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Fantasy Land And Water, Together and Apart.


internet angel
The war has started. Humans and merpeople have lived in peace for 2,000 years. Until one human starts it all. Tries to take away the mermaids, put them in tanks and keep them hostage. The mermaids won't stand (or swim) for it. They start war. The war has been going on for over 5 years. It is not planned to stop anytime soon. Until some people and merpeople take a stand. 

     Welcome to Edolas (If you can tell where that name is from, you get a follower)! This takes place in medieval times, so don't say you "Pull out your phone," or "Watch TV,". It's gotta be fair for mermaids. All battles are fought at sea, as the mermaids are more out to sea, and they need to use ships.  


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