(League of Legends) Scary Tales of being rekt.


The Default Choice
I was once chanced by Skarner in the jungle with my ADC, he was ulted and taken away from me. We were so close to tower, but Skarner was too fast for me to respond before my ADC was dead in moments. Skarner can scar you. So my question is, what in League of Legends can be or has been terrifying?
I once tilted so bad, that I got demoted three tiers down, from D2 to D4. Never did a whole day elo grind again.
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As a warwick that connected 2 minutes in game, i was forced to watch in terror as our Swain went 0-5 before i even hit level 5 then watched as the culprit, the oriana, proceeded to move bot and give the enemy Draven kills to begin HIS snowball... meanwhile J4 counter jungles and just proceeds to ruin my life... and i hadn't even hit 6 yet. Get rekt me.
Back in season 1, if any of you were around then, the jungle had so many bushes that everybody wished they could have a hunter's machete (Unfortunately, it didn't exist back then).
Rengar. Holy. Nope. I can not deal with his ult. It terrifies the life out of me.

I don't know what's worse - Rengar ult near you so you live in fear of him choosing to jump on you, OR when you have no idea Rengar ulted and you just sit farming krugs and don't notice the warning. I can not deal with that.

Eve is just annoying for the same reason. Doesn't have the same scare factor though.

I'm pretty much tilted when I see either of them. The champions themselves are fine, it's just their stealth that literally terrifies me. Plus, the horrific tales of the enemy Rengar vs your team's Rengar is enough to put the fear of God in anyone.

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