Last of our kind; Unite or die (PoisonousKandy x Venomiss)


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
It was a peaceful spring morning in the great mountains of Fion. The snow had just finished melting, converting into the nurturing waters the flora truly needed. Old man winter had finally released his tight grip upon the region, allowing the many plants and animals to replenish. Flowers of many hues began to bloom, advertising their beautiful colors for nectar-seeking insects. Leaves started to decorate the once-bare trees, much to the herbivore's delight.

Although the forest seemed joyous for the return of the foliage, a solemn song rang through the trees. A beautiful, yet strange looking woman sat in a lone tree in the center of a lush meadow. The sad song came from a carved wooden flute resting in her delicate fingers and pursed lips. All about her, a small herd of unicorns grazed in a sorrow-filled silence.

The woman herself looked much like the equine that surrounded her. Although her upper body was primarily human in shape, her legs were shaped much like a horse's and lined with a soft, white fur. Instead of feet, her lets ended in two black cloven hooves. Her skin was incredibly pale, like that of the unicorn's ivory fur, and her hair fell straight in the same colorless shade. Emerging from her bangs was a long, spiraled golden horn.

She was the last of the unicorn people, born with the purpose of protecting the delicate creatures that surrounded her. Only days before, humans had slain her entire family and enslaved many of the last remaining unicorn herd. The woman had been lucky enough to get away, with seven equine from the herd at her heels. The horse clan had been kind enough to allow the small herd onto it's protected territory, as they saw advantages to their mysterious healing abilities during the great clan war.

Now she sat with the last of her magnificent race surrounding her, playing a sad tune in dedication to her fallen brothers and sisters. Her lavender eyes peeled open as she played, watching the trees sway in the spring breeze. It was if they were dancing to her song. As a single tear fell down her cheek, she removed the flute from her ruby lips.

Her gaze, shining like amethysts, scanned the seven remaining unicorns. They had lost much of their families too, along with their home which the humans had converted to some kind of farm used to enslave nature's creatures for their own greed. She released an exasperated sigh then returned the flute to her lips, deciding now to play a more uplifting song, as to cheer herself and the herd. Hopefully they'd forget the recent tragedy, if only for a moment.
Green emerald eyes watched the young unicorn female as she blew into the flute. These eyes darted down to the unicorns below this young woman. The tree bared fruit, be it fallen and dirty but better then nothing. There where a couple of other eyes in the bush they crawled in the shadows hoping to be unnoticed by this clan.

As the food had been taken the small pattern on the tails of these creatures where revealed a brown into a darker brown stripe. The eyes dissappeared as the fruit around the tree had depleted. The animals had returned to a under ground hole. A small girl was inside. Her eyes where beautifully lit by the small fire that helped the hole seem brighter in there darkness. Her hair a dark brown fallen to her knees always straight and sleak as though running hands through water it was thin. The girl glanced around her fluffy stripped tail swayed against the hard ground. Her eyes having dark rings around them not due to sleep but a natural mask against her face her ears perked and moved up and down in unison or jucstipose listening to the beautiful flute. The girl stood up showing her brown hands and feet. She wore a clothe covering her chest and another covering her waist to her knees.

The girl emerged from the hole watching as her raccoon clan seemed to run with there stolen goods. The girl watched as they ran inside as her father did to protect them. Yet her father was long dead along with the rest of her clan. Thought of as vermin and thieves they were easily killed. No pitty or guilt from the humans slaughtering family infront of family. The girl crawled back inside after her clan was in she then barricaded the small whole. She smiled at her small family and began eatting the small stolen feast with them.
Caught up in her song, eyes glued shut, the unicorn woman barely noticed the thieving happening under the tree where she was located. One of her beloved mares, this one pregnant and understandably paranoid, let lose a whinny of distress, rearing as a raccoon dashed between her hooves. Lavender gaze snapping open, and flute removed from her lips, the woman immediately hopped from her tree. Her sharp eyes caught only a glimpse of a ringed tail rushing into a den, then the hole was barricaded.

Letting loose a wistful sigh, the woman stepped, returning her flute to her belt-made entirely of expertly weaved bark and long grasses- to the distressed unicorn, beginning to scratch her neck and whisper soothing words of comfort.

"They aren't going to hurt you, Layla, they were just getting food, just like yourself. There's nothing to fear." She cooed softly, lovingly stroking her mane.

When the mare finally calmed and resumed her grazing, a small smile appeared upon the woman's face. She turned her attention to the hole, her gaze gleaming with curiosity. She approached it, tail flicking about behind her in an inquisitive nature. It resembled a lion's tail, though ivory in hue, and the end hairs being much longer than the average big felines. When she got to the hole, she crouched down at a safe distance, not wanting to startle this clan of creatures.

"You don't have to hide," Her voice chimed out, almost as beautiful and soothing as her flute, "We are peaceful creatures, we will not harm you."

Clad in expertly weaved clothing made only of bark, flowers and leaves, the young woman did not look like she posed any kind of threat. Her species was indeed a peaceful kind, they did not wish harm on anyone, even those who wished harm on them. They would rather run from danger, than fight, as they were the magical healers of the forest and knew if they were harmed or lost, it would have horrible effects on the life of these woods.
The young girl blinked in curiosity and in wonder began tilting her head. She touch where the hole recently was and thought of the dangers of trusting this voice. While this unicorn's clan was filled with many ages the raccoon clan was only filled with very young or teenage there where no grown raccoons in this burrow.

The girl began to burrow to the back exit eatting some food. The younger raccoons played here while the old ones ate. The girl looked around and sighed she knew it would be hard to raise a clan at such a young age and needed help. The young girl warned her clan of the uncertain trust in the voice,"young ones listen close.... If anything goes wrong.... I will squeal like a pig and you must all run...."she whispered emphasizing the squel.

The girls voice was childish and soft but also seemed witty and sneaky. She then crawled over to the hole and opened it slightly. The young girl walke out to see the beautiful woman and assumed a protecting position baring her teeth. She covered the hole with her body,"d-don't come closer"she said as three small nosy raccoons peaked outside to see.

"I-I mean it...."she said softly. This girl obviously had some trainning in combat but not enough to set her a good hand in battle. The girl looked under herself arching her back to see the young raccoons,"get back inside..."she said pouting then jolted rolling over infront of the woman,"erm....."she managed at a lose of words and flinched ready for an attack.
Eyes glistening with amusement, the woman chuckled good heartedly at the young girl's antics. She glanced over her shoulder, where the unicorns watched curiously at a safe distance. The last remaining big stallion stood in front of his heard in a protective manner. He had become more and more protective over the past few days following the attack.

"I am not here to hurt you." She told the girl, a friendly smile painted on her delicate features, "Just to ask you do not scare my herd. Layla there is pregnant and any more fright might have terrible effects on her foal." She explained.

Taking a step back to show her gentle nature, the woman crouched down and snatched an apple from the ground that had been dropped by a raccoon. She offered it to the girl, wanting to prove her approach was only of kindness.

"May I ask where your parents are, little one?" She inquired, curious that she had been greeted by this child rather than the clan leader.

Little did the two conversing females know, three sets of amber eyes peered at them from the shadows. A younger boy and two silver foxes crouched in the bushes, eying up the other clans. The boy's big fox ears twitched about this way and that as the other animal guardians spoke. His bushy tail flicked about behind him, as a fox's would while hunting.

"I'll get you something to eat..." He whispered in a hushed voice to his canine friends, "Just wait...Those...strange horses are too big..."

His amber gaze lit up as he spotted one of the younger raccoons scampering from the den.

"Just perfect..." He hissed quietly, beginning to move silently through the bushes to gain a closer pouncing point.
The girl tilted her head and ate the apple,"mmm good... Thank you"she said with a joyful smile. A friend how wonderful the girls tail swayed with glee."they are dead"She said answering the question,"I am the leader of this clan.... I am... Of the age fourteen.... Does this disappoint you lady?"the young girl asked sulking a bit.

The emerald eyes glanced around,"we are all too young..."she added softly sulking. She was sad and was worried about her responciability but she remembered her clan's rule,"get food to survive to grow to learn to love and produce never be the prey" her fathers words echoed through her mind."sorry about scaring her"The girl said and stood up,"if I may... I'm Tita...."she said and smiled and she looked at the other unicorns.

"your not going to take the food back are you?"Tita asked. Her ears folded back with worry then moved back,"your not carnivorous are you?"she asked hugging a baby raccoon as it squealed with glee. Tita smiled,"I almost forgot what's your name lady?"she asked smelling her a bit.
The woman's smile dropped into a frown. She remembered, only days ago, when her own father was killed as well. She scanned the young lady in front of her; she did not look old enough to be running a clan by herself. Though it didn't seem she had a choice.

"I'm sorry, little one, my family has passed on as well. The humans have taken them away from us. Do you need help with your clan? My kind possesses great healing power; is anyone harmed?"

Suddenly, the woman was bombarded with many questions from the little girl. She could not help but smile at her hyper antics.

"I am Chrysania, and no, we feast upon the green. We see all forest creatures as very important to the circle of life; so no, we will not take your food. We will share it with you." She replied to Tita's wave of inquiries.

Her own ears- which resembled that of a delicate unicorn's, flicked about. They suddenly caught the sound of a young raccoon squealing in distress. Frown twitching upon her lips, Chrysania darted back to her tree, where a carved wooden staff lay. At the end, there was a crescent moon with what looked like fragments of fallen unicorn horns weaved throughout the wood. She immediately traced a figure eight with the end of the staff, then muttered a few words. Suddenly, a stream of light beamed from a horn at the tip, illuminating the shadows in which the cry had come from.

The small fox boy was crouched over the young raccoon, his claws digging into the creature's throat. He was a scraggly looking fellow, the hair on the top of his head a pitch black and shooting out in all different directions. His pale skin was covered in cuts, bruises and old scars and incredibly dirty. He wore only a deerskin cloth about his waste and a necklace lined with animal claws.

He growled at the light, baring rows of needle-sharp teeth. Two silver foxes were beside him, ready to plunge their fangs into the raccoon and make their kill.
Tita smiled at the answers she received. She then jolted at the young boy. Tears strolled down her cheeks at the loose of the young raccoon. Tita then tackled him growling angrily. She began clawing at his chest with her front paws and with her hind legs she stepped on his thighs.

Tita's eyes where wide and she seemed vicious. She snarled and bit down on his hands angrily,"how dare you!!!"she yelled at the top of her lungs and other raccoons attacked the foxes scratching at there faces."nobody will hurt us!"Tita yelled going back to her crawling position she picked up the lifeless body in her mouth. She glared as she backed away then they all ran into the burrow.

Tita was inside with all the raccoons she dropped the lifeless body then barricaded the exit she quickly came out and guarded the entrance barring fangs. Her face was without pitty and only anger,"I won't let it happen again!"she yelled glaring at the boy. Tita's tail was fluffed out and her emerald eyes were wide as her face scrunched up with anger.
Snarling with rage, the fox boy fought back, fangs sinking down into Tita's wrist. His own claws raked her at her face, and he pounced at her, trying desperately the get the dead body back. He howled in rage when she dashed into the borrow, following but being blocked by the barricade. One of the foxes followed him, snarling along the way. The other fox lay in a pool of her own blood, whimpering pathetically. She was only a cub, just big enough to leave the den, and she seemed as if she wouldn't survive the attack.

Sporting a concerned frown, Chrysania watched the gory scene. The unicorns watched with a sadness gleaming in their gaze. Chrysania stepped towards the den, placing a gentle hand on the shoulder of the fox boy. He whipped around with a growl, claws raking her chest. As he did such, the stallion unicorn charged forward, knocking him down and pinning him with a threatening horn tip to his throat.

Lifting her hand to examine the wound, Chrysania saw the sapphire colored blood leaking from her chest. She sighed and shook her head, telling the boy, "I can help you." She told him softly, "And your little friend, who seems like she needs help."

Motioning towards the young fox pup, she watched as the other fox dashed to her side, whining sadly and licking at her wounds.

"But, you must play nice, and let me help the raccoons or we will leave her to bleed." She crouched down to the barricaded burrow hole, and called out to her new little friend, "Tita, if you bring the lifeless one out with haste, I can save him, and heal your wounds. The foxes will not harm you; I've made sure of that."

The fox boy glared daggers at the big stallion, though he knew he had no chance of escape. If he would try, he would surely be killed, and then the last of the fox clan would have to fend for themselves, with no guardian to help. He bared his needle-sharp fangs, amber eyes narrowing even further.

"How can you help, horse?!" He spat with disgust, "Let me up so I can help her myself!"

"You'll see." Chrysania replied softly, eyes still focused on the den.
Tita slowly stepped out her paws splattered with blood. She barred the heavy burden of holding the raccoon in her mouth. She slowly set him down watching every movement around her,"thank you"she said softly. Tita noticed some raccoons leaving the den and quickly barricaded the exit,"stay!"she yelled.

Tita wasn't being so trustworthy with this carnivorous fox boy. Tita hissed at him standing firm against the ground and smirked at the female fox."isn't karma so wonderful?!"She snarled at him. Tita then sat by her new friend. It was indeed very hard for her to fend for herself. Tita took the chance to scratch behind her ear she began thinking of new ways to protect the clan the den was a good idea but it was getting smaller compared to the growing teenage raccoons.(btw if I'm not going enough detail let me know 0v0)
Chrysania shot Tita a strict glare when she snarled at the fox boy, who snarled back with great ferosity. She took the young, lifeless raccoon in her arms, examining it carefully. She paced slowly to the center of the meadow, placing the body down gently. As she walked, she spoke to Tita.

"You must remember this is the foxs' way of life, young one." She said softly, motioning to the herd to gather about her, "They do not know anything else. Although you must defend your clan with your life, you cannot be angered at one for doing the only thing they know. If it is too late for this little one, we must give him to the fox, so it's life can be carried on throughout the forest."

Six mares gathered about her, circling the body and lowering their horns to touch it. Chrysania, too, fell to her knees and lowered her horn to the bloody mess. Suddenly, a soft blue light engulfed the body, lifting it only the slightest from the ground. He fell softly to the grass, lifeless still. Chrysania let lose another sad sigh.

"It's too late." She uttered, turning to leave the body, "Lilly, will you please help that fox pup?" She asked, and one of the unicorns stepped towards the mangled pup, lowering her horn and engulfing this creature in the same blue light.

"Now, Tita, were you hurt?" Chrysania asked softly, eyes glazed with concern. The question was rhetorical, she could see the wounds and sense her pain. She only wanted the girl's permission to heal her wounds.

She ignored her own wounds, more concerned with healing the others first.

The fox boy watched everything about him in amazement. "Who...what are you?" He stuttered out, wide eyes directed at Chrysania.
Tita's eyes grew red and hot burning to let the tears out. She shook her head,"as clan leader I must wait to be treated last.."she said holding her head high,"as a friend I won't be touched until you are healed"she said and stood up walking to the lifeless body,"my sweet baby.... So young..."she said. Tita looked at the dead raccoon and took a deap breath. Her breathing was a bit weak.

Tita picked the lifeless body up and walked over to the female young fox and dropped the body looking away."sorry..."She whispered and backed away closing her eyes to not see the bloody mess about to be made. She looked at the boy,"it's hard...."she mumbled crying,"I wish the humans didn't hurt us"she mumbled.

Tita puffed her chest out to be brave infront of her young clan. She then took another deep breath letting it out after she glanced at the den. She felt so horrible to allow one of her sweet young ones get hurt. She wished to be more wise like Chrysania was with her clan.
"That is very nobel of you, Tita." Chrysania replied, nodding in approval, "Now, little critters, " She looked to the raccoons peeking from the hole with a warm smile, "Who is injured? Let us help you."

After the Lily the unicorn healed the pup, she went about healing the wounds of the other fox. She then trotted to Chrysania's side, who patted her nose and said a soft, "Thank you."

Now healed, the two foxes eyed Tita suspiciously and curiously. When the body was placed infront of them, though, they immediately began to tear it apart, gobbling up the flesh as if they were starving. Indeed they were starving, though it was not easily seen through their thick coats. The fox boy, though, still pinned down by the stallion, was so thin his ribs could easily be seen. He licked his lips hungrily as he watched his clan dig in.

He flinched when the raccoon girl spoke of humans, "The humans took my clan, too," He uttered, though his voice was still bitter- he didn't like being in the helpless position he was in, "They caged them in tiny enclosures, only to kill them to wear their fur as clothes. I am the last of the silver fox people."

Chrysania frowned, allowing Lily to heal all the raccoons that needed it, "We are all victims of the humans here. I think it's best we stick together." She approached the stallion, placing a loving hand in his mane, "I will allow Sunchaser here to heal you, and you to eat, only if you vow not to harm this clan again."

It took all his will power, but, the words passed by his bloody lips, "I promise, I won't hurt them" He whispered, and as he promised, he, too, was engulfed in blue light.
Tita glared but quickly looked away and laid down as her young clan began playing around her. They didn't see the bloody massacre of what the foxes would assume to be a feast. If they did they would hate Tita and oh how it pained her to know that. Tita glanced aroun the bloody forest then looked at the now healed young fox boy.

Tita went into her den and grabbed some fruit and passed it to him. It wasn't out of kindness it was to teach her clan something. The same thing her father taught her. If a predator wants to eat you then it's best for you to introduce them to something new.

Tita then jolted and her ears perked up. The raccoons seemed to run into the den at this unknown sound. The sound that was perking there interest and curiosity. Tita remembered this sound it was rushing water for a waterfall. Why had this sound gone unnoticed before.

To Tita rushing water ment growing food and drinks for her young ones but it also ment a nice bath to help them. Tita smiled wanting to just have her young ones relax. Although to move both these clans to the water fall could mean danger. She then jolted realizing something,"are these two foxes all that's left? Or is there more?"she asked a bit frightened by the idea of there being more of these scary animals.

She quickly jolted not wanting her clan to be scared. Tita closed her eyes and took a deap breath this helped her think. It helped clear her mind to make her happy. Yet she could not relax too many things could be on the prowl."Hey Chrysania... Is it hard? To grow up so fast?"she asked as her tail flicked with curiosity.
After the fox boy was healed, and Sunchaser stepped away, he stood up, feeling weak and shakey. Although the unicorn's spell healed up wounds, it used the creatures' own energy, and often left them feeling drained. Sunchaser stood tall at Chrysania's side, watching the boy with a suspicious eye.

He took the fruit Tita gave him, still glaring daggers in her direction. Snuffling curiously at an apple, his sharp teeth chomped down on the fruit. He tasted carefully as he chewed, but crinkled his nose in disgust, and tossed it, along with the other fruit, aside before dashing to his fellow foxes to feast in the shadows on the raccoon corpse.

"We are the only foxes here." He replied solemnly on his way to his dinner.

Bending down to lift the young girl, Chrysania lowered her horn to the girl's forehead. She was suddenly surrounded in blue light, and after a moment, her wounds were healed. She then placed the girl back down, beckoning Sunchaser to heal her own chest wound.

"It's very hard, Tita. But, in the end, it will make you a stronger, more wise leader than your clan has ever seen. Don't worry, little one, I will aid, and protect you." She offered a gentle smile, before her own wounds were closed up by the magic of Sunchaser's golden horn.

Glancing about at the mix-matched clans, Chrysania suddenly felt the responsibility of helping these two fall on her shoulders. It seemed she was the only adult with experience leading the clan; so she knew she had to rise to the challenge.

The raccoon body was devoured within minutes by the starving foxes, then the fox-boy quietly stepped out of the woods, face and hands spattered with blood, "Thank you," He said suddenly, "For helping us, lady. My name's Kito." He bowed in a formal way, "And by the vow of the silver fox, I am obliged to offer you the fox clan's service and protection for saving our cub."

Chrysania couldn't help but, chuckle, "You owe me nothing, Kito. As a unicorn, it's our duty to ensure the healthy life of the forest, even if it means some loss." She side-glanced to Tita, "All I ask is you no longer harm the raccoon clan. With all of our clan's dwindling numbers, I believe it's in our best interests to stay, and work together. My name is Chrysania, Lady of the Unicorn Clan, and this is Tita, Leader of the Raccoon Clan. I offer you our protection."

Kito seemed taken aback at the sudden wave of kindness pushed his way. His clan was generally looked down upon, as they feasted upon smaller creatures, yet were not powerful enough to take on the larger of the predators. He was at a loss for words, so, he simply bowed again, feeling Chrysania's superiority.

"Now, I believe we must have an important discussion, as clan leaders, but, first we should find a better place for our creatures to rest. This is horse clan territory, and they are a very powerful clan. Although they've accepted me to live amongst their meadows, they do not take kindly to trespassers. There is a waterfall nearby which would provide a great place for us all to replenish and rest for the evening. It is on the borders of the horses' territory, and although you'll stil be considered trespassers, it can make for an easier escape." Chrysania explained with a serious tone to her soft voice.
"I say we take it.... The wolf clan had been watching my babies....."Tita explained then jolted shuddering. She then backed away from them,"it's not so fun being prey"she whispered. Her eyes where darting around and she was beginning to confuse her own senses.

Tita quickly jolted,"ah sorry lets go"she said. She grabbed baskets of stolen goods. Woven baskets of stolen human food and fruits."help us carry"she said as she looked at the young ones wrapping there tails together."here"Tita said putting a basket on the tails.

Tita had baskets on her arms head and tail,"we have sto- ehem.... Taken for the benefit of the clan... Over the years"she said softly. She then laughed nervously and looked away. Tita began walking humming as she walked and her clan followed behind,"even if where in another territory the blood with bring others...."she sang then continued humming as she walked. A couple of the teen raccoons made the den cave in so no one could track them too well.
"Let me help you, Tita." Chrysania spoke up, grabbing her staff from it's rest against a tree and offering her other hand to carry a few baskets.

After nodding to Sunchaser, the big unicorn stallion started to lead the little group through the woods. The rest of the herd followed him obediently, happy to migrate to their favorite waterfall. They all walked in a solemn silence, the events that took a few days ago still heavy on their minds.

Kito followed shyly, eyes darting about the group in suspicion as he did so. He held the small fox kit in his arms, who seemed too weak to walk herself. The other fox stayed directly at his heels, growling threateningly to any raccoon that ventured to close to the small group.

After a few moments, they emerged into another small clearing. At one end was a tall cliff that a river tumbled over, water cascading in every which way into a small pool at the bottom, which then branched off into several small streams. As they approached, all the unicorns went immediately to the water. None took a drink, though, until Sunchaser dipped his horn into the chilly pool, making sure the water was safe a pure. You could never be too sure with the human's pollution. When he began to lap up his fill, all the other unicorns followed in suit.
The young raccoons began playing together excitedly trying to keep everything that had happened under wraps. It was there nature to continue moving forward to better themselves. They never thought too long or hard about the past. Some of the teenage couples frolicked off on there own causing Tita to worry but didn't want to interrupt there honeymoon phase.

Tita although worried looked at Kito,"meat ratter here"she said offering him a beef jerky,"taste like chicken but is rather have my babies depend on fruit then other animals"she said trying to be a bit peaceful. She then climbed a near by tree watching everything move along. She took a deap breath and frowned.

She wished she could go bak and forth to get more food for her clan. They were well acquainted and attached to the human food. Tita frowned as the male raccoons of age began creating a new den. Tita sighed then jolted seeing something move in the bushes and growled. It turned out to be nothing but the wind. She was too on guard and climbed back down to set down the baskets.

After the hard work was over the den was made and she began storing the food inside. Tita whistled and the younger raccoons ran inside."there we go...."She said softly. There was a female raccoon with bites and scratches on her. She had many scars."Nore how's the exits looking"Tita whispered getting a frown as a reply,"no more exits.... What about others?"Tita asked and got a head turn,"I guess we're the last.... I won't push for reproduction it will be too hard to feed... So separate them... No one is allowed not now anyway"Tita whispered and Nore nodded getting the males to make a seperate den and the couples where seperated.
When Kito was given the jerky, he sniffed at it curiously. He took a bite out of it, and smiled in approval. He then took half of the jerky and handed it to the larger fox, knowing the little one already had her fill as she had first dibs on the raccoon kill. He devoured his half and through a mouth of chewed jerky, he thanked Tita.

Emerging into the field, all three foxes approached the stream to have a long, satisfying drink. Immediately after, Kito and the male fox began to dig their own borrow, on the opposite side of the meadow from the raccoons. Chrysania watched the little critters get to work, finding a seat on a flat rock by the water fall. She leaned her staff onto the stone and pulled out her flute, beginning to play a happy little tune to encourage the animals.

After the unicorns had their fill of water, they dispersed about the meadow, many laying by Chrysania's perch, while others went to graze a little more. Chrysania only pulled the flute away from her lips as the sun began to clash with the horizon. She glanced around the meadow, noting that all the tribes had now settled in. Now it was the time for a grave discussion.

"Kito, Tita," She called out, "Will you please come sit with me? I have something I must tell you two."
Tita worriedly glanced at her clan. She knew all too well the wolves come at night. Her clan was main target for the hideous monster outs devours. They loved the sweet taste her clan gave. They loves the bloody mess and the warm blood in there mouths.

Tita was afraid of this. She had made many deals with them that caused her to owe some lives. Well not Tita her father. Tita was even promised to the old clan leader as a wife. She gaged at the remembrance of the ugly wolf leader.

His coat grey and hideously marked with scars. Gladly and in favor to Tita he had died. Although his son had taken over his manly, handsome, and justified son had taken it. She was still a prize for there clan.

Tita was thought of as a treasure for a young girl of her age was ripe for the picking. Tita jolted returning back from her thoughts,"fine make it quick I don't have much time to hide"she said and crawled over and looked at the water and sighed wanting to relax. Tita sat by Chrysania's side,"hide"she said and the raccoons went into the den,"sorry we don't trust being outside for so long"she said smiling.
(( No, I'm sorry just had a crazy last few days as I had a course and work. I'll post tomorrow when I'm not so exhausted. ))
Letting a soft smile grace her features, Chrysania watched as both Tita and Kito scampered to a seat beside her. Kito seemed just as paranoid, ears up and head tilting to any little sound he heard. His fox friends retired to the den, exhausted from such an eventful evening.

"You have nothing to fear, Tita, you are with the unicorns now. Our clan is very highly respected amongst the forest, as we have healed and saved many creatures, showing no prejudice. With that said, we are also highly respected by the spirit of the forest, and one of the few creatures left who can contact the spirit itself. This is because we, as a race, respect and link ourselves to every living being that resides here. " Chrysania explained, watching her unicorn herd settle down for a rest close to their leader.

Eyes wide in awe, Kito listened intently to the woman beside him. He thought of how his clan operated and realized they were pretty much the exact opposite. The silver fox clan was a clan of thieving carnivores. They cared little for other species, and were often found playing tricks on others if not eating them. They weren't even particularly kind to their own- the red foxes, gray foxes and silver foxes were constantly neck-in-neck to prove who was the better fox clan.

"Last night, the spirit sent me a dream." Chrysania continued, her voice suddenly becoming grave and serious, "It told me the story of the coast clans. It showed me how the humans were trying to take over the entire coast for fishing villages. They were over-fishing, stealing much of the coast animal's food. In fury, the sea lion clan teamed up with the walruses and fought to bring all the coast animals together, predator and prey. It was a difficult task, but, when it was achieved, they attacked the biggest of the human villages. Filled with an incredible sense of fear, the humans ran off and never tried to settle there again. The clan's people even worked out a deal with the humans they were only allowed one fishing village, and a certain amount of fishing boats daily."

As she spoked, Kito lifted a brow, "Why are you telling us this story?" He asked curiously, confused at what it had to do with thier situation.

"Because that is what we must do, Kito. We must unite the clans and fight back. I think you two would be the perfect team to do this. Predator and Prey, united together, along with the respect my clan holds, we might just be able to do this." Chrysania explained, glancing back and forth from Tita and Kito.

(( Very sorry. been a crazy week. Life's back to normal now...sort I'll be able to post normally again most times ))
Tita watched this conversation begun to boil over for her."I'm sorry.... My clan cannot be of use...."she said seriously as she stood up,"we.... We are to young... You both seem to have a minimum of one mature animal..... A power of sorts and strength....."she explained,"we have never fought a battle or gotten into a scuffle"she explained with a soft voice.

Tita baked away,"we have no strengths none.... And if you didn't notice some of us are mad"she said as her eyes widened with fear and a bit of anger,"we have seen what no child should have seen..... What no person or life force should have"she explained as her breathing began to get heavy.

Her body seemed to pull to her core. She crossed her arms over her stomach as she hunched over."being devoured in one gulp, feeling your mothers warm blood against your face, your fathers last words being to hide as he was chopped up and put on a stick! Roasted over a flame!"she said,"these are scaring things then later you watch as there baked limbs are swallowed and disgested......"she added.

It was clear now that Tita was completly scared,"and all because.... You were hungry.... Because you where so hungry that they wanted to feed you.... Your mothers touch against your cheek so lovely.... Nothing is better"she said as hot tears strolled down her cheek.

Tita jolted out of her madness and looked around,"d-don't look at me like that..."she said seeing faces over there's. Judging faces that made Tita nervous."I-I'm sorry..."She said retaining her composure,"let me think"she mumbled.
Smile turning into a frown, Chrysania watched the small raccoon girl in concern. She stood up, approaching Tita and placing a gentle hand on her cheek.

"I am not asking you to fight, little one. I am asking you to help us unite." She told her softly, then rose again to stand and head back to her rock.

Boosting herself onto the large stone, she settled comfortably with crossed legs. She glanced to Tito, who was eyeing Tita with a cocked brow. He too, had seen far too much for his young age. His parents killed, his beloved foxes either stuffed in tiny cages and skinned alive. He remembered seeing the farm- rows upon rows of caged animals. Silver gfoxes, red foxes, and even mink. Rage boiled right in his core, and suddenly he leapt from his perch on the smaller rock.

"Let's get that disgusting race! Scare them away! Release my family!" He cried out- his scarred face looked savage as he spoke.

Nodding her head, Chrysania agreed, "Yes, they must go, but, first, we must unite the clans. We cannot do this alone." She glanced about, noting that almost all the unicorns were drifting into slumber, "We should all get some rest...It has been a long day for all of us."

On that note, she grabbed her flute. She always played a lullaby for her herd before she fell asleep herself. She placed the flute on her lips and began to play a soft, slow tune to lul the others into dreamland.

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