L O S T l l Storyline + Rules

The Joker

Elder Member





You ran away from home because they didnt accept you. they didnt know you. you always knew you were different, everyone thought so. Abused, Beaten, Left Behind. you decided they dont need you anymore, and you leave. your now left all alone. L O S T.

until, you meet someone. that someone, takes you into a different world. one no human has ever seen. one that seems full of love and sunshine, but really is a living hell. everyone is nice, but are killers. every animal is kind, but sick. every friend is welcoming, but will never leave you alone. every thing is hell. everything.

sooner or later, you realize you were better of with your family. that they cared about you more. you now seem to know nothing. everything is not what it seems. everyone betrayed you. everyone left you.

now you are really, L O S T


1.) no killing others without permission

2.) you are able to swear/ cuss

3.) if declined, please leave. i dont want spamming

4.) do not post until i accept you

5.) have fun! :P


Thank you for reading! i hope you joining and enjoy a RP!

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