kvlt classic


hippie scum



name -  Marley Roibeárd Reagan

nickname - Most of his friends call him Mars, his family calls him Ro

age - 20 

birthday - November 5th 

zodiac - Scorpio 

birth place - Dublin, Ireland

gender - Male

orientation - Bisexual+Polyamorous

major/minor - Fine Arts/Poli Sci

password - London



height- 6'2"

weight - 175

hair - Brown, shoulder length, curly/wavy. Either loose or pulled up in a loose bun

eyes - Hazel

complexion - Fair, slightly ruddy
build - Lean

clothing style - 90's slackercore/normcore


dist. features- crooked teeth, large scar on his right shin from a childhood accident







-self destructive















-drugs of all kinds

-kitschy cult classic movies, especially sci-fi and horror


-leftist politics/protesting

-getting in fights/arguing

-his pet rats, Maggot and Gristle


-any kind of loud music he can dance to




-apathetic people



-cops/the government/any form of authority


-staying in all the time

-the color burnt orange

-hoppy beer and menthol cigarettes




fears- dying without accomplishing anything, the people he cares about getting hurt, getting arrested, elevators


goals - actually graduate, find a job that doesn't make him hate himself, travel, own a goat

skills - shoplifting, dumpster diving, giving stick n pokes, art, climbing trees, making bongs/pipes out of anything, can't actually dance but really good at pretending that he can


weaknesses - easily distracted, absolutely terrible at math, forgetful, hopeless romantic, never learned how to drive, can't cook for shit, lowkey dependent on various substances to get through the day


quirks - usually has a cigarette tucked behind his ear, even when he's smoking another one, doodles all over everything, including furniture and walls, will eat anything for five pounds, if he can't make a decision on his own he choses based on a coin flip


confidence level- 10/10, Mars is too detached from reality to give half a shit what anyone thinks of him and too energetic to get nervous

describe them in one sentence - Mars is a perpetually stoned idiot savant who loves everyone, hates everything, and can't remember where he put his shoes.


what do they daydream about - life in a post-capitalist utopia, art, cute people, the ocean, living in a commune with five partners and a dozen goats

three words they live by - Fuck it, man


what do they carry in their bags- sketchpad, notebook, cigarettes+lighter, snacks, flask, probably a few joints, ADHD meds, emergency cash, small sewing kit, sharpies for graffiti, condoms, pocket knife



biography -

Mars was born and raised in Dublin, the third of six boys in his family. His mother was an artist, mostly working in murals, and his father was an English teacher at the local secondary school. All in all Mars had a very happy childhood. His parents both fostered his creativity and love of art and having so many brothers meant he always had someone to play with. The boys spent a lot of time exploring the town and local woods together and since both parents worked his oldest brother Liam was left in charge a lot of time which gave them plenty of freedom to get in trouble. 

    And Mars loved getting in trouble. He was a wild, opinionated child and not much has changed. The second he could walk he was running and he hasn’t shut up since he figured out how to form words. Like the rest of his siblings he went to an all-boys Catholic school and spent most of his time there being lectured or sitting in detention. He was either mouthing off to a teacher, getting into a fight with one of the more irritating kids, skipping class, refusing to do assignments for vague moral reasons, vandalizing a bathroom, or getting caught in a bathroom with another student. He wasn’t exactly a fantastic student despite being an avid reader. Math, science, and anything that required either of those subjects was a struggle and even subjects he did like he didn’t put much effort into. At any rate he’d rather be out partying, exploring, or making art than sitting in a classroom. He was diagnosed with ADHD pretty young and has been taking an increasing amount of medication for it since he was twelve. It doesn't help that he habitually misuses said medication, not taking it for days at a time and then spending three days sped out and not sleeping. It was his first foray into drug use and he took to it like a pro. It's rare to see him completely sober but he's high functioning and just prefers how life feels with a few additives.

    Mars didn’t even plan on going to university but when he got in with a scholarship his parents were so thrilled that he went just to make them happy. It wasn’t like he had anything better to do anyway. He stumbled upon the apartment while trying to find somewhere cheap to live. He works part time in the Fine Arts library and thanks in part to the apartment he’s actually enjoyed school, though he spends more time hanging out with friends or various clubs and groups than he does in actual classes. Lately he's started to feel restless and directionless which has led to some unhealthy choices as he tries to stave off these feelings with more and more drugs, drinks, and flings.


relationships - tba

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