L O S T l l Registration + Chart

The Joker

Elder Member





Name: (Full Name)

Gender: (Sex)

Age: (How old are you?)

Personality: (Are you nice, smart, cool, ect. )

Family History: (Why did you leave your family?)

Fighting Abilities: (How good are you at fighting of people?)

Crush(s): (Anyone you like?)

Looks: (What do you look like?)

Other: (Anything else?)






Family History:

Fighting Abilities:




Fighting Abilities Chart

0 - you cant fight at all

1 -
you are a beginner

2 - you are more of a extra

3 - you are OK

4 - you are better

5 - your are average

6 - you are working it!

7 - you are great!

8 - Amazing!!

9 - everyone loves you!!!

10 - you are exceptional!!!!

My Skelly (s)

Name: Kai Jason Bushman

Gender: Male

Age: 18

He is sneaky at times, and may mess you up, but he is a great friend. he is loyal and kind. he can get down from all the a$$ people around. he hates this place.

Family History: when he was young, his father was a drug addict. he would come home, crazier than usual and he would beat up Kai. one day, Kai was playing the flute and his father was annoyed, so he took Kai, and stuffed him up the attic and beat him there, and left him there, locked up. there was no air there and it was stuffy. so Kai couldnt breathe. he opened to window, and escaped. he found this place, lead by a man in black.

Fighting Abilities: 7 - 10, i am GREAT!


Looks: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime boy with blonde hair/Christ_039/Anime/Frank.jpg?o=4

Other: he hates this place where he lives

Name: May Moon Marian (yeah, i know. all "M"s)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

she may seem nice and sweet, but she is bad a$$. she loves to start a fight. and she actually doesnt think of this place as hell all that much. she loves the excitement and entertainment. she loves it

Family History: her father left her mother when she was born, and her mother blamed that on her. her mother would beat her because she was lonely and sad. she did that everyday. May's mom would yell at her for doing that to her, even though she didnt do it. she finally ran away and came here, showed by a man in black

Fighting Abilities: 10 - 10 I AM EXCEPTIONAL!


Looks: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime girl with black hair/Wolfy2008/anime/black.jpg?o=9

Other: she had only talked to Kai once


Thank You for coming a reading through this! I hope you join and enjoy mu thread!

Name: Rosalind Faire


Age: 16

Personality: Spunky, full of life and attitude, stands up for what she believes in, loyal once she trusts you which takes a long time, kind

Family History:Rosa's mother was a prostitute who got pregnant after a fling with a business man. They have no idea who/which one, her mother left her with her uncle and his wife. For a while things were fine because her aunt took care of her but when her aunt and uncle got divorced, she was 5, Rosa was on her own. The courts wouldn't let the aunt take her because she wasn't a blood relative and her mother hadn't even signed custody over to her uncle. Her Uncle was an abusive jerk who didn't care what happened to her. He had friends over who did whatever they wanted to her when her uncle passed out. He also ran a dog fighting operation and she grew up around the animals' shrieks of pain. She would sneak out at night treating there wounds and once when a dog had puppies she took. Rosa took the runt she knew her uncle would kill, she lied to him saying she killed the pup. She left that night with the puppy and all of her uncle's money. She also called both the police and a local pitbull rescue before she left letting them know everything.

Fighting Abilities: 6-9 she can hold her own a fight

Crush(s): None yet maybe Kai


Other: Whiskers:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/431204_123831601075367_119989964792864_65099_664670792_n.jpg

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