League Of Legends, anyone?


I'm your dead girl walking
Hello everyone o/

Since you've clicked on this thread I guess you're one of many League players, aren't you?

I'm creating this thread in hope of finding some nice and funny people to play League with, since most of the community is... well, not so nice, eh?

I, myself, don't judge anyone and am not "in it to win it". I just enjoy doing the stupidest things, and tbh, I'm not very good at the game in general x)

So if you're someone who doesn't rage/flame and just generally enjoy League, be it by trying out the weirdest/most stupid builds, or what ever, doesn't matter what rank you're in, feel free to add me on there and invite me to games. Hopefully I can find 4 more people, who are just as funny and weird, who'd enjoy doing bs together ! :3

If you want to add me, ask me over PM for further information! :3

Cya out there! :3
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Hey Capricornus! I'll add you next time I'm on if the option is still out there. I know a few others who play League regularly so, you can always join us as well!

I'm not at a computer capable of running League right now, but when I do I'll try and remember to add you.
Ugh. I barely escaped that place alive. It took years of tears and about a hundred dollars, but I did it. And no one can drag me back. I'm not going back. I'm not. Going. Back.

Well, it's been a long time since I last played League, but this might be fun enough for me to be back. I'll add you as soon as League finishes updating (and probably after 30 or so minutes as I look at the characters so I can try to remember what each of them did).
This makes me want to play again. >_<

I used to play religiously and I was the 'in it to win it' type. But I stopped playing after I joined RPN. :3
Heh... Personally I spend way too much time playing league, which is part of the reason I joined RPN (just yesterday, rip my newbie soul).

I main support, then jungle, but I can play any lane well enough to fill. I've actually been looking for a dedicated ranked team, but I'm 100% for just messing about in norms. My ign is alabastereagle
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League is like my second life. I do play ranked, but not all the time. If I'm not ranking I'm more carefree and settle about the game, since I'm not getting demoted or anything. I main support and adc, I love ap supports ,but not very big on just straight tank.
League is my life. Every single day after school, I play league. Which is bad. But anyways, what servers are you guys on? I was in the SEA server but now Im in OCE (being in Australia). I main mid and ADC, but I can pretty much play anything :P Looking forward to play with you guys!

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