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Fantasy Last of Our Kind: Malvik Manor cs


Omen of Death
Roleplay Availability
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As lighting danced across the sky and the rain started to come down in sheets. A figure walked along a dirt road. Thunder rolled and clapped loudly in the night sky. The figure had disappeared. It was the middle of the raining season in Ireland. I renaissance castle that had not been operational since the Victorian era seemed to loom in the distance. It would light up every time lighting shot through the sky. It was creepy looking and dark, but not deserted.

There was an invisible force field around it a sort of enchantment. The inhabitants inside were even more dark looking then the castle. For the owner's of this land still lived in it. They were a family of shape shifter and werewolves. They had been kept secret from the world till recently. When a small group of teens decided to explore the hill side. As it started to rain and drove them for the castle. Once inside the dusty old place, they decided to stay and wait out the rain. Though this night shall be there last in the human world. For the Malvik family will show them there world and they will not want to leave, but will hunters who have been searching for the malviks try to change that. Will you join the malviks or be there down fall?


Will need one human or hunter and one from the Malvik family.

Third person

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Irish Ice Queen
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No.. cuz you still have the Character sheet skeleton under the RP Overview tab, just copy and paste the CS under the Character Sign-up tab. xD

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