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Fantasy Land of the Elements


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
What's your name, Guardian?

How old are you?

Guardians have special powers that focus on of the elements, what are you?

Every Guardian needs an image, whats yours (This also explains gender)?

Being a Guardian has its perks, but you still gotta have a trade, what do you in your free time?

All Guardians have a history, they are human beings, tell me about yourself.

If you receive an edit that says;


Then you've been accepted!

When you've been accepted, please read the rules located under the Overview tab!

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Can I reserve water or nature? Please and thank you! (I'm going to sleep won't be on for 16-17 hours, sleep and school)

You can, I have edited the Overview to your reserved Element.
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What's your name, Guardian?


How old are you?


Guardians have special powers that focus on of the elements, what are you?

The Flame element

Every Guardian needs an image, whats yours?


Being a Guardian has its perks, but you still gotta have a trade, what do you in your free time?

I'm a lumberjack

All Guardians have a history, they are human beings, tell me about yourself.

Well, I actually grew up in Fjord ever since I was a boy.. er.. yea a boy. I've seen it all change of government to the shiftin' of the lands itself. I'm young, but the town has been around since I was, maybe even before then.

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Name: Aria

Age: 16

Element: Air



The clothes she wears are often simple dresses that fall either above or below her knee, though she still is modest about how she appears to others. She is innocent but when angered can be a raging storm...literally.

Trade: She's a writer and all round artsy. She doesn't have a job but that's what she loves to do most

History: Aria moved to Fjord when her parents were unable to look after her. She lives with a nice family who she calls Aunt and Uncle. They could never have kids and so took her in at a young age. She was home-schooled as her Aunt was bullied mercilessly and she didn't wish that upon Aria. Because of this, she discovered her joy in writing and art, after taking trips to the hills in the Summer as the sun would set.

Air would translate to Wind here, but you may post whenever
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What's your name, Guardian?


How old are you?


Guardians have special powers that focus on of the elements, what are you?

The Nature Element

Every Guardian needs an image, whats yours (This also explains gender)?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.323eac30387d9b1dc6dc331da1bfa947.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.323eac30387d9b1dc6dc331da1bfa947.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Being a Guardian has its perks, but you still gotta have a trade, what do you in your free time?

I'm a famous singer.

All Guardians have a history, they are human beings, tell me about yourself.

Well... Let's see... I've lived my whole life in Fjord, I was once bullied for my child body and my weird green hair. I thought about suicide, but shh... That's a secret. I was transferred to another school and in that school I was more outgoing made friends. Nothing too important since then.

(Other one soon)



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@CelestialBunny Question since Vixen lived in Fjord his whole life, would Flora and himself be childhood friends? Either way

Approved! Post whenever.
What's your name, Guardian?


How old are you?


Guardians have special powers that focus on of the elements, what are you?


Every Guardian needs an image, whats yours (This also explains gender)?


Being a Guardian has its perks, but you still gotta have a trade, what do you in your free time?

I "borrow" certain expensive object from... clients

All Guardians have a history, they are human beings, tell me about yourself.

as an orphaned child, my parents died in a house fire. at only the age of 2, i was adopted and raised by street rats and thieves.
@Gentledude Sorry, Wind is already taken (Air translates into Wind here), please change element to one of the ones not taken or reserved.
If you change, then you are accepted, you may post whenever.
What's your name, Guardian?

"Midas Aries"

How old are you?

"18.. why are you here?"

Guardians have special powers that focus on of the elements, what are you?

"What's it to you? I control sand, which in a sense... is earth"

Every Guardian needs an image, whats yours (This also explains gender)?


Blonde hair instead of white

Golden eyes instead of green

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/aee2049a09310e002c283f8bd58c6b65.jpg.5d7d20f913c7b0e6af6866ac33978df5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/aee2049a09310e002c283f8bd58c6b65.jpg.5d7d20f913c7b0e6af6866ac33978df5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Being a Guardian has its perks, but you still gotta have a trade, what do you in your free time?

"Free time...? Not much. I'm not one for activities but... well... I like sculpting. Why am I even talking to you?"

All Guardians have a history, they are human beings, tell me about yourself.

"So my dad gave me some cuffs and shackles to my wrists and neck. Why? Because he was afraid I was too powerful. Magically, these chains limit my power but if I put too much strain on them it'd break. I don't mind the limitations though. I work just fine without them. I don't want to... uh... lose control. It's what killed my mother. I went power crazy and turned a weekend hiking vacation off in the mountains into a funeral. So I leave the shackles on. I have enough sand to protect myself and others"



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@TheWingedCrusader No Picture? Anyways, your approved, post whenever.

What's your name, Guardian


How old are you?


Guardians have special powers that focus on of the elements, what are you?

The Water element

Every Guardian needs an image, whats yours?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.62012d68a176ef7ace289b8880b9536f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.62012d68a176ef7ace289b8880b9536f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Being a Guardian has its perks, but you still gotta have a trade, what do you in your free time?

I'm an artist/builder. I paint and sometimes create things.

All Guardians have a history, they are human beings, tell me about yourself.

I grew up in Fjord with my older brother, Vixen. I've always secretly looked up to him, but don't you dare tell him. He treats me like a little girl, like I get hurt often. Ow, splinter! I'm also a bit clumsy. Ask him if you need more information about my life.



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Age || 19

Gender || Female

Sexuality || Pansexual

Power || Ice

Personality || Cadence is cold and hard, just like the element she controls. She prefers to keep to herself most of the time but doesn't exactly have qualms about being around others either. She is very hard to read in terms of emotion and usually keeps them under wraps for the sake of others. She has an urge to protect others, especially the weaker, and isn't afraid to stand up to anything. She would sacrifice herself for the greater good any day.

Hobby/Profession || Warrior

Bio || Cadence grew up in a hospital with a sickness that was better left observed and taken care of in such a place. She had an extremely low immune system and was always cold to the touch. Somehow though, she was always stronger than the children around her and often took care of them. She had watched most of them die around her her whole life teaching her that nothing was permanent. She managed to finish her studies early. After that she went on the path to join the armed force.​
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Name: Denver Makarov

Title: Acting Chief of Fjord

Age: 34

Element: Metal




- Able to shift his arms into weapons or tools

- Able to to turn certains parts into armor and freely move them(Up to two parts at a time)

- Is chief, has much more battle knowledge and tatics then any of the Guardians and can easily defeat them in battle.


- His power takes up his metal reserves, a special in his body that relies on him eating iron to keep it full.

- His love for the town

- His sense of invincibility

His Unique Ability: Extreme Metal Overload - An ancient art that overloads the bodies metal reserve and unleashes powerful attacks and even more reinforced armor. (Lasts for 6 of his posts) Leaves him extremely exhuasted of Metal Reserve (Takes 6 posts to recover from this)

(Auto Accepted)

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