Kuwa Moja Island [Inactive]


The Amazon
Gypsy submitted a new role play:

Kuwa Moja Island - Trapt on a island of magic and fantasy, it is up to you to survive.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Alice Sharpe and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Smith and the entire crew, welcome aboard Trifold Airlines flight 879, non-stop service from Boston to London. Our flight time will be of six hours and five minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet at a ground speed of 600 miles per hour per hour. At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Also make sure your seat belt is...
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The world went dark. It seemed so cliche, but that is what happened. At one moment, Allison was glued to her seat, watching out the window as the plane came hurling down from the sky. She was deafened by the sounds of screaming passengers and pleas to God spoken aloud. She found herself unable to speak. The only thing she was able to do was grip tightly to the armrests of her chair, turning her knuckles a bony white. Each person aboard seemed to have their own way of greeting death. Allison greeted death with silent fear. Then, everything was black. No sound could be heard and nothing could be seen. Just black.

Allison was brought back to reality by the feeling of a cool breeze on her face. The air tasted salty yet fresh. Something soft was shifting under her limp body. Sand? Slowly she begins to open her eyes. She is nearly blinded by the bright sun. She brings her hand up in front of her face to shield herself as her eyes adjust. The bright blue, nearly white hues of her eyes has always made it difficult for her to see in glaring light. Through the blur of her vision she begins checking herself over for injuries. Surprisingly, everything is completely intact. Not a single scratch or bruise graces her body. It was almost as though she was just gently laid here on this....wait. Where was she?

Coming to this realization, Allison jolts up to a sitting position. Straight in front of her are gentle rolling waves. Where is the plane? There is no sign of any type of wreckage. She begins to wonder if she was the only survivor. Looking around the beach, Allison finds that she is not alone. She begins to bring herself to her feet. She is hesitant in her actions still not fully comprehending what has happened. After she is sure that she can stand, she turns around. "Hello..." she calls out. She nearly whispers the word. She is still full of fear. She speaks a little louder this time "Hello, w-w-whats going on? Who else is here?". She does not move a muscle. Her movements are small, nearly non-existent. She keeps her breathing low and steady.
Karl starred out the window, admiring the view as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean. The ocean was certainly beautiful, the water sparkling as the Sun's light refracted off the surface creating a two color kaleidoscope effect. It was one of the things he was going to miss about prison. He doubted if he would ever see the sunlight again, his hands in cuffs and being escorted to what was undoubtedly going to be a quick trial.

As the PA announced the arrival of a patch of turbulence, he turned to look over at M16 agent escorting him to London. He was a younger man, probably mid-twenties, guessed Karl. He was probably ex-military as he seemed to be constantly scanning the surroundings for any possible threats. Karl was eyeing the man, wondering if there was any possible chance of escape, when the lights suddenly went out. Instantly, screaming began throughout the entire plane and the plane shook like a train was passing by. The agent was paying more attention to the other passengers than the prisoner he was escorting.

Karl, not hesitating in his conviction, quickly made a big fist-shape placing both of his hands on top of each other and swung directly for the agent's neck. The never saw it coming and cried out, only to stop, gasping for breath before falling forward onto Karl's arms, dead. It would have been obvious what had occurred had anyone been paying attention, a collapsed windpipe resulting sudden loss of oxygen causing immediate death. It was a move he had performed many times when working as an enforcer. The lights masked his movements and the passengers masked the cry of pain.

The plane was diving fast now, Karl realized, most likely going to crash. At least, he thought I will die a free man. He then blacked out.

Karl, for a while, was in a dream. He was in darkness, and then a voice called out, softly. "Hello...?" His body began to stir and he slowly began to open his eyes. The voice, he realized was a woman's voice, as it called out again: "Hello, w-w-whats going on? Who else is here?" His mind, now processing the last seconds of his life that he remembered, caused him to jolt awake. He quickly stood up and looked around, finding himself on a beach.

It was sometime in the afternoon, as the Sun was high in the sky, beating down on him. The waves lapped against the beach, ebbing and flowing in and out with each wave. On the beach, a few others lay unconscious in the sand. He saw the owner of the voice, the only woman standing on the beach.

He, in a carefree manner, picked up his black cowboy style hat, brushing the sand off the rims before placing it on his head. His clothes, a plain blue t-shirt and blue jeans, seemed to be in almost better condition than when he was on the plane. In fact, the hole in his right pocket was completely gone. He took a step towards the woman, clearing his throat once before saying, "I believe this is the place the religious folk call heaven."
Max appeared outwardly indifferent to the announced turbulence. He had flown often enough that he hardly noticed it at all now. Realistically it was trivial in comparison to being crammed in a tight space full of people for an extended period. I should have just sprung for business class. He thought to himself bitterly. But no, almost every time I manage to convince myself that it's not worth the extra fare.

As the lights blinked out and the masks fell down Max thought. Well this is new and it can't be good. Despite his awareness that the plane going down from full altitude in the middle of the ocean was something they were unlikely to survive, he found himself surprisingly calm. It wasn't as if there was anything he could do to change his circumstances.

In the midst of the organized chaos of people screaming and putting their masks on Max thought he saw something unusual happening. It was hard to tell in the darkness but it appeared that one passenger had struck another then suddenly the man seemed to be struggling to breathe. Acting more out instinct than any sort common sense the doctor unfastened his seatbelt and stood up to see if he could assist the man. If it was an issue of the man panicking and not putting on his oxygen mask, Max wasn't sure the passenger beside him wasn't helping him. Though it did appear that the man had assaulted him. A tracheotomy was an easy enough to do procedure even for a non-surgical doctor such as Max and without air the man had at the most a few minutes before brain damage set it and he started to die. Not considering that the plane was going down and was depressurizing or where he would even get the necessary equipment to perform the basic surgery if it was necessary started to take off his mask just before the plane took a major dip. The last thing he felt before everything went black was his feet leaving the floor followed by a sharp pain.

When Max awakened he felt disoriented as he tried to remember what had happened or where he was. Opening his eyes and standing up he took a look around to see completely unexpected surroundings. Reflecting on the last things he remembered he suddenly found himself surprised that he didn't seem to be in any sort of pain. Wondering how this could even be possible Max looked around to see if there was any one else from the flight there.
The plane, in it's first hour had been rather uneventful...that was until a rush of bad luck. August had been awoken from her much needed yet very deprived sleep. The turbulence jolted August awake so violently that how she was sleeping caused her to be knocked into the coach seat in front of her. When the masks came down and people began making grabs for them, she couldn't help but curse. Though she did see a well dressed man attempt to move towards some figures in the distance. However, everything soon went black...

When she woke up, she was on soft warm sand and she knew not how she got there or where the plane was...as well as the rest of her stuff. The only thing by her was her carry on. If there were censors, they were needed now. The loudest and most angry F-Bomb left August's lips followed by a series of rants, vents, all mixed in with curses. It ended with something around the lines of 'And my time of the month is soon' before she focused on her surroundings and who else was there. The Well dressed man was there, some other girl at least and some Cowboy menace.

August then looked around; she was largely ignoring the people and more so trying to get a feel for her surroundings. That's when she cringed. Tropic....A Tropical place! Oh sure many people see the pretty colors and the warm/hot weather as a little place of paradise yet August, who had some survival training and did go out hunting knew there were some things of note that make Tropical Zones beyond dangerous for Humans. Mosquitoes, Malaria, Bot Flies, Parasites, Unsafe Fresh Water without Boiling....... And the list went on from there but really in that order. She quickly went through her bag then, and her put-together-laminated binder had -very brief- yet -very helpful- info on basics, between what August printed and the notes she took. Yet nothing described a place like this. She put her things in her bag and twisted the ties of the zippers together before putting the backpack, a hiking style backpack, around her back.

Her suitcase with all her stuff was gone which made August really upset. But from the looks of it, August wasn't the only one in this predicament. However she had a rather upset trashy mouth and now was quite. The venting made her feel a little better but it didn't satisfy the need for survival now.
Andrea crossed one of her legs over the other in the small space she had between herself and the passenger in front of her. She flipped the page of her book, My Sister Rosalind Franklin, and looked down at the words with intrigue, continuing to read this scientist's biography while waiting the trip out until they would arrive in London. This is the type of woman I want to be. She smirked, seeing her strength and intelligence, despite that her discoveries went unknown for a large amount of time. She hummed while continuing to read, glancing out the window at the clear blue Atlantic Ocean underneath and clouds underneath them with a smile.

She froze when she heard the captain's voice over the intercom, her book being throw from her lap and flying underneath various seats to a point of no return. Andrea began to panic, holding onto the short armrests of her seat, as the plane began to experience turbulence. Looking around the plane, she saw the mist of chaos and knew that they were indeed going down. She gulped in shock and reached for her air mask, staring ahead in a gaze, while tears began to stream down her face.
I guess I won't be making it back to school anytime soon. She thought almost cynically, knowing it might be a slim chance she would even survive the fall. Even if she did, the chance of seeing her family again would be very slim.

As the plane went down, Andrea closed her eyes and prepared for the drop, biting her lip in anxiety, as she felt her death approaching. Everything went black when the plane crashed and her breath caught in her throat, surprised that she had not been destroyed in the plane wreckage. In that moment, she began to lose consciousness, her head dangling while she tried to fight the pounding feeling against her forehead.
"Hello...? Hello, w-w-whats going on? Who else is here?" She faintly heard a woman's voice call into the blackness. Andrea groaned and slowly opened her eyes, blinking her eyes to help them adjust to the light. Her mouth opening next to respond to the call, though no sound came out of it.

Andrea felt a cool breeze touch her face. She gasped finally,just realizing that she was holding her breath. Andrea smiled weakly when she saw that she was able to breathe here... Wherever here actually was. Her eyes scanned for any signs of recognition, however, none came to her, being as the only things she saw were tropical trees and water. Her slowing mind put together that she was far from the cobbled London streets.
Just peachy.
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Micheal hadn't paid much attention to the captain over the intercom during the flight. It was about a patch of turbulence and for someone who was used to flying on a regular basis, turbulence was about as normal as breathing. No, his thoughts wrapped around the employment offer from a contact in London. If he played his cards right he'd be earning way more than he thought he could and the first thing he'd do with the money is upgrade his parents' living conditions into something better than some apartment in Brooklyn. The fact that he'd be flying to London and working there meant that he'd also have a more prominent presence with his grandparents who have long since returned to Dublin, their home. It'd be a surprise indeed, an unannounced visit from their favorite grandchild.

Of course, what shook him out of his planning was the fact that the plane had been lingering in this particular patch of turbulence for quite some time. It definitely lasted longer than expected. He gradually felt his guts ascend inside him, then a jolt of fear smacked him hard in the face. The plane was dipping, it wasn't being shaken like the favorite rattle of an infant. The pilot's voice came through the intercom again and began asking the passengers to calm down while they wrestled with whatever it was that was causing the malfunction. Of course it felt kind of unfair that he'd have his plans snatched from him just moments after he had formulated it. The job, his parents getting a better home, his grandparents meeting him again. It all felt unfair that his parents and grandparents outlived him, all because of a shaped mass of tin and aluminum floating in the sky with turbines was going to go skinny dipping in the ocean. Now that he thought about it, the laws of aerodynamics were strange indeed.

The oxygen masks dropped not long after the pilot had spoken to the passengers. If the masks had gone down then the pilots had failed or so it should seem. Still, Micheal wasted no time in strapping on his mask and then trying to calm his fraying nerves. Panic was a common reaction in this situation but there were other factors he needed to discern first, factors he'd know when he'd lay eyes on them. It sure as hell didn't help that he was consciously aware that the plane was falling faster now. He cursed the fact that his carry on was placed beneath the seat in front of him, he should have kept it in the overhead storage. Buying a new laptop wasn't that expensive, right?


Micheal awoke to warm sands. From that feeling alone, Micheal knew this wasn't an ocean landing. It was also obvious that he wasn't on the plane anymore. It puzzled him and he thought about it while he lay on the sand, feeling the warmth seep through the fabric of his shirt. He was most likely dead and this was heaven. There could absolutely be no way he would be separated from his seat which he was bound to by a seatbelt. However, here he was on a tropical locale with his carry-on in front of him. He stood up and looked around to confirm his suspicions and he had mixed feelings with what he had seen. There were people scattered on the beach and the gigantic wreck of the plane was nowhere to be found.

"Well this is absolutely marvelous!"

His Irish accent had carried his sarcastic remark to anyone and everyone, it was addressed to no one in particular however.
Allison takes a step back as the man approaches her. She is happy to see that her legs are working again. For a moment she felt as if she had forgotten the basic skill of walking. She is unsure how to react to him. She doesn't remember seeing him on the plane, but he appeared to be an older gentlemen, not much of a threat even with his rough appearance. It seems as though others are beginning to awake too. She shakes her head at the man "No, I don't think we are...dead.".

A bit of hope entered Allison as she sees he carry on bag laying unharmed next to where she had been laying. It was a simple small red duffel bag with gray handles. It held her college logo on the side. It wasn't much, but it was a gift from her father when she told him. Seeing it makes her wonder if they have been informed of the crash. Surely it had been on the news. She wishes there was a way for her to let them know she was okay. She picked a hell of a day to forget her cellphone.

Allison picks up her bag and begins to rummage through it. Everything was completely unharmed. There was no sign of water or damage of any type. This was beginning to alarm her. Maybe this was all just a dream? Though, if it was, then the glare of the blazing sun probably wouldn't be hurting her eyes so much. She gives a frown to her bag. The contents that seemed practical when she left, now seemed completely useless. She returns the contents and flings the bag over her shoulder.

She turns back to the man "If this where Heaven, then I wouldn't be hurting right now. I need to get out of this sun.". She looks around at the others waking up. "Should we gather everyone?".
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This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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