Kuwa Moja Island


The Amazon
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Character Skellie:





Carry-on Bag: (The contents of it.)

Abilities: (Leave blank for now. See rules.)


Other:(If you want to include any other information) 
Name:Allison Hardwell





Personality: Allison is a very empathetic person. Working in the medical field, her bedside manner is quite impressive. She has a deep fear of confrontation and will often say yes to things she is uncomfortable with just to avoid argument.

Carry-on Bag: Travel size toiletries including shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and deodorant. A medical encyclopedia and a paper-back book called Duma Key by Stephen King. A pack of gum missing two pieces and a toothbrush.

Abilities: (Leave blank for now. See rules.)

History: Allison came from a normal two-parent, all American home in Boston. Her mother April worked full time as a second grade school teacher, and her father Gregory worked part time as a real-estate agent. She has one brother, a fraternal twin, who is currently in the army on his second tour in Iraq. She herself is a full time college student majoring in Nursing. She worked at the local hospital as a CNA doing the grunt work for the Resident Nurses. She lives in a small college apartment with one other female roommate.

Back in her senior year of high school, Allison participated in a student exchange program where she spent a semester in London. She made many friends while she was there, but one particular relationship became very close. Her exchange family had a son named Jordan who was the same age as Allison. A romance had blossomed between the two during her stay.

When she returned home they kept in touch through the wonders of the internet. Conversations leading long into the night and daily video calls left them longing to see each other again. Finally, years later, they planned on meeting again. Allison bought a round way ticket to London to see Jordan over her spring break. She sat nervously on the flight wondering if they would still feel the same way that they did years ago. That is when the world went black.

Other: She has some (though very limited) medical knowledge from her schooling and work.
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I would like to join this! I shall give this rp link to my boyfriend as well! Need to make a sheet, yay!
Name: August Susan Erickson

Age: 27


Personality: Self Reliant, Self Effecient, Indpendent, a bit anti-social unless with other Steampunk/Goth/Self Efficients

Carry-on Bag: A big backpack with Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion ((all previous five bought after security check from the airport stores, her wallet, phone, car keys sketchbook/notebook as well as charcoal and other drawing utensils. Also includes 4 books:

Abilities: ---____---

History: Born to a cop mother and a drunken wastrel for a father, August began learning how to care for herself when she was in her early middle school years, roughly when she could reach the stove and cook something safely not just microwave. Her mother divorced her father sometime when August was in fifth grade and still in elementary school. Due to her upbringing, she was more socially inept than the other kids and found herself in her own little world. She got bullied and learned to fight back, mainly due to her mother, in her scant free time, training her young daughter.

August secretly would train herself with a knife since her mother refused to let her own a gun, let alone practice with one until she was 16, when her mother finally brought her to a female friendly gun shop with it's own indoor range and bought lessons for August as an early birthday present. August found herself more proficient with a semi-automatic 9mm over a 45 calibre. Though August's mother, Sarah, wanted August to follow in her footsteps...years of being alone and self sufficiency turned August attention and interests to hunting. Steampunk became a big interest for August shortly after highschool, where she taught herself to sew from books and online adds in an age before Youtube.

After Youtube came out though August learned and absorbed much information and after many years began to craft many things. She even learned how to tan her own leather; something that warranted several complaints on the smell from the neighbours. Eventually, even August's own mother could not prevent a citation so August moved out when she was 19 and worked with a Tanner before earning a small part time job with Tandy Leather Factory.

August was on the plane flight for a week's vacation and Steampunk convention in London, where she would meet up with an online friend and travel to the rural areas for more leather-working and tanning methods. However this is all she remembers being on the flight before everything went black.

Other:(If you want to include any other information) Has luggage and paperwork for leather working kits which includes sharp knives, needles, knife sharpening kits, awls, leather punch and some leather stamps, oils and some other chemicals for leather including scrap leather and feathers. She can sew by hand or by machine but prefers by hand methods for leather working. The rest of her clothes and her main toiletries are in these luggage bags. Her gun though, is home in her apartment.
Name: Micheal Collins

Age: 20




Micheal is a very unfiltered person who would speak whatever was on his mind, to the detriment or benefit of the group or person. It didn't really matter which way it went. Despite his appearance, he is a surprisingly laid back individual who lets things flow in whatever direction it went and went along with it. He is a person who usually likes his life streamlined but doesn't exactly shy away from doing some hard work every now and then, as long as he could work smart that is.

Carry-on Bag: Laptop, with charger. Smartphone charger. extra change of clothes. some toilet paper. note book. pen. a deck of cards.



Micheal Collins. The son of Gary and Mary Collins. An only child who grew up in a somewhat sheltered environment and protective parents. It was understandable that by the time he became a teenager he felt way to constricted in his life. There wasn't anything noteworthy of his family name either, except maybe that they migrated from Ireland after his great grandfather moved to the States.

He was born and raised in New York. His social life wasn't that stellar though, partly because the way he talked made people feel like he was picking a fight with them. Well he was picking a fight to certain degree with his unfiltered thoughts and headstrong personality. It got him into a lot of fights, losing more than he won but still walking away like he learned something new in the process. He didn't bother take up a martial art discipline and just rolled with the punches really.

His high school life was a mixed bag. One the one hand, his opinion was respected because he was that honest. One the other, he was openly mocked at times. But such was high school, filled with asses of varying sizes after all, that was to be expected. He had a small circle of friends back then and usually despised going to school.

That all changed when he was introduced to college life as a business management undergrad. He was little behind on his graduation though, due to the fact that. A. He had tasted liberty for the first time since he had to rent a condo unit for his studies. B. This place wasn't high school. Though unlike most students, he didn't get into a lot of things. For one he's still pretty much single, though his social circle broadened exponentially. One of his contacts had offered him an internship at a London firm, although he had to wait a year before being able to fly to London as he had not reached the age requirement at the time of the offer.

Right now. Micheal was waiting for the plane that would take him from Boston to London. Excited at the prospect of working abroad with most of the expenses paid for....unaware of what would happen next. He could barely conceal the bright smile on his face.

-now to wait for the thumbs up or down-
Name: Lucius Alexander

Age: 25


Personality: Is bit of a loner, tends to be calm and collected. Usually keeps to himself. He is very independent and self reliant. He is usually quiet and doesn't say much, not unless it's needed

Carry-on Bag: Toothbrush, tooth paste, hair brush, deodorant, shampoo, pens, anti-psychotic meds and a notebook for his new manuscript.

Abilities: (Leave blank for now. See rules.)

History: Lucius was orphaned as a young boy, his parents were killed right in front of him, in his own home by a robber.The murder took a great toll, on him mentally. So he suppressed the memories. His childhood wasn't very happy, in and out of foster homes. Besides the foster homes, he was in and out of juvenile hall, for fighting, stealing and shop lifting. He eventually got tired of the abuse and neglect, he ran away. He started to live on the streets of New York. Learning the basics of survival the hard way. When he was about 18 years old he started to write about his life, the book was completed and published about a year later. The title is called My Life As A Street Rat. At first the book wasn't getting any where and soon it began to gain momentum, soon before he knew it, he was a very popular author. He also was going to see a hypno-therapist for, he wanted to remember the memories of his parents murder, which were unlocked by therapist. It was such a tremendous burden, that he snapped basically.

He tried to commit suicide and was hospitalized. After the success of his first book and getting treatment, he moved to a rather large apartment, in Chicago. Of course he lives there alone, no animals or plants to keep him company. He uses the city as his inspiration for his up coming new book series, Street Lives, which he had published two books of it already. He was on the plane flight, first class, going to London, to talk to his publisher about the new book in the series. And possibly a big movie producer, to make his first book into a film.

Other: Because of what happened with the therapist and the hospitalization, he hears voices. 
I think it may have been my internet connection. Sorry
Name: Andrea Washington

Nickname: Andie

Age: 20



Andrea is a defiant and outspoken woman. A Pre-law major with a minor in biology, Andie is a strong advocate of speaking her mind despite the consequences or disapproval of others. She strongly believes in her opinions and ideals, making her hardheaded often and stubborn on multiple occasions. Despite this flaw, Andie tries her best to remain a helpful person, offering her assistance wherever it is needed.

Carry-on Bag: Andrea's carry-on bag includes small toiletries such as her shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, and an extra deodorant. Along with this is a small paper-back book entitled "My Sister Rosalind Franklin" by Jenifer Glynn. This is a story of the famous scientist credited with the discovery of DNA, a finding she was not recognized for until after her death years later.

Abilities: (Leave blank for now. See rules.)

Andrea grew up in a simple New York townhouse with her mother and younger sister, Natalie. Though they did not have much, they made it by just fine and Andie often worked throughout her high school years to pitch in. Throughout various jobs and babysitting opportunities, she was able to earn money to help out her mother as well as make some cash of her own. She decided to save hers, waiting for the day when she would finally visit London, especially University of Oxford only fifty miles away from this main hub. She has had an intrigue with British culture, including fashion, music, and the atmosphere of the city. This love began at a young age when Andie first discovered the location of Great Britain on a map in her third grade geography lesson.

Throughout the remainder of her youth, Andrea worked hard and began to strategize how to word her college applications so that she would have a chance to study at Oxford. She continued to work hard in high school, sending off her application to the British institution her senior year. If by chance or because she was a pretty qualified applicant, Andrea was awarded a spot at the University of Oxford, which she accepted instantly. Her mother and Natalie helped her prepare for the journey to the school she had been dreaming about for years. When she finally arrived, it was everything she dreamed about and more, as the prestigious institution offered her various opportunities and she could just take a mass transit system to visit London on the weekends.

During her junior year at the university, Andrea received a long distance distress call from Natalie that their mother had recently had a stroke. Filled with sorrow and fear, Andrea quickly booked a flight back to New York, explaining to her professors and dean that it was urgent. When she arrived, she found her mother in a hospital bed with an induced coma, as she was having trouble functioning on her own. A few weeks later, a miracle occurred and her mother finally woke up, being able to leave the hospital a few weeks later. She now lives in their townhouse with Natalie and a nurse, making sure that she is taken care of properly. Andrea, on the other hand, was encouraged to return to school, securing one way flight to Oxford where she would remain for the rest of academic year.
Name: Roxxane Lexanna

Age: 26



Personality:Roxxane can be hollow and stubborn, a protective shell she uses as a defense. If you stay with her long enough (if she lets you live) you'll discover she's intelligent and clever. Once she's attached to someone, she defends them and grieves deeply if they somehow perish or become deceased. If you think you're stronger than her or smarter than her, you'll be soon tied to a chair with a knife to your neck. She has a certain way of knowing what gets through to a person the most, so you wouldn't want to be on her "list".

Carry-on Bag: On the plane, Roxxane brought lipstick, Doctor Sleep by Stephen King, and her laptop.

Abilities: (Leave blank for now. Well sure thing gurl :3)

History: Roxxane used to suffer beatings from her father at age 9. Her mother was strongly against it, and divorced her father legally when she was 12. At age 19 Roxxy moved out, renting a small apartment on the corner of a well-known street. Over a dating site, she met Jake, her present boyfriend. She has a job as a marketer, following Jake's path in life. She decided to have a little "off time"- mostly because she couldn't stand being around Jake all the time... he was so annoying at times - so she booked a flight on the plane and was planning on having a vacation. Roxxane's father imprinted on her severely, leaving dreams...horrible dreams that left her waking up at midnight and being soaked with sweat.

Jake had to hold up his job because if he didn't, there were many people who could easily replace him and take the occupation. Rox knew he would be worried as soon as the plane crashed - it was the first thing she thought of as she woke up from the darkness of her "blackout".

Other: Roxxane HATES being called Rox.
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@Roxxane Lexanna

Just a couple things:

1. Due to airport security. she couldn't have the dagger.

2. Could you add a little more detail to the history? How she met her boyfriend, her reasoning for needing the vacation, etc.
Name: Jack Shephard Max Jameson

Age: 36



Personality: Pragmatic, to point of coming off cold to most people but has a caring side that most people don't see. Concise and to the point, typically seems as if he's in a hurry.

Carry-on Bag: None, he travelled with a couple changes of clothes and some personal hygiene items but he checked these things out of convenience. So all he has is what is directly on his person, which among other things includes a tablet which would be of very little use on an uninhabited island. But then again he wasn't thinking about that when he boarded the plane.


History: Born into a middle class family, Max grew up in a fairly bland manner not really lacking anything he needed but still developing a strong respect for hard work. Sometimes holding down two jobs at once to pay his way through school he managed to obtain his medical doctorate from a mid-tier school by the age of 28.

Being smart, dedicated and somewhat arrogant, Max always resented the perceived slight that his average education was looked down up upon and kept him from achieving a top placement for his residency. However, always persistent Max allowed his passion for medicine to drive him and within a few years of completing his residency he was already considered a well respected endocrinologist. He has in fact become rather well known in his field but some consider him controversial for his approach of integrating alternative medicines with conventional treatments.

Dedicated to his career, Max still managed to find time to fall in love and get married. However, the marriage ended in divorce two years ago. He still hasn't recovered from his wife leaving him and the few people that can call themselves close to Max think that he has become increasingly distant since then.


Okay, I can tell from the outline that this isn't going to be Lost. But I still have to admit there is a faint hope that we will run into a smoke monster or something similar over the course of roleplay. Hope everything is good. If not I'll change it.
Name: Karl Redding

Age: 42



Personality: Scoundrel - He talks smooth, takes risks, and always has another motive for something.

Carry-on Bag: None

Abilities: (Leave blank for now. See rules.)


Karl Redding, a criminal. Born in a small forgotten town in rural America, Karl was a nature born outdoors man. During his early years and twenties, he worked outdoors with his father as a lumberjack, hunting and living off the woods. His life was happy, as happy as any man's life was. However, one day out in the woods, he fell into an argument with another worker. This altercation proved deadly, as someone (Karl will not say who) swung their axe at other. A fight broke out and the other worker was found scattered across the ground chopped into hand-sized pieces.

Fearing the authorities, Karl navigated his way to the East Coat, hitchhiking off of the backs of truck drivers. When he arrived at Boston, he had no money, no home, no food. Living in the streets, he earned a reputation as a fighter and a strong man from beating others for cash, food, or any other item he needed. One day, he attempted to hold-up a business man and his associates in Boston. The business man's friends standing nearby beat Karl to within an inch of his life. Karl, lying in the alley running red with his own blood, was then given a job proposition. The business man was a Boston mob boss. His deal was simple: become an enforcer for the mob or die.

Karl's sense of self-preservation compelled him to accept the offer. As he worked as an enforcer, he navigated up the chain of command in the mob scene until he became a gun-runner, smuggling guns, primarily assault rifles, across the Atlantic Ocean into London where they would be sold to other mobs or gangs. His skill at gun smuggling became quite legendary as more and more guns were finding their way into the England. Eventually, M16 traced down one of Karl's sellers in London who gave Karl up to the authorities. The FBI then in coordination with M16 arrested Karl in Boston and extradited him to London to face charges. His flight was Trifold Airlines flight 879 from Boston to London, where he accompanied by an M16 agent.

Other: N/A
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