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Learning New Things ((Closed))


New Member
"Charlotte! Charlotte are you awake yet? Do you even know what time it is?" A shrill voice cut through Charlie's sound sleep like a knife to butter. Charlie groaned and pushed the pillows against her ears but of course, nothing can sound proof her mother. "I am getting up, mother! I'm twenty one! I can sleep till whenever I want!" She yelled, sitting up and rubbing her tired face with her hands. "You will not do that under my roof, you here me? Move out like your brother did and sleep your life away!" Her mother yelled back and then came the stomping noises from her stomping down the stairs. Charlie swung her feet off of her bed and sighed, looking out her window as the sun shone brightly in. Her hand shot back and grabbed her phone, looking at the screen she only saw one message. Hey butthead, have lunch with me. Charlie smiled at the text from her boyfriend, Mark. They had been dating for a year now and he treated her.. Okay. But she was addicted to routine and Mark was very protective and sometimes possessive. It scared her at times but she tried to over look it. Her brother, Thomas always hated him though, he couldn't stand to even be in the same room as Mark. See you at Sunny's at 12. Charlie sent back, Sunny's was a very local breakfast place in town that she always found herself at. She finally stood up, her toes digging into the carpet as she looked towards her closet. She settled for just black jeans and a loose white shirt. After showering, she changed and then ran her fingers through her unruly hair until she was satisfied. Slipping on some flats before she left her room, she closed her door and walked swiftly down the stairs.

"Morning Daddy." She called as she passed the living room. Her father was always in the same spot everyday, in the recliner with the remote in his hand and a beer in the other. Charlie rounded the corner and there was her mother, it was like she was just waiting for her to finally walk downstairs. "Hello Charlotte, thank you for finally getting your lazy self out of that cave of yours." Charlie rolled her eyes and walked around her to grab an apple, "You know mother, I just don't see why you care so much. I don't see you down Thomas's damn throat every second he breathes." Her mother, Laura just shook her head, "You are truly the most dramatic person I have ever met. I am attempting but clearly failing at modeling you into the perfect woman!" Charlie scoffed, "perfect? There is no such thing, mother! And if you are some how channeling this towards somehow you being the so called perfect woman, then you need your head examined." She walked passed her mother to grab her keys and her purse, then opened the front door. "Where do you think you're going, Charlotte?!" Her mother wailed and Charlie continued to walk out the door, "going to buy drugs mother, want any?" she joked and got straight into her car. It was the usual routine they had, argue in the morning, then separate, then argue and sometimes fight in the evening and then do it all over again! It was even more of a spectacle when Thomas was there too! Her old car groaned as she turned it on and backed out of the driveway quickly.

Sunny's was only a couple minutes away and she was there in no time at all. Mark was already there, drinking his coffee. "Hey" she called once she walked inside, leaning down to kiss his cheek. Mark just sipped his coffee, "thanks for not ordering for me, you know what I get dork." She told him with a laugh as she took her seat across from him. Mark wasn't looking at her and she followed his eyes to the waitress's butt. Charlie cleared her throat and Mark finally made eye contact,"I didn't know if maybe you wanted to try something different. Why don't you give me a break, huh?" He snapped back and Charlie raised her eyebrows. "Hey, I just got here and you are being really rude." She snapped back, which led to Mark trying to smooth things over. It was another routine she had, just like the one she had with her mother. Everything was a routine. Mark continued to make shaky eye contact with her and casual conversation, but Charlie's mind started to wander. How could she have put up with this man for so long? And what is truly stopping her from leaving him? The yellow, blue, black spots around her wrists and ribcage were a clue. But those were hidden very secretly. It was a secret she couldn't tell to anyone. Not even her best friends, or even her brother. She checked her phone that was in her lap and sipped at her coffee that she had finally ordered, the same coffee she always ordered every time she came.  

"What are you doing after this?" Mark piped up after ten minutes of just sitting there while her boyfriend checked out girls. Charlie shrugged, "not sure, I might go see Thomas. I have the day off today." Mark nodded and then she could see him thinking, "Come with me, I was going to go shopping for a new car and need you there." Charlotte laughed and shook her head, "no thanks." She replied, looking out the window. "Fine, you are missing out though." He told her as he stood up. "See ya" He said and then walked swiftly out of the diner, not without smiling at the waitress though. Charlie the realized that he left her with the check. She left money on the table and ran out after him,"real smooth Mark. Leaving your girlfriend with the check and then checking the waitress out right before you leave? Classy, really Mark. I think to myself everyday why I haven't left you yet." Charlie practically yelled, causing a slight scene. Mark scoffed a bit and walked up to her, "Honey" He said sweetly and then grasped her hand tightly, the other arm wrapping around her waist and pushing her against his chest like they were hugging. His mouth pressed against her lips and he hissed,"You can't leave me, you're my girl. You are the one for me, you hear me? Your parents love me, and I'm rich. What more do you want?" he said and Charlie winced from his nails digging into her."Don't get too brave, Charlie.. You will probably regret it." Then he let go of her and jogged to his convertible. Charlie was breathing heavy and was shaking slightly as she just stood in place. Tears boiled up in her eyes as she watched Mark peel out of the parking lot and down the street, probably to another girls house. She walked to her car and quickly got in, driving straight to someone whom she knew would make her happy, her brother.


The alarm was blaring as Thomas peeled his eyes open. His head was banging as he smacked his phone until the beeping stopped. He rolled over to find a girl there, one who he did not recognize. He made a disgruntled face and got swiftly out of bed, his head was instantly worse as he stumbled to the shower. He was living at his best friend, Jacob's apartment until he could get one of his own. There was a party last night and all Thomas could remember was he fell a lot. He looked down at his bruised knees and shins. He was a very clumsy drunk. Thomas ran his fingers through his hair and showered, then got out and changed. When he got back to his bedroom, the girl was gone. One night stands were not a strange thing when it came to Thomas and parties. He could never be in a relationship. He checked his phone but there was nothing, so he pulled on his shoes and headed straight to work. Thomas worked at the local record shop, he was head manager there and pretty happy about it. The shop was only a five minute walk so he chose walking over driving and wasting gas. He was pretty proud of himself for sticking to one job and actually getting promotions. It was very unlike him to settle on one thing, that's why he dropped out of college a year ago. It just wasn't for him.

"Hey man, thanks for filling in for me. The wife is just going nuts about these birthing classes." His coworker Jimmy explained and Thomas laughed, patting his friend on the back. "No worries man, I'm just a tad bit hungover, nothing to worry about here." He then grabbed the stool that was behind the counter and sat down, slipping his sunglasses over his eyes. His eyes got super sensitive when he was hungover. Jimmy just shook his head and laughed,"Alright, thanks again boss!" Thomas waved and then sighed, looking around the shop behind the dark glasses. The store had a few people in there but not many. The weekends were more packed. Records and record players were making a come back. Thomas's mind wandered to his sister, he knew that she would still be asleep and then their mother would come and yell through the door. He smiled just at the memories of all the bickering and yelling. He never knew how Charlie could just sit there and take in all of that crap. He couldn't and that's why he high tailed the hell out of there. Nothing really made sense to him about his sister, she was a hard cookie to crack. But his love for her was very strong. His phone buzzed and he checked it, it was the mystery girl that was in his bed this morning! He just deleted the message and got his hands busy by organizing papers that were laying on the counter.

The bells rang, signifying that there was a new customer that walked inside and Thomas looked up from the paper work to see his sister. "Charlie!" He gasped, hopping off the stool and straight to her, twirling her around. "What are you doing here? You aren't working or slaving over that dumb boyfriend of yours?" Charlie laughed and shook her head,"Nope, no work and no stupid boyfriend. I just thought that I would come and say hi since I don't want to go home. You know tonight is family dinner, right?" His sister asked and Thomas groaned. Their mother always tried to have one scheduled dinner every week, and she only liked to talk about herself during these dinners of course. But their father came to the dinner table, so he went for him."I'll be there, you know I will." He told her and ruffled her hair like she was a little girl again. "Hey have you heard anything from, Jacob?" Thomas asked, wondering why Jacob wasn't at the apartment when he woke up and wandered the house. "Not sure, haven't heard anything from him." Charlie replied with a shrug.

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