paying attention to the number of letters in each character's name. “Count and be Bold” also emphasizes counting these letters. “The answer lies in the one who seeks” directs you to examine the character sheets for potential matches or clues. By counting the letters, you'll notice that each character's name increases by one letter, starting from Leia with 4 letters to Melinda with 7. “Their letters reveal the knowledge they keep” indicates that you should also count the letters in their titles. Elijah, with 6 letters, matches the title "Penman," which also has 6 letters. “Letters reveal the knowledge” refers to the letters this character writes. Therefore, the answer is Elijah, meaning group 3 with Bryan and Lycan have won. In our first boss battle, dice rolls will determine the damage to the boss. The first newly assigned group to defeat the boss will receive a hint for the next riddle. As Bryan and Lycan have won, their rolls will have a multiplayer, giving them an advantage for the boss battle. Thanks for playing and good luck on the next riddle!

Roughly an hour had passed since the groups had split up from the ship, darting in different directions. Group 1, consisting of Axrael, Dauxine, and Xirene, had found themselves on a seemingly wild goose chase. They had set their sights on the town's notorious troublemaker, hoping she might have the intel they needed.

Their pursuit had led them through winding alleyways and bustling streets, following the trail of mischief she left in her wake. The young chaos enjoyed a series of pranks and tricks, leaving townsfolk muttering and shaking their heads. Despite their best efforts, Group 1 struggled to keep up. Her nimbleness and intimate knowledge of the town's layout gave her a significant advantage.

After what felt like endless twists and turns, the group came to a halt, panting and frustrated. They had lost her trail. It was no surprise that she managed to stay out of trouble; her quick reflexes and agility made her nearly impossible to catch. Axrael, Dauxine, and Xirene exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the difficulty of their task. They made their way to the city center in defeat.

Group 2 fared no better than the first. From the start, Xathos and Zexal struggled to agree on who to question, leading to a rocky beginning. Eventually, they settled on approaching Leia, the town's courier, known for her extensive interactions with the townspeople.

Leia was initially puzzled by Xathos's offer to help with her deliveries, but she quickly found his gesture both useful and endearing. As they moved from house to house, Leia's smile grew warmer, while Zexal trailed behind, occasionally rolling his eyes at the sight of their camaraderie.

After completing several deliveries, Xathos and Zexal began to ask Leia about the outbreaks around the city. Unfortunately, she had no information to offer. People had become increasingly guarded due to sudden disappearances and strange occurrences, making them less inclined to talk. Doors that were once open for conversation now remained firmly shut during her rounds.

"I'm sorry." Leia said, genuinely regretful. "I wish I could be more helpful, but people just aren't talking like they used to. Everyone's on edge." Leia smiled softly, her eyes reflecting empathy. "Good luck with your mission. I hope you find what you're looking for."

With that, the duo made their way back to the city center, feeling disheartened. The lack of information was demoralizing, and the frustration of their futile efforts weighed on them. However, the day was far from over, and they knew they had to regroup with the others in the city center and reassess their strategy.

Thankfully, with great luck, Group 3 had landed on just the right person with the information they were looking for. Elijah, the town's journalist, was more than eager to give them the intel they needed. After all, he was gathering the information for his own paper anyway to keep the townspeople in the know.

Valyrixis listened intently as Elijah shared his findings, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "Ah yes, the last outbreak that I can recount was near the docks of the beach. There seems to be a strange black ink-like liquid coming out in puddles near the area. I didn't get to see much more than that, for I feared there was an ominous feeling around it. I left as soon as I saw the puddles begin to move."

The trio thanked the man for his intel, reassuring him that staying back had been the wise choice. Valyrixis gave Elijah a few more details to help him understand the broader context of the outbreaks, which he absorbed with keen interest. With this crucial information in hand, the group made their way back to the city's central square.

As Valyrixis, Leox, and Axiron approached, the other groups turned to face them, hope flickering in their eyes. Valyrixis stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute. "We've got a lead. The last outbreak was near the docks. Let's head there now and see what we can find."

The groups nodded in agreement, their earlier frustrations melting away in the face of renewed purpose. But just as the group began to move, Valyrixis saw something in the corner of her eye. "Heartless!" she shouted, pointing at a small black creature that seemed to be made of ink. Startled by her yell, the creature's ears perked up and it began to scuttle off towards the direction of the beach.


Post Objective: A heartless is loose in the city! This is bad news, that means they're getting closer to the townspeople. Per the discord dice roller (see the discord for more information), Xirene will be the one to catch the heartless in their post. Anyone who posts before them will have to write a reaction to the heartless but not catch it and could ponder on what happened with the townspeople. Anyone who writes after them will react to the catch and whatever they so choose. Posts will end with the group arriving at the dock.
Code by Nano


The Scholar begrudgingly trailed behind Xathos and the town's courier, Leia, as they helped the dark-haired woman deliver packages to the leery citizens. The sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets of Daybreak Town. Yet, in spite of the picturesque scenery, Zexal's mood was anything but serene. He huffed, watching the duo ahead with a mix of disdain and boredom.

Xathos, a delusional fool in The Shcolar's eyes, was attempting to impress Leia with his self-proclaimed charm. Leia would smile and chuckle politely as Xathos regaled her, but continued to focus on her task, handing out parcels to the townsfolk. Given her affable demeanour, she seemed accustomed to dealing with the eccentricities of adventurers, and Zexal couldn't help but admire her patience. Though, he couldn't quite tell if she was just being nice, or genuinely relished Xathos' company, if so, she'd be one of the few.

Unlike the others, Zexal found the rudimentary method of carrying parcels inefficient. With a wave of his hand, he lifted the remaining packages in the air, causing them to encircle around him. It was a simple display of his power, but it freed his hands and made the task, which he was inadvertently dragged into, considerably easier.

The entire journey, Zexal was repulsed, about to internally vomit, by Xathos' lousy attempts to woo Leia. It was so torturous and awkward. If The Replica hadn't been by his side to help share the burden of second-hand embarrassment, Zexal may have simply turned tail and abandoned Xathos a lot sooner.

As the day wore on, the task of delivering packages drew to a close. A sheepish child peeked out from behind their parent, intrigued by the floating parcels around the emerald-eyed man. Reading the name on the parcel, and judging from their expression, Zexal deduced this must've belonged to them.

"Is your name, Amy?" the Scholar asked softly, to which the little girl subtly nodded. "Here you are, little one." Zexal lowered a package into her small hands with a rare smile.

"Say thank you," the girl's father encouraged.

"Thank you, mister," she said timidly, and Zexal nodded.

When he noticed the others watching, The Second cleared his throat and turned away.

"I think we're done here... Now, do you have anything useful you could tell us about the recent Heartless appearances?" he questioned the courier.

Alas, they were not rewarded for their generosity.

Zexal crossed his arms and raised an unimpressed eyebrow at The Fourth. He wished he could say he was surprised, but it was precisely as he anticipated. From the very start, he suspected that their efforts would yield nothing more than a few polite thanks and some bruised egos—Xathos' more than anyone's.

"It’s fine," Zexal replied, his tone clipped. He forced a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. "We’re glad to help."

Leia nodded, sensing the underlying tension. With a final, grateful smile, she turned and made her way back toward the courier station, her silhouette fading into the distance.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Zexal rounded on Xathos. "You realise this was a complete waste of time, don’t you?" he snapped, his frustration boiling over. "We wasted half a day... Half a day, Xathos! Listening to your ridiculous stories and witnessing your pathetic attempt to flirt with her! And in the end... she didn't even give you her contact details..."

The Scholar clenched his skull.

"My head hurts... Oh, it hurts," he bitterly muttered. The man sighed, taking a long deep breath to clear his mind. "Whatever... We should have been focusing on our mission. Valyrixis is likely awaiting our return at the central square. We’ve delayed long enough."

In silence, the three of them trudged through the streets on their way to meet with the others. Zexal's mind was a whirlwind of irritation and disappointment. The day served as a reminder of why he preferred to work alone, or, at least, with someone competent.

An unusually large heartless outbreak... missing people... wary townsfolk... and The Elder sending all of us at once... What could be going on? He pondered. I wonder if the others had better luck than us.

As they approached the central square, several of the organisation members came into view.

"Apologies, Valyrixis, we didn't discover anything of value. Our group got a little... sidetracked..." Zexal addressed their leader, shooting daggers at Xathos from the corner of his eyes.

After everyone had arrived, Valyrixis stepped forward, relaying her group's findings to everyone. But just then, interrupting her speech, The Kingpin exclaimed at the sight of something—a lone, Heartless minion.

Zexal smirked.

"Finally, something interesting."

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© weldherwings.
Last edited:


"Hey, stay still. I was almost done." The Trickster whispered, not with irritation, but affection after flicking Dauxine's forehead. Contrary to her moniker, The Sage (much like the rest of them) lacked the patience to sit still on the ship. The only difference was that where she fell asleep, Xirene had the tendency to fidget. Drumming his fingers along his seat, counting the grooves in the ship's interior, and in situations like today, braiding the wisps of pink that fell across her face.

By the time the ship landed, Xirene was more than happy to hop off and fulfill their mission. Daybreak Town was one of the less exciting towns; it was interchangeable with any other "small town" (for a lack of a better word) world save for the sunlight bathing its buildings. There was never a dull day in Daybreak! In all the instances they'd been here, he'd never even seen a cloud in the sky. Though preferable to the rain, it wouldn't be long before the heat permeated their coat.

Xirene surveyed the area before a flash of pink caught their eye. Far from the other civilians that milled about their day, this person seemed different, which was to say aware. She'd seen this behavior before: an ear to the ground, a body masked in shadow, and a nose that couldn't help stick itself in trouble. Whatever her reasons might be, she was sure that the girl would provide something of value.

"Her," she said with a finger across the alley, "let's talk to this hooligan."

For a few seconds Xirene stared at their cohorts, none of them being particular leaders before Axrael bolted after the poor girl.

The chase took the trio through every corner, heavy cloaks dragging behind them. "Divide, scatter, conquer!" they announced before splitting from the group.

Unfortunately, Melinda knew the backstreets far better than any of the three and left them defeated. They wandered back to the city's central square where, at the very least, Val found a lead.

"We've got a lead. The last outbreak was near the docks. Let's head there now and see what we can find." she commanded, earning a nod from Xirene who was ready to take their out failure on whatever Heartless the organization found.

Just as with the blonde-haired girl, a dark creature skittered out from seemingly nowhere before fleeing in terror.


Come back here, you little shit! With the knowledge imparted by his earlier defeat, Xirene bolted back the way they came. He might not have been the smartest or the fastest of Organization IX, but he was observant when he wanted to be. Though the stairs provided a direct path to the first and second districts, taking the alleyways meant he could cover more ground without alerting the creature. He didn't claim to be a Heartless expert but their behaviors were fairly predictable--they sought hearts.

That made it easy to pinpoint the dark creature darting from shadow to shadow in the marketplace.

Static gathered in The Trickster's legs, allowing Xirene to slide out of the alleyways with ease. He was all but ready to send a bolt of lightning towards the Heartless!

Unfortunately there were a few too many humans standing in his way. Not one to be deterred, Xirene continued to chase the beast past the clock tower, across the bridge, and through Seaside Park. It was only when the two reached the docks that The Trickster cornered the Heartless. Electricity crackled from their crown, threatening to discharge at the slightest motion from the creature.

"Axrael, do you want to send this thing back to Kingdom Hearts or should I just zap it?"

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© weldherwings.


Even though the members shared idle chatter there was a clear, thick tension in the air. The Elder’s short speech left a worrying impact. There was more to this than what the Elder let on– a bad omen of sorts. Axiron wasn’t going to ignore this omen, but they couldn’t solely focus on it. While gut feelings were naturally accurate it wouldn’t help plan future actions; a gut feeling was just a warning. There was relief in knowing they weren’t alone in this feeling, Xirene felt similarly. At the very least, the two had reactions to the omen that seemed to resonate. It was enough to give Axiron hope the others weren’t sheep blindly following the wolfish shepherd. Idle chatter soon gave way to silence as the members slowly left the meeting room. Night was creeping in. Lights lit the hollow bastion from within, flickering until each one burned out one by one. Axrion’s candle was the last to remain lit as they worked on maintaining their weapon. An exquisite combination of bow and sword, both parts balanced. The meticulous maintenance brought peace to their soul. Familiarity that eased their worried mind, as if they’d performed this routine maintenance a million times over. Each moving part was checked, replaced, or oiled. Methodically transforming the blade to bow until it transformed without resistance. Each arrow was fit with a new arrowhead, a simple bullet point to pierce without maiming the target. Broadhead arrows were the most effective but the irreversible harm, maiming the target never sat right with them. Every shaft was inspected for any imperfections that could sway the arrow’s path. They checked the fletching. The key feature that allowed arrows to fly straight and true, hitting the mark dead center. Lastly they checked the nock by testing each knock on the string right at the nocking point. There was a delicate balance between having a secure nock and a nock that gripped the string too hard. Arrows were equally delicate and powerful, precision weapons. They paid just as much attention to the bow as they did the blade. Sharpening the blade by hand was tedious but brought the swordsman closer to their sword. Perfecting the angle of the edge. Testing the thickness of the blade to ensure its sturdiness, for a chip or a crack could bring catastrophic failure. Time passed as they cared for their blade, all hours well spent. The final piece was the holder, both scabbard and quiver. For good measure they oiled the scabbard and replaced the rubber protecting the arrows in the quiver. Once their fateful companion was well maintained it was time for bed.

Axiron was unsure whether sleep crept slowly or came quickly, but they were up at dawn nonetheless. This was their first time seeing the ship, muchless traveling on it. Its accommodations were comfortable enough, allowing everyone enough room to rest. Some members fell asleep, some idly stared outside of the ship’s windows, while others prepared for the upcoming mission. Unlike with the elder there was little to no unease with Vlayrixis at the helm. They noticed the others had mutual respect of varying degrees for their second in command. It would be fair to say everyone had a sense of comfort with their second in command, unlike with the elusive Elder. Perhaps they were reading too much into someone they knew nothing of, but there seemed to be unease behind her eyes. Unfortunately this was their first mission with the other eight members, they could only speculate what she was contemplating. Her voice caught the other’s attention. Dividing the members into teams of three allowed the nobodies to divide and conquer. Having teams of three ensured a level of safety. Team one was Axrael, Dauxine, and Xirene. Team two was Zaxel, Xathos, and the Replica. Team three was Leox, Valyrixis, and themself. Axiron said nothing, idly gazing over at the two other teams. Axrael, Dauxine, and Xirene had a sense of friendship and comradery between the three; however, they noticed the three lacked a designated leader. Zaxel and Xathos both radiated with self confidence and importance but in two clashing and opposite manners; both felt equally important and this caused an immediate clash. Valyrixis, Leox, and themself were put onto the last team. From what they saw, Leox held the Elder in high regards and that trickled over to Valyrixis. They felt no such attachment to the leader, but they harbored no resentment to Valyrixis. Was this a test for the three teams or the members’ best chance of success? These teams were picked for reasons unknown to them– something that would help Axiron learn more about their fellow members. Their focus drifted from the other members to the ship’s window. Traveling from one world to another was strangely familiar, but the mode of transportation was foreign. This that why traveling amongst the stars was so exciting? Did they ever see space like this in their past life? Did they ever travel between worlds? Between homes? The expansive vastness of space was exhilarating. In the distance they could see Daybreak Town, home to eternal twilight.

The three teams split after getting to the city center square. Team one and team two were quick to depart while team three took in the surroundings. Twilight was the best way to describe Daybreak’s sky. Dark and light were balanced, not leaning towards sunrise or sunset. For such a peaceful sky, for such a quaint town, there was thick tension similar to the meeting the previous day. While the fountain’s trickling water created a peaceful ambiance, there was an uncanny stillness in the water’s surface. A bad omen. Locals were weary of the organization members making their way to the town’s center. Axiron had no doubts that heartless were invading this world. These civilians were uneasy as if a war was brewing on their border. The three were outcasts in their dark robes. It was understandable for the civilians to be hesitant, distance, and avoid the three entirely. Axiron paid attention to the whispers passing the three. Eyes drifting from person, to building, to shadow. Valyrixis was lost in her own thoughts while keeping a guard’s eye on her surroundings. The three of them needed information from someone that would readily tell it. Leox seemed keen on this deduction, eyeing the building sign that read ‘Town’s Penman’. Journalists were duty bound to share news of all kinds to the people, good and bad. If there was a heartless horde forming then the journalist would be the first to know. Valyrixis’ voice broke the silence, and Leox quickly responded by pointing to the sign. The group coming to such a quick, unanimous decision made something flicker in Valyrixis eyes. They couldn’t say for sure, but it looked like a spark of hope. It truly was unsettling for the Elder to send everyone to one location. The three made way to the town’s penman with whispers following the team’s footsteps. All whispers and rumors lead to Elijah, the town’s penman. While everyone else was hesitant the journalist was eager to speak. Valyrixis inquiring about the heartless caused Elijah to immediately speak. The last outbreak was by the docks of the beach. Heartless signature pools of black ink consistency liquid were pooling in the area. It even was a bad omen to Elijah, concrete proof of a heartless outbreak. Axiron remained silent as Valyrixis and Elijah exchanged further words. She gave the journalist more information– she was genuinely trying to protect the people here from the heartless. With haste the three made way to the city’s center square. The other teams had little to no success. Axrael and Xirene were a bit out of breath with Dauxine being the most visibly exhausted. There was a mixture of defeat and frustration from that goose chase. Team two hadn’t fared off any better. Zexal and Xathos clearly butted heads the entire day, evident by Zaexl’s visible migraine. The scholar immediately apologized for the lack of discovery. While it was clear the two met a dead end, it seemed the two experienced two different kinds of dead ends. Perhaps Xathos was chasing something other than the pursuit of knowledge? With everyone gathered Valyrixis shared team three’s findings, setting the nine of them on the course to the docks. A three dimensional shadow formed in the corner of Valyrixis’ eyes, a heartless! The tricky creature started to scuttle away when discovered.

Xirene was the first to act, bolting after the heartless. Axiron was quick to follow, letting Xirene lead. Their trickster learned the twists and turns of the backways and alleys. Keeping pace with the shadow slithering through the darkness. Whoever team one was chasing before took the three on a wild chase. Previous defeat fueled this fury– could it be considered defeat when the experience was proving to be worth while? The other had a trick up his sleeve, covering his legs in static and bolting forward. Bouncing, sliding, and jumping from alley to stairs. With a never ending twilight sky it was easy to spot the building thunder in Xirene. All Axiron needed to do was to follow the raging storm. It seemed to build to a climax around a corner, but held its strike at the clock tower. There were too many people around for a lightning strike. Heartless traveled in groups, attacking one could cause the others to come. Axrion followed that show of restraint, not yet drawing their weapon. The civilians would be more than just alarmed from seeing the nine nobodies with weapons drawn– most likely none of the civilians saw the heartless the nine were chasing. After cross the bridge the docks were off in the horizon. They took this time, in between chasing the Xirene’s static storm, to transform their weapon into a bow. Drawing the arrow and nocking it in anticipation. Once they arrived at the docks Xirene had the heartless cornered. Letting Axreal join in on releasing pent up frustration. Axiron took this time to get sights on the heartless, drawing their arrow back. They had a clear view on the heartless and its potential escape routes. Arrow fully drawn, their trigger on if the heartless tried to escape. Trying to maintain awareness of their surroundings in their peripheral vision. The trigger to releasing the arrow was any heartless, cornered or not, tried to make a move.

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© weldherwings.


Leox, Valyrixis and Axiron all headed towards the building with the sign "Town's Penman" next to it. Valyrixis slowed down her pace as she slowly made mental notes on what questions to ask the penman while Axiron and Leox continued towards the building. When the building was about 500 feet away from them, Leox got too excited so he sprinted for the door and knocked on it multiple time before the penman opened the door. Who the three saw caught them off guard, especially Leox as he expected the person to look something along the lines of wearing glasses and looking unkempt but instead was someone with long silky smooth hair, beautiful brown eyes and almost marble-like skin. This made Leox very flustered and he stepped away to hide behind Valyrxis, which she sighed and asked her few questions.

After having questioned the Penman, who introduced herself to be Elijah and gotten the answer to their question, they headed back towards the ship to regroup and reorganize but Leox, having other idea, snuck away from the group and headed for the pastries shop he saw while on the way. He headed inside and bought few pastries which smelled heavenly and made his mouth water. As he was leaving the pastry shop, he saw some dark creature who seemed to be in a rush to get away from something or someone coming straight at him but Leox quickly stepped aside and let it pass. Leox then saw someone that looked very much like Xirene but he couldn't tell as that person was also running at what seemed like their full speed.

"Was that Xirene?" He asked himself "should I chase them in case it is Xirene and help him with whatever he was chasing?" Leox shook his head and went the other way, where he saw the fountain as he was heading towards Elijah's house and sat down and started to snack on the pastries he bought, humming happily to himself and kicking his feet. He got up and stretched after finishing his pastries when a sudden realization hit Leox that Valyrixis and Axiron may start to worry where the hell he went so Leox got up and made a run towards the ship, where Valyrixis and Axiron was heading. Another thought hit Leox as he was running back. "What if Xirene is in trouble, if that was who I saw earlier" but Leox dismissed it as he was never too close to Xirene and he figured he could handle himself, as he was recruited by the Elder personally. Leox reached the ship only to realize both Valyrixis and Axiron was not there.

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© weldherwings.
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Golden eyes tracked the little creature as it scampered toward the beach. At Valyrixis's command, the organization members sprang into action. Some were faster than others and dashed ahead immediately, their dark figures blending into a blur of movement. Valyrixis, however, maintained a measured pace, deliberately keeping her distance as she allowed the swifter fighters to surge ahead.

Xirene and Axiron led the charge, their agility and speed propelling them through the streets with ease. The startled townspeople's gasps echoed around them, but their focus remained unbroken, eyes locked on the stygian Heartless. Valyrixis trailed, scanning for any signs of additional threats and taking note of the city layout.

As the group raced through the bustling streets, weaving between startled townsfolk and leaping over obstacles in their path, the Heartless led them on a wild chase. Eventually, they reached the docks. Xirene, swift and precise, managed to corner the creature. With a flick of their wrists, they had it trapped, and Axiron stood ready, their arrows drawn and aimed at the Heartless.

"Hold." Xirene commanded as she surveyed the scene -- the Heartless trembled, its blank-slated eyes darting nervously. With her lips pressed together, Valyrixis waited, perusaling the surroundings for the rest of the team. One by one, the other members began to appear, either from the winding alleys or directly from the city center, converging on their location. In due course, she ultimately did a quick headcount. Nearly everyone was present, but Axrael was conspicuously absent. Her brow furrowed in concern.

Given his rather loud personality, she was confused by Axrael's absence. His boisterous nature usually made him impossible to miss. The team needed him specifically to send the Heartless back to the realm of darkness. As the seconds ticked by and tension mounted, Valyrixis's concern grew.

"Where could he have gone?" She muttered, still awaiting on his possible arrival that never came.

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© weldherwings.


A bust.

"We screwed up..." came miserably from the 6th. A beat after her group accepted the loss, Dauxine collapsed heavily onto her knees & repeated, bangs in fists & much too dramatically for a 26 year-old woman: "Wah, we screwed uhhhh—p..."

Were there to point a laser from the tip of Dauxine's nose, it would shoot straight down at the town square's tiling from the way her head hung. As far as her personal record went, this would make it her third lapse of progress this month in terms of mission results. This thought let her hand's grip on her staff fall just a bit & make a raking sound from the tail of it now dragging a bit on the floor.

On their way back to convene with the rest of the organization, she would trail several paces behind the other two in her group until they'd decide to idle near the main fountain as they waited for everyone else. Sometime between arriving & their mission lead approaching, the sixth had taken again to crouching down: an arm wrapped around her knees & her other hand's leading finger carving a design in the dust below. An ear close to her might've heard mumbling.

With new directions to check out the town's docks, the woman popped up with an elated gasp that quickly turned horrified. In an instant, it was like the air around the organization hung still, electrified even. Though, that last part might've been the result of Xirene's dash to catch up. From the fringes of Dauxine's vision, civilians were the thing to catch her attention. Those near the edges of central plaza darted into homes, businesses, & even alleys at the sight of Heartless stirring. Those inside turned their lights off or flipped welcome signs to show: 'Sorry! We're CLOSED.' In one, Dauxine swore she saw a characteristic towhead in a coat not dissimilar to her own... At the figure, she squinted but couldn't be sure.

One of the last to catch up, but not too late to catch the sight: a straggler Heartless suspended in air with the entirety of their cause surrounding it & each with the ability to implode the poor creature. Did it know? Dauxine, through the heads & shoulders of everyone else, locked & narrowed her eyes at it: did it know? A pit grew at the center of Dauxine's torso. At it, one hand made a fist over the black fabric that contained it & the other muffled the following:

"Oh... I can't look."

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© weldherwings.


His commander’s voice rang truer than all in that moment—a call that cradled a word pristine that careened directly onto his chest, goading every fiber of his body to lurch forward into the first sliver of dark ink upon his sight. "Heartless." he echoes, hissing through his teeth with a grit found in the crunch of his boots as pavement crackled with a momentous step of a sprint.

His pace was rapid, only hastening with every step as his palm met the hilt of his saber. There was no room for hesitation at the signal of not just a threat, but a Heartless among them. It was only in retrospect would Xathos find some sort of rationality in his actions, but in the heat of the moment, his legs made the decision for him.

A majority of his faction stunned, it was him that initially led the charge, feeling the moisture almost sharpen around him in tandem with the conviction in his chest. His grip betrayed intent, and it was rearing to go at moment's notice; when his target was just near enough . . .

Yet in spite of haste, his brow darkened as he found himself lagging behind not just among his group but even at the Heartless they were all pursuing; a hot-white shame gurgling deep into the pit of his gut that he swallowed as quickly as he felt it seethe. The droplets around his person that was condensing into vague blades dispersed back into the sky, a grim smile coalescing as he allowed himself to remain within the group.

Amidst breaths slowly growing restless, a littany of amused chuckles escaped his mouth. Truly, it wasn't worth expending too much energy for small fry. Has he forgotten who he was to have been that desperate for a Heartless so pathetic? He should be, no, he was above such trifles.

So he would say in his head as the group finally convened amidst the cornered Heartless. Standing alongside his organization, he crossed his arms as if this chase was effortless. "Loathsome cur." he spat, vocalizing for the crowd as he shot a baleful look at the monster they had cornered. He barely paid heed to the fact that one member, and a crucial one at that, was missing.

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© weldherwings.
Legacy Unbound
Scene 005

There was a hush. A lull.

Nearly parallel to the ground, the perpetual sun welcomed in a lingering mist - its long, cold rays stretching across the ocean, the afternoon painted in a dim light. Beside the crackling of Xirene's halo, the occasional cry of unseen seagulls broke the otherwise still silence that hung between them. Even the little Heartless they'd managed to capture was now still and yielding, with only the hushed twitching of its antennae indicating the life within. The atmosphere was overwrought - quiet, a vast emptiness around them.

"Perfect." Beckoned a disembodied voice.

Out of the shadows that crept along the town’s edge near the lighthouse emerged none other than The Elder, his form materializing as if conjured from the darkness itself. His presence was immediate and commanding, casting an even heavier shadow over the docks. He seemed to draw the very essence of the night around him, a figure of authority and enigma, his arrival sending a ripple of unease through those gathered.

"You've all done well." The Elder proclaimed, his voice carrying a jurisdiction that could freeze the blood in one’s veins. With a deliberate step to the side, he revealed Axrael. "Go on, Keyblade Wielder." He commanded.

Axrael, however, remained rooted, only the glimmer of burnished eyes to betray apprehension. He stared at the ground, posture tensed & anxiety palpable. Valyrixis furrowed her brow, perplexed by his hesitation. They had faced similar situations countless times before and Axrael had always been steadfast. What was different now? Did he know something the rest of them didn’t?

Deeper in color grew the twilight, casting a crepuscule over the docks—the gentle lapping of the waves against the timber piers trouncing in the background. Some members exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the shift in the 5th's demeanor.

"Axrael.." Valyrixis called out softly, hoping to snap him out of his reverie. Yet, he remained entrenched in silence, his fingers twitching nervously at his sides. Across the divide, the Elder’s gaze bore into him—intense; demanding.

"What's wrong?" Valyrixis whispered, stepping closer. Her words caught in her throat. "We've done this before."

Axrael finally lifted his gaze, meeting hers with a look that battled uncertainty, one that sent a chill down her spine.

"It's different this time." He murmured, his voice so faint it barely reached ears. "There's something... wrong."

The Elder’s expression darkened, a flicker of impatience crossing his face. "We don't have time for hesitation." He asserted. "Do your duty, Keyblade Wielder."

With trembling breath, Axrael slowly raised his Keyblade, the air around them growing thick with anticipation. Valyrixis observed him intently, her heart echoing his frantic rhythm. A palpable shift was manifest. Something was indeed different. Whatever it was, it was enough to shake even the most loyal among them.

"I can't!" Axrael cried, his voice trembling, a fragile bridge spanning terror and rebellion. The Elder's expression hardened, with no whisper of sympathy in sight. Without a word, he stepped forward and placed his own hands atop Axrael's, guiding the Keyblade forward with an unyielding force.

"You must." The Elder commanded, his tone brooking no argument. Axrael's eyes widened in panic as he fought against the Elder's grip, but his efforts were in vain. The Elder's strength was a cornerstone of legend, and the Keyblade had little choice but to inch closer to its target, the tension in the air thickening with every passing second like a fog clouding clarity.

With a mere touch of the Keyblade, the Heartless vanished into thin air, leaving behind a trail of colorless gleams and a solitary pink heart - a symbol of their completed missions. Triumph should have danced in the ensemble’s hearts, their souls ablaze with the satisfaction of yet another mission fulfilled. But an unsettling chill crept through the air, dampening the glow of victory. The Elder, his weathered hands reaching down, cradled the artifact in his palm. With a solemn reverence, he raised it skyward, and as if responding to some unseen command, it began to twirl. With each rotation, the fabric of reality seemed to fray, giving birth to a dark, swirling vortex that loomed ominously behind The Elder, a gateway to realms unknown.

The vortex exuded an unsettling aura, a palpable darkness that seemed to devour the very essence of light. Despite its ominous allure, The Elder took a step forward into its depths - his silhouette blurred against the churning void before he paused, casting a solemn glance back at his comrades. With a silent beckoning, his outstretched hand implored them to follow - a wordless command.

Unified in their loyalty, the team moved as one, each member accustomed to heeding The Elder's every directive. With measured steps, they traversed the threshold of the portal, disappearing into its swirling depths one by one. The vortex, voracious in its appetite, consumed them whole.

In the depths of the void, where darkness held sway over all, there existed a profound emptiness, an expanse devoid of light or life. Even so, within this desolate realm, flickers of illumination danced sporadically, like timid stars in a sea of ebony - these fleeting rays pierced the shadows, lending brief moments of clarity.

Suddenly, as if conjured from the very fabric of imagination, furniture materialized in the gloom. First came the chairs, their silhouettes sturdy yet insubstantial, followed by the elegant curves of dressers and the sleek lines of other assorted furnishings.

As they descended deeper into the abyss, the oppressive darkness gradually yielded to a distant glimmer of light below. With each passing moment, the radiance grew more pronounced. As they drew nearer to the source, a faint whisper echoed through the void, its words carrying a message:

"d̴̸̵̴̢̛̳̤̻͉̘̟̙̤̖͈ͨ̾̊̏͌͆͂ͣ͗́͑̉ͥ̄̂́ͧ͋̀̃̒ͧ͛̒̕̚̚͠͞ͅơ͓̲̺̽̊̄͆̈ẅ̡͕͔̩͛̎ͨ͒̑ͯ̀ͩņ̙͚̖͍͕̗̰͔̙̠͕̖̻̜̦̞͕͓̆͒̍̓́ͤ̍͊͊͌͊͌ͬͧ̀ͪ̅͟͡ t͙̙̪ͦ̔͒_̸̡̢̛̛̹̗̠̤̰̹̥̗͎̯͒ͫ́́ͭ̓͌͐͒̇͐ͣ̀ͮ̽ͧ̈͝͡ḫ̠_̻̀ͦȩ̱̤̺͓ͬ̓ͯ̓͛ͤ͝ͅ r̸̷̛͚̳̜͚͋̌̋ȧ̧̛̟̠̦͙͉͕̬͇́͒ͤ̈ͪͦ̚_̼̞̓_̢͔̦̣̐͌͗ͣͭͫ̚͝b̲͍̤̞͇̗̩͛̎ͨ̀͘_̶̨̱̞̳̳̲̹̹͙̙͛́ͮ̔ͮ̇̊̂͒͐͂̚̚͞͝͠b̷̵̛̘͙͙̝̱̖̞͉̅ͣ̀̓̀̄̂̇͑ͬ̐̈́̆̚̕͢͢͠i̶̠̞̦̞̦̣̱͋ͬ̆̋ͣ̿̀͘͢t̮̞̮̖̯ͤ̈́́̔ͫͬ͒̎͜ h̄̀o͇̪̣ͭͨͥl̢̧̢̏̅̔̉͊ͬ͘͢͞e̷̵̴̢̛͙̠̲̤̤̝̪̹͖ͮ̅͐̆͗̀̂̾̒̓ͧ̆͛͘͘͢͟͠͝"


Post Objective: A realm brimming with surprises, mysteries, and creatures of the unknown. Our team has just touched down in this domain, where reality itself appears to warp and twist. Posts are to be immediate reactions to our recent experiences or observations of this unfamiliar world. Good luck!
Code by Nano


The sound of the sea mingled with the footsteps of the organisation members as they cornered the stray Heartless against the coast. The creature, with glowing yellow eyes, seemed feeble and devoid of any perceptible emotion, and yet, it trembled. It had nowhere to run.

Zexal, alongside the rest of their group, maintained a tight formation.

But it was strangely quiet. Too quiet.

It was only when Valyrixis' voice cut through the stillness that Zexal noted one of them was missing, someone, annoyingly, important—Axrael.

"Axrael is missing?" said The Scholar, muttering under his breath, "Just where has that nincompoop run off to?"

A smirk derived from schadenfreude curved Zexal's lips as he saw this as an opportunity. If Axrael was not present to banish the Heartless to the realm of darkness, then he would instead capture the creature for his own research. The thought of harnessing the Heartless essence for his experiments filled him with a euphoric sense of satisfaction.

With a snap of his fingers, a whirl of verdant wind swirled around Zexal's right arm, ready to strike at any moment. His emerald orbs trained on the Heartless, and he raised his arm, the wind intensifying with a contemptuous smile.

But just as he was about to attack the creature, an imposing voice caused Zexal to freeze.

"Huh?! That voice... Is that-?"

From the shadows, a familiar figure emerged. It was the Elder. The intimidating man applauded the group for their work before stepping aside to reveal The Keyblade Wielder behind him, looking dishevelled but very much alive.

Zexal's smirk faded into a tight-lipped frown. Disappointed that he wouldn't be able to use this particular Heartless for his own machinations, he clicked his tongue and snapped his head to the side in annoyance, knowing full well what was about to happen next.

But something was off. This time, it wasn't as swift as it usually was.

Axrael was nervous.

"Hmm?" The Second raised an eyebrow, confused.

The Fifth's movements were hesitant, and his crimson eyes darted around as if seeking an escape. He was trembling, his fingers twitching with trepidation. And The Scholar was quick to note the beads of sweat, and the micro-vibrations as Axrael's body shook. Is he afraid?

"What's wrong with you?" Zexal asked, apathetically. "What could possibly be so terrifying, that even a numbskull like you is petrified?"

The Scholar's irritation grew. He had seen Axrael perform this banishment countless times without a hitch. What was different now? Why the sudden fear?

And it seemed, the Elder too was growing impatient of Axrael's negligence.

Their masked leader strode forward. Without a word, he seized Axrael's hand. In one fell swing, he forced Axrael to strike the Heartless. The blade in Axrael's hand met the creature with a mere kiss of steel, but it was enough. In an instant, the creature dissipated into a glittering cloud, leaving nothing but a lone heart behind.

As the Elder took hold of the residual relic, a portal began to form behind him. It was a swirling vortex that seemed to swallow light itself, expanding rapidly. Its malefic aura filled the air, yet the Elder showed not an iota of fear. Without hesitation, he stepped inside, the darkness washing over him completely, and he gestured for his subordinates to follow suit.

One by one, they all followed after.

First, a group mission. Second, The Elder makes a rare appearance, in the flesh. Third, Axrael's uncharacteristic behaviour. And now, this ominous gate...

Without averting his gaze from the swirling portal, Zexal's steeled eyes narrowed.

"Xanthe, stay close..." he instructed the Replica in a solemn tone. "I have a bad feeling about this."

The moment Zexal stepped through the portal, he felt a sharp chill seep into his bones. The group wandered through a sea of darkness, the endless void punctuated only by transient flickers of dappled light.

Out of nowhere, obscure household objects began to appear from the nothingness, floating unnaturally around them. A cracked teapot drifted by, followed by an ancient clock ticking away the silence. Zexal’s eyes darted around, taking in the bizarre scene with wary curiosity. Suddenly, a birdcage was conjured in front of him, its gilded bars gleaming faintly in the not-light. He grabbed the rails and tossed the cage aside, the clattering sound swallowed by the void.

Where are they all coming from? he wondered.

As they pressed on, a new light appeared in the distant darkness, a beacon that grew brighter and brighter the closer they got. And judging by The Elder's current course, that was their next destination. The light enveloped them, and in a blinding flash, they found themselves transported to a completely different world. Gone was the suffocating darkness, replaced by the vibrant forest unlike any they had seen before. They were surrounded by giant toadstools, towering above them with caps wide enough to shield against rain. Prismatic flowers bloomed all around, their petals shimmering with a fey glow. Some of these flowers bore the eerie visage of Venetian masks, their hollow eyes greeting the newcomers with unsettling expressions.

This time, Zexal performed a quick headcount, albeit, his primary concern was whether or not his creation was still amongst them. Unlike Axrael, he would not allow her to go missing. The man let out a sigh of relief when his eyes finally fell upon Xanthe's silver locks and met with her golden pearls. Thank goodness.

Only after confirming The Replica's presence, did The Scholar truly survey the peculiar surrounding landscape. "That whisper before we arrived here called this place Wonderland... Sounds about right."

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© weldherwings.
Last edited:


Oh it's The Elder, what a surprise! Xirene frowned.

She suspected that their leader would be watching them, but he didn't seem like the type of person to make a guest appearance. Did he not trust the group to defeat the Heartless in Daybreak Town? While there had certainly been some...struggles today, it was not as though Organization IX constantly failed their missions. Xirene turned to The Keyblade Wielder, waiting for a response.

Maybe it was her bad for not blasting the heartless into submission, but apprehension was not something Xirene expected out of Axrael. He was a meathead with the constitution of an Arendellian child. She could understand if they were fighting a stronger Heartless, but something this small ought to be a simple task. Xirene would have liked to say she could do better, but alas, they lacked the righteousness required to wield such a weapon.

They cared little for the triumph that followed after The Elder forced Axrael's hand; they found far more interest in the portal that manifested behind their leader. Was it a test? A new world perhaps? Or was The Elder finally going to let them see Kingdom Hearts? Xirene shivered at its unsettling aura, but stepped through nonetheless.

The area around him disappeared, replaced by an odd nothingness. He was neither happy nor sad and neither lonely nor loved. He barely felt a shift in temperature. Twinkles of light kept the space from being entirely dark, but they were closer to pinholes than stars.

Idly, he wondered if this was what death was like.

Whether it was twenty seconds or twenty minutes, the group finally exited and to his delight, this world was a strange, strange place. This was not a world that obeyed the laws of physics, but one of splendor and whimsy. Silhouettes of unopened furniture, armoires, and...was that a special edition tea set from Traverse Town? Flowers with faces, oversized toadstools, and even technicolor wildlife made them question their senses.

Wonderland, indeed, Xirene thought with a grin.

He hung back for a second, gesturing for Dauxine and Axiron look at one of the surlier-looking flowers.

"Do you think they talk?"

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© weldherwings.


An impassive gaze shifted between the quivering antennae of the Heartless to the coastline trapped within a perpetual cycle of escape and return. Had she been more of a more sentimental persona, her mind might have waxed philosophical about how the waves reflected a Nobody’s fate of chasing after the shadow of their former self only to inevitably return to their starting point, but the young woman merely leaned upon her axe impatiently as the group awaited the arrival of the Keyblade Wielder.

Her eyes flicked towards The Scholar, then down to the subtle glow of magic swirling around the axis of his arm. Keenly aware of his habits and ever-so-eager to be of aid to her benefactor, Xanthe straightened up, using the slightest of movements to lift her weapon a few inches above where its head had been digging into the dirt. Enough to prepare herself to launch into a swing should the little rat of a shadow dare attempt an escape but not so much to call attention to herself.

Neither would be able to make their move when the impasse was broken by the arrival of a seldom seen figure heralded by a voice that hung heavily in the air, raising the hairs on Xanthe’s neck until it eventually ebbed and died down. It was The Elder: the enigma shrouded within the uncertainties of the night and none of the tranquility she sought when meditating within her element. Before the young woman could shuffle a step closer to The Scholar to ease her discomfort, The Elder issued a command to the man standing behind him, ushering the organization’s key player to fulfill his duty.

Oh, it was the Keyblade Wielder.

The boisterous loudmouth whose vocal cords were likely the strongest muscles in his body was uncharacteristically quiet, drawing a parallel to the peculiarity of the situation—both The Elder’s appearance and the pathetic display of the Heartless. Strange or not, the degree of irritation drawn on Xanthe’s face grew as he bumbled around and partook in a wishy-washy exchange between The Kingpin, The Elder, and himself.

What a drag…
she thought, managing to catch herself before any of her thoughts leaked and threw oil into the fire. Something wrong? What did he suppose they do then, let it go and allow the damned thing to scamper along on its merry way? She doubted the righteous man would find consolation if The Scholar scooped it up for one of his experiments, either.

Though she bore no sympathy for whatever conflicts plagued the mind of the Keyblade Wielder, something about the manner in which The Elder literally forced his hand made her stomach stir. Something about the entire situation unnerved her with the way a gradual chill had crept over the group, whether it be the utter stillness evoked by the act or the void that ripped through the fabric of space where the Heartless had once stood.

she whispered with a nod in response to The Scholar’s stern warning and instruction. She quickly learned that she didn’t need his reminder when she stepped into the dark abyss, the sensation feeling more akin to being pulled the moment the edge of her boot touched upon the entrance of the swirling vortex. Chairs, tables, and couches all of incongruous designs lacking in harmony of colors and patterns accompanied their descent, sticking close but largely remaining just out of her reach. As she made her way through the void, she felt weightless, the kind that stirred up her anxiety that something would go terribly wrong if she tarried for too long rather than bring her the relief of breathing easier.

Thus, hurry she did, scarcely making out a hushed voice welcoming them in broken words.

What greeted their eyes at the end of the twisted dimension was a jarring caricature of a garden fitted with flowers whose heads rivaled the size of a human’s and toadstools that towered far above them.

A slender finger bound in black leather crept towards one of the flowers decorating the cobbled path, warily flinching back a centimeter away from the strange face nestled between its petals. A faint frown marred its face as it slumbered, and the rhythmic shake of its petals simulated a cycle of inhales and exhales. Curiosity soon got the better of The Replica, drawing her hand close once again, this time giving it a light poke before gaining the confidence to trace a gentle stroke down its cheek. No doubt irritated by the woman’s prodding, the flower creased its brows angrily and bared its teeth, though it stubbornly refused to open its eyes. One slap with the leaf growing adjacent to its head was enough to shove the offending hand away, and the grumpy plant returned to its slumber.

The owner of the hand flicked it in the air twice and returned back to her spot by The Scholar.

“It’s stronger than expected, though at least they don’t bite,”
she said, unabashed for heckling and getting on the bad side of one of the creatures of the strange realm within a minute of arrival.

The Replica turned to The Kingpin out of feigned respect, though it was made clear by her proximity to The Scholar that her next question wasn’t aimed at their leader alone.
“Our directives are…?”

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© weldherwings.


Axrion remained ready, waiting for any sign of hostility. A hunter awaiting danger with their bow drawn, but there was no monster walking among the shadows– all they could hear were the waves crashing against the rocky shore of the lighthouse. Nothing? Nothing. They were still in this moment. Xirene called for Axrael but to no avail. Even as the other members finally caught up the heartless remained cornered, remained trembling. Why would a hostile creature bent on consuming hearts act like a coward? Elijah had relayed pools of ominous black liquid had appeared all over the docks. Where were the other heartless? There was supposed to be a plague of heartless in this world; however, all Axiron saw was a single, solitary creature cornered. Further calls for Axrael fell on deaf ears, only the crashing waves gave a response. The longer they had their bow drawn at the heartless the more something in their soul pulled at them to stop. This wasn’t right. There was no monster here, just a trembling, cowardice, scared creature. This hunter was no longer aiming at a monster but a scared fawn. As the waves settled and the water became still something emerged from the dark. They immediately focused on the new emerging threat. It was the Elder– an entity with an uncanny connection to a darkness beyond shadow, a lightless void. Weapons started to lower one by one as the Elder spoke except for Axrion. They kept their bow fully drawn aimed at the darkness lingering on the Elder’s form. The keyblade wielder emerged from the void after the Elder. It was off-putting to see a wielder of light walk in the footsteps of a void wielding enigma. The Elder’s praise fell on their deaf ears. Deja Vu rang throughout their body as the Elder barked the command for the keyblade wielder to strike the defenseless heartless. They pulled harder at the fully drawn arrow on reflex, imbuing the string and arrow with gravity. Pulling the weapon beyond its maximum inorder to handle this enormous threat. Axrael was also hesitant on striking the heartless down. Saying aloud what all the other nobodies thought: this wasn’t right. An emissary of light couldn’t ruthlessly strike down something defenseless. This heartless was an innocent in this war of hearts. Despite being unwilling to strike. Despite physically vocalizing this aversion to striking something innocent. Despite it all the Elder forced his hand onto the keyblade, wielding it in junction with Axrael. Time crawled forward as the keyblade was forcibly raised into the air. As it swung down with power into the heartless. Rage. Waves crashed, roaring against the stone shore of the lighthouse. Rage. That’s all Axiron could feel and hear as the heartless was slain. Only a solidary pink heart remained. The keyblade, a symbol of hope and light and the organization’s cure to the heartless plague was forced to strike something so scared and defenseless. The keyblade is a weapon to the Elder, and a weapon maims regardless of who wields it. This demonstration of domination was a stark reminder that the Elder was leagues beyond the other organization members– a king among his pawns. Axiron kept their aim and focus on the Elder as the man cradled the fruits of his violence, lifting the heart into the air. Their focus narrowed onto the Elder causing tunnel vision. It was unclear if the heart ascended into the air, to join Kingdom Hearts, or was used to fuel the growing darkness. Were the pools of black shadows Elijah referenced caused by the supposed plague of heartless the Elder mentioned or the Elder himself? Darkness continued to grow until a portal into the void appeared.

The Elder seemed content with the show of domination, walking through the portal created from the brutal aftermath. That portal into the void was more ominous than the Elder himself; or, maybe it was better to say that ominous void was a manifestation of the Elder himself. Axiron kept their gravity active and their arrow drawn as the Elder melded into the portal. One by one the other members started to walk through it. Following in the Elder’s footsteps into the lightless null. How could their loyalty be unwavering after such a display of immoral domination? Were the others’ desire to regain those lost hearts that strong? Or did the others accept the gap in power and decide to obey? Axiron couldn’t accept nor sympathize with any of those explanations– at the very least, they could understand those potential motives. One by one the others melded into that void until they were left alone. Arrow still drawn. Gripping their weapon so tightly their fingers were damaged. That ringing rage died down as they stood alone on the shore. The roaring waves died down to gentle crashes. Slowly they released their hold on the arrow until the string was loose with slack. If regaining their heart meant losing all sense of morality then Kingdom Hearts could keep it. Axrion was content with being two-thirds complete if it meant this war had no innocent casualties. They returned the arrow into the quiver, reformed the weapon into its default state, and put it on their back. They had half a mind to leave the others in the footsteps of the Elder. To stay in Daybreak Town and investigate the alleged heartless outbreak. Would that give them the answers they seeked? What would happen to the others if the Elder was left unchecked. That null portal remained fully formed, fully opened. Awaiting the ninth member to walk through its arch. The truth was Axrion knew too little about the situation to act. Knew nothing about the Elder other than the man had ulterior motives and unwavering authority. Could it even be the truth that they were afraid to follow? They looked out to the sandy shore beyond the docks, beyond the rocky shore of the lighthouse. As they stared absentmindedly at the waves their feet began to move– with every new wave another must go. With a fiery will empowered by rage they courageously marched through the waiting portal. The null void lacked any light and dulled their senses. In the expansive void their eternal flame of will lighted the way. Guiding them through an expansive deprivation domain. The Elder was a man of shallow, shiny words. This deprivation null spoke more about the man then any words could. A being void of life and light stuck in the pursuit of becoming whole. This utter isolation and loneliness was the consequences that came with the tunnel-vision focus on power. Axiron marched on in unwavering courage. There was an end to this null, they could feel it. The void started to twist and contort with variations of darkness. These variations took form of objects from a lucid reality. Darkness shattered to an abstract portrayal of a sunset– a stark opposite to the subtle permanent sunrise of Daybreak Town. Null void was broken by colossal toadstools that towered like coast redwoods. Towering over a crystal clear river that divided the lucid forest. Shadows started to twist and turn into various faces with a set of ever curious yellow eyes. Axiron stepped out of the Elder’s nightmare into a world that blended dreams and reality. Their steadfast focus in front of them snapped to the sight at the cryptic whispers swirling up above into a rabbithole. ‘Welcome to Wonderland’ echoed in their mind from a playful, mischievous voice. Axrion quickly joined the other nobodies in Wonderland.

Given that all nine nobodies were together under the toadstools this wasn’t a lucid dream but another world. Everyone seems equal parts amused and confused at the new location. A seamless blend of dream and reality. Before the nobodies stood a labyrinth of a forest dwarfed by the colossal toadstools. The colors from the abstract sunset were mirrored on the forest floor and in the foliage. The forest was filled with plants brimming with life. Some plants seemed rather normal, they were just oddly sized. Some ferns that were typically only a few inches tall stood proudly at a few feet. This forest wasn’t expansive and repeating like normal woods; rather, it was organized like a man-made labyrinth. Several paths were before the nobodies, but it was anything but easy to map. The forest canopy was made by toadstool caps letting trickles of light like vibrant fauvism paintings. Shadows danced just out of sight, constructing and deconstructing common household items and furniture. Zexal was the first to respond, repeating that this place was Wonderland. So everyone here could hear the whispers through the woods. Down the rabbithole and into Wonderland. Axiron looked over to Xirene as she asked if the flowers could talk. Xanthe was on the same train of thought, examining the flowers’ faces closely. The moment the replica touched the flower’s face it instinctively responded and smacked the latter’s hand away with a grumble. They wouldn’t describe it like a venus flytrap clamping down on a fly. If the flowers could talk, well, that was a potential explanation for all why these woods whispered. “They seem to have personalities.” Axiron replied to Xirene, bending down on one knee in front of a faced flower. Making sure to bend down lower than the flower’s face– like a common folk kneeling in front of royalty. Following the theme of this Wonderland, a lucid dream made reality. “Pardon us, I’m sorry for bothering you. May you tell us where we are?” Axiron asked the flower politely. Making sure to keep a good amount of personal space as to not further bother the blooming rose.

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© weldherwings.


Leox feeling the urgency to find everyone, as they were not gathered at the dock started to run to where he thought everyone would be. As he was running around to fin them, he spotted Zexal, to which Leox sighed in relief as he soon found everyone. When Leox jogged over to where everyone was, he instantly sensed something was wrong and he glanced at the keyblade holder, who was shivering and saw Axrael's expression to that of which Leox did not recognize, fear and hesitation. Perplexed by this, Leox slowed to a walk and was heading towards his direction but stopped when he saw the Elder grab Axrael's arm and cut down the Heartless in front of him. This shocked Leox as he has never seen Elder force anyone to do anything. Leox started to shake in place, arm around his shoulder and breath in short bursts. He looked over in the direction of the Elder in hopes what he saw was not real, but to his horror, saw Axrael still distraught only to confirm what he just saw was in fact real. Leox felt someone poke his side to which Leox looked over only to realize it was Dauxine. The sight of Dauxine next to him made him calm down and something about her comforted him.

Leox collected himself and rejoined with the group, still a bit dazed with what happened but quickly forgot as he saw a portal of some sort leading to what seems like some dark unkown area. Leox started to shiver a little as he felt something off and was hesitant to walk through as he saw everyone slowly going through it. Leox hesitantly walking through the portal, noticed everything was dark, but noticed the cobble road was clean and almost as if it was just recently made. Leox also noticed some flowers but also noticed Xanthe looking down at some and about to pick one. The sight of Xanthe getting slapped by a flower made Leox laugh out loud but he quickly composed himself, hoping Xanthe didn't hear him laughing. Leox also saw Xanthe running back to her spot, next to the Scholar to which almost sneered but he was left behind by the group so ran and caught up and walked besides Dauxine. He turned to Dauxine and handed her a piece of bread he had in his pocket and quickened his pace after in hopes Dauxine didn't see him with his stupid smile while blushing.

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© weldherwings.
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It was headfirst that she fell.

With the rate of her descent, Dauxine's pink hair nearly left a trailed afterimage in the dim tunnel through which they all fell. All assortments of furniture from what seemed to have come from a combination of all the worlds she'd before visited passed her, suspended in the still air. On one, she even bumped one of her temples, leaving her to cradle it for the rest of her fall. It was nearly miraculously that she slowed enough for her organization's coat to balloon like a dress. Like they were all seeds in the wind, it was peacefully that they finally came to a landing in cool, soft patches of grass.

Each stirred to their eventual stand, taking in their surroundings & Dauxine was no different. It was with her staff that she hoisted herself up & with it that she poked & prodded the gravel & dirt below so as to ground herself. Like it were too much to take in all at once, the pink-haired woman kept her chin tucked & head down while others investigated, only stealing glances from the mountainous mushrooms & outlandish people-faced flowers. When Xirene gestured for her attention, Dauxine lifted her head only in time to catch sight of Xanthe's reprimanding from one of the flowers. At the sight, she stiffened & took too steeling herself behind Xirene.

Quietly, she said, "That still doesn't answer whether or not they speak... Should we ask them for directions? Though..." Dauxine's words began to trail away as her eyes fell to the stem that planted each flower, "Saying that aloud, I'm not sure if they're able to move about much."

The urge to ask if the blossoms had caught sight of their masked leader stung at the tip of the woman's tongue. Just as she might've been about to, it was Leox to momentarily curb the attempt to do so. At the gracious offering of something familiar in an environment that was anything but, Dauxine beamed wide enough to form crow's feet. Like it were something precious, she'd hold the bit of bread close to her person. Every so often & particularly when her colleagues spoke up, Dauxine—like it were a bucket of popcorn—would rip off pieces to busy her mouth with & dart her head between conversing parties.

It was when there was none left that the reality of their situation became apparent. As though she'd been struck with dread, Dauxine's idle expression comically fell into one of gentle panic. With a shrillness to her tone, she nearly gasped, "We lost The Elder."

As though her legs had given out from under her, Dauxine fell to crouch with one arm to hug her knees & the other hand to rest a thumb between teeth. Through it, she muttered at the pebbles—even those appearing otherworldly. Did they have dots for eyes? Was it just her imagination?—below her, "What if he gets mad at all of us..? First, the heart & now this... Maybe we just stay here."

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© weldherwings.


The ill dark spread feverish across everything he saw. There was nothing; only the confirm that Xathos felt on the soles of his boots as he treaded unassailable shadow along with the rest.

Swallowed—walking in the winding gullet of a void that screamed eternal, he couldn't even see where he was to go, nor his own feet carrying him. He dared not stray from his initial direction, his jaw clenching tight as he willed himself onward. There was something coiling in the recesses of his gut, and one that extinguished whatever flame it carried for dull, aching cold.

Doubt? An inkling of it, sure, yet its bite cragged deep. His own voice came in wisps, accompanying his side in lieu of prior company. A certain envy pricked his chest as he saw the wielder alongside the Elder, primed for the last blow. Yet this jealousy, too, grew pale. Why did he hesitate? Why did . . . he look like that?

It was unlike his rival. In that moment, he was not the man he had been. There was something in the water; something he did not know. Did Axrael? Did the Elder?

Before the sovereign had managed the wherewithal to even begin making sense of it, his right foot fell and so did his left until all of him did.

All came cascading in his descent, as if the sky had opened its maw to embrace him. Hair and garment alike would billow freely into the sparse night as Xathos fought to regain his posture, the few beginnings of loose light and the arrival of wayward furniture audience to his struggles. In the hollow abyss, winds whipped his figure howling their own pieces against the man. It felt like words, no, they were.

Wonderland met Xathos with a radiance that the heartless received with a landing that felt too gentle for how he had plummeted. To his credit, he had only one knee down, supported by a palm when he felt the down of grassblades about him. Cool pose, he'd commend himself. As simple as that, his concerns were dispelled.

Taking it upon himself to trudge the first few steps among the group in the bizarre plane they had found themselves in, Xathos took in the lunacy of the world. Talking flowers, how novel! Brusque ones at that, seeing how cruelly they had rebuked Xanthe. "Faultless little things!" He laughed drolly, standing beside the replica and the scholar—heedless, no doubt, of how welcome he was to the conversation. "Even flowers need their rest, I suppose."

Leaning back, hands aside his hips to shoot Dauxine a reassuring look. "As for us, the Elder's absence is all the more proof that we do not." Smiling brighter now, keen to make the most of this opportunity to prove himself once more, he sets his eyes on his brethren by his side then to Valyrixis. "We press on posthaste. We've strength, captain, yes?"

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© weldherwings.

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