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Fandom Left 4 dead RP


Junior Member
I am not too familiar with Left 4 Dead, never even played it, but I do have enough information to want to Role Play something. This involves Hunters and Humans, and how the Hunters have some "humanity" return to them (I put that in quotations because I didn't know if that was the right word.). So, an explanation on my idea, well, I want it to be about this family that turns into hunters, except for one child. This child lives (not really child, teens maybe.) in a safe haven town, thinking that his whole family has died or became a hunters. One day, a hunter comes to the outer edge of the safe town and is captured. They study the hunter and find out that their brains are healing. The hunter was able to understand words, and even managed to write letters and speak a few words. The hunter tells them (to the best of his abilities) that there is this weird family of hunters who have stuck together. This intrigues the safe town higher ups and want to  bring them in for study. The hunter gives a general description of the family, and the high ups roll with it. They look up the description on a database for missing family members and the child's description of his missing family matches the lone hunter's description of the hunter family. The meet with the child and ask if he'd be willing to risk seeing them, and he agrees. They also let the lone hunter go back to where the hunters had gathered, to relay the message to all the hunters and specifically the hunter family. And an agreement is made to let the child and the hunter family talk again. 

I will give the specifics like the last name, names in general (First name can be up to you.), if anyone shows interest. 

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