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Futuristic Lazarus: C.S.

Sakura Seoul

Half Breed
C.S. Guideline

Add more information to any section of the character sheet if you’d like, but all fields below must be completed for a character to be considered. Feel free to add BBCode to your post, too. Any volunteers who want to create a fancy BBCode that follows the theme of the RP (futuristic feel) will be greatly appreciated!

***Character application doesn’t guarantee approval.***

(If the character comes across as immature, one dimensional, or incomplete, they will most likely be denied.)

Basic Information
Occupation: (Before the supernova)
Gender Role: (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?)
Height: (In feet and inches)
Hair Color and Style:
Hair Texture: (thick, thin, wiry, smooth, wavy, curly, etc.)
Facial Hair: (If applicable)
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out)
Body Type: (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?)
Posture: (How does your character present themselves? Ex: Stiff, slouchy, suggestive)
Gait: (The speed and style which how your character moves)

Note: Please do not list sexual orientation. Romance is okay (follow RPNation’s terms of service) but it isn’t the central point of the story. Character development is what I’d like us to focus on. That being said, sexual orientation should be discovered within the roleplay itself.)

Back Story: (Just a simple overview. The actual roleplay should reveal your character’s history as they get to know one another. Please be sure to have your character’s personal history already planned before the start of the roleplay though.)
Coming Of Age: (When and how did your character "grow up"?)
Religion/Beliefs: (Is your character religious? If not, why not? If they are, then how religious? Does s/he believe in fate or destiny? Is s/he superstitious?)
Morals: (What does your character find morally right or wrong?)

Behavior & Attitude
General Personality: (In a nutshell, what is s/he like? Again, this should be something that we discover as the roleplay progresses. As with their personal history, please also be sure to have your character’s personality already planned before the start of the roleplay.)
Temperament: (Ex: Choleric/Sanguine/Melancholic/Phlegmatic)
Mannerisms Or Gestures: (Any nervous ticks or unconscious habits your character might have. Ex: Nail biting, crosses arms, or twirls hair)
Flaws: (Refers to negative personality traits, not a weakness. Make sure it's a deep flaw that could actually affect your character, not something trivial like "She can't dance". [Ex: Lies constantly, socially backwards, hot-tempered])
Sense Of Humor: (Dark/dry/witty/sarcastic/dirty/childish/sophisticated/ironic)
Pet Peeves: (Similar to dislikes, only more relating to human behavior than specific objects. Ex: When people tap on things or when people say "You're not fat!" when you really are)
Perception: (How does your character generally see the world?)
Soft Spot: (Their vulnerability, what they feel sorry for or have particularly good feelings toward)
Cruel Streak: (What makes a character act against their usual morals, and act especially mean?)
Basic Information
Name: Henry Williams Parksway
Age: 35
Occupation: Robotics Engineer
Gender Role: Masculine
Height: 6'1"
Hair Color and Style: Black hair simply parted from right to left with loose strands pointing outwards at places.
Hair Texture: Thick
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Dark brown
Complexion: Normal
Skin Tone: Fair
Distinguishing Features: Has rather thin eyebrows. Left eye has been replaced with a cybernetic that is easily discernible. Always has a white smart watch strapped to his left arm.
Body Type: Endomorph
Posture: Stands stiff upwards with a tilt of the head forward. Tends to alternate pressure from the left to right leg, creating an uneven appearance.
Gait: Fast walk.

Back Story: Has a master's degree in robotics engineering and worked for a research-based company focusing on the control and weapons systems of various machinery.

Coming Of Age: Growing up on Earth, Henry spent most of his youth with his parents. Influenced by his father, who was an electrical engineer, Henry focused on studying and discovering subjects that were generally above what children of his age group would be interested in. It wasn't a surprise to anyone for him to later graduate with a graduate's degree in robotics.

Religion/Beliefs: Atheist.

Morals: Has a firm belief in that as long as an action is justified in the end, it is morally right to act upon it. Also believes in that an action is morally right as long as the actor is comfortable in also receiving it. Finally, believes in a fair trade and loathes the idea of scamming a person and hates the idea of thievery.

Behavior & Attitude
General Personality: Has a personality that can be described as keep it simple and keep it to yourself.

Temperament: Choleric

Mannerisms Or Gestures: Has a habit of snapping his fingers when making a point or is about to perform an action. Like stated in the posture section, tends to alternate from his left to his right leg. From time to time, he will move his fingers randomly as if he was stretching them. Finally, bites down on his teeth when insulted.

Flaws: Prideful, socially awkward, tends to be condescending, and tends to rely on first impressions heavily until proven otherwise.

Sense Of Humor: Believes in a dark sense of humor and finds irony a close second along with sarcasm.

Pet Peeves: Disapproves of using lazy forms of greeting and any vulgar language. Hates when people thank a higher being for something that was clearly done by someone else.

Perception: Believes that society itself is chaotic and requires an imposing government to maintain control. Has a favorable view towards the military and A.I. that center themselves with logical thinking.

Soft Spot: Has a soft spot for children, especially ones that are like him when he was young. Also adores "mini" drones or robots that are small in size and displays "personality".

Cruel Streak: When he perceives an event that is wrong to the core and believes it needs rectifying. In other words, if he discovers that a person mass-murdered a large number of innocent people, he believes in returning the favor in the cruelest way possible. Henry also loathes people that prey upon children and, irrationally, small drones and will exact cruel punishment.
Basic Information
Name: Richard James Abernathy
Age: 42
Occupation: Marketing Contractor
Gender Role: Slightly Masculine
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color and Style: Light brown slicked back with hair gel in an attempt to look professional and suave.
Hair Texture: Smooth
Facial Hair: Thin Goatee that is a lighter brown.
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Complexion: Normal
Skin Tone: Tan
Distinguishing features: Has a scar on the left side of his chin, and has no right arm.
Body Type: Mesomorph
Posture: Slouched forward when standing and sitting.
Gait: Limps all the time at normal walk speed.

Backstory: Companies give Richard contracts for help with selling their product, which he gets paid for afterwards. Recently, he was contracted with the marketing of RE-gen in suburban areas. Has been given many samples, which he has used all of; this will lead to major mutations later in his life. In fact, his missing right arm is the result of RE-gen; growths were appearing in it a while ago. Doctors thought the whole limb was infested with normal tumors, so they just operated the whole thing off. All this did was halt the mutations for some time in the rest of his body. Though, Richard's legs are starting to feel heavier lately, ending up with him limping in pain; Richard has to take painkillers every day now as a result.

Coming of Age: Richard was born on Earth in a lower middle class household; his family was sometimes short on money for things such as luxury items. As a child, he always wondered why toys weren't just sold for cheaper; it would make more sense. This lead to his seeking a marketing degree in college. After 6 nonconsecutive school years and multiple short term jobs, Richard achieved his masters and went out into the world for work.

Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic Atheist

Morals: Sees the world from a marketing perspective; if something is bad, it shouldn't be for society. This is demonstrated in his work, if a contract from a company that displays illegitimate practice or sells a straight up negative product, he will not help with it. (if only he had known the side effects of RE-gen). In a more societal setting, occurrences such as murder, criminal activity, spread of misinformation in the media has a negative impact on society, so Richard would be against such things.

Behavior & Attitude
General Personality: Maintains a professional attitude, even in casual settings. Though, he converses with people like an average person instead of a businessman.

Temperament: Recently, he has become bitter, thanks to the pain in his legs. When under the effects of painkillers , he is melancholic.

Mannerisms or Gestures: He tends to grab his shoulder stump when discussing serious, threatening matters; subconsciously forgetting there is no arm there. Sometimes, Richard will flinch too; in his lower body when the painkillers wear off, or in his upper body, where the cells begin to change little by little.

Flaws: Is a complete jerk when experiencing pain of any kind, most notably when not under the effects of the painkillers. Which he has to carry everywhere with him. Sometimes forgets names of two people if their names are similar or the people themselves look even a little alike. Won't usually stick his neck out for others either.

Sense of Humor: Rather enjoys the lighter stuff, random jokes and images (things similar to today's memes.)

Pet Peeves: Absolutely dislikes when someone is making poor decisions, especially in a deal of some kind. Tends to stay away from those that are arrogant and egotistical as well.

Perception: Is rather indifferent to the A.I., though, he is open to the possibility of them being the next step in evolution. Over time, he will come to despise himself a great deal, thanks to the marketing work he did for RE-gen.

Soft Spot: Has a soft spot for anyone in an underdog position, because of his childhood. Lower social classes, being put down unjustly by law enforcement, even the A.I. at times, can fall under this category.

Cruel Streak: If someone he finds out is immoral and actually deserves what's coming to them, Richard will want to help progress their downfall. Even if you're the underdog or have been dealt injustice prior. On a side note, Richard may also lash out vocally, depending on the severity of his pain at the time (if not taken pain killers).
Basic Information

Name: Eric Amon III
Age: 29
Occupation: Lieutenant in the World Order Military
Gender Role: Male/Masculine
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color and Style: Reddish blonde. Jarhead cut.
Hair Texture: His beard is full and wiry, as facial hair tends to be, while the hair on his head is course but cut so low its hard to notice.
Facial Hair: Full facial hair. Beard extends roughly 6" below his chin and is sporadically braided.
Eye Color: Light blue bordering on gray.
Complexion: Healthy, Pale, Freckled.
Skin Tone: White.
Distinguishing Features: Braids appear randomly throughout his beard in stark contrast to his immaculately kept haircut.
Body Type: Mesomorph with a wide rib-cage (chest/back).
Posture: Being ex-military he retains a stiff, upright, chest-out stance when standing but is prone to slouch heavily while seated.
Gait: His walk is very formal, straight, and imposing. This is mainly due to his military upbringing but is also partly due to his slow, meandering speed when walking alone with nowhere to be.


Back Story: Born to a military family, he has grown up under a strict rule of law. He attended military academies for as long as he can remember. His father, uncles, and most of his cousins were military and it was never a question for him as to whether or not he would enlist. It was his way of life and all he knew. After his dishonorable discharge and subsequent shunning from his family, however, he became severely depressed and took to drink. He has since partially recovered but still feels as though a part of his soul was ripped away. Thankfully he's no longer a drunk, but he does tend to keep a flask of whiskey on him. (There's quite a bit more to this, obviously, but there's an outline)
Coming Of Age: His father, uncles, and most of his cousins were military. His coming of age was joining the World Order and to this day, if asked, he would name it as one of the greatest moments in his life.
Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic. Non-religious upbringing. He doesn't spend time mulling it over and doesn't care.
Morals: He believes that the ends justify the means if it safeguards humanity. There is no cost to great to preserve the species, even if it meant destroying half the known universe. Just as well, all that which threatens humanity, even hypothetically, is evil and can be slaughtered without moral regret.

Behavior & Attitude

General Personality:
On the surface he is friendly, calm, and outgoing.
Temperament: Friendly and generally phlegmatic, but can get riled up. Just as well, he likes to drink, which brings out whatever emotions are settling in his mind at the time.
Mannerisms Or Gestures: Consciously avoids showing fear, but when under great duress he yawns and/or clears his throat. He likes to keep his hands busy and is often twirling sticks, pens, etc. in his fingers when idle.
Flaws: Hates any intelligent creature that is not human but has grown so accustomed to AI/Biobots he's made an unconscious exception. He has learned to hide this trait, but when given the chance to kill a member of an intelligent species other than human he takes it. This impulse being the reason for his dishonorable discharge.
Sense Of Humor: Corny, punny, sarcastic, and doesn't shy away from dark subject matter.
Pet Peeves: N/A. Easygoing.
Perception: He believes humanity to be above all other life forms and if another species has an intellect similar to or greater than that of humanity, then it's ok to kill them.
Soft Spot: Human children, especially little girls. He hasn't seen his daughters in years.
Cruel Streak: N/A. He hates non-human intelligence but, after his discharge, he's learned to temper his emotional outbursts... Mostly.

Basic Information
Age: 35
Occupation: Military shock-trooper.
Gender Role: A mix. (I don't know the terminology well at all.)
Height: 6'2
Hair Color and Style: N/A
Hair Texture: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Eye Color: Biotics keep a light-blue colour.
Complexion: Bone-white. Literally.
Skin Tone: N/A
Distinguishing Features: The entirety(Something unique that stands out)
The body itself is a mix of simplistic augmentations on outside observation, making them easier for field repairs and replacements. However, it comes with their oddities and doubts; the overall sight is intimidating, but the proportions are off - The shoulders are bulky and broad as broad can be, with hulking arms attached to a size anomalous to the shape of the body. The latter is leaner, though thick enough to hold all the parts that replace his internal workings. Naked, it is a series of mechanical and electronic locks that hold various shelves, doors, and sections that open to his guts and excrement bags. His legs can straighten to appear like a human's, though bending them reveals a hydraulic bar protruding a short distance from the foot to give extra push when running. The body and limbs are marked to show a variety of rugged messages and images: Images of battles, reminders of old occupations or family, lists of names, simplistic faces, etc. There is no rhyme or reason to them, a miasma of memories and reminders throughout the entire mechanics of the body. Lists of names are concentrated along the arms, which draws attention from them down to the thin metal digits that are his fingers.
His head, or more accurately 'skull,' is the most noticeable part of this abomination; the bullet-resistant glass itself is arranged in a case filled with a clear non-newtonian fluid. Condensation and biological buildup is evident along the corners and rims, part of evidence that the various tubes and wires protruding from the skull were not always so secure. As to the latter, they are primarily concentrated at the gaping jaw. Some wrap around to breach the skull, while others are attached to the bio-mechanical robot-eyes in his sockets - One of which shows three separate lenses in one socket, with a dull blue light from each; the other is a singular lens of the same illumination, a large lense which constantly refocuses in interaction.
Parts have been frankensteined from field repairs and replacements with signs of rugged welding, inconsistent rusting and colouring, and so on. Quick or brutish movements often bring a great screeching from the internals, consistent with the ruggedness of his very speech-box - The latter of which inconsistent in its amounts of static and clarity.
Body Type: Mesomorphic mechanical design. Extremely bulky and imposing.
Posture: Stiff and intimidating, though not by choice.
Gait: Sluggish in terms of response and changing decisions/directions, but can become quick in a dedicated action.

Note: Please do not list sexual orientation. Romance is okay (follow RPNation’s terms of service) but it isn’t the central point of the story. Character development is what I’d like us to focus on. That being said, sexual orientation should be discovered within the roleplay itself.)
No one would ever want to bang this thing.

Part of the experimental BMACU (Bio-Mechanical Advanced Combat Unit) program, defunded soon after the level of controversy leveled to its discovery by the press and public. Its exact purpose was to provide a form of commando unit with extended life-line in addition to physical enhancement. Augmentations included additions to one's strength, speed, agility, internal weaponry, and durability. However, complications with the preservational fluids caused a rapid decomposition with many testees. As a result, different forms of augmentation were used to save their subjects, resulting in great variation in the individual BMACUs. Though attempting to avoid public knowledge until the problem could be resolved fully, it never was - And when it was finally discovered the outrage was great enough that the program was shut down. Despite such, the desperate situation caused the BMACUs to still used to great effect in military operations. Developmental hiccups aside, they worked impressively in a battlefield. Force of service was unnecessary, as occupations outside the military were often impossible due to the unit's appearance and inherent threats.
Coming Of Age: Exposure to combat via his military career, later the horrors of the ACU program.
Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic in answer, but the disconnect from his augments has dampened his emotions to where superstitions are heavily suppressed. He has no opinion on fate or destiny, and argues neither when questioned. His opinions are for himself, not for others, and he doesn't have an inherent desire to change the minds of others.
Morals: His moral views are very situational, on one hand seeing something as 'right' (or, more accurately, 'grey') because it is necessary. On the other hand, he admires selfless action and can be motivated to do such things by appealing to how he feels. What he sees as 'right' can be better described as 'conflicting' and 'confused' therefore, as his experience with how things are conflict with how he believes they ought to be.
As for what he finds wrong, similar things apply. Strangely, doing what is ineffective is not necessarily 'wrong' in his mind. What he is sure of is that there is a degree of selfishness which should be regarded as worthy of punishment, but at what point is difficult for him to pin-point; the only 'punishment' he recognizes is death or physical pain, leaving other forms to the decision of those smarter and more dedicated than him.
He spends little time trying to find a specific moral compass, hoping others can make the difficult decisions in his absence. But when he is forced, it will depend on how he benefits, the situation of the person, whether he is ordered or is choosing himself, etc. He is no philosopher by any means.

Behavior & Attitude
General Personality:
Frank is a person desperate for keeping signs of acceptance or friendship in any area they show themselves, though shy and reclusive in its absence. He is prone to anger and excessive action due to the emotional disconnect his current situation causes, though also shows a level of mental control despite such. His understanding of situations and the solutions he recognizes are overwhelmingly simplistic, rarely able to see a 'bigger picture.'
Temperament: Choleric.
Mannerisms Or Gestures: Stillness; any instinctive action is ignored by his augmentations.
Flaws: A necessity to keep control of his emotions, else he will lose control of all mechanics; each action requires a clear thought of what he intends to do. Instinctive attempts to move will produce nothing but embarassment at best.
Prone to ruthless action, especially out of motivated anger.
Reliance on his augmentations.
A hideous appearance, discouraging trust and empathy.
Sense Of Humor: Depends on the situation, but tends to use dark comedy in different ways as a result of what he is usually exposed to.
Pet Peeves: Loud noises, criticisms to his appearance, silent staring.
Perception: Frank believes the world functions out of what is necessary. Though he recognizes alternate morals, he believes they are ruthlessly crushed under any amount of recognized necessity - To a dangerously sociopathic degree. He disagrees with these ideas and methods, but believes this is how it works non-the-less.
Soft Spot: Unfair treatment, abuse from authority, dedication to selflessness, discriminatory treatment.
Cruel Streak: Any time criticisms of him continue to where he can not longer control himself which vary depending on whether he can get away with what he wants to do, the threat to himself in a fight, or how well he knows the person.
Most forms of deception done to his detriment.
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