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Realistic or Modern Last Man Standing - Characters

Chimney Swift

i am confusion
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Character Sheet (text form)
Up to 2 characters per person.
You can code if you want, but please keep it legible

Age (12-20)

Brief Physical Description
Height (in feet and inches)
Weight (in pounds)
Eye Color
Hair Color
Body Mods/Scars

Background & Personal
Likes (at least 2)
Dislikes (at least 2)
Biography (at least 1 full paragraph)​
Jade Fender


Name: Jade Fender
Age: 16
Gender: Female


Brief Physical Description: Jade is wiry girl with a stern face, adorned with freckles. She is neither short nor tall and always coated in sawdust from head to toe. Thick red hair falls to her shoulders and is cut sloppily, as if she'd done it herself. Her wrists are loaded with bracelets mad from animal bones and eooden beads. Though she stands hunched as though exhausted, she's really quite full of energy.
Height (in feet and inches): 5'5
Weight (in pounds): 100
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Ginger
Body Mods/Scars: Aside from a myriad of freckles, Jade's forearms and hards are marred with scratches and burn scars.

Background & Personal
Occupation: Carpenter
Likes: Hunting, card games, playing the banjo she made herself, dogs, coffee (when she can afford it), and making jewelry
Dislikes: Raw meat, the smell of paint, the rich, sarcasm
Skills: Can read, good at building and repair work, physically fit
Faults: Stubborn, blunt, very literal-minded
Quirks: Speaks with a bit of a lisp, never wears shoes
Biography: WIP

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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Alex Webster


Name: Alex Webster
Age: 12
Gender: Male


Brief Physical Description: Alex may be a tiny little thing, but this has its own advantages. Smaller people are harder to notice. His ghostly pale face features wide, almost owl-like brown eyes, which rarely seem to blink. He's often smiling, which shows that he's missing a few of his molars. He stands up straight, but holds his head low, rarely looking anyone in the eyes. He's often fidgeting with his clothing or otherwise seemingly unable to stand still for any prolonged amount of time. Despite the poor conditions he lives in, he keeps himself fairly clean.
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 77 lb.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light brown
Body Mods/Scars: A few small scars on his shoulders, mostly just from picking at his skin.

Background & Personal
Occupation: Farmhand
Likes: Organizing objects, scavenging, rain, collecting insects
Dislikes: Authoritative types, talking, loud or sudden noises
Skills: Surprisingly strong, ambidextrous, naturally sneaky
Faults: Easily distracted, illiterate, prone to impulsive decisions
Quirks: Constant fidgeting, sometimes has strange emotional responses to normal events.
Biography: WIP

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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Leon Sheldrake

Name: Evan Leon Sheldrake

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 163lbs

Eyes: Brick Red

Hair: Brown, dyed Purple

Build: Athletic

Markings/Scars: Scar on his left arm.

Appearance Notes: While tall and with a relatively athletic build, Leon isn't the most muscular. He does keep in good shape but he only weighs 163lbs, as opposed to some of his friends who are more serious on body-building. He dyes his hair purple as a way to stand out an accentuate the red in his eyes, as with his normal brown hair his eyes look brown too.


Leon's cautious, determined and pensive. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his tormented past. He was born and grew up in a lower class family as with most other residents of rural Linvale. He lived free of trouble until he was about 12 years old, but at that point things changed. He was forced to work hard gathering timber like his father had. Without sufficient support, he had to survive in a bleak world. Furthermore, the friends he made gathering timber were good to him but they were muscular brutes with an appetite for delinquency. More than once, they challenged authorities, a dangerous gambit. But with his cunning, he managed to reach full potential and remain out of reach of danger. This has turned him into the man he is today. Having finally found some stability, he now works as a baker's apprentice. By doing so, he hopes to find answers to the events of the past and finally find joy and love for life he has never had.


Leon is good at riddles and enjoys listening to his elders as much as he does enjoy exercising with friends in his spare time. Despite having only ever had the chance a couple of time, he loves sharing an intimate moment with someone to just talk and forget about their pain.


He is a very serious person and, while he can be bashful, he is not particularly assertive.


While his thoughtfulness and intelligence can sometimes get in the way of his current lifestyle, they do lend themselves to him in times of trouble and he is able to be both kind and effective. That said, he doesn't always make a great leader as he is not very assertive but others view him as dependable.


Leon hates the way he lacks control in many situations. He also dislikes how others take control of things they shouldn't. Most of all, he dislikes how the difficulty he must overcome seems begrudgingly unfair.


Although he is mostly considered the silent type, Leon is known for sudden outbursts, whether they may be of joy or of anger. When nervous, he tends to tap his thumbs against his fingers. The speed and intensity often mimic his heart rate and thus his anxiety.


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