Land of Destiny - Rules


The Geek Shall Inherite the Earth
1. No Mary Sues/God-modding

2. You may be any fantasy creature, within reason.

3. No smut, but you can cuss all you want

4. Cause drama, but don't make it all about you.

5. No killing another person's character without their permission. If you agree with the rules so far put a :)

6.please try and write at least one line.

7. No script, please write descriptive

8. If you make your character die then please don't bring the character back to life, just make a new character.

9. If you join please rp

10. This is a medieval era rp so character pictures can be modern/emo/scene

11. You may have crushes, but ask the player first before taking their character as your crush.

12. Please don't be mean to anyone, and try to include everyone (don't let there be that one awkward person trying to rp but everyone is ignoring them so they have to rp by themselves)

13. Please use proper grammar and spelling (no text talk)

14. You can make multiple characters, just stay reasonable in the amount you make.

15. No stealing eachother's crushes unless you have discussed it with both parties (ie. the player who's crush your stealing and the player of the crush) and it's part of the plot or for added drama.

16. Respect administrator @Gabauchi

If you have read all the rules and agree to all of them tell me what your favourite food is.
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