Lanister Xhast, The Highborn Assassin and Vatuo Zvesda, the Mysterious Wanderer


The last survivor of the Freelands
Human Appearance

Demon Appearance


Lanister Xhast






Highborn Demon







Hair color:

White, like ash upon the earth

Eye Color:

Blue, like ice


Jagged scar across the right side of his face, a relic of his time as a soldier

Distinguished Features:

Tattoo of the Seven Princes on the left side of his face

Mark of Paimon on his right shoulder, a sign of his noble house.

Clan Mark Location;

Left Shoulder


Bloody Moon




The sum of the Soul is not measured by numbers, but rather by one's character. Actions and opinions portray who we are, and what we shall become. Fate dealt a young boy a terrible hand, even worse made by the actions of a murderer he once idolized. but he will turn out to be a man of great purpose. Knowledge is his power, Conviction is his weapon, Adaptability is his shield, and Love is his driving force.

Born to Lord Paimon, the Ninth Demon Lord of the Seventy-two Demon nobility in service to the Seven Princes, Lanister was raised under the tutelage of Cain, the father of murder, and trained as one of Hell's many assassins. Known as the Halo Hunter, for reportedly killing twenty two angels alone and collecting their halo's, Lanister was the pure emphasis of a Soldier- Ruthless, efficient, and always looking to surpass his peers. He pushed his body to it's limits, and punished himself severely if he failed. Power and Purpose were all that mattered to him.

Until he was given an order he refused to follow- Killing his fellow Assassin, a demon by the name Zatanna. He was then stripped of his rank, and court marshaled. Likely destined for execution, Paimon, wishing to save his son, sent him to Earth, under the guise of 'teaching him discipline. 

Away from home, without anyway to return, Lanister ended up like many demons on the surface- He found himself travelling to Haven. He worked as a contract killer for a short-time, earning the interest of the previous Ravinca leader. Offered a home, a place among the elite of Haven, Lanister was taken in by the Ravinca clan, feeling the first sense of Camaraderie and family since being exiled from Hell. Lanister soon came to idolize Lacharn and Evren, seeing them as fighters for Demon Rights and Independence.

He likely would have remained like this forever.....had he not met 'Her'.

The Previous Leader of Bloody Moon, Isabelle Zvesda, was attending a meeting he was sent to, to guard Lacharn and Evren. While waiting, she walked up to him, as he was a good distance away from the rest of his unit. Striking up a simple conversation, their talk of personal beliefs soon turned into a full-on philosophy debate, with Isabelle punching holes into many of Lanister's long-held beliefs. What started out as a way to pass the time, turned into a full-long friendship....and eventually, a very passionate romance. To hear Lanister describe it, it like love from above saved him from his personal hell.

The two shared many moments together, and Isabelle managed to pull Lanister out of his misguided hate and distrust against humans. Soon, instead of following orders to the letter, Lanister began questioning the reason. He was all for defending his people, his home, and his loved ones, but he refused to sacrifice his soul, or the soul of his people, for misguided revenge. Before the events that took place, Lanister had full intentions to leave his clan and join Bloody Moon, so he could be with his lover, without having to hide it from others, as the two were forced to hide their affection, as this relationship would cause severe controversy.

Then....It happened.

Lacharn made an attempt on Isabelle's Life. When Lanister heard, he disobeyed Evren's direct orders, and attempted to save her.....But he was too late. Devoured by the flame of grief, Lanister's old personality resurfaced briefly, his vision clouded in red. Before he realized what was happening, Lanister was attempting to murder Lacharn. While weakened, Lacharn was still a clan leader. Eventually though, with Lanister's rage filled state, Lacharn's injuries eventually overcame him. He had just murdered the leader of the Ravinca Clan.

Forced to leave the Ravinca Clan before his crime was discovered, Lanister joined Bloody Moon, and over the last century, took on the position as leader, albeit reluctantly. Though a part of him wishes to give into the hatred and anger that once made up this Assassin, Lanister is also pulled to follow the lessons that his deceased love had given him. He is willing to make one last attempt at peace with Ravinca, to end this violence once and for all....

But if refused, Lanister will offer no mercy and no quarter.

Lanister is often questioned by veteran Bloody Moon members, some calling him brave, others calling him a traitor, and a rare few calling him an opportunist. Add to his own doubts about his leadership capabilities, Lanister has once again been given unfair odds. However, He does not finch in the face of his duty, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure his clan survives. However, with a new secret revealed, Lanister has to make a choice between duty and justice.


Lanister often has nightmares about his time in Hell's Army. He also disguises himself as a normal demon, going under the persona 'Vatuo', singing or cooking at various places in the city, believing it helps keep him level. Very few people actually know he is a demon noble, as this could cause controversy on where his loyalties lie.









Needless Violence

Humans (More of a general distrust)


Candy Corn

Lavender. Never liked the smell.


Dual Falchion Short-swords

Modified Compound Bow

Elemental Magic Grenades

(Only Carries three Grenades, before having to restock)


~Call of the Blood Moon~

A power given to every leader of the Clan, Lanister can raise his hands towards the sky once a day at night, turning the moon a bloody red. This increases the abilities of those in his clan by ten fold, making them stronger and faster in battle. This requires a good deal of energy, and can only be used at Night.

~Peak Demonic Condition~

Calling upon his old training, and either losing control or completely burying his morality and emotion, Lanister can enter a state of complete and utter death-bringing. His mind reacts faster, he moves faster, his reflexes are quicker, and has no qualms about who or what he kills. It was this power that allowed him to bring about the death of the previous leader.

~Highborn Blood~

As a demon of pure blood, meaning both his parents were full-blooded demons, Lanister's more demonic powers are increased heavily. He can manipulate hellfire with ease, control chaotic magic, and corrupt or corrode the minds of humans over a period of time if he focuses. Though this makes him more susceptible towards his obvious weakenesses, it nevertheless makes him a killing force on the field of battle.


~Due to his status as a highborn demon, any of the normal weaknesses a demon has (holy water, holy magic, etc) are amplified.

~Many in his clan distrust him due to his past ties to Ravinca

~He has trusts issues with other humans, believing they want nothing better than his species total eradication.

~He is constantly plagued at night about the past he runs away from, and the duty he'll one day have to uphold.


Master Chef

Good Singer

Good Musician

Arnis Martial Arts Master

Experienced Blacksmith

Theme Songs:
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Male appearance


Vatuo Zvesda




I am a certified male, sweet-face.


Demon, baby. Let me show you my Horn.


I am straight and available to all you lovely ladies out there!





Hair color:


Eye Color:

Red (Contacts)



Distinguished Features:

Mark of Paimon and Mark of the Seven Princes




Travelling Entertainer


Flirty, Charismatic, and oddly Intelligent, Vatuo is often known as the 'Mysterious Musician', due to no-one knowing much about him other than the name. It is often speculated he is related to the late leader of Bloody Moon. However, when questioned about his relationship with them, Vatuo would simply smile and say 'Let's just say, we used to be close.' 

Known only to three people, Vatuo is actually Lanister's alter-ego, which he switches personalities with- From the level headed and calculative leader of Bloody Moon, to the Airy and Charming Musician, looking for passion. Most people consider him a womanizer, due to him rejecting any form of attachment. It is this personalty that Lanister uses, to vent out his negative emotions. He believes the more he distances himself, the less he will hurt. Eventually, he began seeking pleasure in the arms of any female willing.

Known as an amazing cook, clever magician, and master at courting, Vatuo is a lone wolf, despite receiving numerous offers from the four clans. Some call him a rebel, others call him patriot. To the world around him, he simply calls himself another helping hand.


Demon's Scream (Guitar)

Various Knives


Sound Manipulation


(Same as Lanister)


(Same as Lanister)
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