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Chris Rock made a joke about Will Smith’s wife who has alopecia.. Will punched/slapped Chris
Will Smith he’s the main character of Fresh prince of Bel Air he also starred in Men in Black. He’s also in Men in Black?
That's... Insane. Do you not watch movies? Chris Rock is a famous comedian and Will Smith.... Massive movie star. He was in all the men in blacks, bad boys films, I am legend, independence Day... The live action Aladdin
H-How...? Do you not own a TV (I don't either), do you not go to the cinema? Lmao I am astonished that anyone from the USA can not know who Will Smith is if they have had media exposure
I mean like... list three, you have to know three at least right? I can list at least three soccer players and I have no interest in that game, it's just because it's assaulted me through media for decades and by media i mean billboards, radio, tv adverts and the news, YouTube adverts, pop ups, steam adverts, the sides of buses, newspapers, magazines, cinema adverts, the days when dvd's had trailers and adverts, also vhs had that too and too many times ppl wouldn't fast forward through them -_-... anyway, that's just like all the media I've gotten soccer players names from and I don't like the game. So like three celebs, off the top of your head...
(also it feels odd to refer to football as soccer, still don't understand why American's call American football, football... they barely even use their feet on the ball. That's all 'soccer' is lol using your feet to move a ball.... football)

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