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Fantasy Land of Destiny


The Geek Shall Inherite the Earth
Alice sat alone in a tavern sipping on a cup of ale. She tipped the tankard back and let the cool liquid trickle down her throat as she looked around. Alice let out a small sigh and ordered another ale from the barmaid, she had to admit she was pretty exhausted from the long day of traveling she had.
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Christina walked down the road that evening, it had been a long journey, a dark cloak wrapped around her figure as her broadsword clanked gently against her armor on her side. A shield was strapped to her back, the reddish glow of the setting sun casting an ominous light upon her.
The barmaid came around and brought Clara another ale, she said nothing but nodded thanks and took it. "If only I had a bit more money" she thought to herself "then maybe I wouldn't need to drink my meal tonight" Boredom jawed at Clara's mind ravenously, she really needed a change for once in her life.
It was dusty along the barren road, the stranger's face wrapped in mystery, a shroud of darkness hiding her face. A darkness pursued her, far greater than anything a mortal realm could imagine, in her own perception, it wasn't even something she could handle. Forces once forgotten were rising, war was to soon break out, a full-scale invasion of darkness upon the lands of peace. Soon there would be nothing but pain, it was a massive force, one that was uncontrollable by any nature.
The girl sighed and set down the still full to the brim flagon of ale, the tavern echoed with the loud voices of men making crude jokes and laughing. Alice picked the flagon back up and walked out of the tavern, to try and get a moment of silence. Leaning against the tavern wall she sipped on her ale and thought.
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Into view came a tavern, not a very large one by the looks of it, but her throat was parched and her strength was dimming, perhaps a good drink and some bed-rest might get her back up and in the action. And so, she stumbled into the doorway of the pub, hooded figure and all.
Melody was never good at keeping low. even when in her uncommon form it was clear she didn't belong,even if they hadn't seen her face. it could be the fact the she was barefooted,or how she looked around in awe at the other people.

This had become a common routine for the curious faun. once a month around the same time frame she would wander into this town. Somebody would always approach her,seeing that she looked lost. she would never speak, just simply stare at them,or if she was feeling courageous she would take something of theirs. it was usually something not of much worth like a walking stick or a apron. she would then turn back into a faun and run off back into the forest. She had become quite a legend amongst the children. they would tell thier parents stories of a small young woman taking a doll or some toy, then turning into a strange creature and running off. Most didn't believe in her and she has never come in contact with somebody who could catch her anyway.

Melody was across from the tavern,she avoided the place, much too crowded for her. she turned to the place tilting her head wondering what those curious sounds coming from the place where and where the smell of food and other mysterious scents coming from.
Yazmine Alverez sat against Mina (her giant white lion). She was in a large forest by a small town, that consisted mostly of a large tavern. Even from this distance she could hear the noise of drunken men coming out of the tavern.
Alice sat against the wall and sat down, the smell of delicious food wafted out of the tavern. Oh what she'd give for even a bite of something to eat, an ale may be filling but it was no meat and potatoes. She realized that the town outside of the tavern was almost just as lively as inside.
Arriving in the city, Aantum looked around. He then took a deep whiff of the atmosphere and laughed heartily. "Nice to be back after oh so long." He dismounted his horse and hugged her. "Ah. Nice work Ashka. You never fail me." Ashka reared back on her hind legs in response, letting out a loud whinney and he fed her. He looked around the city and saw how lively it was. "Nice night tonight."

Moving towards the tavern, he hoped to get his drink on with the fellas. He was greeted by many townsfolk as "Pops," and Aantum heartily joked around with them. Arriving at the tavern, he burst through the door. "Oi! Papa's here." he said, and let out yet another laugh as people started greeting him. He was quite popular around this town, and he knew everyone there. Looking around the tavern, he saw quite a few travelers, all of whom he missed on his trade route. This town had more than usual here tonight. A man approached him "Hey, Pops! How ya been? Been drinking lately?"

Aantum smiled at his old friend the tavern owner, "Been handling it quite well. Business booming tonight I see."

"Yea. How about a drink for old times sake? First one's on the house."

"Of course. Give me the usual." Aantum took a seat next to a woman drinking what looked like ale. He never saw her before, so she must be a traveler. The barmaid came out with the drink. "Thank you kindly." he said and nodded his thanks. He opened his hand and, in a flash of blue light, 5 gold coins appeared. "Here you are." He wasn't the type for freebies. In another flash, a blue vial appeared in his hand. "The old Sobering Potion. I'll be drinking quite a lot tonight."

A couple of minutes later, he was thoroughly drunk, and he drank the Sobering Potion. It increased the detox speed in his body so he'd sober up quicker, so he could drink more. A couple of the guys came in and started drinking with him and bought Sobering Potions from him. This was to be a great night
Alice walked into the tavern after hearing the ruckus, and people shouting about somebody called "Pops" She went up to the bar and ordered another ale "so much for having a drink in peace" By now she was feeling a little bit buzzed so she sat down at a table.
Tarin readjusts the case he's been toting around for your latest job. He needed to deliver this to a client. But since he didn't exactly know the lay of the land, and Caith wasn't around, so he'd have to get the information elsewhere. He decided to go to the tavern. Mostly because of his stomach, but he knew taverns can be an excellent source of information. As you approach the tavern, he run his hand through your hair, tugging the long case up, pondering it's contents.
".............drink in peace." Even through Pop's obscene drunkenness, he heard those words. It came from one of the traveler women. He'd think that everyone here was having a good time. Sitting alone while everyone's merrymaking? Drinking in peace in this kind of tavern is pretty much impossible.

Aantum walked over to the woman's table, staggering, and flopped in the seat across from her. He put his head down. Holding out his hand in the middle of the table, another Sobering Potion appeared and he chugged it down. A couple of seconds later, his drunkenness was reduced, but that wasn't saying much since he was still pretty drunk. He looked at the woman, and shook his head vigorously, slapped his face and his forehead, trying to get his thoughts back together. When they were in working order, he spoke to the woman. "You must be hungry. How? Well............" He pointed at her ale, "One does not simply sip ale when they're full. When you've eaten, you'd chug that ole ale like it's water. Now tell me I'm wrong. Since you've been in this tavern longer than I have, you're supposed to be drunk, or at least getting there, so you have to be hungry."

He was going off pure assumption here, but his gut feeling hasn't failed him yet. She could just be a light drinker, but seeing as to how she's ordered more than one, that wasn't likely. She wasn't hardcore like the fellas though. It had to be hunger. No wonder she was in such a foul mood! Who can party on an empty stomach?

He bothered not to wait for a response from the woman. "You're hungry. Now prove me wrong. Drunk men tell no tales." 10 gold coins appeared in his hand, enough for a woman her size, unless she was one of those Joan de Arc, warrior types who ate like kings. He let out a big laugh at the thought, dropped the coins on the table and went back to the fellas. He wanted to get away from the woman, as he may have offended her. Damn alcohol! Travelers haven't the best temper when dealing with drunks. He may have just lost a potential customer. That was definitely a sobering thought. He chugged down more drinks and it left his mind immediately.
You take a quick glance around. Maybe going to a tavern wasn't such a good idea. Everyone was drunk. But, at a second glance, you saw a woman rather sober, with gold coins at her table. You decide to wait a bit and survey before asking her anything. You walk up to the bar.

"I'd like whatever's popular around here." You ask the bartender
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Yazmine laughed silently to herself. Humans were amusing creatures. Deciding to join the fun and grab a bite to eat she got up and went to the Tavern to join the humans. Before entering she pulled her cloak up, making sure her ears were thoroughly covered, satisfied that they were properly covered Yazmine entered the Tavern.
Aantum started to notice the increasing number of travelers in the tavern and wondered if something was happening soon. He looked to the bartender, who was talking to a traveler, and got him a drink. He was carrying something with him. He didn't care what it was, but he was obviously looking for info if he came in with important luggage in a tavern.

He walked up to the traveler with the case, staggering. "Oi," he said and sat down next to the guy. Suddenly his stomach churned. He looked up and let out a thunderous belch, one that shut everyone up for a second. After a big applause from the audience, the merriment continued. He accessed SIA and another Sobering Potion appeared in his hand, which he chugged down immediately. "Hey. You do realize that bringing in luggage like that is asking for it to disappear. Where there are people, there are thieves." he warned after getting his head back together. "You must be new here. Keep whatever that is on you, and don't let it out of your sight............... as for the people here. Basically, anyone drunk is a resident. Anyone sober is a traveler."

The Sobering Potion was in effect and he was clear headed for the first time that night.
"Thank you for the advice, but I don't exactly have anywhere else to put this, so I would assume the nest place is next to me."

As you look around the room again, you notice that there were others scattered around that were quite sober.

"While you're a here, do you know where a I could find a man known as 'The Collector'?"
Aantum stroked his beard in thought. "The Collector. Hmmm." He accessed SIA and a potion appeared in his hand. This one, filled with pink liquid, was called Memory Shot. His age took a toll on his memory. He drank it, then the name suddenly rang a bell, but was that a good thing? His voice got low. "You can't deal with the Collector and talk aloud like that. The guy's dangerous, with spies everywhere." He dropped his voice even lower. "The man never deals directly, so you must be looking for his middleman. I can tell you where he is at the moment, but we can't exactly do it here."

Aantum was completely sober now. The Collector was a black market man, not one to be played with. "The name's Aantum, known as Pops around these parts. I can take you to the middleman. I refuse, however, to take you to the actual Collector. Have to keep my client's secrets secret. Tell me when you're ready to meet him." He dealt with the collector, but wasn't really with the black market. There's not really a reason to refuse money. What his clients do is zero his business.
"I appreciate the offer. I didn't have any orders to deliver it to him directly, so I believe this middleman will suit my purposes. If you would be so kind as to direct me to him, I am willing to pay." You made sure to say this in a much quieter tone, although it wasn't too nessecary over the tavern din. After saying this, you produced a pouch thick with coins.
"Oh yea." He snatched up the coins and made them disappear into SIA. "just follow me." He got up and walked out the tavern. On the way, a peculiar individual caught his eye. A person in a hood. In a tavern? During a party? At night? There were a couple of circumstances running through his brain, enlightened from his Memory Shot. If his experience has told him anything, it was that this was suspicious, though that was obvious anyways. This person was either non-human, a cultist, a religious fanatic, or a human with malicious intent, only one of which was welcome.

He touched the person's shoulder. "Oi. Whatever you're hiding, you'll attract far more attention trying to cover it up than actually showing it. The people here are drunk. They won't know or care, unless you're planning something stupid." He then continued his exit. Whoever that traveler was, chances are they knew nothing of his Drunken Fist Potions, which were very popular, and actually sold in the tavern. It reacts with alcohol to make people stronger, moreso than his normal strength potions. If this traveler was planning something bad, he wasn't worried about the beating they'll very likely take. These people may joke around, but they'd fight to the death quick.

Shifting his focus back to the task at hand, he walked over to Ashka, where it was quiet.......or at least quieter. Aantum stroked Ashka's mane "Looks like we'll be meeting up with the middleman tonight, eh girl?" He waited patiently for the traveler in the tavern to come along. It would be quite the hassle getting though all those people, but he was in plain sight from the tavern.
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Melody feeling rather courageous,or perhaps a lack of self preservation,drove the curious little faun inside the tarven. She stood there,her eyes wide and expression unreadable. She wasn't sure what to make of the place or the humans in it. She walked by curiously,ignoring all possible signes of danger. She was drawing a lot of attention to herself. It was clear on closer examination of her features that she wasn't human. Also she was rather poorly dressed and did not wear any from of shoes. Also the way she gazed around going from group to group of people not saying a word but simply gazing at them with keen intrest. Some would place her as simply a odd girl,she also made no response to the men's comments or any one else's attempts to talk to her.
Alice looked down at the coins spilled over the table with confusion and awe. Sure the man was drunk as a skunk, but to give a random stranger that amount of money was a level of foolishness that Alice had never seen before. She quickly scraped up the coins from the table nonetheless and started to count them in her hand. Ten gold, that was enough to buy her meals for the next few nights. She looked around for the drunk man with the intention of thanking him, but he was nowhere to be seen. "as much as I hate to communicate with anyone" she thought to herself "I should probably thank that man if I get the chance to next time" she went up to the bar and slid two coins over to the bartender, ordering a plate of bread and cheese.
After purchasing a cloak with what little money he had left from the previous town, Marcos walked around the town, pulling a really grumpy Eri by the reins. Eri didn't enjoy large crowds and he was impossible to deal with when facing ones, so he found him a quiet place to rest behind the tavern he was directed at by some locals he had asked earlier. He knocked at the back door and luckily the owner was a reasonable man and the two of them quickly agreed on a deal that suited them both.

"I'm surprised you found so many around here." said the owner as he stocked away the prey Marcos had just sold him. "Feel free to head to the front and grab a meal. It's all on me."

The elf thanked him and headed straight to the front, keeping his hood on to conceal his ears. He decided to order a small meal since he didn't like being too greedy and he honestly wasn't that hungry either - he asked the barmaid only for some bread and a glass of ale. Beside him a young woman was counting golden coins in her palm with an expression of pure surprise on her face, she then looked around the tavern as if searching for someone. Someone she didn't find as she turned to the bar again and ordered a plate of bread and cheese.
The barmaid handed her a plate of rough bread and a large lump of cheese. Alice took the plate and started to ravenously ripping up the bread and stuffing it into her mouth hungrily, this was the first solid meal that she had eaten in days. She felt thankful for the gift she had received from the man, eating something certainly was improving her mood. The bread was stale and the cheese dry, but to Alice it tasted better than anything that even royalty would eat. She turned her head and realized the elf sitting next to her. Alice stopped shovelling the food into her mouth and began to eat more civilly when she realized this.
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Marcos smiled when the woman stopped eating like her life depended on it - which it might. "Please don't mind me. You seem like you haven't eaten in a while." she also seemed to be a traveler, like him, but there was always the possibility that she knew the area better than he did. "By the way, do you know any cheap inns around here? I don't think my horse will be able to stand another stroll through this crowded town for a second time on a single day." he said with his fingers tangled in front of a piece of bread he had yet to touch.

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